labor may be reclaimed 19 Fullmer David, and others erect a ferry across Bear river bridge across Malad G. Gaming houses &c., for money or other thing General officers, duty of, on parade days Government, seat of, located Governor, term of office, executive power vested in shall be commander-in-chief of the militia duty of how appointed shall appoint time of the meeting of legislature may appoint. (See appointments by the.) 124 ...... pro tempore ...... ...... committee to locate seat of government 206 librarian 208 ..... attached to G. S. Lake county Guardians, rights, liabilities, duty of ..... 163 city charter amended 175 ...... 162 ...... ...... 163 166 ... deliver up effects of minor to successor Guards, fees for transmitting abstract of election Habeas corpus, writs of, when suspended 80 ..... 80 ...... ... Habeas corpus, writs of, application for, to nearest judge or court 58 may be served in any part of the territory when may be refused form of, and who may serve not dissolved for want of form municipal courts may grant Harris Hon. B. D., duty of marshal in relation to Highways, teams meeting on the public water courses across the Homestead, occupied by the wife or family Home manufactures Hospital department illfame gaming &c., House of representatives of congress. (See representatives.) entice females to Husband may inherit the estate of deceased wife. Hydrometer, Sykes' Utah I. Impeachment, power of all civil officers of the U. S. subject to Importation of persons not prohibited till 1808 Indenture, must be in writing, and signed by minor dissolution of when made out of the territory of Indian children &c., copy of, filed with clerk of probate's office Indians, assembly of prisoners.. affairs, superintendent of Indictment, persons held to answer on for murder jurisdiction of 18,19 restrictions of, as to suits against a state proceedings, each state entitled to faith and credit 26 19 power of Utah, how vested jurisdiction of proceedings must be public districts, governor may define boundary of Judgment, when set aside on agreed cases stay of execution on Judge of probate. (See probate judge.) may grant writs of habeas corpus. and select men compose county court supreme court of U. S. hold their office during good be 58 45 havior 18 fine for contempt 41 or justices of the peace, not disqualified by interest Jurisdiction of mayor and aldermen. (See mayor and aldermen.) Jurors. (See grand jurors.) Jury, trial of all crimes shall be by shall be preserved parties demand a when trial shall not be by challenge of fees of duty of, in trial for murder Justices of the peace, how elected, oath, bond, duty jurisdiction duty as to replevin and coal creek, Keeper of estray pound, duty of Kidnapping 170 211 86,87 120 Librarian, governor may appoint Library. (See Utah library.) 208 of the university of Deseret, furnished with laws and journals of legislature Lieutenant general, how elected, vacancy, staff of 214 144 when appoint district commanders 149 order company musters 149 duty of, in capital cases 157 1 raise and organize a band 157 power of, as to military districts 159 Liquors, selling adulterated 137 inspection of spirituous 160 Life guards, battalion of 154 Μ. territorial, election, term of office, oath, bond, may appoint deputy, duty city. (See city marshals.) Masters, power, liabilities, and duty of when illtreat apprentice shall send minor to school bringing servants to this territory may forfeit servants duty of, to servants having sexual intercourse with african servants 56 56 136 76 76 76 78 cruelty of, to servants 82 |