the citations of a frothy declaimer is sometimes the easiest and most convincing refutation of his speech.
If a trace of partisan bias is betrayed in the thread of narrative which partially unites the successive reports, bills, votes, etc., presented in this work, the error is unintentional and regretted. Our purpose was to compile a record acceptable and convenient to men of all parties, and which might be consulted and trusted by all. Whatever is original herein is regarded as of no use or merit, save as a necessary elucidation of the residue. Without apology, therefore, or further explanation, the Text-Book is commended to the favor of the American public.
NEW-YORK, August let, 1860.
ABOLITION CONV. at Warsaw, N. Y., 1839. ABOLITIONISTS (Garrisonians) for Disunion. 173 ACCEPTANCE of Presidential candidates.... 210 ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, of Massachusetts, President Buffalo Convention, 1848; Nominee of do, for Vice-President.
ADAMS, GOVERNOR, of South Carolina, re- commends in a Message the reopening of the Afri- can Slave-Trade...
ADAMS, JOHN, of Massachusetts, chosen
President 1796-7: Reëlection defeated 1800-1....
ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY, of Massachusetts,
elected President 1824; defeated candidate for
do. 1828...
ALLEN, CHARLES, of Massachusetts, offers Resolve in Whig National Convention, 1848......
1880 and 1881.
ASHMUN, GEORGE, of Massachusetts, Presi-
dent Republican National Convention, 1860.......
ATCHISON, DAVID R., of Missouri, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Convention, 1852 BANKS, NATHANIEL P., of Massachusetts, defeated for Vice-President in Rep. Conv., 1856... Supported for Vice-President in Republican Na- tional Convention, 1860......
BATES, EDWARD, of Missouri, President
Whig National Convention, 1856..
Nicholson Letter on Popular Sovereignty... CHAPMAN, Gen. JOHN G., of Maryland, President, Whig National Convention, 1852.....
CHASE, SALMON P., of Ohio, candidate for
President before Republican National Conven-
tion, 1860...
Proposes to Allow People of Kansas to prohibit
CLAY, CASSIUS M., of Kentucky, supported
for Vice-President in Republican National Con-
vention, 1860...
CLAY, HENRY, of Kentucky, beaten for
President, 1882..
Defeated for President in Whig Convention at
Harrisburg, 1889. Defeated for President in
COCHRANE, JOHN, of New-York, presents Anti-Slavery Resolves to Mass Meetings... CONSTITUTIONAL UNION CONVENTION, 1860 29 CRAWFORD, MARTIN J., for Dissolution 172 CRAWFORD, WILLIAM H., of Georgia, beaten in Democratic Caucus for President in 1816; Democratic Caucus candidate for President, 1824 Beaten for President 1824...
CURRY, J. L. M., of Alabama, for Dissolu-
DALLAS, GEORGE M., of Pennsylvania, nomi-
nated for and elected Vice-President, 1844..
DAVIS, GARRETT, of Kentucky, defeated for
President in the American National Convention...
DAVIS JEFFERSON, of Mississippi, supported,
1860, for President in National Democratic Con-
His resolutions as they passed the Senate...
DAVIS, JOHN, of Massachusetts, defeated for
Vice-President in Whig National Convention, 1844.
DAVIS, JOHN W., of Indiana, President De-
mocratic National Convention, 1852..
DAYTON, WILLIAM L., of New-Jersey, Re-
publican nominee for Vice-President, 1856; de-
feated therefor.....
DONELSON, ANDREW J., of Tennessee, nomi-
nated for Vice-President by American Convention,
Indorsed by Whig National Convention, 1856
DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A., of Illinois, beaten
for President in Democratic Convention, 1852... 20
Beaten for President in Democratic Conven-
tion, 1856.
DOWNS, SOLOMON U., of Louisiana, beaten
for Vice-President in Democratic Convention,
EVERETT, EDWARD, of Massachusetts, Union
candidate for Vice-President in 1860...
His views on Slavery-His "Knapsack" Speech in Congress-Replies of Messrs. Mitchell, Ran dolph and Cambreleng-Mr. Everett on Geo- graphical Parties-Later Views on Slavery, in Letters of 1837 and '89.....
His Acceptance of the Nomination for Vice-
President of the United States....
His views on the Sumner Outrage... ELLMAKER, AMOs, of Pennsylvania, Anti- Masonic candidate for Vice-President, 1882.....
Presidential Elections since 1836...
Aggregate vote by States, for President, from
1824 to 1856.
Alabama vote for President.
JOHNSON, ANDREW, of Tennessee, supported for President in National Democratic Convention :
JOHNSON, HERSCHEL V., of Georgia, beaten
for Vice-President in Democratic National Conven-
tion in 1856..
Nominated for Vice-President by Democratic
National Committee, 1860..
Speech on Slavery in the Territories in 1848 Holds that capital should own the laborer, in a speech at Philadelphia in 1856. His Report affirming the absolute right of holding slaves in the Territories..
JOHNSON, RICHARD M., of Kentucky, beaten in Convention for Vice-President, 1882..
Nominated and elected Vice-President in 1836.. Beaten for Vice-President in 1840.. Beaten for President in Democratic Convention, 1844..
JOHNSON, WILLIAM COST, of Maryland, Pre- sident of Young Men's National Convention.....
JULIAN, GEORGE W., of Indiana, Free De-
mocratic candidate for Vice-President, 1852....
KANSAS OUTRAGES, Report of Howard and
KILLINGER, JOHN W., of Pennsylvania,
offers an Anti-Slavery resolve in the American
Convention, 1856..
KING, LEICESTER, of Ohio, President of Lib-
erty Party National Convention, 1843.....
KING, WILLIAM R., of Alabama, beaten
for Vice-President in Democratic Convention of
Democratic nominee for Vice-President in 1852.
Elected Vice-President in 1852.
LANE, Col. HENRY S., of Indiana, Presi-
dent of the Republican National Convention, 1856.
LANE, Gen. JOSEPH, of Oregon, beaten for
President in Democratic National Convention,
Nominated for Vice-President by Seceders at
Baltimore in 1860....
Accepts nomination....
LAW, GEORGE, of New-York, defeated for
President in American National Convention, 1856.
LAWRENCE, ABBOTT, of Massachusetts, de-
feated for Vice-President in Whig Convention, 1848.
LEAKE, SHELTON F., of Virginia, for Disso-
LEE, HENRY, of Massachusetts, supported
by South Carolina for Vice-President, 1882.......
LEMOYNE, FRANCIS J., of Pennsylvania,
Abolition candidate for Vice-President, 1840......
LETCHER, JOHN (Governor of Virginia), for Dissolution......
LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, of Illinois, defeated for
Vice-President in Republican Convention, 1856...
Nominated for President by Republican Conven-
tion, 1860....
Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 17, 1858
Discussion with Mr. Douglas at Freeport, Ill..
Speech at Cooper Institute, New-York, 1860...
Letter to Boston Committee on the Jefferson
Birthday Festival; Letter to Dr. Canisius on
Accepts nomination for Presidency...
LUCAS, Gen. ROBERT, President first Demo-
cratic National Convention......
MADISON, JAMES, of Virginia, elected Presi- dent 1808, and reëlected in 1812....... MAINE DEMOCRACY FOR THE WILMOT PRO- viso.
MANGUM, WILLIE P., of North Carolina, sup- ported by South-Carolina for President in 1886...
MARCY, WILLIAM L., of New York, beaten
for President in Dem. National Convention, 1852.
nominee for President in 1844.. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN (CLAY) CONVEN- tions, at Baltimore, 1881; at Washington, 1832... NEW-HAMPSHIRE DECLARES FOR THE WILMOT Proviso through Legislative Resolves.... NEW-JERSEY LEGISLATURE FOR FREE TER- ritory
212 NEW-YORK FOR FREEDOM.-Resolutions of the Legislature against Slavery in the Territo- ries in 1820,.....
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