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and fifty seven, and biennially thereafter, Malad, Apportionment Cache, Box Elder and Weber counties shall elect two councilors to the Legislative Assembly; Davis county one; Great Salt Lake, Tooele and Shambip counties five; Utah and Cedar counties, two; San Pete and Juab counties, one; Millard and Beaver counties, one; Apportionment and Iron and Washington counties, one; and that at the general election for eighteen hundred and fifty six, and annually thereafter representatives to the Legislative Assembly shall be elected as follows: from Malad, Cache and Box Elder counties, one; from Weber county, one; from Davis county, two; from Great Salt Lake county, eleven; from Green River county, one; from Tooele and Shambip counties, one; from Carson county, one; from Utah and Cedar counties, three; from Juab county, one; from San Pete county, one; from Millard and Beaver counties, one; from Iron and Washington counties, two.

Sec. 2. All laws and parts thereof conflicting with Repealing

this act are hereby repealed.

Approved Jan. 17, 1856.



Providing for the Enumeration of the Inhabitations of the Territory of Utah.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

appointed and

That a census agent shall be elected by the joint vote Census agent of this Legislative Assembly, who shall be sworn to discharge the duties of his office.



Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the census agent to ascertain the number of inhabitants in this Territory, Duty of census distinguishing males and females, and number in each county, and make report thereof to the Governor on or before the first Monday in March next.

appoint assist

Sec. 3. The census agent is authorized to appoint Authorized to such number of assistants as he may deem proper, who ants. shall qualify as the agent and act under his direniinn.

Approved Dec. 17, 1855.




To amend an Ordinance creating a Surveyor General's office.

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That the words "Keep his office at the seat of govClause stricken ernment and" be, and the same are hereby stricken out of the first and second lines of the third section of "An ordinance creating a surveyor general's office." Approved March 2, 1850.

Approved Jan. 3, 1856.

Election to be



For delegates.


Providing for holding a Convention with a view to the admission of
Utah into the Union as a State.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That an election shall be held in each precinct in the several counties, at the usual places of holding the general election, on Saturday the 16th day of February, A. D. 1856, at which time and places the electors may vote for or against holding a Convention to take the preparatory steps for the admission of this Territory into the Union as a State, and for such persons as they may wish to elect delegates thereto, according to the following apportionment:

Great Salt Lake and Summit counties

Weber and Desert

Iron and Washington


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Sec. 2. The election shall be conducted in accord. Election how


furnish notification.

ance with the "Act regulating elections;" approved January 3, 1853, so far as applicable, and so soon as the general abstract of the names voted for as dele- County clerk gates is made out, the county clerk shall furnish an official notification of election to each person found elected, which notification, upon presentation at the Secretary to office of the Secretary of the Territory, shall entitle furnish certifithe person holding it to a certificate from the secretary, or to a seat in the convention in case that officer, from If secretary be any unforeseen cause, should be prevented from giving such certificate.


Convention to


Sec. 3. The delegates shall meet in the Council House, in Great Salt Lake City, on the third Monday meet-where. in March, A. D. 1856; shall qualify by taking the cus- Shall qualify. tomary oath, which may be administered by any per

son authorized to administer oaths; and shall proceed

to organize by choosing a president, secretary, and Shall organize. such other officers as they may deem proper.

Adopt constitu



Sec. 4. The convention is authorized to form and adopt a constitution for the now Territory of Utah, tion. with a view to its admission into the Union as a State, Define boundaon an equal footing with the original States; to define Designate name the boundaries by which the new State shall be limited, and designate the name by which it shall be known; to memoralize the President and Congress of the United States for its admission; to take such other lawful and prudent measures as they may deem necessary for the accomplishment of so desirable an object, and to elect gates. and authorize delegates whose duty it shall be to pre- Duties sent the constitution, memorial, and other appropriate convention documents to the President and Congress of the United States, and to use their best efforts towards procuring a favorable action thereon.

To elect dele

Duties of dele

Submit acts to

Sec. 5. The convention shall submit the constitution which they form and adopt, the names of the delegates the people. they elect, and their other public documents, designed by them to be entrusted to said delegates, to the people for their approval at such time and places and in such manner as it may prescribe; and if approved by the people, the delegates thus elected shall forthwith repair Delegates go to to Washington, district of Columbia, to perform the Washington. duties herein specified, and such other duties as the convention may with propriety devolve upon them.

If no election in
Carson co.

Hon. Enoch
Reese to act.

Sec. 6. In event the electors in Carson county do not receive timely notice of the election to be held on Saturday the 16th day of February next, as hereinbefore specified, the probate judge of that county is hereby empowered and required to hold such election on any subsequent day, Sundays excepted, that will leave sufficient time for the delegate to reach the convention, and until he shall appear to take his seat, the present representative from that county, the Hon. Enoch Reese, is authorized to act in his stead.

Approved Dec. 17, 1855.

First district.

Second district.

Third district.

Repealing clause.


Defining the Judicial Districts for the United States Courts, in the
Territory of Utah.

Be it resolved by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That the first judicial district shall embrace and be composed of Davis, Weber, Box Elder, Cache, Summit, Green River, Malad, Greasewood and Desert counties. The second of Utah, Cedar, Juab, San Pete, Millard, Beaver, Iron and Washington counties; and the third of Great Salt Lake, Tooele, Shambip, Saint Mary's, Humboldt and Carson counties; and that so much of "An act relating to the United States Courts for the Territory of Utah," approved Jan. 19, 1855, as pertains to the bounds of said judicial districts, is hereby repealed.

Approved Jan. 17, 1856.

J. F. Kinney first district.


Assigning the United States Judges for Utah to the several Judi

cial Districts

Be it resolved by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That the Hon. John F. Kinney, chief justice, is as

signed to the first judicial district; the Hon. W. W. Drummond, associate justice, to the second; and the Hon. George P. Stiles, associate justice, to the third; and that the "Resolution assigning the United States Judges for Utah to the several Judicial Districts," approved Jan. 19, 1855, is hereby repealed.

Approved Jan. 17, 1856.

Www. Drumdistrict.

mond second

Geo. P. Stiles

third district. Repealing


Specifying the Times of holding United States Court in the several
Judicial Districts in the Territory of Utah.

Be it resolved by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That the times of holding district courts annually in the several judicial districts shall be as follows:-In the first judicial district on the first Monday in March, First district. in the county seat of Davis county; on the second Monday in March, in the county seat in Weber county; on the third Monday in March, in the county seat of Box Elder county; and on the first Monday in May, in the county seat of Green River county. In the second judi. Second district. cial district, on the second Monday in April, in the county seat of Utah county; on the fourth Monday in April, in the county seat of San Pete county; on the second Monday in May in the county seat of Millard county; and on the first Monday in June, in the county seat of Iron county. In the third judicial district, on Third district. the first Monday of July, in the county seat of Carson county; on the third Monday in October, in the county seat of Tooele county; and on the first Monday in November, in the county seat of Great Salt Lake county; and that the "Resolution specifying the times of holding Repealing the United States Courts in the several judicial districts," approved Jan. 19, 1855, is hereby repealed. Approved Jan. 17, 1856.


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