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O Fair and Faithful! that, sun by sun,
Slept on the field, or lost or won-
Children dear of the Holy One!

Rest in your wintry sod.

Rest, your noble Devoir is done-
Done-and forever!-ours, to-day,
The dreary drift and the frozen clay
By trampling armies trod-

The smoky shroud of the War-Simoon,
The maddened Crime at bay with her Doom,
And fighting it, clod by clod.

O Calm and Glory!-beyond the gloom,
Above the bayonets bend and bloom

The lilies and palms of God.

-Hartford Evening Press.

To this they came at last, and after the oath the Mayor (a bitter secesh) nailed up with his own hand the glorious Stars and Stripes.

Lying opposite the town was a fine schooner, the Beauregard, with a full cargo of soft coal for the Merrimac. A prize crew (one man) was put on board, and some contrabands to work her, and she was sent to Fortress Monroe- the first prize vessel taken on James River.

Thus Smithfield was captured by eight men. The supposed gunboat in the offing" never appeared!N. Y. Tribune, May 28.

INCIDENT OF THE WHITE HOUSE. On the occupation of the White House, Va., by the soldiers of Gen. McClellan, May twelfth, 1862, a small piece of paper, bearing the following inscription, was found pinned on the casing of an inner door:

THE CAPTURE OF SMITHFIEld, va. The rebels having retired from Norfolk, Virginia, General Mansfield sent his Aid-de-Camp, Drake De "Northern soldiers, who profess to reverence WashKay, to reconnoitre the various rivers and creeks set-ington, forbear to desecrate the house of his first marting in from the James River. ried life, the property of his wife, now owned by her descendants.

Captain De Kay started with a sail-boat and eight men, and examined the Nansemond River and Chuckatuck Creek, and then proceeded to Smithfield Creek. This being narrow and tortuous, with high banks, he hoisted the rebel flag and ran up some five miles to the town of Smithfield. This town is situated on a hill, stretching back from the river, contains some one thousand two hundred inhabitants, is very prettily laid out, has several handsome churches, and fine "old family" homesteads.

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A BRILLIANT EXPLOIT.-Lieutenant-Colonel Woodson, of the Third Kentucky cavalry, with a detachment The people are all rank secesh-hardly a man, wo-of eighty Texas Rangers, attacked the enemy near the man, or child to be seen in the streets who does not point where the Decatur and Nashville Railroad crosses scowl at the Yankees. The negroes, even, did not Elk River, on the ninth of May, killing several and speak to us, as their masters had forbidden it, and capturing two captains, two lieutenants, forty-three beaten them severely for doing so. The whole negro non-commissioned officers and privates, and eight nepopulation would run away were it not that every boat groes. Confederate loss, four killed, including Capt. has been broken up. Harris of the Rangers, and seven wounded.-Missouri Army Argus, May 13.

Upon arriving at the town the rebel flag was pulled down on board the sail-boat, and the United States ensign run up, to the horror of the citizens who had come down to congratulate the (as they supposed) escaped rebel boat. Captain De Kay proceeded on shore with his body-guard, sent for the Mayor and authorities, who called a meeting of the citizens. At this meeting a resolution was read, setting forth "that the citizens would surrender as the conquered to the conquerors, and that they were and always would remain true and loyal citizens of the confederate States of America."

Thereupon Captain De Kay seized and imprisoned the Mayor, Aldermen and Committee - - no resistance being made by their fellow-citizens, from the fear of a supposed gunboat outside the bar of the creek! The authorities, left to themselves, and wisely removed from all excitement, began now to see the error of their ways. Visions of Fortress Monroe dungeons in the foreground, and handsomely constructed gallows, with patent drops, in the background, worked upon their imaginations, so that, one by one, and stoutly contesting point after point, they came down at last to Captain De Kay's simple propositions, which


1. To surrender the town and all public property to the United States forces unconditionally.

2. To hoist the American flag officially over the Town Hall, and protect it there.

3. To each and all take the oath of allegiance to the United States of America.

PARTISAN WARRIORS WANTED. - The confederate States government has very recently passed an act legalizing and recommending the organization of Partisan Rangers, and as that character of warfare is doing good service for the country, and the necessity for them is very great at this time, I have, in connection with a number of other gentleman, determined to organize a corps of brave spirits who will go out and harass the enemy, and drive him from our soil.


The Northman has invaded the sacred soil of old Tennessee, and that portion of the country which they have invested is being desolated and destroyed. They insult our women and maltreat our old men - they burn our homes and lay waste our fields -they desecrate the graves of our friends who have gone to that bourne from whence no traveller returns they have set aside the laws of God and man, and it is now high time that we who have not taken part in this struggle should gather ourselves to our tents, and resist these Thugs of the North to the death.

"Let us strike, then, till the last armed foe expires,
Strike for our altars and our fires-

Strike for the green gr ves of our sires,
God and our native land,"

"Oh! who will come and go with us," and fight that we may be free. None are worthy of it unless they fight for it. We propose to fight, and fight on until the struggle is ended, and our country free

"And when the conflict's over,

In our Southern homes we'll stand,
And sing our leader's praises
In Dixie's happy land!"

And all those who are of the same mind, and are able
to furnish themselves with a horse, arms and equip-
ments, can enroll themselves with Lieutenant C. L.
Brown, who may be found in the Walker Block, on
Main street. Come immediately.-Memphis Avalanche,
May 15.

thrown out far in advance, and the sudden dash of the rebels could not, therefore, be foreseen or fully prepared for. On the first day the entire Union army had at least seventy-five thousand; and on the second numbered only thirty thousand men, while the rebels day, when our reenforcements had come up, we were still inferior in numbers, having only fifty thousand to the enemy's seventy-five thousand. The killed and wounded were far more numerous on the rebel side than ours, and must reach twelve or fifteen thousand, while the Federal loss was not far from six thousand. Our

PETERSBURGH, May 19.-Eighteen of the Monitor's artillery was admirably served, and cut through the crew came ashore at three o'clock this afternoon at rebel ranks like a keen scythe through grass. But City Point, and were surprised upon landing by the they fought well, with dash and determination, and confederate pickets and ordered to surrender. Nine could not have been beaten by any troops upon earth of them, including four officers, laid down their pis- excepting their Northern brethren. During the entire tols and cutlasses. The others rushed to the small battle no stragglers at all from the Union ranks were boat and pulled for the Monitor. Eight of them were to be seen on the field. Every man stood up to his killed; the remaining one lost an arm. The Monitor deadly duties as he would to an ordinary day's work. opened fire with a heavy gun, and prevented the cap- Most of those who fell dead were in some attitude of ture of the boat and the survivor. Nine of the pris-loading or firing; their brains were so intent on their oners reached here at half-past six o'clock, and marched business that the muscles became rigid in the very through Sycamore street to Gen. Huger's headquar- posture in which the men were struck down. ters, surrounded by a great crowd. One of the officers is the paymaster, the others are midshipmen. None of the confederates were hurt. - Richmond Whig, May 20.

A SINGULAR armistice was agreed upon with the guerrillas in Western Virginia on May eighteenth. It was arranged between Colonel Rathbone, of the Eleventh Virginia regiment, and Captains Dounes, Hays and Silcot, of the guerrillas, that hostilities should cease for eight days, and in the mean time the rebels should withdraw from without our lines, and in case the city of Richmond was captured they should surrender themselves as prisoners of war. The last heard of the rebels they were up on the west fork of the Little Kanawha River, going southward.-N. Y. Times, 'May 29.


Adjutant Oliver Edwards returned to his home in this city on Wednesday morning, having been granted a furlough from General Couch's staff on account of ill-health. He has revived rapidly since leaving Virginia, and hopes to return in season for the next battle. Adjutant Edwards left the Federal camp near Fair Oaks early on Monday morning.

The men of the Tenth Massachusetts in camp are generally well, and every one who is able to lift a finger thirsts eagerly for another fight. They are now held as a reserve under Lieutenant-Colonel Decker. Last Sunday afternoon they had a skirmish with the rebels, in which thirty of our men were killed and wounded. They are at the extreme left of our lines, in a very important position, and occupy intrenchments and rifle-pits. Their rations are rather scanty, but growing better, as there is now easy transportation to the White House by water, and from thence by rail to Fair Oaks, seven miles from Richmond. On the Saturday and Sunday of the great battle, the Tenth regiment was wholly without food for thirty-six hours, and it proves their pluck and hardihood to be able to fight unflinchingly so long upon empty stomachs.

The reason given for the surprise of General Casey's division on Saturday is, that it was stationed so near the enemy's main body that our pickets could not be

Adjutant Edwards witnessed the bloodiest part of the battle. He had a horse shot under him, and his clothes were pierced by rebel bullets, as were those of several other staff-officers. The happiest moment of the whole campaign was when he met Gen. Sumner's division approaching from the Chickahominy, and hurried them to the scene of action upon the doublequick. Adjutant Edwards was within twenty-five feet of the rebel General Pettigrew when he was wounded and fell into our hands as a prisoner.

The following incidents are some of the many striking ones that occurred in this two days' engagement: A member of the Tenth regiment-name unknownwas surrounded by four rebels, who ordered him to surrender. He coolly replied that “He rather guessed not ;" and immediately shot one, bayoneted two, and broke the skull of the last one with the butt of his musket. This certainly seems Munchausenish.

Captain McFarland, of the One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania regiment, having been taken prisoner by a party of six rebels who were carrying a wounded officer to the rear, very politely offered to pilot them through the bushes, and carefully brought them round among our own pickets. The summons, "Who comes there?" was answered by the Captain: "A friend, with seven prisoners." Six men belonging to the Sixtysecond New-York regiment, (Anderson Zouaves,) sev eral of whom were recruited in this city, hid themselves on Saturday in their own camp, under some bushes, and laid perfectly quiet all night, undiscovered by the rebel troops, who had taken the camp. Next day, when our forces drove the rebels out with great slaughter, the cunning Zouaves turned up all right, and captured seven of the enemy as prisoners.Springfield Republican.

EFFECT OF GENERAL POPE'S ORDERS.-The effect on the Yankee soldiers of General Pope's recent orders to the "Army of the Rappahannock" is already being felt by the citizens of Culpeper. The party who burned the bridge over the Rapidan on the thirteenth took breakfast that morning at the house of Alexander G. Taliaferro, Colonel of the Twenty-first Virginia regiment. On their approach the Colonel was at home, and was very near being captured; but by good management contrived to escape. After they had breakfasted, the Yankee ruffians searched the house,

took possession of the family silver, broke up the tableware and knives and forks, etc., and actually wrenched from Mrs. Taliaferro's finger a diamond ring of great value.-Richmond Examiner, July 24.


To the Editor of the London Times:

SIR: The following is a correct list of military supplies and prisoners taken in the late battles before Richmond Eighty large guns, two hundred spiked guns, (destroyed,) one thousand seven hundred mules, two thousand five hundred horses, sixty-two thousand stand of arms, six million dollars' worth of various stores, the balloon, with all its tackle; two major-generals, six brigadier-generals, thirteen colonels, one hundred and eighty commissioned officers, eleven thousand prisoners.

This statement is taken from a private letter of a
confederate officer, written to a friend in this city.
I am, sir, yours, etc.,
PARIS, August 6.


THE REBEL STEAMER NASHVILLE.-A letter from an officer on board the United States steamer Daylight, dated Beaufort, N. C., May second, says:

Your response gives to the riches of history the cherished reminiscences of traditional affection, or defames the scions of our honored ancestry.

A STRANGE STORY.-The correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, writing from Fortress Monroe, under date of May twenty-first, tells this singular story:

"For some weeks past, a vessel (bark) has been quietly lying at anchor beyond the fortress, ostensibly for the purpose of communicating with her consignees in New-York, and in the mean time sending to shore daily for a number of contrabands to work in her holds, but, on no condition, were these men allowed to return to this point. This game was played on until, it is said, two hundred and seventy-two contrabands were ferried out to the ship. Deeming this about as far as he could safely go, the 'skipper' 'skipped' out to sea last night, under the cover of darkness. Brother' Wilder, superintendent of contrabands here, has thus been foiled in his charitable intentions of reforming the blacks, at least as regards this lot of 'culled pussons,' who are, by this time, far on their way to Cuba or the West-Indies. We learn that the fleet gunboat Wamsutta has been sent after the slaver, and it is hoped that she may be overtaken, and these poor contrabands returned. The cargo is made up of sprightly lads, worth, in Cuba, from one thousand two hundred dollars to one thousand five hundred dollars each.

"The steamer Nashville ran the blockade on the twenty-fourth of April, and entered the harbor at Wilmington by Cape Fear River, (not by the new inlet, as "We are sorry to observe that, owing to the embefore stated,) and got aground inside of Fort Cas-bargo recently placed upon naval officers, who 'say well, having on board sixty thousand stand of arms, their mouths are sealed,' we are not able to present and forty tons of powder. They sent steamers from the facts of the case well authenticated." Wilmington and Smithville to lighten her, and succeeded in getting her off on the twenty-sixth, when she proceeded to Smithville, where she took in two lighter-loads of cotton, and ran the blockade out of the harbor on the thirtieth of April, and went to sea."-Boston Traveller, May 12.

THE INVASION OF MARYLAND.-The following advertisement appears in the Richmond Dispatch of the twenty-first of May:

MARYLAND LINE.-We are anxious to tread once more our native soil. Expectant hearts await our coming. We struggle for freedom and the sacred shades of our sires.

We invite the untiring and undaunting to haste to rejoin the "Maryland Line," which is reenforcing the heroic "Stonewall's" army in the valley, and with them march to the rescue of our kinsmen in oppression and doubt. Soldiers, it is the hour for immortality or obloquy.

The will of the veteran is sustained by Omnipotence, and the blood of the martyr shall nourish the Bay Tree of Liberty. Who falters, sides with the foe who disdains odds carves his own escutcheon, which fame shall ponder and memory treasure. Soldiers, we challenge you once more to the field. Through the earn est solicitation of many Marylanders, Captain Edmund Barry has accepted an appointment to lead you back to your homes. Marylanders, will you go? Or shall the hollow query be made, Where were they? Sons of Revolutionary sires! the Goddess of History is vigilant, and notes the actions of the solemn hour!

Be men, and abide the issue. Our leader is grown grey in the clatter of arms, and is eager to offer his last, best tribute as a bequest to his posterity. Marylanders, will you stand by him? Soldiers, will you die with us, for our rights, and friends, and homes?


To the Editor of the N. Y. Times:

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In your issue of June second, you were perfectly correct in calling the foolish story of the shipment of negroes from Fortress Monroe to Cuba, to be sold as slaves, 'a ridiculous invention, well calculated to do mischief." It is unnecessary to assure any man in his senses that such a thing could not possibly be done without the active sympathy and cooperation of the authorities at this post. We have had but one instance of kidnapping since the present superintendent has had charge of the contrabands, and that was on one of the United States ships, and is at the present time undergoing investigation in Washington.

It seems incredible that any well-informed correspondent could be so far imposed upon as to give publicity to a statement so devoid of all elements of probability, and so evidently the offspring of malice and wickedness.

C. B. WILDER. Superintendent of Contrabands.

BURIAL OF DECEASED SOLdiers. · The manner in which the interment of deceased soldiers is carried on in the vicinity of Richmond, is a disgrace, not only to those concerned, but those having authority in such matters. We have it on the authority of a gentleman, an officer of the army, who has visited Oakwood Cemetery, that the coffins are often piled in two and three deep, in one excavation and thus covered up, of course, rendering it out of the question for an inquiring relative to recognize and reclaim a corpse.

Recently the gentleman above referred to passed the cemetery, and, seeing the brutal work going on, asked: "Is that the way Virginia disposes of the soldiers of the Confederacy? Has she not got soil enough to furnish them each with separate, distinct burial?" The man in charge replied: "Is it any of your business?

You attend to your own business, and I will attend to mine." Surely, the man who dies in defence of his country is entitled to an honored grave beneath its soil. If the authorities will not look to the matter the personal friends of the deceased should. We understand that the burial of deceased soldiers is in the hands of a parcel of German undertakers, instead of being vouchsafed to the respectable undertakers of the city, who, from a regard for the cause, would discharge the duty at least with decency and humanity.-Richmond Examiner, July 26.

WHEN Commander Davis took possession of Fort Pillow after its evacuation by the rebel garrison, the following letter was found lying on a table in the officers' quarters:


To the first Yankee who reads this:

I present this table not as a manifestation of friendship, yet I entertain no personal animosity to him, but because I can't transport it. After six weeks' bombardment, without doing us any harm whatever, I know you will exult over the occupation of this place, but our evacuation will hurt you from another point with disastrous effect. Five millions white men fighting to be relieved from oppression will never be conquered by twenty millions actuated by malice and pecuniary gain, mark that. We have the science, energy and vigor, with the help of God, to extricate ourselves from this horrible and unnatural difficulty pressed upon us by the North; the day of retribution is approaching, and will fall upon you deadly as a bolt from heaven; may your sojourn at this place be of

few days and full of trouble.

(Signed) W. J. SCOTT, Second Lieutenant First Battalion C. S. Infantry, Commanding


"Second June, year of our Lord, 1862."

shares of twenty-five dollars each; that the books of subscription be closed on the first of June, provided fifty thousand dollars be subscribed prior to that time, and operations to commence when that sum is raised; that no subscription is good till the money is paid in; that a board of directors to consist of twelve shall determine the salaries of the officers, etc. The report was adopted, and the organization will be made permanent.-Richmond Enquirer, June 5.


CAPED.-A letter to the Charleston Courier, written from the field in Virginia, after the battles with Pope's army, near Manassas, (August, 1862,) says:

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'Brig.-Gen. Roger A. Pryor, during the day, had the misfortune to be taken a prisoner, but the corre sponding good fortune to escape.

"He had started off on foot to call up two or three regiments for reënforcements, and on his return found his command moved from the position in which he had left it. Thinking it had gone ahead, he too went on, wondering all the time where his men were, until he suddenly encountered two Yankee soldiers, sitting at the foot of a hay-rick. His uniform being covered by a Mexican poncho, they did not observe that he was not one of their own men, nor was there any mark visible upon his person to indicate that he was an officer.

"They accordingly familiarly inquired how every thing was going on in front. He replied very well; and in the conversation which ensued, learned that he was a mile and a half within the Federal lines. They asked him numerous questions, under some of which he began to quake and grow uneasy, fearing his inability, good lawyer though he is, to cope successfully with a cross-examination of such a dangerous character. He accordingly began to look about him to discover some means of escape. There was apparently He observed standing near him, however, the two muskets of the men, one of them with a bayonet


and the other without.

fore one of them, looking at him keenly, asked him "The colloquy had not proceeded much further be

A HEROINE.-A correspondent of the Altoona (Pa.) Register, writing from Broadtop City, Huntingdon County, says he had the pleasure of meeting, at a place called Dudley, a woman named Mary Owens, who had just returned from the army in full uniform. This remarkable woman accompanied her husband to the to what regiment, brigade and division he belonged, army, and fought by his side until he fell. She was in the service eighteen months, and took part in three battles, and was wounded twice; first in the face above the right eye, and then in her arm, which required her to be taken to the hospital, where she confessed the deception.

She had enlisted in Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania, under the name of John Evans, and gives as her reason for this romantic undertaking, the fact that her father was uncompromising in his hostility to her marriage with Mr. Owens, threatening violence in case she disobeyed his commands; whereupon, after having been secretly married, she donned the United States uniform, enlisted in the same company with her husband, endured all the hardships of the camp, the dangers of the battle-field, saw her husband fall dead by her side, and is now wounded and a widow. Owens looks young, is rather pretty, and is the heroine of the neighborhood. She is of Welsh parentage.


SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES.-The Georgia Salt Manufacturing Company is about to be permanently or ganized. The Atlanta Intelligencer says that the report of the committee on organization, made to a meeting in Augusta two or three days ago, recommends that a capital of two hundred thousand dollars be raised in

and, as Pryor hesitated and stammered out his reply, the Yankee sprang to his feet and exclaimed: 'You are a rebel, and my prisoner.' In an instant the General, who is a powerful man and as active as a squirrel, seized the gun with the bayonet, and, before his antagonist could turn, ran him through the body twice. The other now jumped to his feet, apparently as if to escape, but he also received from Pryor a lunge that left him helpless on the field. Throwing down the musket, the General moved rapidly away in Federal stragglers for an hour or two, had the satisthe direction from whence he came, and after dodging faction of finally regaining his command.

"Anxious to know the fate of the two men whom

he had so summarily disposed of, he sent one of his aids the next day to examine the hospitals in that neighborhood, and ascertain, if possible, whether any men were present wounded with a bayonet. The aid returned with the information that he had found one so injured. Whereupon Pryor mounted his horse and went in person to see him. The man was asleep when he entered the hospital, but the surgeon awoke him, and the General asked if he recognized him. Yes, sir, I do,' was the reply. 'You're the man who stuck me.' The wounded man was not less surprised when he learned that the author of his misery was the redoubt able Roger A. Pryor."

July 9.-At a meeting of the Directors of the American Express Company, held at New-York, it was unanimously

Resolved, That any of our present employees, who may promptly enlist under the recent call for troops, shall continue to receive one half of their pay during the term of their service in the war, and their situations restored to them on their return.

Two thousand men are in the regular employ of this company, at an average salary of over six hundred dollars per annum.

without meting out to him his just dues under military orders, deponent saith not. St. Louis Republican, September 18.

KNOXVILLE, July 24.-Col. John H. Morgan sends by special courier to the headquarters of Tennessee, a despatch dated Georgetown, Ky., nineteenth instant. He states that he had taken eleven cities and towns, with a very heavy amount of army stores, and that he has a force sufficient to hold all the country outside of Lexington and Frankfort, which places are chiefly garrisoned by home guards.-Petersburgh Express, July 26.

CAPTAIN DE KAY'S EXPLOIT.-One of the neatest exploits of the Norfolk campaign was performed by Capt. Drake De Kay, of Gen. Mansfield's staff, while awaiting the General's arrival at a house called Moore's Ranch, a kind of summer hotel kept by a man named Moore, at Ocean View, the place of debarkation. All the white men and most of the women of this vicinity had fled-it was said by those they had left behind, to the woods, to prevent being forced into the rebel service. Captain De Kay, while supper was being prepared, mounted his horse and determined to explore the country, followed only by his negro servant. As he was passing a swamp toward evening, he came suddenly upon seven of the secession troops, who were lurking by the roadside, and were armed with double-seen they were still running. barrelled guns. The Captain turned and shouted to his (imaginary) company to prepare to charge, and then riding forward rapidly, revolver in hand, told the men they were his prisoners, as his cavalry would soon be upon them, ordered them to discharge their pieces and deliver them to him, which they did without de-a lay. He then informed them that his only "company' was his negro servant, and directed them to follow An hour later, just after Gen. Wool had returned from Norfolk, the Captain rode to the beach and informed Col Cram, as chief of the General's staff, that the seven prisoners, whom he had marched to the beach, were at his disposal.-New-York Times, May 13.

THE Nashville Union says that on Tuesday night, July 22, Col. Haggard's Fifth Kentucky cavalry, who had been in pursuit of the guerrillas for several days, came within one mile of Forrest's banditti, on the Murfreesboro road, thirteen miles from that city, when the whole gang of rebel horse-thieves, chicken-stealers, house-breakers, and assassins, cut and run like quarter-horses. The last seen of them, Forrest was leaning over his horse's neck whipping for dear life, while his men were dropping pistols, shot-guns, canteens, green apples and stolen chickens along the road. When last

him into camp.

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RICHMOND, July 26.-A few nights ago, at the great "Union" meeting in New-York, Dr. Francis Lieber, renegade from his adopted State, South-Carolina, made a flaming speech, calling for the subjugation of the South. Two weeks before, his son, Charles Lieber, a brave confederate soldier, fell by a Yankee bullet, while charging a Yankee battery. His remains were sent to South-Carolina.-Richmond Dispatch, July 26.

Lincoln and Mr. Seward to see him-because he was afraid of being killed."-Detroit Advertiser.

NEW-ORLEANS, LA.A Mr. Matthews, who got through the rebel lines into Gen. Banks's department, JACKSON, MISS., July 24.-Lieut -Col. Ferguson, of assured him that "Mr. Lincoln kept himself shut up says that at Shreveport, La., a tavern-keeper's wife Starke's cavalry, with two companies and a field bat-in an iron cage, and did not allow any one but Mrs. tery, has captured and destroyed a Federal mail steamer at Skipwith's Landing, eighty miles above Vicksburgh. Col. Ferguson succeeded in obtaining possession of the mail-bag from the ship Richmond, en route for Washington. The contents are highly interesting. Yankee letters admit the impossibility of capturing Vicksburgh without an immense land force, and admit that the Arkansas whipped them. They evince great terror of the Arkansas. Her appearance round the bend this morning was the signal for a general stampede. The bombarding continued slowly to-day.Richmond Examiner, July 26.

ST. LOUIS, MO., September 18-Information reached here by the North Missouri train last night that the guerrlla chief Poindexter escaped from Hudson yesterday morning. To some it is not a matter of surprise. It was feared that "a way would be made for his escape," and it is now reported that the officers in charge of him took the irons off him, and sent him out on some pretext with two guards, upon whom he played the "played-out" trics of throwing red pepper in their eyes, and ran off. This is the whole story in a few words. Why he has been kept this long at Hudson

FEMALE PATRIOTISM.-Mrs. Sarah Spencer, of Middletown, Ct., has procured two substitutes-one for herself and one for her niece, paying each fifty dollars extra bounty.

NEW-YORK, August 3.-Secretary Stanton is credited with the saying that a draft will be made by way of asserting the national majesty. To draft will be all right, but the best way to assert the national majesty would be to conquer the enemy, to do which twice over the country has furnished government with men and money enough.-New-York Commercial.

JAMES LEONARD, of Upper Gilmanton, N. H., who had been rejected as a volunteer on account of his being over forty-five years of age says: "After accepting several men over forty-five years of age, and several infants, such as a man like me could whip a dozen of, I was rejected because I had the honesty to ac

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