ABERCROMBIE, Dr. John, appointed First Physician to
His Majesty in Scotland, 144.
Aberdeen, Right Hon. George Earl of, appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 11; takes the oath as Chan- cellor of the said Duchy, 12; sworn of the Privy Council, 101; appointed one of the Principal Secretaries of State,
Adair, Right Hon. Robert, sworn of the Privy Council, 137. Adam, Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick, permission granted to, to accept and wear the insignia of the Russian Order of St. Anne of the first class, and of a Knight of the Austrian Order of Maria Theresa, 162.
Addington, Henry Unwin, Esq., appointed Minister Plenipo- tentiary to the Diet at Francfort, 33.
Admiral, His Royal Highness the Lord High, Members of the Council to, appointed, 23, 57.
--, High, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Commissioners for executing the office of, appointed,
Admiralty-Office-John Stevenson, Esq. appointed Surgeon Oculist and Aurist Extraordinary to the Duke of Clarence, 82; orders for the Officers of the Navy going into mourning for the late Queen Dowager of Wurtemberg, 167; extract of a despatch from Captain Lyons, of His Majesty's ship Blonde, to Vice-Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm, detailing
the proceedings of the Blonde at the taking of Morea Castle,
A Court, Right Hon. Sir William, created Baron Heytesbury, of the United Kingdom, 8.
Acts of Parliament, titles of, received the Royal Assent, 38, 62, 64, 72, 76, 79, 86, 91, 95, 115, 119, 131, 135, 141, 145. Airlie, David Earl of, appointed Lieutenant and Sheriff Prin- cipal of the shire of Forfar, 33.
Alcudia, Count de la, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Ple- nipotentiary from the King of Spain, has a private audience of His Majesty, 66.
Anglesey, Henry William Marquess of, declared Lieutenant- General and General Governor of Ireland, 41; notice of the arrival of, at Dublin Castle, 50.
Arbuthnot, Right Hon. Charles, takes the oath of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 102.
Armstrong, Colonel Thomas, appointed one of the Grooms of His Majesty's Bedchamber, 114.
Assizes, days and places appointed for holding the Lent, 42; the Summer, 127; the Winter, 184.
Baker, James, Esq., appointed Consul for East and West Florida, and Alabama, 9.
Barbour, James, Esq., Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from America, has a private audience of His Majesty, 183.
Barnard, Sir Andrew, appointed an Equerry to His Majesty, 106.
Bathurst, Henry Earl, declared Lord President of the Privy Council, 12.
Bayley, Rev. Henry Vincent, granted the place of a Pre- bendary of the collegiate church of St. Peter, Westminster,
Baynes, Capt. O'Hara, appointed Town-Major of Alderney, 26. Beckett, Right Hon. Sir John, appointed Advocate-General or Judge-Martial of the Forces, 10.
Belmore, Earl of, appointed Captain-General and Governor- in-Chief of the Island of Jamaica and its Dependencies, 148. Beresford, Right Hon. William Carr, appointed Master-Ge- neral of the Ordnance, 16.
Bermudez, Chevalier de Zea, Envoy Extraordinary and Mi- nister Plenipotentiary from His Catholic Majesty, has a pri- vate audience of His Majesty, 183. Bjornstjerna, Count de, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the King of Sweden and Norway, has an audience of His Majesty, 146.
Blackwell, Major-General Nathaniel, appointed Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of Tobago, 77.
Blomfield, Right Rev. Father in God Doctor Charles James, Bishop of Chester, chosen Bishop of London, 151. Brackenbury, Major Edward, permission granted to, to accept and wear the insignia of the Spanish Order of St. Ferdinand of the second class, 195.
Brodie, Benjamin Collins, Esq. appointed Surgeon to His Majesty, 149.
Brotherton, Rev. Peter, presented to the church and parish of Alloa, 100.
Broughton, Rev. William Grant, appointed Chaplain to the Tower of London, 180.
Buccleugh and Queensberry, Walter Francis Duke of, appointed Lieutenant and Sheriff-Principal of the shire of Mid-Lo- thian, 2.
Bushy-House, George Magrath, Esq. appointed Physician Ex- traordinary to the Duke of Clarence, 153; Hon. Robert Cavendish Spencer appointed Groom of the Bedchamber to the Duke of Clarence, 154; the Hon. and Rev. Richard Fitzgerald King appointed a Domestic Chaplain to the Duke of Clarence, 184.
Calcraft, the Right Hon. John, sworn of the Privy Council, 105; appointed Paymaster-General of the Forces, 107. Cambridge, His Royal Highness the Duke of, appoints the Rev. Arthur Henry Glasse to be one of his Domestic Chap- lains, 159.
Cameron, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander, appointed Deputy-Governor of St. Maws, 180.
Campbell, Mr. E. H., approved of as Consul at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, for the King of the Netherlands, 11.
-, Major-General Sir Colin, appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Tobago, 42; Lieutenant-Governor of Portsmouth, 68.
-, Captain John, appointed Fort Major at St. John's, Newfoundland, 147.
-, Rev. Alexander, presented to the church at Port- naven, 196.
-, Rev. Dugald, presented to the church at Iona, or
Icolmkill, 196. Canning, Joan, created Viscountess Canning of the United Kingdom, 8.
---, Rev. William, granted the place of a Canon of the Free Chapel of St. George, at Windsor, 60.
Carlisle, Nicholas, Esq. appointed one of the Gentlemen of His Majesty's Privy Chamber in Ordinary, 165.
Cartwright, Thomas, Esq. appointed Secretary to the Em bassy at the Court of the Netherlands, 192.
Chad, George William, Esq. appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Columbia, 25. Chamberlain's, Lord, Office, -notice of a Levee, 58; of the re- gulations to be observed at the Levee, ibid.; notice of a Drawing-Room, 71; regulations to be observed at the Drawing-Room, ibid.; orders for a Court mourning for His late Royal Highness the Grand Duke Charles of Saxe Wei- mar, 124; the Earl of Chesterfield appointed one of the Lords of the Bedchamber, 147; Sir Astley Paston Cooper appointed Sergeant Surgeon to His Majesty, ibid.; Benja- min Collins Brodie appointed Surgeon to His Majesty, 149; James Wardrop, Esq. appointed Surgeon to His Majesty, ibid.; the Hon. John Townshend appointed one of the Grooms of His Majesty's Bedchamber, 164; Nicholas Car- lisle, Esq. appointed one of the Gentlemen to His Majesty's Privy Chamber in Ordinary, 165; orders for Court mourning for the late Queen Dowager of Wurtemberg, 166; orders for the Court's change of mourning, 168; the Rev. John Monson appointed Chaplain in Ordinary to the King, 177; orders for a Court mourning for Her late Ma- jesty the Dowager Empress of Russia, 188; for Her late Ma- jesty the Queen Dowager of Saxony, 191.
Chester, Right Rev. Father in God Charles James Lord Bishop of, sworn of the Privy Council, 144. Chesterfield, Earl of, appointed one of the Lords of the Bedchamber, 148.
Circuits of the Commissioners for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors appointed, Spring, 3; Summer, 83; Autumn, 156; Winter, 184.
Clanwilliam, Right Hon. Richard Earl of, created Baron Clanwilliam of the United Kingdom, 9.
Colborne, Major-Gen. Sir John, appointed Lieutenant-Go- vernor of the Province of Upper Canada, 152. Cole, Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir Galbraith Lowry, ap- pointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Cape of Good Hope, 5.
Colonial-Office, Downing-Street-Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole appointed Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief of the Cape of Good Hope, 5; Lieutenant- General the Hon. Sir Charles Colville appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Island of Mauritius, 6; Major-General Sir Colin Campbell appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Tobago, 42; Major-General Sir James Lyon appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Barbadoes, 57; Major General Nathaniel Blackwell appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Tobago, 77; Major-General David Stewart annointed Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief of St. Lucia, 123; the Earl of Belmore
appointed Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Island of Jamaica, 148; Major-General Lewis Grant ap- pointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Island of Trinidad, ibid.; Lieutenant-General Sir James Kempt ap- pointed Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Pro- vinces of Lower and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Island of Prince Edward, 151; Major- General Sir Peregrine Maitland appointed Lieutenat-Go- vernor of the Province of Nova Scotia and its Dependencies, ibid.; Major-General Sir John Colborne appointed Lieu- tenant-Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, 152. Colville, Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir Charles, appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Island of Mauri- tius, 6; takes the oath as Governor of the said Island, 59. Connor, Rev. John, presented to the rectory of Sudburn cum Capella de Orford, 179.
Conyngham, Lord Albert, appointed Secretary to the Legation at Hanover, 26.
Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, appointed Sergeant Surgeon to His Majesty, 148.
Council, Most Hon. Privy, Henry Earl Bathurst declared Lord President of the, 12.
Members sworn of the, Right Hon. Edward Lord Ellenborough, 12; Right Hon. Sir Chris- topher Robinson, 50; Right Hon. Thomas Frankland Lewis, 56; Right Hon. William Lowther, (commonly called Viscount Lowther), Right Hon. Lieutenant-General Sir George Murray, Right Hon. Sir Henry Hardinge, and the Right Hon. Thomas Peregrine Courtenay, 101; Right Hon. John Wilson Croker and Right Hon. John Calcraft, 105; Right Hon. Francis Leveson Gower, (commonly called Lord Francis Leveson Gower), and the Right Hon. Henry Hob- house, 115; Right Hon. Robert Adair, 137; Right Rev. Father in God Charles James Lord Bishop of Chester, 144. --, Orders in, for the prorogation of Parliament, 7; per- mitting the exportation of salt and fruit in certain American vessels from the Island of Anguilla, 13; appointing the -Sheriffs, 28; suspending the training of the militia, 31; for extending the provisions of the Act of the 6th of the King, respecting free ports, to the ports of Pictou and Sydney, 37; amendment on the roll of Sheriffs, 42; Sheriff appointed, 81; prohibiting the exportation of gunpowder, &c., 85; permitting Spanish ships to import into any of the British possessions abroad from the Colonies, &c. of His Most Ca- tholic Majesty, goods the produce of those Colonies, &c., and to export goods from such British possessions, 113; suspend- "ing ballot for local militia, 125; for the prorogation of Par- liament, 168; prohibiting the exportation of gunpowder,
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