dom put down by the national arms in the arsenal at Harper's Ferry; the President declaring that the constitution carries slavery wherever it goes, thus rightly interpreting the Supreme Court. Thus has this Union, by making itself the tool of oppression, by outraging human instincts, by mocking every cry of humanity, plunged its fangs into its own vitals. It has made treason heroic." The traitorous element in this movement will excite a smile wherever it is mentioned-nobody will feel an indignant throb at the wrong done the Union, so far has our land been prostituted to base purposes. The deeper heart of the people will say, "No, the Government has made its bed, now let it lie thereon." And when speaking of the "so-called Christian church," Conway in the same sermon said, "The blood of their slain brother cries out against it from the earth this day. The church it is to which was entrusted the oppressed and wronged man through all time. In the Christian temple Jesus himself had hung up the living pictures of the Samaritan bending over the wounded Jew of the stranger, hungry, naked, and sick, who was there at the door with the halo of a Christ about his head; all ministry to him being ministry to Christ. And when we see through all this fearful struggle, the miserable cowardice, the essential infidelity of the church ministers crouching before prejudice and ignorance, haggling about the slavery under Moses, or the word doulos,' when God's immortal children lie mangled under their very altars— see this in men to whom the sceptre of God over man is given when they have courage to wield it, who can smother in his heart the ancient cry, O God, the heathen are come into thy inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem in heaps. The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of heaven, the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth.' And William Lloyd Garrison, in a lecture called the Infidelity of Abolitionism,' has declared that Christian and Infidel, Calvinist and Universalist, Trinitarian and Unitarian, Episcopalian and Methodist, Baptist and Swedenborgian, Old School and New School Presbyterian, Orthodox and Hicksite Quaker, all are infected by the complexional caste called 'negrophobia,' and equally ready to make an innocent natural distinction the badge of eternal infamy and a warrant for the most cruel proscription." In view of the facts stated above, what nation ever presented a picture of guilt more debasing,-more ready for destruction, or that demanded the avenging justice of the Almighty? Amidst such apostacy, what could a few despised, persecuted, ostracised, and calumniated abolitionists do in grappling with those great distinctive sins and crimes to which we have referred in America ? Slavery and negro or colourphobia, with their oligarchies enthroned on the rotten stumps of the churches and states, hurled us from their presence with contemptuous disdain, and brandished over us their terrible instruments of torture and death-a thing which would have been utterly impossible had the grand liberty clauses in the Declaration of Independence, and constitution, been recognised or applied by political men; or the word of God, in reliance upon the Almighty for His blessing, had been taken by our five millions of avowed disciples and made known in their primary elements regarding the inalienable rights of our fellow-men morally, socially, politically, and religiously; and those monstrous evils and crimes which have had inscribed on their bronzed faces the words "non comeatibus" would not have required the more terrible agencies of God's retributive providences to effect their destruction, so that the calamities which have befallen us are the fault of our government, churches, and people. Again, seeing that reigning sins and crimes in America have been “non comeatibus," by divinely appointed agencies and instrumentalities, in consequence of a fearful abuse of trust can Northern men who have been the chief instruments in perverting the consciences of our fellowmen, corrupting their morals, and destroying the mounds of all authority, whether human or divine, by a systematic course of cunning and fraud, and from a love of the "almighty dollar" so called, of conquest, and a blind or superstitious veneration of the Union;-can such men be instrumental in subduing the South, or in keeping them in subjection when conquered? For four years there has been a furious antagonism between the Federals and Confederates; every injury has been inflicted that human ingenuity could devise, with the most improved means of deadly warfare in their pursuit of each other through fieldibus, across creekums, in swampums, and up stumpums, and yet to-day the Confederates still hurl defiance at their Federal foes, whilst their subjugation seems more distant than ever. How humiliating it must be for our Northern people to contemplate, that more bones whiten the soil of the battle fields in the South, made red with blood from the boasted "Israelitish army of the North," than the so-called "Egyptian army of the South!" And how mortifying it must be for one Federal force after another to have to return from the battle fields of the South without their boasted prey, to proclaim in the ears of political demagogues and blood-thirsty war crusaders in the churches the unwelcome message, "non comeatibus" in the pathway of victory or success. But supposing that with the increased facilities of our Northern people in obtaining men and means to carry on their bloody strife, in consequence of your one-sided neutrality in this country, they should succeed in subjugating the South, they could never make them pull together politically with the bayonet ; but it is urged that liberty would be planted with the bayonet, and the golden rule enthroned by blood; consequently, say they, these things will counterbalance the fearful loss of life and treasure, and the increased taxation and burdens under which future generations will groan as the result thereof; and, therefore, fire and sword, suffering and slaughter, death and destruction, must not be allowed for a moment to weigh against their mad schemes of ambition, rapine, revenge, and wholesale murder! Where, oh, where are the principles that the old martyrs developed and proved to be more powerful than all the battering rams or engines of military science ever invented by man, to be found amid such fanaticism as the above? Are they brought to the world's surface full of life, love, faith, or beauty on the basis of the new-fangled theory, so recently discovered or put forth, that "war is the expression of moral force?" And can we point to men such as Lincoln, Sumner, Beecher, or any of their co-patriots who subscribe their oaths to constitutional documents under the avowed expression of belief that they endorse slavery; proclaim to the world that they are governed by no fixed principles, but by indispensable military necessity; and confess before the universe, like President Lincoln in his letter, dated Executive Mansion, Washington, April 4, 1864, "that events control them?" Can we look to such men, or to those who aid or abet them, for "unselfishness, moral grandeur, strong sense, indisputable probity, or a lovely modesty almost amounting to bashfulness?" What, then, has become of the oldfashioned principles so dear to the martyrs? Are they dead and buried beneath the conventionalities of society, or do we find them illustrated in the heroworship of the age in which we live? If so, would the omnipotence of abstract principle or the might and power of moral force be abandoned for brute |