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Answer. I came from South-Carolina.
Question. Have you been a slave?
Answer. Yes, sir.

Daniel Tyler, (colored,) private, company B, Sixth United States heavy artillery, sworn and examined.

By Mr. Gooch:

Question. Where were you raised?
Answer. In Mississippi.

Question. Have you been a slave?

Answer. Yes, sir.

around and came down to the river-bank, and got on the gunboat.

Question. How did you lose your eye? Answer. They knocked me down with a carbine, and then they jabbed it out.

Question. Was that before you were shot?
Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. After you had surrendered? Answer. Yes, sir; I was going up the hill; a man came down and met me; he had his gun in his hand, and whirled it around and knocked me down, and then took the end of his carbine and

Question. Were you in Fort Pillow at the time jabbed it in my eye, and shot me. it was captured by the rebels?

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Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. When were you wounded?

Answer. I was wounded after we all surren

dered; not before.

Question. At what time?

Answer. They shot me when we came up the

hill from down by the river.

Question. Why did you go up the hill?

Answer. They called me up.

Question. Did you see who shot you?

Answer. Yes, sir; I did not know him.

Question. One of the rebels?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. How near was he to you?

Question. Were any of their officers about there then?

Answer. I did not see any officers.

Question. Were any white men buried with


Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Were any buried alive?

Answer. I heard that one white man was buried alive; I did not see him.

Question. Who said that?

Answer. A young man; he said they ought not to have done it. He staid in there all night; I do not know as he ever got out.

John Haskins, (colored,) private, company B,

Answer. I was right at him; I had my hand Sixth United States heavy artillery, sworn and on the end of his gun.

Question. What did he say to you?

Answer. He said: "Whose gun are you holding?" I said: "Nobody's." He said, "God damn you, I will shoot you," and then he shot me. I let go, and then another one shot me.

Question. Were many shot at the same time? Answer. Yes, sir, lots of them; lying all round like hogs.

Question. Did you see any one burned?
Answer. No, sir.

Question. Did you see any body buried alive?
Answer. Nobody but me.

Question. Were you buried alive?


By Mr. Gooch:

Question. Were you at Fort Pillow when it was captured?

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Question. Did you see any body else killed after they had surrendered?

Answer. A great many; I could not tell how

Answer. Yes, sir; they thought they had killed me. I lay there till about sundown, when they threw us in a hollow, and commenced throw-many. ing dirt on us.

Question. Did you say any thing?

Answer. No, sir; I did not want to speak to them. I knew if I said any thing they would kill me. They covered me up in a hole; they covered me up, all but one side of my head. I heard them say they ought not to bury a man who was alive. I commenced working the dirt away, and one of the secesh made a young one dig me out. They dug me out, and I was carried not far off to a fire.

Question. How long did you stay there? Answer. I staid there that night and until the next morning, and then I slipped off. I heard them say the niggers had to go away from there before the gunboat came, and that they would kill the niggers. The gunboat commenced shelling up there, and they commenced moving off I heard them up there shooting. They wanted me to go with them, but I would not go. I turned

Question. Did they say why they killed our men after they had surrendered? Answer. No, sir.

Question. How many did you see killed after they surrendered?

Answer. Six or eight right around me, who could not get into the water as I did; I heard them shooting above, too.

Question. Did they strip and rob those they killed?

Answer. Yes, sir; they ran their hands in my pockets-they thought I was dead-they did all in the same way.

Question. What time were you shot?
Answer. After four o'clock.

Question. How long after you had surrendered? Answer. Just about the time we ran down the hill.

Question. Did you have any arms in your hands when you were shot?

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Question. How long have you been in the before me, because they were small. I never army?

Answer. About two months.

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saw folks shot down so in my life.

By Mr. Gooch:

Question. Do you know of any body being

buried alive?

Answer. No, sir.

Question. Do you know of any one being burned?

Answer. They had a whole parcel of them in a house, and I think they burned them. The house was burned up, and I think they burned them in it.

Question. Were the men in the house colored men ?

A. No, sir. The rebels never would have got

Question. When were you wounded-before the advantage of us if it had not been for the or after you surrendered?

Answer. Before.

Question. What happened to you after you were wounded?

Answer. I went down the hill after we surrendered; then they came down and shot me again in my face, breaking my jaw-bone.

Question. How near was the man to you? Answer. He shot me with a revolver, about ten or fifteen feet off.

Question. What happened to you then? Answer. I laid down, and a fellow came along and turned me over and searched my pockets and took my money. He said: "God damn his old soul; he is sure dead now; he is a big, old, fat fellow."

Question. How long did you lay there?
Answer. About two hours.

Question. Then what was done with you? Answer. They made some of our men carry me up the hill to a house that was full of white men. They made us lie out doors all night, and said that the next morning they would have the doctor fix us up. I went down to a branch for some water, and a man said to me, "Old man, if you stay here they will kill you, but if you get into the water till the boat comes along they

houses built there, and which made better breastworks for them than we had. The major would not let us burn the houses in the morning. If they had let us burn the houses in the morning, I do not believe they would ever have whipped us out of that place.

Manuel Nichols, (colored,) private, company B, Sixth United States heavy artillery, sworn and examined.

By Mr. Gooch:

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Question. Where were you shot?

Answer. In the head first, then in the shoulder, then in my right wrist; and then in the head again, about half an hour after that.

Question. How many men shot at you? Answer. One shot at me three times, and then a lieutenant shot at me.

Question. Did they say any thing when they

fellows come here they will kill us." I was lying
on my right side, leaning on my elbow. One of
the black soldiers went into the house where the
white soldiers were. I asked him if there was
any water in there, and he said yes; I wanted
some, and took a stick and tried to get to the
house. I did not get to the house. Some of
them came along, and saw a little boy belong-
ing to company D. One of them had his mus-shot you?
ket on his shoulder, and shot the boy down.
He said: "All you damned niggers come out
of the house; I am going to shoot you." Some
of the white soldiers said: "Boys, it is only
death, any how; if you don't go out they will
come in and carry you out." My strength
seemed to come to me as if I had never
been shot, and I jumped up and ran down the
hill. I met one of them coming up the hill; he
said, "Stop!" but I kept on running. As I
jumped over the hill, he shot me through the
right arm.

Question. How many did you see them kill after they had surrendered?

Answer. After I surrendered I did not go down the hill. A man shot me under the ear, and I fell down and said to myself: "If he don't shoot me any more this won't hurt me." One of their officers came along and hallooed, "Forrest says no quarter! no quarter!" and the next one hallooed: "Black flag! black flag!"

Question. What did they do then?

Answer. They kept on shouting. I could hear them down the hill.

Question. Did you see them bury any body? Answer. Yes, sir; they carried me around right to the corner of the Fort, and I saw them pitch men in there.

Question. Was there any alive?

Answer. I did not see them bury any body alive.

Question. How near to you was the shot you under the ear?

man who Answer. Right close to my head. When I was shot in the side, a man turned me over, and took my pocket-knife and pocket-book. I had some of these brass things that looked like cents. They said: "Here's some money; here's some money." I said to myself: "You got fooled that time."

Arthur Edwards, (colored,) private, company C, Sixth United States heavy artillery, sworn and examined.

By the Chairman:

Question. Where were you raised?

Answer. In Mississippi.

Answer. No, sir, only I asked them not to shoot me, and they said: "God damn you, you are fighting against your master."

Question. How near was the man to you when he shot you?

Answer. He squatted down, and held his pistol close to my head.

Question. How near was the officer to you when he shot you?

Answer. About five or ten feet off; he was sitting on his horse.

Question. Who said you were fighting against your master?

Answer. The man that shot me.

Question. What did the officer say?

Answer. Nothing but "You God damned nigger." A captain told him not to do it, but he did not mind him; he shot me, and run off on his horse.

Question. Did you see the captain?

Answer. Yes, sir; he and the captain were side by side.

Question. Did you know the captain?
Answer. No, sir.

Q. How long did you stay there?
Answer. Until next morning about nine o'clock.
Question. How did you get away?

Auswer. When the gunboat commenced shelling I went down the hill, and staid there until they carried down a flag of truce. Then the gunboat came to the bank, and a secesh lieutenant made us go down to such a place, and told us to go no further, or we would get shot again. Then the gunboat men came along to bury the dead, and told us to go on the boat.

Question. Did you see any body shot after they had surrendered, besides yourself?

Answer. Yes, sir; they shot one right by me, and lots of the Thirteenth Tennessee cavalry. Question. After they had surrendered ? Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Do you know whether any were buried alive?

Answer. Not that I saw.

Question. Did you see any body buried?
Answer. No, sir.

Question. Did you see any body shot the day

Question. Were you in Fort Pillow when it after the fight?

was taken?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Tell what you saw there?

Answer. I was shot after I surrendered.

Question. When?

Answer. About half-past four o'clock.

Question. Where were you when you were shot?

Answer. I was lying down behind a log.

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Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Where did you enlist?
Answer. In Tennessee.

Question. Were you in the fight at Fort Pillow?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. What did you see done there after the fight was over?

Answer. I saw nothing, only the boys run down the hill, and they came down and shot them.

Question. Were you wounded before or after you surrendered?

Answer. After the surrender, about five o'clock.

Question. Did you have your gun in your hands when you were wounded?

Answer. No, sir; I threw my gun into the river.

Question. How did they come to shoot you? Answer. I was in the water, and a man came down and shot me with a revolver.

Question. Did you see those on the hill shot by the officers ?

Answer. I saw two of them shot.
Question. What officers were they?

Answer. I don't know whether he was a lieutenant or captain.

Question. Did the men who were shot after they had surrendered have arms in their hands? Answer. No, sir; they threw down their arms. Question. Did you see any shot the next morning?

Answer. I saw two shot; one was shot by an officer- he was standing, holding the officer's horse, and when the officer came and got his horse he shot him dead. The officer was setting fire to the houses.

Question. Do you say the man was holding the officer's horse, and when the officer came and took his horse he shot the man down?

Answer. Yes, sir; I saw that with my own eyes; and then I made away into the river, right off.

Question. Did you see any buried?

Answer. Yes, sir; a great many, black and


Question. Did you see any buried alive?
Answer. I did not see any buried alive.

Question. Did you see any body else shot?
Answer. Yes, sir; right smart of them, in an
old coal-boat. I saw one man start up the bank
after he was shot in the arm, and then a fellow
knocked him back into the river with his car-
bine, and then shot him. I did not go up the
hill after I was shot. I laid in the water like I
was dead until night, and then I made up a fire
and dried myself, and staid there till the gun-ined.
boat came along.

Question. Did they shoot you more than once?
Answer. No, sir.

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Aaron Fentis, (colored,) company D, Sixth United States heavy artillery, sworn and exam

By the Chairman:

Question. Where were you from?
Answer. Tennessee.

Question. Have you been a slave?
Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Where did you enlist?
Answer. At Corinth.

Question. Who was your captain?

Answer. Captain Carron.

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Question. Were you in the fight at Fort Pil- and two black men, after they had surrendered.


Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. When were you wounded? Answer. A little before we surrendered. Question. What happened to you afterward? Answer. Nothing; I got but one shot, and dug right out over the hill to the river, and never was bothered any more.

Question. Did you see any men shot after the place was taken?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Where?

Answer. Down to the river.

Question. How many?

Question. Are you sure they were shot after they had surrendered?

Answer. Yes, sir. Some were in the river swimming out a piece, when they were shot; and they took another man by the arm, and held him up, and shot him in the breast.

Question. Did you see any others shot? Answer. Yes, sir; I saw two wounded men shot the next morning; they were lying down when the secesh shot them.

Question. Did the rebels say any thing when they were shooting our men?

Answer. They said they were going to kill them all; and they would have shot us all if the

Answer. A good many; I don't know how gunboat had not come along.


Question. By whom were they shot?

Answer. By secesh soldiers; secesh officers

shot some up on the hill.

Question. Were you shot?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. When?

Answer. After the battle, the same evening.

Question. Where were you shot?
Answer. Right through both legs.
Question. How many times were you shot?
Answer. Only once, with a carbine. The man
stood right close by me.

Question. Where were you?
Answer. On the river-bank.

Question. Had you arms in your hands?
Answer. No, sir.

Question. What did the man say who shot you?

Answer. He said they were going to kill us all. Question. Did you see any men buried? Answer. No, sir.

Question. Did you see any body burned? Answer. No, sir; I did not see that. Where I was, was a good piece off from where they had the battle.

Question. Do you know how many of your company got away?

Answer. I do not think any of my company got away.

Question. How many were killed before they surrendered?

Answer. I don't know how many; a good many, I think.

Question. Would you have surrendered, if you had known what they were going to do to you?

Answer. No, sir.

George Shaw, (colored,) private, company B, Sixth United States heavy artillery, sworn and examined.

By Mr. Gooch:

Question. Where were you raised ?
A. In Tennessee.

Question. Where did you enlist?
Answer. At Fort Pillow.

Question. Were you there at the fight?
Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. When were you shot ?
Answer. About four o'clock in the evening.
Question. After you had surrendered?
Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. Where were you at the time?
Answer. About ten feet from the river-bank.
Question. Who shot you?
Answer. A rebel soldier.

Question. How near did he come to you?
Answer. About ten feet.

Question. What did he say to you?

Answer. He said: "Damn you, what are you doing here?" I said: "Please don't shoot me." He said: "Damn you, you are fighting against your master." He raised his gun and fired, and the bullet went into my mouth and out the back part of my head. They threw me into the river, and I swam around and hung on there in the water until night.

Question. Did you see any body else shot? Answer. Yes, sir; three young boys, lying in the water, with their heads out; they could not swim. They begged them as long as they could, but they shot them right in the forehead.

Question. How near to them were they?

Answer. As close as that stone, (about eight or ten feet.)

Question. How old were the boys?

Answer. Not more than fifteen or sixteen years old. They were not soldiers, but contraband boys, helping us on the breastworks.

Question. Did you see any white men shot? Answer. No, sir. I saw them shoot three men the next day.

Question. How far from the Fort?

Answer. About a mile and a half; after they had taken them back as prisoners.

Question. Who shot them?

Answer. Private soldiers. One officer said: "Boys, I will have you arrested, if you don't quit killing them boys." Another officer said: "Damn it, let them go on; it isn't our law to take any niggers prisoners; kill every one of them." Then a white man took me to wait on him a little, and sent me back to a house about two hundred yards, and told me to stay all night. I went back and staid until about a half an hour by sun. Another man came along and said: "If you will go home with me I will take good care of you, if you will stay and never leave." I did not know what to do, I was so outdone; so I said: "If you will take care of me, I will go." He carried me out about three miles, to a place called Bob Greene's. The one who took me there left me, and two others came up, and said: "Damn you, we will kill you, and not be fooling about any longer." I said: "Don't shoot me." One of them said: "Go out and hold my horse." I made a step or two, and he said: "Turn around; I will hold my horse, and shoot you, too." I no sooner turned around than he shot me in the face. I fell down as if I was dead. He shot me again, and hit my arm, not my head. I laid there until I could hear him no more, and then I started back. I got back into Fort Pillow about sun up, and wandered about there until a gunboat came along, and I came up on that with about ten others.

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