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looking body of men, and ought to be ashamed of themselves for volunteering their services in the villainy of trying to subjugate a chivalrous

outlaw and common enemy of mankind, and that in the event of his capture, the officer in command of the capturing force do cause him to be immediately executed by hanging, the under-people." - Colonel Hoskins, commanding military signed hereby offers a reward of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for the capture and delivery of the said Benjamin F. Butler, dead or alive, to any proper confederate authority."

January 2.-The battle of Stone River, or Murfreesboro, Tenn., between the Union army of the Cumberland, under the command of Major-General Rosecrans, and the rebel force under General Bragg, which commenced two days previous, was resumed this morning, and, after a most obstinate and bloody contest, which lasted all day, resulted in the retreat of the rebel forces with great slaughter.—(Docs. 26 and 146.)

post at Lebanon, Ky., made report of his operations before that place, commencing on the twentieth day of December, 1862, at which time he was notified by General Boyle that the rebel forces under General Morgan had again entered Kentucky, and ending on this day, when the pursuit of them was abandoned, by order of General Fry, three miles beyond Columbia, Ky.(Doc. 52.)

January 3.- Captain William Gwin, of the United States gunboat Benton, died this evening of the wounds he received in the action near Vicksburgh, Miss., on the twenty-seventh of SKIRMISHING continued yesterday around December last.-A volunteer cavalry company, Vicksburgh, and this morning the rebels ad- under the command of Captain J. Sewell Reid, arrived at New-York from California, on the way vanced upon a portion of General Grant's army who were engaged erecting works on the lake to Massachusetts, in order to join the Second cavnear the city, causing them to retreat with a alry of that State. They were raised in San slight loss. General Pemberton, in command Francisco, and represented nearly every loyal of the rebels, sent a despatch to Richmond stat- State in the Union. -Murfreesboro, Tenn., was ing that "the enemy finding all his efforts un-evacuated by the rebels.-(Doc. 26.) availing to make any inroad upon our position here, has reembarked, leaving a considerable quantity of intrenching tools and other property, and apparently has relinquished his designs upon Vicksburgh."

-PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S Emancipation Proclamation was officially issued as "General Order No. 1."

-LAST night a portion of the command of General Washburne's cavalry left camp at Helena, Ark., and in a terrific storm of wind and rain, proceeded to a point near La Grange, where, at daylight this morning, they dashed upon a camp of rebel cavalry, and succeeded in scattering them through the woods and destroying their camp, besides capturing ten men and two officers, and killing and wounding ten others.- General Gorman's Despatch.

- A DETACHMENT of Stuart's rebel cavalry, commanded by Major Herring, made a descent -EARLY this morning Moorefield, Va., was atinto Dumfries, Va., and captured a quantity of tacked by a strong rebel force under the compublic stores and ten sutler's wagons, belonging mand of General Jones, and after a contest with principally to Maine and New-York regiments. the garrison of several hours' duration, they were The movement was accomplished with such ex-beaten off and compelled to retreat, carrying traordinary expedition, that but two drivers only with them, however, sixty-five prisoners with escaped. At Richmond, Va., brown sugar sold their arms, and six horses.- Wheeling Intelliat one dollar and ten cents per pound, molasses gencer. at eight dollars a gallon, and other necessaries of life in proportion.- Richmond Examiner.

January 4.-Major-General Hurlbut, commanding District of Tennessee, issued an order at SALUTES in honor of the confirmatory procla- Memphis, warning the resident sympathizers mation of the President of the United States, with guerrillas, that threats having been made declaring freedom to the slaves of rebels, were that the railroads in his command would be ingiven in many portions of the loyal States.-terrupted, he would, for every attempted raid Boston Transcript. upon such roads, send to the South ten families

-UNION prisoners captured at Galveston, yes- of the most noted secessionists in Memphis, and terday, arrived at Houston, Texas. In noticing those to be selected from the wealthiest and the event, the Telegraph said: "They are a fine- highest social position.-General Orders No. 10.

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