utes of 1895, relating to school lands and funds, to prevent the further sale of school lands, and to repeal said original chapter 80, Compiled Statutes of 1895.....
72. Senate File No. 287-An act to amend section 3 of article 2, chap- ter 83, of the Compiled Statutes of 1895, regulating the fees of the office of Secretary of State, and to repeal said section as now existing......
73. Senate File No. 187-An act to amend sections 6 and 7 of chapter 83, article 8, of the Compiled Statutes of the state of Nebraska of 1895, entitled "Claims Against the State".
74. House Roll No. 575-An act to amend section two (2) of article twelve (12) of chapter eighty-three (83) of the Compiled Stat- utes of 1895, being general section 5081 thereof, and to repeal said original section..
75. House Roll No. 342-An act to provide for the administration of the state penitentiary and the government thereof and of the prisoners therein, and to repeal chapter eighty-six (86) of the Compiled Statutes of 1895.....
76. House Roll No. 233-An act to consolidate into a single, sepa- rate fund moneys collected for various purposes from students of the University of Nebraska; and to appropriate said moneys to specific uses, and to provide a more efficient management and a uniform method for the disbursement of the same...... 343
77. House Roll No. 209-An act to direct the application and pay- ment of certain monies received by the State Treasurer annu- ally, under an act of congress approved August 30, 1890, com- monly known as the "Morrill Fund," in aid of the Industrial College of the University of Nebraska.......
78. House Roll No. 203-An act to provide for the erection of a wing of a building upon the university grounds, in Lincoln, Ne- braska, as a part of the permanent improvements of the Col- lege of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts of the State Uni- versity; and to appropriate money for that purpose........... 346
79. Senate File No. 330-An act to define trusts and conspiracies against trade and business, declaring the same unlawful and void, and providing means for the suppression of the same and remedies for persons injured thereby, and to provide punish- ment for violations of this act, and to repeal chapter ninety- one a (91a), entitled "Trusts," of the Compiled Statutes of Ne- braska for the year 1895.......
80. House Roll No. 456-An act to prohibit combinations among grain elevator men, and to prohibit any person, company, partnership, association, or corporation engaged in the busi-
ness of grain dealing, or owning or operating any grain ele- vator, or in the buying, selling, handling, consigning, or trans- porting grain from entering into any understanding, contract, agreement, or combination with any other person, company, partnership, association, or corporation to form, enter into, maintain, or contribute to any trust, pool, combination, or association, of whatever name, having for any of its objects the prevention of competition among buyers, sellers, or dealers in grain, not members of, or not doing business through, such trust, pool, combination, or association, by means of prevent- ing such persons from finding a market for their grain, and by intimidating and preventing purchasers and exporters from buying from any person, not a member of and not doing busi- less through such trust, pool, combination, or association; and to provide a penalty for the violations of this act......... 352
81. Senate File No. 2-An act to prevent combinations between fire insurance companies, and providing penalties therefor........ 354
82. House Roll No. 23-An act to amend sections thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) of chapter ninety-two (92) of the Compiled Stat- utes of Nebraska of 1895, entitled "Warehousemen," and to repeal said sections as now existing...
83 Senate File No. 94-An act authorizing county treasurers to in- vest an amount not to exceed seventy-five per cent of the sink- ing fund in their respective counties in registered warrants of the county, at their face value...
84. House Roll No. 261-An act to prohibit the useless waste of mutual artesian water in the state of Nebraska..
85. Senate File No. 305-An act to amend section forty-five (45) of article two (2) of chapter ninety-three a (93a), entitled "Water Rights and Irrigation," of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1895, and to repeal said section as now existing... 359
86. House Roll No. 73-An act to amend sections 5514, 5526, 5527, 5529, 5530, 5533, 5536, and 5538 of the Compiled Statutes of Ne- braska of the year 1895, and to repeal said sections........... 360
87. House Roll No. 69-An act to provide for public scales and the appointment of a weighmaster....
88. House Roll No. 93-An act to provide for the participation by the state of Nebraska in the Trans-Mississippi and Interna- tional Exhibition, to be held in the city of Omaha, state of Ne- braska, in the year 1898; for the appointment of a state board of directors by the governor, and to authorize the governor to fill any vacancy occurring among the said six state directors; to provide for a notification by the governor, to provide for
the fixing of said compensation of each member of said board and for the limitation of time for which they shall be paid; to provide for a state exhibit at said exposition; to define the duties of the board of directors in relation thereto, for the payment of salary to each director, and for the appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars; to provide that said state board of directors shall have control of the expenditure of said appropriation; to provide for the organization of the state board of directors; to provide for what purpose the said appro- priation shall be expended; to provide for the presentation, auditing, approval, and payment of claims arising from the expenditures of said board; to fix the place where said board of directors shall conduct their business; to provide for a rec- ord of their acts, doings, and expenditures; to provide for the sale of the property after the close of the exposition......... 367
89. House Roll No. 313-An act to amend section two hundred and sixty-nine (269) of chapter five (5), title VIII, Code of Civil Procedure, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1895, and to repeal said section so amended...
90. House Roll No. 134-An act providing for the sale upon execu- tion of stock in corporations, and designating the manner of levy thereupon under executions and writs of attachment..... 371
91. House Roll No. 42-An act to enable irrigation districts that have no outstanding indebtedness to discontinue their organi- zation
92. House Roll No. 304-An act to amend section six hundred twelve (612) of title XVII, Code of Civil Procedure, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1895, and to repeal said section so amended...... 373
93. Senate File No. 6-An act to amend section 661 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and to repeal said section as now existing, and declaring an emergency....
94. House Roll No. 140-An act to provide for the adoption of minor children, and to repeal sections 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, and 801 of chapter two (2), title twenty-five (25), of the Code of Civil Procedure of the state of Nebraska....
95. Senate File No. 108-An act to repeal sections 847 and 849 of the Code of Civil Procedure, relating to deficiency judgments, and to amend section 848 of said Code of Civil Procedure by strik- ing out the last five words of said section, namely, "Unless authorized by the court".
96. House Roll No. 311-An act to amend section eight hundred and ninety-eight (898) of chapter four (4), title XXIX, Code of Civil Procedure, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1895, and to repeal said section so amended..
97. House Roll No. 67-An act to amend section 48, chapter 8, of the Criminal Code of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of the year 1895....
98. Senate File No. 105-An act relating to the protection of game.. 380 99. Senate File No. 264-An act to provide against the adulteration of food, prohibiting the sale or offering for sale of adulterated food, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof........ 386
100. House Roll No. 144-An act relating to disinterring, mutilat- ing, dissecting, exposing, receiving, concealing, or otherwise intermeddling with dead human bodies, aiding and assisting in the doing of the same, declaring the same to be unlawful and a crime, defining the crime thereof and providing for its punishment, and repealing sections 244 and 245 of chapter 23 of the Criminal Code of the state of Nebraska....
101. House Roll No. 32-An act to prevent and suppress the use and sale of cigarettes or cigarette paper to minors under the age of twenty-one, and to provide a penalty for the violation of the same....
102. House Roll No. 53-An act to provide for the payment of mem- bers, officers, and employes of the twenty-fifth session of the legislature
103. House Roll No. 256-An act to provide for the payment of the incidental expenses incurred during the twenty-fifth session of the legislature......
104. House Roll No. 532-An act to appropriate money to defray the expenses of investigating the executive offices of the state of Nebraska, and the several state institutions under their con- trol
105. House Roll No. 631-An act making an appropriation for the payment of miscellaneous items of indebtedness owing by the state of Nebraska....
106. House Roll No. 630-An act making an appropriation for the payment of miscellaneous items of indebtedness owing by the state of Nebraska..
Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Grand Island, and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Milford....
108. House Roll No. 614-An act making appropriation for current expenses of the state government for the years ending March 31, 1898, and March 31, 1899, and to pay the miscellaneous items of indebtedness owing by the state of Nebaska.......... 431
109. House Roll No. 5-An act to recount the ballots cast on the con- stitutional amendment relating to the judges of the supreme court and their term of office on November 3, 1896, to compare said ballots, declare the result, and fix penalty for violation of the provisions of this act....
110. Senate File No. 382-An act to provide for the recount of the ballots cast on November 3, 1896, on the consti ational amend- ment relating to judges of the supreme court and their term of office, to ascertain the total number of votes cast at said election for senators and representatives, and to declare the result of the vote cast on said constitutional amendment, and to repeal an act entitled "An act to recount the ballots cast on the constitutional amendment relating to the judges of the supreme court and their term of office on November 3, 1896, to compare said ballots, declare the result, and fix the penalty for the violation of this act," approved February 20, 1897...... 447
111. House Roll No. 185-An act to legalize the acts of the clerk of the county of Buffalo in issuing certificates upon the treasurer of said county for bounty claims for the destruction of striped ground squirrels and gray squirrels, and the acts of the treas- urer of said county in registering and paying said certificates out of the general fund of said county, and to authorize and direct the county board of said county to audit, allow, and pay out of the general fund of said county all such unpaid certificates as were issued on or before the 21st day of June,
112. House Roll No. 72-An act to provide for the relief of Burt county, Nebraska......
113. House Roll No. 15-An act for the relief of Boyd county, Ne- braska, and to appropriate four thousand eight hundred and twenty-three dollars ($4,823.00) to said county...
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