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Niphon and Fort Jackson, under command of Captain Breck, of the Niphon, proceeded to within seven miles of Wilmington, N. C., where they succeeded in destroying the North-Carolina saltworks and other property valued at over $100,000, and brought away fifty-five prisoners-laborers in the salt-works.

"Their force engaged has been estimated at ten thousand, with a reserve of four or five thousand. Our effective force was about two thousand. Their killed and wounded, I suppose, is about one thousand-some put it at one thousand five hundred. General Hoke, commanding the rebel forces, was heard to say that their loss was about one thousand five hundred, Our killed won't April 22.-An expedition up the Rappahanexceed twenty, and wounded not eighty; cap-nock River, under the command of Foxhall A. tured, including citizens, two thousand two hundred. They shot a great many blacks after the fight was over."

April 21.—Major-General Peck issued the following general order at Newbern, N. C., this day: "With feelings of the deepest sorrow, the Commanding General announces the fall of Plymouth, N. C., and the capture of its gallant commander, Brigadier-General H. W. Wessells, and his command. This result, however, did not obtain until after the most gallant and determined resistance had been made. Five times the enemy stormed the lines of the General, and as many times were they handsomely repulsed with great slaughter, and but for the powerful assistance of the rebel iron-clad ram and the floating sharp-shooter battery, the Cotton Plant, Plymouth would still have been in our hands. For their noble defence, the gallant General Wessells and his brave band have and deserve the warmest thanks of the whole

Parker, commanding the Potomac flotilla, terminated this day. The following communication detailing the facts connected with it, was made by the commander in charge :

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'Having learned, from various sources, that the rebel government had established a ferry at Circus Point, a few miles below Tappahannock, on the Rappahannock River, and was busily engaged in collecting boats at some point on the river for the purpose of attacking the blockading vessels, I proceeded thither with a portion of this flotilla, on the eighteenth instant, where I remained until this evening, visiting both banks of the river and all its various creeks, (some of which I was told had not before been entered during the war,) from Circus Point to Windmill Point, with the following result: Two ferries broken up, seven large lighters, (each capable of carrying one hundred men, three pontoon-boats, twenty-two large skiffs and canoes, two hundred white-oak beams country, while all will sympathize with them in and knees, (large enough for the construction

their misfortune.

"To the officers and men of the navy, the Commanding General renders his thanks for their hearty cooperation with the army, and the bravery, determination, and courage that marked their part of the unequal contest. With sorrow he records the death of the noble sailor and gallant patriot, Lieutenant Commander C. W. Flusser, United States navy, who in the heat of battle fell dead on the deck of his ship, with the lanyard of his gun in his hand.

"The Commanding General believes that these misfortunes will tend not to discourage the troops, but to nerve the army of North-Carolina to equal deeds of bravery and gallantry hereafter.

“Until further orders, the headquarters of the sub-district of the Albemarle will be at Roanoke Island. The command devolves upon Colonel D. W. Wardrop, of the Ninety-ninth New-York infantry."

of a sloop-of-war,) five hundred cords of pine wood, and three hundred barrels of corn destroyed. Twenty-two fish-boats, (one of which is fitted for carrying small-arms,) one thousand pounds of bacon, two horses, sixty bushels of wheat, a chest of carpenter's tools, and many other articles, (a correct list of which will be sent to the department at an early day,) brought off. Five refugees and forty-five contrabands (men, women, and children) were received on board of this vessel, and landed in Maryland, with the exception of five stout fellows whom I shipped.

"At Bohler's Rocks, on the south side of the Rappahannock, the landing of our men was opposed by a large force of cavalry, (said to be five hundred,) which was kept at bay by the fire of the Eureka, commanded by Acting Ensign Hallock, and a howitzer launch in charge of Acting Master's Mate Eldridge. Acting Master W. T. Street, who had charge of this expedition, showed -THE English schooner Laura was captured good judgment, and proved himself a valuable off Velasco, Texas, by the National gunboat Owas- and efficient officer. He speaks highly of Actco.-AN expedition in boats, from the gunboatsing Ensign Roderick and Acting Master's Mate


Borden, who accompanied him on shore. In Par-
rot's Creek, eight seamen, led by Acting Ensign ington City this day.
Nelson, chased six of the rebel cavalry.

-"THE capture of Richmond," said the Co"Yesterday afternoon, as the Eureka got with-lumbus, Ga., Times, of this day, "would prove in thirty yards of the shore, just below Urbanna, of greater importance to our enemies, in a politiwhere I had sent her to capture two boats hauled cal point of view, than any other sense. With up there, a large number of rebels, lying in am- our capital in their possession, we would find bush, most unexpectedly opened upon her with additional influence brought to bear against us rifles, and a piece of light artillery. Thus taken abroad; but as a material loss, its fall would in by surprise, Acting Ensign Hallock displayed ad- no manner compare with the disadvantages which mirable presence of mind, and I think not more would result from a defeat of General Johnston, than five seconds had elapsed before he returned and the occupation of Georgia that would follow. the fire from his light twelve-pounder, and with The first point is near our boundary lines; the To lose the one small-arms; and, although the little Eureka, second is our great centre. with officers and men, has but sixteen souls on would be as the loss of a limb; should we be board, for some ten minutes (during which time driven from the other, it would be a terrible the fight lasted) she was one sheet of flame, the blow at our most vital point. This we must adtwelve-pounder being fired about as fast as a man mit, and our enemy knows it."-A PARTY of six would discharge a pocket-pistol. The rebels were rebel guerrillas were captured near Morrisville, well thrashed, and I think must have suffered Va. They had attacked a National picket-staconsiderably. They fortunately fired too high, tion, and killed one man a short time previous. so that their shells and bullets passed over the Eureka without injury to the vessel or crew. It was quite a gallant affair, and reflects a great deal of credit upon both officers and men of the Eu-ted the most flagrant outrages upon them. A reka, a list of whom I herewith inclose.

April 23.-This morning a party of rebels attacked the National pickets at Nickajack Trace, and after compelling them to surrender, commit

correspondent at Chattanooga, Tenn., gives the

men, detailed from the Ninety-second Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel D. F. Sheets, commanding, were doing picket-duty near Lyle's farm, under command of Lieutenant Horace C. Scoville, company K. Eighteen of the men were placed in reserve near the farm, the rest were distributed at seven different posts.

"This morning, April twenty-second, observ- following particulars of the affair: "Sixty-four ing a party of eighteen men at a distance of about two miles from this ship, with muskets slung over their backs, crawling on their hands and knees to get a shot at some of our men then on shore, I directed a shell to be thrown at them from a one-hundred pounder Parrott gun, which struck and exploded right in their midst, killing and wounding, I think, a large number of them, as only four were seen after the explosion, who were, as might be supposed, running inland at the top of their speed.

"Lieutenant Commander Eastman, who had the detailing of the various expeditions, well sustained, in the performance of this duty, the reputation which he had already acquired as an officer of marked energy and ability.

"I have it from the best authority that the rebels have placed torpedoes in the Rappahannock, just above Bohler's Rocks, where this flotilla was anchored; off Fort Lowry, off Brooks's Barn, opposite the first house above Leedstown, and at Layton's, somewhat higher up. All these are on the port hand going up. Others are said to be placed at various points in the river, from Fort Lowry to Fredericksburgh. They have also been placed in the Piankatank River, and in many of the creeks emptying into Chesapeake Bay."

"The supposition is, that a regiment of rebel infantry crossed Taylor's Ridge during the night, about five miles from Ringgold, and formed a line, extending from the base of the ridge to the Alabama road. This line faced south, being in the rear of our pickets. Another regiment crossed the ridge higher up the valley, and faced west. A body of cavalry (probably two companies) came on our pickets from the south, and a smaller body advanced from the direction of Leet's farm. Thus were our men nearly surrounded by the wily enemy, before the attack commenced, and the assault was made simultaneously upon all the posts. The enemy's cavalry first assailed our videttes, who retired, fighting desperately, until reënforced from the reserve, when the rebels were temporarily repulsed. Advancing again in still larger numbers, they forced our men to fall back. But the latter soon found their retreat cut off by the infantry which had


This statement was taken from

poor Chattannach's dying lips.

"Reginald O'Connor, company B, was shot for the same reason, after being captured.

ments with regard to themselves.

"William Hills, company K, was found dead a mile from the post where he had stood on picket during the night. A lady living near where he was posted, declared, that she saw him pursued by some rebel cavalrymen. On being overtaken, he at once handed over his to one of the savages, who immediately fired the contents of the same into Hill's body, killing him instantly.


formed in their rear, and barricaded the road. Such was the disposition of the rebel force, that the reserve at Lyle's house, now reduced to nine men, were cut off from the remainder. Consequently, there was nothing left for our brave fel- "George A. Springer and John Craddock, comlows but to surrender, or cut their way out, each pany E; George Marle, company F; and William man fighting for himself. They resolved to at-Reynolds, company I, all make similar statetempt the latter. Some desperate hand-to-hand contests ensued, and some chivalric daring was displayed, which the historian will never record. Of the sixty-four men, thirty-four escaped death or capture; and with heroic determination not to return to camp until relieved, they reoccupied the ground from which they had been driven, although they knew not at what moment the enemy might return to the attack, and kill or capture the remainder of them. Of that heroic band not a man came to camp without orders. Five were killed, four mortally wounded, three severely wounded, and eighteen missing. Lieutenant Scoville was wounded and captured. The rebel loss in killed and wounded must at least have equalled our own, and we took one prisoner. "The men speak in high terms of Lieutenant Scoville's conduct until he was wounded; and I am informed that Colonel Sheets speaks highly of Sergeant Strock, of company C, and Sergeant Hine, of company E, who saved most of their men, and commanded the party who reöccupied

the field.

"From the statements of wounded soldiers, and of citizens living near the roads along which the enemy retired, I gather the following facts,

and offer no comment.

"A citizen saw a rebel officer shoot down one of our men, after he had surrendered and marched some distance with his captors. The only excuse for the vile outrage was, that the poor fellow could not keep up with the fiends who had taken him prisoner. After the officer had shot the man, the citizen heard one of the rebel scoundrels say: 'That's right, Cap, give it to him again!'

“In the case of O'Connor, three soldiers who saw the murder, declare, upon oath, that it was also committed by a rebel officer.

"Such are some of the details of this stupendous crime, whose atrocity is perhaps unsurpassed even by the bloody murders recently committed by these rebel miscreants in WestTennessee and Kentucky.

"The following list of killed and wounded is nearly complete. Killed: Garner McKeel, company E; William Hills, company K; John Douns, company B; William Gifford, company H.

"Wounded: Reginald O'Connor, company B. fatally; William Chattannach, company B, fatally; G. A. Springer, company E, fatally; John Craddock, company E, severely, not dangerously; George Marle, company F, fatally; D. W. Butler, company A, dangerously; James Rhoades and William Reynolds, company I, both fatally.

"Of these killed and wounded, two had not surrendered when shot; seven were either killed or wounded (all but one, mortally) after they had surrendered to the enemy as prisoners of war; the circumstances connected with the shooting of the other three have not been definitely ascer

tained. Of the facts connected with these hor

rid outrages, there is no room to doubt. They are taken mostly from the affidavits of dying

"William Chattannach, or Chattnach, a private in company B, after surrendering, was marched off with several others upon the double-men-the surest testimony in the world.” quick, until totally unable to go further. A rebel April 24.-The steamer John J. Roe was lieutenant then came up to him, and shot him burned by the rebels at a point below Natchez, twice, the first time inflicting a slight, the second on the Mississippi.-A SCOUTING-PARTY of the a mortal wound. He then left him, supposing First Michigan cavalry, sent out from Alexanhe had killed him. Shortly after, two rebels dria, Va., under command of Lieutenant Jackcame up to him and robbed him of his pocket-son, came across a band of rebel guerrillas, about book and boots. One of them said, 'Let's nine miles up the Occoquan road, when a brisk scalp the Yankee!' but did not execute the skirmish ensued. Four of the rebels were

wounded and taken prisoners. Lieutenant Jack-rebels in that place, and succeeded in capturing son had two of his men slightly wounded, and the whole of them. succeeded in capturing one horse.-GOVERNOR BROUGH issued an order, calling the National Guard of Ohio into active service for one hundred days.

April 25.-To-day a wagon-train, consisting of two hundred and forty wagons, returning to Pine Bluffs, Arkansas, together with the escort, under the command of Colonel Drake, comprising the Twenty-sixth Iowa regiment, the Seventy-seventh Ohio regiment, and the Forty-third Indiana regiment, with four pieces of artillery, was captured by the rebels.

· April 29.-The English schooner Miriam was captured in lat. 25° 25′ N. long. 84° 30′, W., by the National vessel Honeysuckle.

-AN expedition, under the command of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Hooker, sent to Carter's Creek from the Potomac flotilla, succeeded in destroying eleven boats and canoes, a large quantity of grain, and a number of log-huts, which had been used as barracks by the rebel soldiers. In approaching these, Acting Master Street, who had charge of the landing party, consisting of twenty-five seamen, fell in with a company of rebel cavalry, who, mistaking his force for the advance-guard of a much larger one, put spurs to their horses and fled. Lieutenant Hooker well

-A PARTY of rebels, in an attempt to surprise the National pickets, on the King's Road, near Jacksonville, Florida, were surrounded and captured by the Seventy-fifth Ohio mounted in-planned the expedition, and Acting Master Street fantry. displayed boldness and decision in carrying it out.-Com. Parker's Report.

April 26.-General Steele evacuated Camden, Arkansas, and commenced his march to Little Rock, on account of a want of supplies.-(Doc. 130.)

- CONSIDERABLE excitement was caused in Richmond, Va., to-day, by the presence of the rebel government impressing agents for the colApril 27.-Acting Master Hill, commanding | lection of horses for the use of General Lee's army. the United States steamer Currituck, of the Po- April 30.-A company for the establishment tomac flotilla, succeeded in destroying two thou- of a volunteer rebel navy was organized in Richsand bushels of grain, which was in process of mond, Va., with a capital of ten millions of doltransportation to Richmond.-Com. Parker's Re-lars, one million five hundred thousand of which port. had been paid in.--Richmond Enquirer.

-THE English schooner O.K. was captured by the National vessel Union, off the coast of Florida.—THE army under General Banks, including the forces of General A. J. Smith, returned to Alexandria, La.-(Doc. 131.)

April 28.-Brigadier-General Devens, with a brigade of cavalry, on a reconnoissance to Madison Court-House, Va., surprised a party of thirty

-GENERAL STEELE, on his retreat from Camden, Ark., crossed the Saline River. Before crossing, he was attacked by the rebels, under General Fagan, and lost several men, among them Major Atkinson and Lieutenant Henry, both of whom were killed.-THE schooner Judson was captured off Mobile Bar, Ala., by the steamer Connemaugh.


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tatingly announced. Even if the uncertainty of the fate of those officers and men belonging to THE FORT PILLOW MASSACRE. colored regiments who have heretofore been taken prisoners by the rebels has failed to convince the April 13, 1864. The Joint Committee on the authorities of our Government of this fact, the Conduct and Expenditures of the War, to testimony herewith submitted must convince whom was referred the Resolution of Congress even the most skeptical that it is the intention of instructing them to investigate the late Massa- the rebel authorities not to recognize the officers ere at Fort Pillow, designated two members and men of our colored regiments as entitled to of the Committee-Messrs. Wade and Gooch- the treatment accorded by all civilized nations to The declarations of Forrest to proceed forthwith to such places as they prisoners of war. might deem necessary, and take testimony. That Sub-Committee having discharged that duty, returned to this city, and submitted to the Joint Committee a Report, with accompanying papers and testimony. The Report was read and adopted by the Committee, whose Chairman was instructed to submit the same, with the testimony, to the Senate, and Mr. Gooch to the House, and ask that the same be printed.

MESSRS. WADE and GoосH, the sub-committee appointed by the Joint Committee on the Conduct and Expenditures of the War, with instructions to proceed to such points as they might deem necessary for the purpose of taking testimony in regard to the massacre at Fort Pillow, submitted the following report to the Joint Committee, together with the accompanying testimony and papers:

and his officers, both before and after the capture of Fort Pillow, as testified to by such of our men as have escaped after being taken by him; the threats contained in the various demands for surrender made at Paducah, Columbus, and other places; the renewal of the massacre the morning after the capture of Fort Pillow; the statements made by the rebel officers to the officers of our gunboats who received the few survivors at Fort Pillow all this proves most conclusively the policy they have determined to adopt.

The first operation of any importance was the attack upon Union City, Tennessee, by a portion of Forrest's command. The attack was made on the twenty-fourth of March. The post was occupied by a force of about five hundred men, under Colonel Hawkins, of the Seventh Tennessee Union cavalry. The attacking force was superior in numbers, but was repulsed several times by our forces. For the particulars of the attack, and In obedience to the instruction of this Joint the circumstances attending the surrender, your Committee adopted on the eighteenth ultimo, Committee would refer to the testimony herewith your Committee left Washington on the morning submitted. They would state, however, that it of the nineteenth, taking with them the steno- would appear from the testimony that the surgrapher of this Committee, and proceeded to Cairo render was opposed by nearly if not quite all the and Mound City, Illinois; Columbus, Kentucky; officers of Colonel Hawkins's command. Your and Fort Pillow and Memphis, Tennessee; at Committee think that the circumstances connecteach of which places they proceeded to take tes-ed with the surrender are such that they demand timony.

Although your Committee were instructed to inquire only in reference to the attack, capture, and massacre of Fort Pillow, they have deemed it proper to take some testimony in reference to the operations of Forrest and his command immediately preceding and subsequent to that horrible transaction. It will appear, from the testimony thus taken, that the atrocities committed at Fort Pillow were not the result of passions excited by the heat of conflict, but were the results of a policy deliberately decided upon and unhesiVOL. VIII-Doc. 1

the most searching investigation by the military authorities, as, at the time of the surrender, but one man on our side had been injured.

On the twenty-fifth of March, the enemy, under the rebel Generals Forrest, Buford, Harris, and Thompson, estimated at over six thousand men, made an attack on Paducah, Kentucky, which post was occupied by Colonel S. G. Hicks, Fortieth Illinois regiment, with six hundred and fifty-five men. Our forces retired into Fort Anderson, and there made their stand-assisted by some gunboats belonging to the command of

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