Northamptonshire, at Peterborough, Tuesday, July 29. Huntingdonshire, at Huntingdon, Wednesday, July 30. Bedfordshire, at Bedford, Thursday, July 31. Buckinghamshire, at Aylesbury, Friday, August 1. Northamptonshire, at Northampton, Saturday, August 2. Leicestershire, at Leicester, Monday, August 4. Warwickshire, at Coventry, Wednesday, August 6. Warwickshire, at Warwick, Thursday, August 7. Staffordshire, at Litchfield, Monday, August 11, Staffordshire, at Stafford, Tuesday, August 12. Shropshire, at Shrewsbury, Thursday, August 14. SOUTHERN CIRCUIT. T. B. Bowen, Esq. Commissioner. Berkshire, at Reading, Monday, June 23. Oxfordshire, at Oxford and City, Tuesday, June 24. Gloucestershire, at Gloucester and City, Thursday, June 26. Worcestershire, at Worcester and City, Saturday, June 28. Herefordshire, at Hereford and City, Monday, Monmouthshire, at Monmouth, Wednesday, July 2. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE of MAY 9, At the Court at St. James's, the 7th day of May 1828, PRESENT, The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS the time limited by His Majesty's Order in Council, of the eighteenth of October last, for prohibiting the exportation of gun-powder, salt-petre, or any sort of arms or ammunition, to any port or place on the Coast of Africa (except to any ports or places within the Streights of Gibraltar), will expire on the twenty-third day of this instant May; and whereas it is judged expedient that the said prohibition should be continued for some time longer; His Majesty, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, doth therefore hereby order, require, and command, that no person or persons whatever (except the Master-General of the Ordnance for His Majesty's Service), do, at any time during the space of six months (to commence from the twentythird of this instant May), presume to transport any gun-powder or salt-petre, or any sort of arms or ammunition, to any port or place on the Coast of Africa (except to any ports or places within the Streights of Gibraltar) or ship or lade any gunpowder or salt-petre, or any sort of arms or ammunition, on board any ship or vessel, for the transporting of the same into any such ports or places on the Coast of Africa (except as above excepted), without leave or permission in that behalf first obtained from His Majesty or His Privy Council, upon pain of incurring and suffering the respective forfeitures and penalties imposed in that behalf by an Act, passed in the sixth year of His present Majesty's reign, intituled An Act for the general " regulation of the Customs:" And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, His Royal Highness the Lord High Admiral, the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, the Master-General and the rest of the Principal Officers of the Ordnance, and His Majesty's Secretary at War, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain. Jas. Buller. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE of MAY 13, Westminster, May 9, 1828. THIS day, the Lords being met, a message was sent to the Honourable House of Commons by the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, acquainting them, that The Lords, authorised by virtue of a Commission under the Great Seal, signed by His Majesty, for declaring His Royal Assent to several Acts agreed upon by both Houses, do desire the immediate attendance of the Honourable House in the House of Peers to hear the Commission mission read; and the Commons being come thither, the said Commission, empowering the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and several other Lords therein named, to declare and notify the Royal Assent to the said Acts, was read accordingly, and the Royal Assent given to An Act for applying a sum of money out of the consolidated fund for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. An Act to repeal the stamp duties on cards and dice made in the United Kingdom, and to grant other duties in lieu thereof, and to amend and consolidate the Acts relating to such cards and dice and the exportation thereof. An Act for further regulating the payment of the duties under the management of the Commissioners of Stamps on insurances from loss or damage by fire. An Act to repeal so much of several Acts as empowers the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to grant life annuities. An Act for repealing so much of several Acts as imposes the necessity of receiving the sacrament of the Lord's Supper as a qualification for certain offices and employments. An Act for rendering a written memorandum necessary to the validity of certain promises and engagements. An Act to prevent a failure of justice by reason of variances between records and writings produced in evidence in support thereof. An Act for lighting with gas the city of Lincoln, and the bail and close of Lincoln, in the county of Lincoln. An Act for paving, lighting, watching, cleansing, regulating, and improving the vill and parish of the Cliffe, near Lewes, in the county of Sussex. An Act for lighting, watching, and otherwise improving proving the town of Stalybridge, in the counties palatine of Lancaster and Chester, and for regulating the police thereof, and for establishing and regulating a market and erecting a market place within the said town. An Act for paving, lighting, watching, and improving the city of Lincoln, and the bail and close of Lincoln, in the county of Lincoln, and for regulating the police therein. An Act for explaining and amending an Act passed in the sixth year of His present Majesty's reign, for watching and lighting the townships or vills of Hanley and Shelton, in the parish of Stokeupon-Trent, in the county of Stafford. An Act to authorise the Company of Proprietors of the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway to raise a further sum of money for completing the undertaking, and for enlarging and amending the powers of the Acts passed for making and maintaining the said railway and works connected therewith. An Act for improving and maintaining the navigation from the River Humber to Alvingham, in the county of Lincoln, and from thence to Louth, in the same county. An Act for more effectually maintaining and improving the harbour of Dovor, in the county of Kent. An Act for more effectually amending, widening, and keeping in repair two several districts of road leading from High-bridges to Uttoxeter, and from Newcastle-road, at Spath, near Uttoxeter, to the Leek-road, at or near Hanging-bridge, in the county of Stafford. An Act for making and maintaining a road from the town of Beaumaris to join the London and Holyhead post road, at or near to the Menai-bridge, all in the county of Anglesey. An Act for repairing the road from Spernal Ash, in the county of Warwick, through Studley to Birmingham. An |