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person or persons operating the same, and regulating all
charges thereof, and providing penalties for the violation

9. House Roll No. 310-An act to amend sections thirteen (13) and
thirty-five (35) of an act entitled "An act to establish a state
banking board, to define and designate state banks and to
regulate said state banks, whether commercial or savings; to
provide for a secretary of the state banking board and state
bank examiners, and define their duties and provide for their
compensation; to require corporations, partnerships, firms,
and individuals transacting a banking business to make re-
ports and statements under oath to the state banking board,
and publish the same, of all their resources and liabilities; to
provide for the examination of the affairs of all state banks;
to fix a minimum capital; to provide for the issuing of char-
ters by the banking board; to provide for the appointment of
receivers; to make it unlawful for insolvent state banks to
receive déposits, and provide for penalty; to fix the liability
of stockholders in banking corporations in this state and pro-
viding for enforcement of such liability; to provide penalty
for banks and bank officers, directors, clerks, or employes
making false statements, entries, and representations, and fal-
sifying books of such banks; to make it unlawful for officers,
directors, or employes to borrow the funds of the bank, except
under certain conditions, and to provide a penalty; to provide
a penalty for failure of banks to make reports and statements
required, and to repeal chapter 37, Session Laws, 1889, entitled
"Banking," and all other acts and parts of acts inconsistent
with this act, approved April 8, 1895, being sections thirteen
(13) and thirty-five (35) of chapter eight (8), entitled "Banks,"
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1895, and to repeal said sec-
tions so amended...

10. Senate File No. 15-An act incorporating metropolitan cities,
and defining, prescribing, and regulating their duties, powers,
and governments, and to repeal an act entitled "An act incor-
porating metropolitan cities, and defining, regulating, and pre-
scribing their duties, powers, and government," approved
March 30, 1887, and all acts amendatory thereof, being chapter
12a of the seventh edition of the Compiled Statutes of the state
of Nebraska (edition of 1895), entitled "Cities of the Metro-
politan Class"..

11. Senate File No. 381-An act amending section 123 of an act enti-
tled "An act incorporating metropolitan cities, and defining,
prescribing, and regulating their duties, powers, and govern-
ment," and to repeal an act entitled "An act incorporating






metropolitan cities, and defining, regulating, and prescribing
their duties, powers, and government," approved March 30,
1887, and all acts amendatory thereof, being chapter 12a of
the seventh edition of the Compiled Statutes of the state of
Nebraska (edition 1895), entitled "Cities of the Metropolitan
Class," passed and approved March 15, 1897, and to repeal said
original section 123 of said act.........

12. House Roll No. 653-An act to validate renewal bonds issued by
cities of the metropolitan class for the purpose of taking up
and renewing bonds of such cities..

13. Senate File No. 157-An act prohibiting persons, partnerships,
and corporations from furnishing to officers in cities or vil-
lages in this state any gaslight, electric light, or other arti-
ficial light, water or water service, telephone or telephone
service, or free transportation over street railway lines, or
upon street cars, in such cities or villages, free of charge, or at
a price less than is charged for similar services to other cus-
tomers, and prohibiting officers in such cities and villages
from accepting any of such services free of charge, or at a
price less than is charged other customers for similar services,
providing punishment for violations thereof, and providing
for compelling attendance and testimony of witnesses and
production of books, papers, and documentary evidence in
prosecutions thereunder.....

14. Senate File No. 176-An act to amend sections three (3), eight
(8), nine (9), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen
(14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18),
twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-six (26), twenty-eight
(28), twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-three
(33), thirty-seven (37), thirty-eight (38), fifty (50), sixty-four
(64), sixty-five (65), sixty-seven (67), sixty-nine (69), seventy
(70), seventy-one (71), seventy-eight (78), eighty (80), eighty-
three (83), ninety-one (91), and one hundred and fifteen (115),
chapter 13a of article 1 of the Compiled Statutes of 1895, for
the government of cities of the first class having more than
twenty-five thousand and less than one hundred thousand in-
habitants, and to repeal section ten (10), and repeal said
original sections and all amendments thereto, and all acts and
parts of acts inconsistent with this act....





15. House Roll No. 302-An act to amend subdivision LIX of section
fifty-two (52) of article two (2) of chapter fourteen (14), relat-
ing to cities of the second class and villages, cities of the sec-
ond class over 5,000 inhabitants, Compiled Statutes of Ne-
braska, 1895, and to repeal said section so amended........... 179



16. House Roll No. 255-An act to amend section 19, chapter 16
(being general section 1694), of the Compiled Statutes of 1895,
and to repeal said original section, and to add thereto pro-
visions relating to the holding of property in trust for pur-
poses of theological education, and to provide for enforcement
of said trust and the administration thereof.......

17. Senate File No. 145-An act to require the right of way of all
railroads in the state of Nebraska to be mowed each year be-
tween the fifteenth day of July and the fifteenth day of
August, and providing a manner of causing the same to be
done in all cases, when the company or corporation owning or
operating a railroad over said right of way shall neglect or
refuse to cause the same to be done.......



18. House Roll No. 479-An act to amend section 126 of chapter 16
of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska of 1895, and to repeal
said section and section 127 of said act as now existing....... 184

19. House Roll No. 267-An act to prohibit corporations from con-
tributing money or means to influence or control electors, and
to punish a violation of the law.......


20. House Roll No. 102-An act to incorporate the Order of the
Eastern Star, the right to acquire, hold, and dispose of any
and all property, sue and be sued in any court of justice..... 186

21. House Roll No. 61-An act to amend section two (2) of chapter
twenty-six (26) of the Session Laws of the state of Nebraska
for the year 1895, and to repeal said section two (2)......... 186

22. Senate File No. 136-An act to amend section one (1) of chapter
27, Laws of 1895, entitled "An act to levy a tax to create a
special fund for the purpose of erecting a court house and
other public buildings," and to repeal the said section as it
now exists...

23. House Roll No. 175-An act to amend sections eighteen, nine-
teen, and twenty of chapter 18, article 3, Compiled Statutes of
1895, and to amend sections 3b and 3c, chapter 83, article 13,
Compiled Statutes of 1895, and to repeal said original sec-

24. House Roll No. 578-An act to authorize counties to participate
in interstate expositions, to issue bonds for such purpose, and
to provide for a tax for the payment of such bonds...




25. House Roll No. 450-An act to create a municipal court in cities
of the metropolitan class, and to fix and define the organiza-
tion, powers, and jurisdiction of the same....


26. House Roll No. 283-An act defining the purpose and providing

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