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Bedfordshire, at Bedford, Saturday, April 5. Buckinghamshire, at Aylesbury, Monday, April 7. Northamptonshire, at Northampton, Wednesday,.

April 9.

Leicestershire, at Leicester, Friday, April 11.
Warwickshire, at Coventry, Monday, April 14.
Warwickshire, at Warwick, Tuesday, April 15.
Staffordshire, at Litchfield, Thursday, April 17.
Staffordshire, at Stafford, Friday, April 18.
Shropshire, at Shrewsbury, Monday, April 21.

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J. G. Harris, Esq. Commissioner. Berkshire, at Reading, Friday, February 22. Oxfordshire, at Oxford and City, Saturday, Febru-ary 23.

Worcestershire, at Worcester and City, Monday, Fe-bruary 25.

Herefordshire, at Hereford and City, Wednesday, February 27.

Monmouthshire, at Monmouth, Thursday, February 28.

Gloucestershire, at Gloucester and City, Friday, Fe bruary 29.

Gloucestershire, at Bristol, Monday, March 3.
Somersetshire, at Bath, Wednesday, March 5.
Somersetshire, at Wells, Thursday, March 6.
Devonshire, at Exeter and City, Monday, March 10
Cornwall, at Bodmin, Thursday, March 13.
Devonshire, at Plymouth,, Saturday, March 15.
Dorsetshire, at Dorchester, "Tuesday, March 18.
Wiltshire, at Salisbury, Thursday, March 20.
Hampshire, at Winchester, Friday, March 21.
Hampshire, at Southampton, Saturday, March 22.
Sussex, at Horsham, Thursday, March 27
Kent, at Maidstone, Saturday, March 29
Kent, at Dover, Monday, March 31.
Kent, at Canterbury, Tuesday, April 1.

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W. J. Law, Esq. Commissioner. Rutlandshire, at Oakham, Tuesday, February 12. Lincolnshire, at Lincoln, Wednesday, February 13 Nottinghamshire, at Nottingham, Friday, February 15.

Derbyshire, at Derby, Monday, February 18. Yorkshire, at Wakefield, Wednesday, February 20. Yorkshire, at Kingston-upon-Hull, Tuesday, February 26.

Yorkshire, at York, Thursday, February 28.
Yorkshire, at Richmond, Monday, March 3.
Durham, at Durham, Wednesday, March 5.
Northumberland, at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Friday,
March 7.

Cumberland, at Carlisle, Tuesday, March 11.
Westmorland, at Kendal, Thursday, March 13.
Lancashire, at Lancaster, Friday, March 14.
Lancashire, at Liverpool, Monday, March 24..
Cheshire, at Chester, Thursday, March 27.








Downing-Street, January 9, 1828.

THE King has been pleased to appoint LieutenantGeneral the Honourable Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, G.C.B. to be Governor and Commander in Chief of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope.

DowningDowning-Street, January 9, 1828.

The King has been pleased to appoint Lieutenant--General the Honourable Sir Charles Colville, G. C.B. to be Governor and Commander in Chief of the Island of Mauritius.

Whitehall, December 17, 1827.

The King has been pleased to give and grant unto Major Benjamin-Orlando Jones, His royal licence and permission, that he may accept and wear the insignia of an Honorary Knight of the Royal Portuguese Order of the Tower and Sword, with which His late Most Faithful Majesty John the Sixth, King of Portugal, was pleased to honour him, in testimony of His Majesty's approbation of the services rendered by the said Major Benjamin-Orlando Jones to the Portuguese Government during the Peninsular war; provided nevertheless, that His Majesty's+ said licence and permission doth not authorise, and shall not be deemed or construed to authorise, the assumption of any stile, appellation, rank, precedence, or privilege appertaining unto a Knight Bachelor of these realms:

And also to command, that this His Majesty's concession and especial mark of His royal favour, together with the relative documents, be registered in the College of Arms.




At the Court at Windsor, the 15th day of January 1828,


The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

IT is this day ordered by His Majesty in Council, that the Parliament, which was to meet on Tuesday the twenty-second day of this instant January, be further prorogued to Tuesday the twenty-ninth day of the said month, then to meet for the dispatch of business: And the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of that part of the United Kingdom called Great Britain is to cause a commission to be prepared in the usual manner for proroguing the Parliament accordingly.



Whitehall, January 17, 1828.

THE King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Viscountess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto Joan Canning, widow of the Right Honourable George Canning, deceased, by the name, stile, and title of Viscountess Canning, of Kilbrahan, in the county of Kilkenny, and, at her decease, the dignity of a Viscount of the said United Kingdom to the heirs male of her body by the said George Canning, by the name, stile, and title of Viscount Canning, of Kilbrahan, in the said county of Kilkenny.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the following persons, and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

The Right Honourable Sir Henry Wellesley, G. C. B. by the name, stile, and title of Baron Cowley, of Wellesley, in the county of Somerset.

The Right Honourable Sir Charles Stuart, G. C. В. by the name, stile, and title of Baron Stuart de Rothesay, of the isle of Bute.

The Right Honourable Sir William A'Court, Bart. G. C. B. by the name, stile, and title of Baron Heytesbury, of Heytesbury, in the county of Wilts.


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