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To amend "An Act in relation to Marshals and Attorneys."

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That "An act in relation to Marshals and Attor neys," approved March 3, 1852, is hereby amended by striking out the words "to keep his office at the seat of government," in the second line of section 5, in said


Approved Dec. 31, 1855.

Pay to be tendered for copy of record, &c.


Concerning furnishing a certified Copy of Court Records and Papers,

Resolved by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That no court shall be obliged to furnish a certified copy of its record or paper, or of any part thereof, as required in the ninth section of "An act regulating the mode of procedure in civil cases in the courts of the Territory of Utah," unless pay is tendered for so doing. Approved Jan. 12, 1856.


Prescribing the Term of Certain Offices.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

one year.

That the term of all offices filled by joint vote of the Term of offices Legislative Assembly shall be one year from the date of election, and shall commence with the officers elected at this session: Provided, that in all cases incum- Proviso. bents shall continue in office until their successors are



Sec. 2. All acts and resolutions, or parts thereof, Repealing

conflicting with this act are hereby repealed.

Approved Jan. 12, 1856.



Relating to the Publishing and Distribution of the Laws and Journals of the Present Session.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That there shall be published three thousand copies of the laws, and one thousand copies of the journals of the present session of the Legislative Assembly, including the Governor's Message, in book form.

Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Territory is hereby required to furnish the governor of each State and Territory with one copy each of the laws and journals, and the governor of Utah Territory with twenty-five copies of each, the laws and journals; two copies of the laws and one of the journals to each of the members of the present Legislative Assembly; and one copy of each to each officer of the houses; two copies of each to each of the judges of the supreme and probate courts in the Territory; one copy of each to each of the clerks of the supreme, distriet and probate courts; one copy of each to the United States Marshal and each of his deputies, and the United States district attorney for the Territory of Utah; and one copy of each to each civil officer in the Territory of Utah, including the mayor, aldermen,

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recorder and marshal of each incorporated city; one copy of the laws to the commandant of the Nauvoo Legion, the commandant of each military district, and the commandants of each brigade, regiment and battalion, and their staff officers respectively, and captains of companies; to the Utah library and the library of the University of the State of Deseret, each five copies of the laws and journals; and two copies each to any other public library in the Territory.

Approved Jan. 17, 1856.


Three years.

Rates of toll.


Granting to Isaac Bullock and Lewis Robinson the right to erect
Ferries across Green River and to control the same.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That the exclusive right and privilege of ferries across Green river be granted unto Isaac Bullock and Lewis Robinson, of Green River county, in said Territory, for the space of three years from and after the 15th day of May, A. D. 1856.

Sec. 2. The rates of toll across said ferries shall be as follows:

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Sec. 3. In case of high water, winds, rains or

Not required to storms of any kind, which render the crossing unsafe, run during high then said ferries shall not be required to run, but any

water, &c.


agreement of parties shall be allowed as to risk and price of crossing: Providing, that nothing herein shall justify the parties in taking more than one-third over One-third more the within specified rates of toll. But at all suitable times when the river is not fordable, the said ferries shall be provided with good and sufficient boats for crossing, and the said Isaac Bullock and Lewis Robinson shall furnish speedy and safe conveyance across said river, being liable for all damage that shall be sustained through their own neglect or carelessness.

Sec. 4. The said Isaac Bullock and Lewis Robinson shall, quarter-yearly, pay, or cause to be paid, ten per cent. of all the proceeds arising from the privileges herein granted into the treasury of the Perpetual Emigrating Fund Company; and they shall, on or before the 16th day of May, 1856, give bond and security for the faithful performance of their duties herein required, to be approved by the territorial treasurer and filed in his office.

To furnish safe conveyances. Liability.

to P.

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Give bonds.


In case of failure to provide

Sec. 5. In case of a failure on the part of the said Isaac Bullock and Lewis Robinson to provide good and sufficient means of conveyance across the said Green river, when the travel will justify it, at two or more of conveyances. the most convenient and safe places of crossing on the main routes of travel from the Missouri river, or Arkansas, to Oregon, Utah and California, within this Territory, the Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint some other person to take charge of said ferries, and perform the duties herein required appoint. upon the same terms as herein specified. Approved Dec. 27, 1855.

Governor em

powered to


Granting to Brigham Young, Sen. and Joseph Young, Sen. the right to establish and control Ferries on Bear river, also a Bridge on the Malad.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That Brigham Young, sen. and Joseph Young, sen. shall have the right to establish and control a ferry or


Grant for three ferries on Bear river, for three years, at such place or places as will best subserve the public interest, between the mouth of said river and a point five miles east of the mouth of the kanyon where the river comes through the mouutains.


Rates of toll.

Sec. 2. The said Brigham and Joseph Young shall be allowed to take toll at the following rates, viz:For any vehicle not over 2000lb. weight


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All horses, mules, jacks, oxen and bulls, each


All colts, calves, sheep and hogs, each


good bridge.

Sec. 3. The said Brigham and Joseph Young are Required to keep hereby required to keep a good and substantial bridge across the Malad river at a convenient point for travelers to California, for three years, during ferrying seasons, and are empowered to collect toll at the following rates, viz.:

Rates of toll.

For carriages, wagons and carts, each
For pack animals, each





Pay 10 per cent.

For all loose horses, mules, jacks, oxen and
cows, each

For sheep, colts, calves, goats and hogs, each
All persons shall pass toll free.

Sec. 4. Said Brigham and Joseph Young shall pay to P. E. Fund. ten per cent. of all they receive as toll on said ferry or ferries and bridge to the treasurer of the "Perpetual Emigrating Fund Company," on or before the first day of September annually.

File bond.

Indemnity for damage.

If any other establish ferry,


Sec. 5. Said Brigham and Joseph Young shall file their bonds with the Treasurer of the Territory in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the people of the Territory of Utah, conditioned for the faithful paying over of the ten per cent. herein required, and to indemnify any person from any damage they may sustain on account of the insufficiency of the ferry or bridge while charging toll.

Sec. 6. If any person or persons shall establish a ferry within the before described limits of Bear river,

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