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fanning the lurid flames of war by day and nightdemanding the extermination of their fellowmenand running riot over our present carnival of death in America! O! horror of horrors!

And the words, "repeat our old and unalterable testimony in circumstances which encourage the hope of the speedy termination of slavery," are as misplaced and delusive as the bottles of comfort are mischievous when viewed in connection with the Methodist Episcopal, or any other branch of the Church of Christ in America, since all have abandoned the moral for the military, and have been smitten with judicial blindness and hardness of heart.

And to spring a mine of feeling in favour of the Federals amongst the people of this country, President Thornton says, "there is a hearty veneration for Great Britain in Republican America." In vain, however, do we look for this in the silent contempt with which the memorials of your religious bodies have been treated when addressed to their fellow Christians in America; one of which, even without the formality of being read, was thrown under the table of the Methodist conference, held in Buffalo, 1860, by the magnates of that body; and that one addressed to them by a no less respectable body of Christians than the Wesleyans in England. According to the testimony of Earl Grey, in a speech which he made in the British House of Commons on the eve of the present war breaking out in America, we find that he makes severe complaints against the insulting de

meanour of the administrators of the Federal government, towards England; consequently we find no "hearty veneration" there. Our researches will be fruitless if we look into our American school books, histories, books of travel written by American authors, or religious literature. In the vast bulk of the above, we shall find any thing and everything but the above. And we beg to remind President Thornton and those who hold similar views with him, that such is not our own conviction, and we claim to have some right to have our say on this subject, both from long and painful experience, and extended observation. In confirmation of the above the reader will find ample proof in our letter addressed to the Leeds Mercury, from St. Paul, Minnesota, July 4th, 1855, contained in the preface to our book, American States and Churches, with the comments thereon of Edward Baines Esq., M.P., and in a letter written on our behalf by Edward Gilbert, Esq. of New York, and endorsed by Dr. Cheever, published at the close of our first edition of the above work, he says, "I know of no reason for the proscription which has been meted out to Mr. Balme, socially and ecclesiastically, except that he is an abolitionist and by birth an Englishman." And the correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, Augustus M. De Sala, in a letter written from New York, July 4, 1864, says "You are all at home, of course, aware that when this hurly-burly in the States is over, we English people, we perfidious, base, and brutal Britishers, are to be whipped.' Yes, sir, that

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is the word, Whipped.' John Bull had better bare his shoulders, and adjust his wrists to the triangles at once. The lictors are binding their rods, the drummers are combing their cats, the birch is in pickle, and the blood knots are tying. This time it is not Parson Brownlow, but millions, who utter the threat. So soon as the Confederates have been whipped,' our turn is to come. Maximillian and the French Protectorate in Mexico may even be let alone for a time, but there is to be no respite for John Bull. That wicked old man is to suffer, come what may. The piracies of the Alabama are to be brought home to him. Those rams which Messrs. Laird built for the French merchants, likewise for the Pasha of Egypt, also for the Sheikh of the Soudan, perhaps for the Caliph Haroun Alraschid, peradventure for the Prophet Mahomet, but always for the Confederate Government-those most flagitious rams are to lie heavy on his soul. The Federal commerce having suffered from the depredations of Captains Semmes, Maffitt, and Maury-principally because the Federal navy has been locked up in trying to maintain an impossible blockade, and the Federal Monitors won't float, and the Federal ocean ironclads can't go to sea, and Mr. Gideon Welles, the Secretary of the Federal Navy, won't do anything but sleep, and concede questionable contracts, and sit for a portrait of the Prophet Jeremiah in a spun-glass beard-and the American commercial flag having come to grief on the high seas, compensation and apology will be demanded from the British


Government. In case of refusal, we are to have war. War to the bitter end-war to the red-hot stump! Vermont and Maine will seize upon Canada-Myers of Rouse's Point, leading the van of invaders perchance. Admirals Farragut and Dupont will gobble up the West Indies; the Fenian Brotherhood will. take care of Ireland-and British shipping will be swept from the seas by Yankee privateers out of New York and Boston. In a word, our atrocious violations of neutrality are to meet at last retribution and vengeance.


And as we find no veneration of the whites born in old England; even so we find no veneration of the blacks who are British subjects. Out of many cases that may be given to illustrate the above, we will confine ourselves to the following, given in the Daily Telegraph, July 22, "The Rev. W. S. Kinnaird has the misfortune to wear a dark hue on his skin. was born in the State of Delaware, a slave, but his owner set him free. He went to Canada, became a British subject, and this summer was accredited as a delegate to the Methodist Episcopal Church, then holding its quadrennial session in Philadelphia. The envoy from the British provinces was very cordially received by his brethren in the City of Brotherly Love, and, as was natural, thought he would take a trip to his native Delaware before he went home again. Now, the State of Delaware is the smallest in the American Union. It has enjoyed considerable notoriety as the last State to retain the brutal practice of

flogging women, and not many years since scandalised the entire Union by sentencing a white female to receive thirty-nine lashes well laid on.' Little Delaware is very loyal, but has not yet abolished slavery within its confines-in fact, it is, in many respects as far behind the age as the State of New Jersey, which the New Yorkers contemptuously declare not to be in the Union at all, and where the Dutch and Swedish farmers are said, when a presidential election comes round, invariably to vote for Andrew Jackson, ignoring all other candidates whatsoever. In little Delaware there is a law forbidding any negro to sojourn in the State under a penalty of fifty dollars. Very soon after his arrival at Camden, in Delaware, the Rev. Mr. Kinnaird was arrested, proved to have contravened the law by being born black, and fined fifty dollars and costs. He had not the money by him to pay this mulct, whereupon the hospitable Delawarians sold this clergyman and British subject at public auction. Fortunately for himself he was bought by the brother of the person who had formerly emancipated him. This good Samaritan gave a bond to the authorities for his leaving the State within three days, and took Mr. Kinnaird's bill for the payment of the expenses he had incurred on his behalf a bill which the Episcopal Methodists of Canada will doubtless be delighted to honour. Mr. Kinnaird has very properly laid his case before Lord Lyons, who has, of course, complained to Mr. Seaward, and that delightful minister will doubtless confer great benefit on the

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