Nauvoo Legionritory of Utah shall consist of one Legion, to be called the Lieut. Gen. Vacancy of. Organization Nauvoo Legion. SEC. 2. The Nauvoo Legion shall be commanded by a Lieutenant General, which shall be elected by a majority of the votes given, of the commissioned officers of said Legion, and commissioned by the Governor. In case of a vacancy occurring in the office of Lieutenant General, the ranking Major General shall take command until the vacancy is filled. All elections for filling the office of Lieutenant General to be ordered by the Governor. SEC. 3. The organization of said Legion into Divisions, under Lt. Gen. Brigades, Regiments, Battalions, Companies, and Districts, shall be carried out under the direction of the Lieutenant General. Staff of Lt. Gen SEC. 4. The Staff of the Lieutenant General shall consist of Heads of Departments, as hereinafter provided for, -three Aides with the rank of Colonel; two Topographical Engineers with the rank of Colonel; a Military Secretary with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and two Chaplains. SEC. 5. The Adjutant General shall have the rank of Brigadier General; and in his department there shall be, partment of. depart ment of. to each Division a Division Inspector with the rank of Colonel; to each Brigade a Brigade Inspector, to serve also as a Brigade Major, with the rank of Major; and to each Regiment, separate Battalion, and District, an Adjutant with the rank of Captain. SEC. 6. The Commissary General of Subsistence shall Commissary have the rank of Brigadier General; and in his department there shall be to each Division, a Division Commissary with the rank of Colonel; to each Brigade a Brigade Commissary with the rank of Major; and to each Regiment, separate Battalion and District, a Commissary of Subsistence, with the rank of first Lieutenant. Qr. Master Gen. SEC. 7. The Quartermaster General shall have the rank department of of Brigadier General; and in his department there shall be so many Military Store keepers, for the safe keeping, and the preserving of the Territorial fortifications and Military stores, belonging to this Territory, as the Lieutenant General may find it necessary to appoint, not exceeding one to each District. SEC. 8. In the Paymaster General's Department, there paymasterGen. shall be a Paymaster General with the rank of Colonel; todepartment of. cach Division a Division Paymaster with the rank of Major; to each Brigade a Brigade Paymaster with the rank of Captain; and to each Regiment, separate Battalion, and District, a Paymaster with the rank of first Lieutenant. SEC. 9. In the hospital department, there shall be surgeon Gen Surgeon General with the rank of Colonel; to each Divis-department of. ion a Surgeon of Division with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel; to each Brigade a Surgeon of Brigade with the rank of Major; to each Regiment a Surgeon with the rank of Captain; and to each separate Battalion and District, a Surgeon's Mate with the rank of second Lieutenant. SEC. 10. In the Color Department there shall be two andment. to each Regiment and separate Battalion two Sergeant Color Bearers. SEC. 11. In the Music Department there shall be a Music departchief of Music with the rank of Colonel; and to each Regi-ment. ment, separate Battalion, and District, a principal Musician, with the rank of Sergeant Major. SEC. 12. There shall be to each Regiment a Sergeant Major and a Quartermaster Sergeant. Staff depart SEC. 13. The chief of each Staff Department shall, under the direction of the Lieutenant General, have comment mand over all subordinate officers in his department, and shall, from time to time, issue orders and instructions for their government and practice. Duty of Adjt. SEC. 14. It shall be the duty of the Adjutant General to furnish the subordinate officers of his department, andGen. the chief of each of the other departments, all blank forms of returns, precepts, warrants, and proceedings necessary in each department, at the expense of the Territory. SEC. 15. Heads of departments shall be appointed by the Lieutenant General. tors and com Brigadeinspee- SEC. 16. Division and Brigade Inspectors and Commissaries how missaries of Subsistence, shall be appointed by the Com appointed. manders of the Divisions and Brigades from the officers of the line in their respective commands, and shall constitute their Staff. Military Store keepers shall be appointed by the Lieutenant General. Adjutants and Commissaries of Subsistence of Regiments, separate Battalions, and DisOther staff of- tricts, shall be appointed by the Commanders of such, from porte how ap- the officers of the line in their respective commands. Division, Brigade, Regimental, Battalion, and District Surgeons and Paymasters shall be appointed by the respective Commanders of the Divisions, Brigades, Regiments, separate Battalions, and Districts, to which they are attached, subject to the approval of the Lieutenant General. Gen. SEC. 17. It shall be the duty of the Adjutant General Duty of Adjt. to keepin his office a correct rank roll of all the officers of the Legion, together with muster rolls of all musters made throughout the Legion, as well as a record of all property in charge of the several heads of departments, and the proceedings of the departments, together with a full and correct report of all expeditions, and the expenses accruing thereon. SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of heads of departments Duty of heads to furnish the Adjutant General, on or before the first day of departments of April and the first day of October in each year, with a full and correct report of all proceedings and expenditures in their respective departments, together with a report and description of all property in charge of themselves and the subordinate officers of their departments.. I aty of com manders. SEC. 19. It shall be the duty of Commanders of Divisions and Brigades; of Regiments and separate Battalions not attached to Brigades or Divisions; and of Districts, to furnish the Adjutant General with correct reports and muster rolls of all company and other musters and drills. within twenty days after such muster or drill. And, on failing so to do, such commander shall be liable to fine or dismissal, or to be cashiered, at the discretion of a general Court Martial. And it shall also be the duty of such commanders to report all officers under their command who shall neglect or refuse to make said reports and return said rolls to them within the specified time; and such delinquent officer shall be fined, dismissed, or cashiered, at the discretion of a general Court Martial. SEC. 20. A Division shall consist of not less than twoDivisions how nor more than four Brigades; and may be composed of oneofficered. Brigade of Cavalry and one Brigade of Infantry. And to each Division there shall be one Major General, one Division Inspector, one Division Commissary, one Division Paymaster, one Surgeon of Division, and two Chaplains. SEC 21. A Brigade of Cavalry, Artillery, Light Ar-Brigade how tillery, Infantry or Riflemen, shall consist of not less thanofficered. two nor more than four Regiments; and to each Brigade of Infantry there shall be attached one company of Artillery; and to each Brigade of Cavalry, one company of Light Artillery. To each Brigade there shall be a Brigadier General, one Brigade Inspector, one Brigade Commissary, one Brigade Paymaster, one Surgeon of Brigade, and one Chaplain. SEC. 22. A Regiment of Cavalry, Artillery, Light Artillery, Infantry, or Riflemen, shall consist of not less than Regiment. four nor more than eight companies; and to each Regiment of Infantry there shall be two uniform companies, which will supply the place of Grenadiers and Riflemen. To each Regiment there shall be one Colonel, one Lieu-How officered. tenant Colonel, one Major, one Adjutant, one Commissary of Subsistence, one Paymaster, one Surgeon, one Chaplain, one Sergeant Major, one Quartermaster Sergeant, one principal Musician, and two Sergeant Color bearers. ficered. SEC. 23. A separate Battalion of Cavalry, Artillery, separate bat Light Artillery, Infantry, or Riflemen, shall consist of nottation; howot less than two nor more than four companies. To each separate Battalion there shall be one Major, one Adjutant, one Commissary of Subsistence, one Paymaster, one Surgeon's Mate, one principal Musician, and two Sergeant Color bearers. SEC. 24. A company of Cavalry shall consist of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty-seven privates.Cavalry com To each company of Cavalry there shall be one Captain, ficered. one first Lieutenant, one second Lieutenant, one third pany; how of Artillery com ficered. Lieutenant, four Sergeants, four Corporals, and two Buglers. SEC. 25. A company of Artillery, Light Artillery, Inpany; how of- fantry, or Riflemen, shall consist of not less than fortyone, nor more than eighty-nine privates. To each company of Artillery, Light Artillery, Infantry, or Riflemen, there shall be one Captain, one first Lieutenant, one second Lieutenant, one third Lieutenant, four Sergeants, four Corporals, and two Musicians. Nauvoo Legion SEC. 26. The Nauvoo Legion is hereby divided into Military Districts, as follows, to wit: How divided anto military districts. 1st. The Great Salt Lake Military District shall include all the Militia within the boundaries of Great Salt Lake City. 2d. The Davis Military District shall include all the Militia within the limits of Davis county. 3d. Weber Military District shall include all the Militia within the limits of Weber county. 4th. The Box Elder Military District shall include all the Militia within the limits of Box Elder county. 5th. The Western Jordan Military District shall include all the Militia in Great Salt Lake county west of the Jordan river. 6th. The Tooele Military District shall include all the Militia within the limits of Tooele county. 7th. The Cottonwood Military District shall include all the Militia in Great Salt Lake county, south of the south line of Great Salt Lake city and east of the Jordan river. 8th. The Utah Military District shall include all the Militia in Utah county. 9th. The San Pete Military District shall include all the Militia within the limits of San Pete county. 10th. The Pauvan Military District shall include all the Militia within the limits of Millard county. 11th. The Iron Military District shall include all the Militia within the limits of Iron county. 12th. The Green river Military District shall include all the Militia within the limits of Green river county. SEC. 27. Where a Battalion, Regiment, Brigade, or Division, or more, is organized within a Military District, Districts; howthe ranking officer shall have command of the District. But where such an organization does not exist, in conse commanded. |