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The Right Honourable Archibald John Earl of Rosebery, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Rosebery, of Rosebery, in the county of Edinburgh.

The Right Honourable Richard Earl of Clanwilliam, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Clanwilliam, of Clanwilliam, in the county of Tipperary.

John George Lambton, Esq. by the name, stile, and title of Baron Durham, of the city of Durham, and of Lambton Castle, in the county palatine of Durham.

Edward Bootle Wilbraham, Esq. by the name, stile, and title of Baron Skelmersdale, of Skelmersdale, in the county palatine of Lancaster.

Foreign-Office, January 10, 1828.

The King has been graciously pleased to appoint James Baker, Esq. to be His Majesty's Consul for the States of East and West Florida and Alabama, within the United States.

Whitehall, January 17, 1828.

The King has been pleased to nominate, constitute, and appoint Thomas Thomson, Esq. Advocate, to be one of the Six Ordinary Clerks of Session, in Scotland, in the room of Colin Mackenzie, Esq. resigned.




Whitehall, January 25, 1828.

THE King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, constituting and appointing His Grace Arthur Duke of Wellington, K.G.; the Right Honourable Henry Goulburn; Granville Charles Henry Somerset, Esq. (commonly called Lord Granville Charles Henry Somerset); Francis Nathaniel Conyngham, Esq. (commonly called Earl of MountCharles); and Edward Granville Eliot, Esq. (commonly called Lord Eliot); and also Edmund Alexander M'Naghten, Esq. to be Commissioners for executing the offices of Treasurer of the Exchequer of Great Britain and Lord High. Treasurer of Ireland.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting to the Right Honourable Henry Goulburn, the offices of Chancellor and Under Treasurer of His Majesty's Exchequer.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the office and place of Advocate General or Judge Martial of His Majesty's Forces to the Right Honourable Sir John Beckett, Bart.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent patent to be passed under the Great Seal, constituting and appointing the Right Honourable John Charles Herries to be Master and Worker of His Majesty's Mint.

Whitehall, January 25, 1828.

The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable Thomas Wallace, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Wallace, of Knaresdale, in the county of Northumberland.

Duchy of Lancaster, January 25, 1828.

The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to pass the Seals of His Majesty's Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster, for constituting and appointing the Right Honourable George Earl of Aberdeen, Chancellor of the said Duchy and County Palatine during His Majesty's pleasure.

Foreign-Office, January 25, 1828.

The King has been pleased to approve of Mr. John William May as Consul-General in Great Britain, for His Majesty the King of the Netherlands.

The King has also been pleased to approve of Mr. E. H. Campbell as Consul at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for His Majesty the King of the Netherlands.

The King has also been pleased to approve of Mr. William Stuart Day as Consul in the Isle of Wight, for His Majesty the King of the Netherlands.






At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of January



The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

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HIS Majesty in Council was this day pleased to declare Henry Earl Bathurst, Lord President of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and his Lordship took his place at the Board accordingly.

This day the Right Honourable Edward Lord Ellenborough was, by His Majesty's command, sworn of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and his Lordship took his place at the Board accordingly.

His Majesty having been pleased to deliver the custody of the Privy Seal to the Right Honourable Edward Lord Ellenborough, the Oath of the Keeper of the Privy Seal was this day administered to him.

His Majesty having been pleased to deliver the custody of the Seals of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster to the Right Honourable George Earl of Aberdeen, the Oath of Chancellor


of the Duchy of Lancaster was this day, by His Majesty's command, administered to his Lordship accordingly.

His Majesty having been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Robert Peel to be one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries, he was this day, by His Majesty's command, sworn one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State accordingly.



At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of January 1828,


The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS by a certain Act of Parliament, passed in the sixth year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled "An Act to regulate the "trade of the British possessions abroad," after reciting, that by the Law of Navigation foreign

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ships are permitted to import into any of the "British possessions abroad, from the countries to "which they belong, goods, the produce of those countries, and to export goods from such posses"sions to be carried to any foreign country whatever, and that it is expedient that such permission "should be subject to certain conditions," it is

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