PAGE. PUBLIC LAWS, (Prior to GENERAL LAWS,) amended, etc. Chap. 728, (May session, 1888,) Woonsocket city charter.... 20 14 14 Gold, bonds and notes of the state, including interest, to be paid in.... 3 4 Harbor line in Providence between Fox Point and railroad bridge at India 11 Hospital corps to be attached to the Brigade R. I. M.............. 6 Insolvent estates, what deemed to be preferred claims against, and order of R. I. First Machine Gun Battery of, appropriation for purchase of 10 National Democratic party, names of candidates of, for presidential electors, Newport, city of, municipal election in, when to be held... authorized to acquire land for park purposes. 3 .14-16 ...16-18 New Shoreham, appropriation for the completion of the breachway into Normal school, state, pupils of, travelling expenses of, to be paid, when.. 4 7 3 authorized to hire $150,000 for completion of work upon Roger Wil- 12 $70,000 for purchase of land, etc., on Eddy St., adjoining city 12-13 $15,000 for erection of a building at Roger Williams Park to be used as a casino... 13 powers of school committee in... 8 Providence, city of, Silver Spring Bleaching and Dyeing Co. authorized to authorized to acquire certain lands for highway purposes from the Silver Spring Bleaching and Dyeing Co. authorized to build and maintain a PAGE. Westerly, town of, authorized to build a highway across the breachway 21 Woonsocket, city of, authorized to take and condemn land for maintaining or increasing the efficiency of its water works..... 18 .19-20 20 |