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National Encampment


Grand Army of the Republic


August 17th and 18th, 1904




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Thirty-Eighth National Encampment


The Thirty-eighth Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic convened at Symphony Hall, Boston, Massachusetts, at ten o'clock A. M. August 17, 1904.

The hall was in charge of the following comrades of the Department of Massachusetts.

Officer of the Day, Eugene D. Sanborn of Post 15. Officers of the Guard, Samuel S. Marison of Post 15 and John P. H. Thompson of Post 5.

Guards, John S. Tarr of Post 5, C. W. Johnson of Post 15, A. P. Lake of Post 15, John S. Vetts of Post 15, S. S. Linn of Post 15, J. H. Bean of Post 92, William Lyman of Post 92, James Phinney of Post, 5, Thomas F. Culliston of Post II.

The Encampment was opened in due form, with prayer by the Chaplain-in-Chief.


"O, God Our Heavenly Father, the One in whom we live, move and have our being, we thank Thee for this hour, for the merciful providence that has permitted so many of us


to gather in this Annual Encampment. Thou hast spared our lives, though many of our comrades have fallen by the wayside. Thou hast been mercifully kind to us and blessed us. Thy blessings have been great and rich and free. We pray for Thy blessing upon us here to-day. Bless us in our deliberations, give us the kindliness of spirit and the spirit of good will that fills the hearts of those who not only have been loyal to their country but have been true and loyal to one another. May wisdom preside in all our deliberations and may the blessing of God be upon us. Bless we pray Thee the Woman's Relief Corps and the Ladies of the G. A. R., the Sons of Veterans and all patriotic organizations. Bless our President and his cabinet, and all Governors. May they be under Thy guidance and Thy inspiration. Bless our Nation. We thank Thee for this Nation. We thank Thee that we have been permitted to live in this age when our Nation has been saved and has been permitted to fulfill the destiny which we believe Thou didst ordain for it. May this Nation be one that shall love righteousness, and may the people remember that righteousness exalteth a Nation while sin is a reproach. Bless, we pray Thee, the widows and orphans of our deceased comrades; comfort and console them; and especially, O God Our Father, bless with Thy comforting grace the friends of our comrade who fell in the ranks yesterday while doing his duty. Let Thy spirit and Thy grace sustain. May we be ready when the summons shall come; may we be prepared, through faith in the finished work of our great Captain, when the taps shall sound here on earth, for the reveille in our home upon the banks beyond. Guide us and bless us and keep us true and loyal to Thee, and faithful in the discharge of all our duties; and may the spirit of these men be transmitted to those who shall come after us. Protect us in the future as Thou hast in the past. All this we ask in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen."


The Adjutant-General called the roll of the officers of the Encampment. All responded as present.

The Committee on Credentials presented the following Report; which on motion of Comrade Lawler was adopted. BOSTON, MASS., August 17, 1904.

To the Commander-in-Chief, Grand Army of the Republic:

The Committee on Credentials beg leave to report that they have examined the roll of the Thirty-eight National Encampment of the

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