THE CONTEMPORARY REVIEW VOLUME XXVII. DECEMBER, 1875-MAY, 1876 Anchora Spe STRAHAN & CO., PUBLISHERS PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXVII. DECEMBER, 1875. The Pope and Magna Charta. By Cardinal Manning Sea-Lions. By John Willis Clark Walt Whitman's Poems. By Peter Bayne National Education as a National Duty. By Professor Max Müller A Theory of Heredity. By Francis Galton Songs and Legends of Modern Greece. By Lady Verney Wesleyan Methodism in Wesley's Lifetime and After. By the Rev. J. Llewelyn 21 49 70 The Religious and Conservative Aspects of Positivism. By Frederic Harrison. II. 140 Hymnus Responsorius. By the Right. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. JANUARY, 1876. 160 On the Prosent System of Public School Education. By Sir John Lubbock, Bart. 163 Wesleyan Methodism in Wesley's Lifetime and After. By the Rev. J. Llewelyn Goethe and Minna Herzlieb. By Andrew Hamilton Eternal Perdition and Universalism, from a Roman Catholic Point of View. By 171 199 Why have Animals a Nervous System? By Dr. H. Charlton Bastian, F.R.S. Ultramontane Popular Literature. By the Rev. R. F. Littledale, D.C.L. Concordia Sacerdotii Atque Imperii. By Sir George Bowyer, Bart., M.P. Demonolatry, Davil-dancing, and Demoniacal Possession. By Robert C. Caldwell 369 Bishop Butler and the Zeit-Geist. By Matthew Arnold. I. 011 Welsh Legends and Poetry. By Lady Verney Eternal Perdition and Universalism, from a Roman Catholic Point of View. By Science, Testimony, and Miracles. In Reply to Dr. Carpenter. By James Gairdner 440 China, England, and Opium. By Edward Fry, Q.C. 471 |