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the man had nearly reached the door a cry of "Fire!" twice raised, and loud enough to be heard throughout the schoolroom, and in what appeared a boy's voice, came from the south end window; and in one instant, like an electric shock, it took effect. The congregation rose screaming and in great excitement. He then at once asked the congregation to engage in audible prayer on their knees, stating that there was no cause for alarm. In this way he quieted the great majority, but the confusion at the door continued, though it did not appear to him to be great. At that time he thought there might be fire in the church, and that it was of the utmost importance to keep them there till the chapel was empty.

The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased persons died from suffocation and injuries caused in a rush, the result of a panic, brought about by the brawling of Nevin and a cry of "Fire!" The jury recommended that the doorway of the chapel should be widened.

24. FATAL COLLISION BETWEEN THE "BOMBAY" AND "ONEIDA " STEAMSHIPS.-A disastrous collision occurred in Yokohama Bay, between the Peninsular and Oriental mail steamer "Bombay" and the United States steamer "Oneida," by which 120 men were drowned. The "Oneida," being homeward bound, left her anchorage at Yokohama at about five o'clock in the afternoon, and the accident occurred at seven in the evening. The United States' Minister visited her in the forenoon, and received the usual salute, and the guns were reloaded with the expectation of replying to a salute from a Russian gunboat to Mr. Delong. The salute, however, was not given, and the guns remained loaded. As the "Oneida" steamed out of the harbour the crews of the various vessels and men at work in the port gave cheers, and wished her a happy voyage. On passing out of the harbour her fires were banked, and steam blown off. While the officers were at dinner, at about seven o'clock, the look-out man shouted, "Steamer lights ahead," and a midshipman gave the order to port helm. Every thing seemed quiet on board the other steamer. This led to the belief that she had not observed the "Oneida," although her lights were burning brightly. The steamer, which proved to be the "Bombay," of the Peninsular and Oriental line, came right on, and struck the "Oneida" on the starboard side, abaft the gangway, about half-way between the main and mizen rigging. A hole was cut, through which the whole interior of the ship was visible. The binnacle wheel and rudder were carried away, and two men standing at the wheel were instantly killed. The "Bombay" did not stop after crashing through the "Oneida," though the guns of the latter, which happened to be loaded, were almost instantly fired to attract her attention and bring her back. Orders were given to lower the boats, but only one lifeboat was available, the others having been crushed. The lifeboat was manned by Dr. Stoddart, the boatswain, and fifteen of the crew. Five guns were fired, but before the sixth could be discharged the "Oneida" sank-within ten minutes after she was struck.

None of those saved saw a man or heard a voice on board the "Bombay." They reported that when it became evident that there was no hope of saving the ship, the officers gathered around Captain Williams, and he was heard to say that if the ship went down he would go down with her. The lifeboat was obliged to leave the sinking ship, to avoid being swamped. After pulling about for a while, the crew of the lifeboat, seeing none of the crew floating, not one of the 160 who went down, unwillingly bent their boat's head landward, about five miles distant. On landing, the natives kindly treated them; and they obtained the assistance of a guide, and started to walk to Yokohama, which they reached at daylight the next morning. The "Bombay" was immediately ordered to the scene of the wreck, and succeeded in saving thirty-nine men, who had got into a cutter which floated when the ship went down. Several other vessels, one with Minister Delong on board, proceeded to the scene of the disaster during the day; but no more lives were saved. The Japanese Government sent boats and apparatus to search for the wreck, and, if necessary, to buoy the spot. The passengers on board the "Bombay" were quite surprised when they heard the calamity that had befallen the vessel they had struck, but declared they neither heard any request from the "Oneida" to stay by them, or minute-guns fired. A naval court was demanded by the captain of the "Bombay." The officers and men of the " Oneida " numbered 176, only fifty-six of whom, including Dr. Stoddart and two junior officers, survived the disaster.

The following evidence was given by Captain Eyre before the Court of Inquiry, held at Kanagawa, respecting this dreadful collision:

"I am in command of the steamer 'Bombay.' Was in command on January the 24th, at 6.15 p.m., in sight of the lighthouse. Saw a bright light half a point on port bow. Shortly afterwards I made out two side lights-green and red. I ported the helm, and kept porting until I shut the green light in. The pilot and the chief officer were standing by me. On shutting out the green light, my pilot said, 'We are well clear.' My answer was, 'Port still. The steam vessel then turned off. Almost immediately afterwards I observed the coming vessel putting her helm hard a-starboard, crossing my bow with full sails and steam. I stopped my engines. When she came nearly ahead of me I put my helm hard a-starboard to clear her, immediately after striking her behind the mizen gear, our starboard bow striking her on the starboard quarter, the shock not being more than a graze. I turned round to see what damage was done. I had sent the chief officer down to see if we were making water. I said to the pilot, I don't think much harm is done; if there is, we shall soon see signal rockets.' My engines were stopped about ten minutes. The chief officer came and reported the ship making water forward. I then said, 'I see no signals of distress; go ahead.' Nor did I hear any thing; and, as the ship was making water, I made speed for Yokohama.

Even after I came to Yokohama I thought little of the collision. I had not the slightest idea of the harm done. I did not know what ship it was. I said when it passed me, 'That is an auxiliary screw.'

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. The ship was about one hundred feet distant when she crossed my bow; another twenty feet and I should have cleared her. I do not think I was going at more than seven to eight and a half knots. The wind was against me; the night was dark When I first saw the bright light I think the ship was a mile distant. I can't tell the time elapsing from then until the collision. The ship evidently starboarded her helm; she must have been going at the rate of fourteen knots. After finding the ship coming right down upon me, I starboarded my helm to clear her. I was on the bridge the whole time. My engines were stopped a couple of minutes before the collision, when I saw the collision was imminent. When I started I was looking astern through my glass to the spot of collision, and continued so for a good quarter of an hour. I did not hail the ship. I was too busy at the time to avoid the collision. The concussion was very light. On my bow were hanging, afterwards, the other ship's gaff and a boom. I was not at all entangled in the ship. The 'Bombay' is an old iron ship; her plates are a quarter of an inch thick. When two ships come in collision during a dark night, I am not aware that it is customary for the one to ascertain if the other has suffered damage; perhaps in the open sea, not in close proximity of land. Blue lights and rockets are the proper signals of distress; also gun-firing, if you are within hearing distance. I did not send up rockets, as I wanted no help. I cannot say that it is a recognized practice that ships do not communicate after a collision, unless the one sends up rockets or fires the gun. My instructions, as captain of a mail steamer, are to stop for nothing but to save life. It was at that time my firm opinion that there was no danger. The pilot said, 'The Spit is close to, if there is any danger.' It did not occur to me, being so close to my anchorage, and seeing no signals, to stop until I had communicated with the Oneida.' I cannot account for the spar striking my ship below the water-line. At that time I thought the spar might have stuck out from the other ship's quarter. I struck abaft the mizen rigging, and presumed she could, at all events, easily beach on the Spit. This is the first accident I have ever


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Mr. Loggin, the chief officer of the "Bombay," corroborated the captain's statement. He said,

"The other vessel came right against us; her steering caused her to come across us. It was the captain who ordered the helm a-port, not the pilot. It was more than an hour after the collision that I found out the spar had gone through our ship. It was only after we had anchored I reported it to the captain, who by no possibility could know it before; and if he had said so it must be an error. We had no sail set. The other ship had all her sails set; she was bark-rigged. The wind was north-east, and she had the

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wind on her port-quarter. The tide was in her favour. I have never been here before. I saw the smoke from the other ship, so she was under steam. I did not know the other ship's quality or nationality. Our speed was eight knots; our course was due north. The other ship's speed, I suppose, was about eleven knots. I saw no measures taken on board the other ship to avoid the collision. I heard no sound or voices from the other ship, nor saw or heard any signal from her. Until I went below to sound our ship I should have seen or heard such signals, if there had been any."

The result of the inquiry was the suspension of Captain Eyre's certificate for six months.


5. GREAT ROBBERY OF BANK NOTES.-In a place of public resort, and about midday, a collecting clerk in the employment of Messrs. Barnetts, Hoares, and Co., the eminent bankers in Lombardstreet, was robbed of a sum in Bank-of-England notes amounting to nearly 10,000. Towards evening, when the circumstance became publicly known, it occasioned a great sensation in the city, and a reward of 1000l. was offered for the apprehension of the thief and the recovery of the stolen notes, the payment of which was shortly afterwards stopped at the Bank of England. The robbery was accomplished in a manner as ingenious and simple as it was daring, and the thief got clear away. About eleven o'clock, the clerk in question called at the Birkbeck Deposit Bank, having some business to transact there. The bank, which is situate at the extremity of Southampton-buildings, a short street leading out of Chancery-lane, near the Holborn end of the lane, and on its eastern side, was undergoing alterations, and the space set apart for customers was somewhat lessened in consequence. At the time many people were in front of the counter transacting business, and the clerk of Messrs. Barnett among the rest. He had then 99507. in bank notes in a leathern case, which was securely fastened to his dress by a strong steel chain, such as has been in use among bankers' clerks for many years. While waiting his turn, with his case and its precious contents on the counter, a person touched him on the shoulder from behind and told him he had dropped something. Looking down, he saw on the floor a piece of paper, which he stooped to pick up, and which, on examination, he found did not belong to him. The doing so was the work of a moment, and on standing upright again he thought he saw a hand being stealthily withdrawn from his leathern case, which had remained on the counter. Suspicion being thus aroused, he immediately examined his case, and missed from it the whole of the bank notes, amounting,


as we have said, to 99507. Greatly alarmed for the moment by the loss he had sustained, he looked wildly round; but failing to see any one upon whom suspicion could rest, he rushed into the street to see if any person was running away, but with no better result, and returned to the bank. After examining his case again, and being confirmed as to the misfortune, he mentioned the robbery to some person in authority there, and then went forthwith to Lombard-street, where he related the circumstances to his employers. Without delay, they put themselves in communication with Messrs. R. and S. Mullens of Cheapside, the solicitors to the Bankers' Protection Association, who promptly communicated with the City Detective Police, and took other measures with a view to the apprehension of the thief. Meanwhile, the robbery having been committed within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police, the circumstances were brought under the notice of Colonel Henderson, the Chief Commissioner, and Superintendent Thomson of the Bowstreet police division also aided in discovering and arresting the person by whom the robbery was committed. The two forces being thus engaged in a common object, and brought under the influence of a strong feeling of professional rivalry, to say nothing of a reward, it was thought that the perpetrator of this daring robbery ought not to have been long at large; but he has hitherto remained undetected.

The clerk from whom the notes were stolen had been two or three years in the service of Messrs. Barnetts, Hoares, and Co., and bore a good character. His fair reputation, indeed, might have been inferred from his being in such a position, and from the confidence reposed in him as a collecting clerk, to whom large sums of money are entrusted from day to day in the ordinary discharge of his duties.

7. BANQUET TO THE LORD-LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND.-The inaugural banquet of the Lord Mayor was given this evening, on a scale of splendid hospitality, in the "King's Room" of the Mansion House. Their Excellencies the Lord-Lieutenant and the Countess Spencer were the principal guests. The company included a select circle of the nobility and gentry, the judges, chief officers of the public service, members of Parliament and of the learned professions, merchants, and other citizens, numbering altogether over 600 ladies and gentlemen. Their Excellencies were escorted to the Mansion House by a troop of dragoons, and were received by a guard of honour composed of a regiment of infantry. The proceedings passed off with the utmost harmony, and the healths of the Queen and the Prince of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family were drunk with enthusiasm. The Lord Mayor then proposed the toast of the evening, "The Lord-Lieutenant and Prosperity to Ireland." Lord Spencer, in reply, congratulated the country on the fact that, as the figures he gave showed, not only had pauperism decreased in the country, but that the poor were better cared for, and were treated more liberally by the guardians of the poor;

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