enacted, " that the privileges thereby granted to " foreign ships shall be limited to the ships of those " countries which, having colonial possessions, shall grant the like privileges of trading with those possessions to British vessels, or which, not having "colonial possessions, shall place the commerce " and navigation of this country, and of its posses*sions abroad, upon the footing of the most favoured " nation, unless His Majesty, by His Order in. " Council, shall in any case deem it expedient to grant the whole or any of such privileges to the ships of any foreign country, although the con"ditions aforesaid shall not in all respects be fulfilled by such foreign country:" And whereas by an Act, passed in the seventh and eighth years of His present Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act to amend the laws relating to the "Customs," after reciting or taking notice of the said Act so passed as aforesaid in the sixth year of His Majesty's reign, and after reciting, that unless some period were limited for the fulfilment by foreign countries of the conditions mentioned and referred to in the said recited Act, the trade and navigation of the United Kingdom and of the British possessions abroad, could not be regulated by fixed and certain rules, but would continue subject to changes dependent upon the laws from time to time made in such foreign countries; it is therefore enacted, that no foreign country shall hereafter be deemed to have fulfilled the conditions so prescribed as aforesaid in and by the said Act, as to be entitled to the privileges therein mentioned, unless such foreign country had in all respects fulfilled those conditions within twelve months next after the passing of the said Act, that is to say, on or before the fifth day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six; and for the better ascertaining what particular foreign countries are permitted by law to exercise and enjoy the said privileges, it is further enacted, that no foreign country shall hereafter be deemed to have fulfilled the beforementioned conditions, or to be entitled to the privileges aforesaid, unless and until His Majesty shall by some Order or Orders to be by him made, by the advice of His Privy Council, have declared that such foreign country hath so fulfilled the said conditions, and is entitled to the said privileges; provided always, and it is thereby declared and enacted, that nothing therein contained, extends, or shall be construed to extend, to make void or annul any Order or Orders in Council theretofore issued, under the authority or in pursuance of the said recited Act, and to take away or abridge the powers vested in His Majesty in and by the said Act, or any of those powers, any thing therein contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding: And whereas the conditions mentioned and referred to in the said Acts of Parliament have not in all respects been fulfilled by the Government of the United States of America, and therefore the privileges so granted as aforesaid by the Law of Navigation to foreign ships, cannot lawfully be exercised or enjoyed by the ships of the United States aforesaid, unless His Majesty, by His Order in Council, shall grant the whole or any of such privileges to the ships of the United States aforesaid: And whereas His Majesty doth deem it expedient to permit the exportation of salt and fruit, in certain vessels of the said United States of America, from His Majesty's island of Anguilla, in the West Indies; His Majesty doth, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him in and by the said Acts of Parliament, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, declare and grant, that it shall be lawful for ships of the United States of America, arriving in ballast at any port or place in the said island of Anguilla, in which a custom-house is or shall shall be established, to export salt and fruit, or either of them, from such port or place, to be carried to any foreign country whatever; subject, nevertheless, to the payment of all such duties as by any law in force within the said island are or shall be payable upon such ships, or upon the exportation of any such salt or fruit: And His Majesty is further pleased, with the advice aforesaid, to order, that this present Order shall take effect and be in force in the said island of Anguilla, so soon as the Governor, or the Officer administering the Government of His Majesty's island of Saint Christopher's for the time being, shall have made known the same to the inhabitants of the said island of Anguilla, by a Proclamation to be by him for that purpose issued, and not before: And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, and the Right Honourable William Huskisson, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, are to give the necessary directions herein, as to them may respectively appertain. Jas. Buller. Whitehall, January 29, 1828. 4 The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for granting to the Right Honourable William Carr Viscount Beresford, G. C. B. the office of Master-General of His Majesty's Ordnance of the said United King dom. Whitehall, January 29, 1828. The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, constituting and appointing the Right Honourable Charles Arbuthnot, William Dacres Adams, and Henry Dawkins, Esqrs. to be Commissioners of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE of FEBRUARY 1, The Speech of the Lords Commissioners to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday, January 29, 1828. My Lords, and Gentlemen, WE are commanded by His Majesty to acquaint you, that His Majesty continues to receive, from all Foreign Princes and States, assurances of their desire to maintain the relations of amity with this country; and that the Great Powers of Europe participate in the earnest wish of His Majesty to cultivate a good understanding upon all points which may conduce to the preservation of peace. His Majesty has viewed for some time past, with great concern, the state of affairs in the East of Europe. For several years a contest has been carried on between the Ottoman Forte and the inhabitants of 1828. D the the Greek provinces and islands, which has been marked on each side by excesses revolting to humanity. In the progress of that contest, the rights of Neutral States, and the laws which regulate the intercourse of civilized Nations, have been repeatedly violated, and the peaceful commerce of His Majesty's subjects has been exposed to frequent interruption, and to depredations, too often aggravated by acts of violence and atrocity. His Majesty has felt the deepest anxiety to terminate the calamities, and avert the dangers, inseparable from hostilities, which constitute the only exception to the general tranquillity of Europe. Having been earnestly entreated by the Greeks to interpose His good offices, with a view to effect a reconciliation between them and the Ottoman Porte, His Majesty concerted measures for that purpose, in the first instance with the Emperor of Russia, and subsequently with His Imperial Majesty and the King of France. His Majesty has given directions that there should be laid before you copies of a Protocol signed at Saint Petersburgh by the Plenipotentiaries of His Majesty and of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia, on the 4th of April 1826, and of the Treaty entered into between His Majesty and the Courts of the Tuileries and of Saint Petersburgh, on the 6th of July 1827. In the course of the measures adopted with a view to carry into effect the object of the Treaty, a collision, wholly unexpected by His Majesty, took place in the port of Navarin, between the fleets of the Contracting Powers and that of the Ottoman Porte. Notwithstanding the valour displayed by the combined fleet, His Majesty deeply laments that this conflict should have occurred with the naval force of an ancient Ally; but he still entertains a confident hope, |