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March 20.-At about 7 o'clock this evening, Lieutentant Homer, in command of the Continentals, at drill was informed that there was a sloop lying at the wharf at the foot of Spanish alley in Mobile, which was laden with supplies for the United States fleet outside, between that place and Pensacola. A detachment of the company was on drill at the time, and Lieutenant Homer immediately ordered them down to the point mentioned, and then and there took charge of the little sloop Isabel. She was laden with beef, pork, barrels of eggs, etc. The person in charge acknowledged that these supplies were intended for the flect outside.-Mobile Tribune, March 21.

plications in Texas. President Davis instructs | Pickens and the fleet in the Gulf of Mexico.the Secretary of War to say that he is disposed (Doc. 46.) to assume every responsibility compatible with the relations of the Federal Government to Texas. Davis considers it due to international courtesy that the Government of the Confederate States (Texas included, after her withdrawal from the United States) should accord to the troops belonging to the Federal Government a reasonable time within which to depart from her territory. Should the Federal Government refuse to withdraw them, President Davis does not hesitate to say, that all the powers of the Southern Confederacy shall be promptly employed to expel them. General Waul says that the possibility of settling difficulties by a reconstruction of the old Union is never alluded to in the Congress, and that the proposal would receive about the same encouragement as a proposition to reannex Texas to the States of Mexico.-Evening Post, March 20.

-THE President's inaugural meets with a varied reception throughout the country. The South pronounces it warlike, while a greater portion of the North considers it conservative. -(Doc. 43.)

March 6.-Fort Brown, Texas, was finally surrendered by arrangement between Captain

Hill and the Texas Commissioners.-Galveston
Civilian, March 11.

March 9.-The Southern Confederacy Congress passed an act for the establishment and organization of the army of the Confederate States. (Doc. 44.)-Times, March 15.

March 12.-The London News of to-day publishes a strong protest against a recognition of the Southern Confederacy by the British Government.-(Doc. 45.)

March 14.-The act, passed by the Florida Legislature, defining treason, became a law by the approval and signature of the Governor. It declares that in the event of any actual collision between the troops of the late Federal Union and those in the employ of the State of Florida, it shall be the duty of the Governor of the State to make public proclamation of the fact; and thereafter the act of holding office under the Federal Government shall be de

clared treason, and the person convicted shall suffer death.-Evening Post, March 26.

-CORRESPONDENCE between Mr. Secretary Seward and the Commissioners from the Confederate States is published.-(Doc. 47.)

March 21.-A. H. Stephens, Vice-President of the "Confederate States" of the South, delivered a speech at Savannah, Ga. It is intend

ed to be a vindication of the new features in

the constitution, which has been adopted for government.-(Doc. 48.)


in accordance with the order of the President March 22.-Governor Pettus, of Mississippi, of the Confederate States, issued a proclamation calling upon the organized military of the State for fifteen hundred infantry.-Georgia Republic, March 25.

-DR. Fox, of the United States navy, a special messenger from the Government to Major Anderson, reached Charleston and visited Fort Sumter by permission, in company with Captain Hartstein.

"Intercepted despatches"-by which we are to understand "stolen letters"-subsequently disclosed to the authorities in Charleston, it is said, that Mr. Fox employed this opportunity to devise and concert with Major Anderson a plan to supply the fort by force; and that this plan was adopted by the United States Government.-Times, March 23 and April 13.

-A MEETING was held at Frankfort, Ala., at which the following resolutions, among others of a similar character, were passed:

Resolved, That we approve the course pursued by our delegates, Messrs. Watkins and Steele, in convention at Montgomery, in not signing March 18.-Supplies were cut off from Fort | the so-called secession ordinance.

That secession is inexpedient and unneces- March 30.-The Mississippi State Convensary, and we are opposed to it in any form, tion, at Jackson, ratified the Constitution of and the more so since a majority of the slave | the Confederate States, by a vote of 78 to 7.States have refused to go out, either by what Tribune, April 1. is called "southern cooperation," or "precipitate secession ;" and that the refusal to submit the so-called secession ordinance to the decision of the people is an outrage upon our right and liberty, and manifests a spirit of assumption, unfairness, and dictatorship.

Resolved, That our congressional nominee, if elected, is to represent us in the United States Congress, and not in the Congress of this socalled "Southern Confederacy."-Tuscumbia

North Alabamian.

March 31.-It is asserted for the hundredth Fort Sumter will be evacuated on or before time, in apparently authoritative circles, that Wednesday next, April 3d.— World, April 1.

April 3.-Despatches were received in Washington to-day, confirming the reported reinforcement of Fort Pickens; and the Cabinet held a long session, without coming to any definite conclusion in regard to the long-mooted evacuation of Fort Sumter. One company of

-THE Montgomery Mail protests against artillery left Washington for Fort Hamilton, the word stripes:

"We protest against the word 'stripes,' as applied to the broad bars of the flag of our confederacy. The word is quite appropriate as applied to the Yankee ensign or a barber's pole; but it does not correctly describe the red and white divisions of the flag of the Confederate States. The word is bars-we have removed from under the stripes."-World, April 2.

March 25.-Colonel Lamon, a Government messenger, had an interview at Charleston with Governor Pickens and General Beauregard. Times, March 26.

-THE rumors from Charleston are very conflicting concerning the evacuation of Fort Sumter. One report states that Major Anderson is strengthening his position; another, that he has received orders to evacuate the fort and report himself for duty at Newport barracks, and that the officers are packing their goods in expectation of immediate departure. The truth of the matter will probably be known in a day or two.-Evening Post.

March 28.-Governor Pickens, of South Carolina, sent a message to the convention of that State, informing it that six hundred men would be required to garrison the forts in Charleston harbor; besides giving other important details respecting the financial condition of the State.* -THE actual vote of the State of Louisiana on secession is given by the New Orleans papers of to-day as follows: For secession, 20,448; against it, 17,296.-World, April 4.

This message is printed complete in the New York Tribune of April 2, 1861.

and two more are to follow to-morrow. Unwonted activity also prevails in the navy, several vessels being rapidly fitted for service.World, April 4.

-THE mortar batteries on Morris' Island, Charleston harbor, fired into an unknown schooner. She displayed the stars and stripes, and put to sea. A boat from Sumter with a white flag went out to her; nobody hurt. A shot had gone through her.-(Doc. 49.)

-ALL officers of the Southern Confederate army, on leave of absence, were ordered to their respective commands.-Times, April 5.

-THE South Carolina Convention ratified the Constitution of the Confederate States, by a vote of 114 to 16.-Tribune, April 6.

-THE Charleston correspondent writes: "By the by, let us never surrender to the North the noble song, the 'Star-Spangled Banner.' It is southern in its origin; in sentiments, poetry and song; in its association with chivalrous deeds, it is ours; and the time, I trust, is not remote, when the broad stripes and brilliant stars of the confederate flag of the South will wave triumphantly over our capitol, Fortress Monroe, and every fort within our borders."-Richmond Examiner.

April 4.-The Virginia Convention adopted, in committee of the whole, several of the series of resolutions reported by the majority of the Committee on Federal Relations, and rejected, by the decisive vote of 89 to 45, a motion to substitute for one of the resolutions an ordinance of secession, to be submitted to the popular vote.-World, April 5.

-MANY rumors are in circulation to-day.

They appear to have originated from move- | In the absence of sufficient armories, at the corments on the part of the United States troops, the reasons for which have not been communicated to the reporters at Washington as freely as the late Administration was in the habit of imparting Cabinet secrets. There can be no doubt that serious movements are on foot. The tone of the southern press for the last week, and the concentration of troops at Pensacola, indicate a determination to precipitate a conflict at Fort Pickens, probably with a view to hasten the secession movement in Virginia.-Tribune, April 5.

[blocks in formation]

ners of the streets, public squares, and other convenient points, meetings were formed, and all night the long roll of the drum and the steady tramp of the military, and the gallop of the cavalry resounding through the city, betokened the close proximity of the long-anticipated hostilities. The Home Guard corps of old gentlemen, who occupy the position of military exempts, rode through the city, arousing the soldiers, and doing other duty required by the moment.

United States vessels were reported off the bar. Major Anderson displayed signal lights during the night from the walls of Fort Sumter.-Times, April 10.

-THE State Department at Washington replied to-day to the Confederate State Commissioners, declining to receive them in their official capacity, but expressing deference for them as gentlemen. The Secretary expressed a peaceful policy on the part of the Government, declaring a purpose to defend only when assailed. -Tribune, April 9.

April 9.-Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, sent a special message to the Legislature to-day, urging the necessity of purchasing arms and reorganizing the military system of that State.

-JEFFERSON DAVIS made a requisition on the Governor of Alabama for 3,000 soldiers.Tribune, April 10.

April 8.-Information having been given by the United States authorities to the authorities at Charleston that they desired to send supplies to Fort Sumter by an unarmed vessel, they-Times, April 10. were informed that the vessel would be fired upon and not permitted to enter the port. Of ficial notification was then given by the United States Government that supplies would be sent -THE Charleston Mercury of to-day anto Major Anderson, peaceably if possible, othernounces war as declared. "Our authorities," wise by force. Lieutenant Talbot, attached to it says, "yesterday evening received notice the garrison of Fort Sumter, and who accom- from Lincoln's Government, through a special panied the bearer of this despatch, was not per-messenger from Washington, that an effort will mitted to proceed to his post.

-ORDERS were isssued to the entire military force of Charleston, held in reserve, to proceed to their stations without delay. Four regiments of a thousand men each were telegraphed for from the country.

Dr. Gibbs, surgeon-general, was ordered to prepare ambulances, and make every provision for the wounded.

-Ar midnight Charleston was thrown into great excitement by the discharge of seven guns from Citadel square, the signal for all the reserves to assemble ten minutes afterwards. Hundreds of men left their beds, hurrying to and fro towards their respective destinations.

be made to supply Fort Sumter with provisions and that if this were permitted, no attempt would be made to reinforce it with men! This message comes simultaneously with a fleet, which we understand is now off our bar, waiting for daylight and tide to make the effort threatened.

"We have patiently submitted to the insolent military domination of a handful of men in our bay for over three months after the declaration of our independence of the United States. The object of that self humiliation has been to avoid the effusion of blood, while such preparation was made as to render it causeless and useless.

Seven militia companies reported to General Scott, and between six and eight hundred of them volunteered for any service in which the President might desire them to act.-Times, April 11.

"It seems we have been unable, by discre- | in consequence of information relative to a tion, forbearance, and preparation, to effect the contemplated movement for the seizure of the desired object, and that now the issue of battle city of Washington by the secessionists under is to be forced upon us. The gage is thrown Ben McCullough. Orders were issued for the down, and we accept the challenge. We will militia to assemble at their armories. meet the invader, and the God of Battles must decide the issue between the hostile hirelings of Abolition hate and Northern tyranny, and the people of South Carolina defending their freedom and their homes. We hope such a blow will be struck in behalf of the South, that April 11.-The steamship Coatzacoalcos arSumter and Charleston harbor will be remem-rived at New York this morning, bringing bered at the North as long as they exist as a home the Federal troops who were left in people." Texas without a commander, after the treason of General Twiggs.

-STEAMERS Illinois and Baltic, in commission for United States Government, got to sea from New York. They discharged their pilots at 7.30 A. M., and sailed southwardly.-(Doc. 50.)

—United States sloop-of-war Pawnee sailed from Norfolk at 6 P. M., with sealed orders. Times, April 11.

April 10.-The floating battery, finished, mounted, and manned at Charleston, was taken out of the dock last evening, and anchored in the cove, near Sullivan's Island.

The people are not excited, but there is a fixed determination to meet the issue. The Convention has just adjourned, subject to the call of the president. Before adjourning, it passed resolutions approving the conduct of General Twiggs in resigning his commission and turning over the public property under his control to the authorities.

Governor Pickens was in secret session with the Convention. About 1,000 troops were sent to the fortifications to-day; 1,800 more go down to-morrow.

Messrs. Wigfall, Chesnut, Means, Manning, McGowan, and Boyleston, have received appointments in General Beauregard's staff. A large number of the members of the Convention, after adjournment, volunteered as privates. About 7,000 troops are now at the fortifications. The beginning of the end is coming to a final closing. Fort Sumter will be attacked without waiting for the fleet. Every thing is prepared against a land attack. The enthusiasm is intense, and the eagerness for the conflict, if it must come, unbounded.-N. Y. Day Book.

-THE officers of the District of Columbia militia were ordered to meet at 10 o'clock A. M.,

-THE Government at Washington is acting. on positive information in taking all possible precautionary measures for the defence of, and the maintenance of peace at, that point.

A company of military were marched inside the capitol to-night, and a picket of guards is stationed on each of the roads leading into the city. This was done on no new information, but is among the signs of the revolution. A military company has not been within the walls of the capitol before since the war of 1812.

The oath of fidelity was administered to sevcral companies of volunteers to-day.- World, April 12.

-UNUSUAL activity now prevails in military circles in Pennsylvania. New companies are forming, and the old organizations are drilling frequently. The prospect of active service in the event of the breaking out of actual hostilities in the South, is exciting much discussion among the volunteer companies, and it is understood that several have already tendered their services to the Secretary of War, in case the Government should need their aid. It is also understood that in the event of an attack on the Government, the latter will make an early call upon Pennsylvania for men. Our volunteers labor under great disadvantages in respect to arms, and in a case of emergency many more men would be forthcoming than there are arms to place in their hands.-Phila. Press.

-This morning the Commissioners of the Confederate States left Washington. They are satisfied that no recognition of the Southern Confederacy will ever take place under the ad│ministration of President Lincoln. In their

mand of General Beauregard would open on Fort Sumter in one hour, and immediately left.

The sentinels in Sumter were then ordered from the parapets, the posterns were closed, and the men ordered not to leave the bombproofs until summoned by the drum.

final communication they reflect severely on, Major Anderson that the batteries under comthe Administration, taking the ground they have exhausted every resource for a peaceful solution of the existing difficulties, and that if civil war results, on the head of the Federal Government will rest the responsibility. They charge the Administration with gross perfidy, insisting that under the shelter of the pretext and assertion that Fort Sumter was to be evacuated, an immense armada has been despatched to provision and reinforce that fort. They repeat they had almost daily indirect assurances from the Administration that Fort Sumter was positively to be abandoned, and that all the Government's efforts were to be directed toward peace. The commissioners allege that the Government at Montgomery was earnestly desirous of peace; and that, in accordance with its instructions, as well as their own feelings, they left no means unexhausted to secure that much-desired end; but all their efforts having failed, they were now forced to return to an outraged people with the object of their mission unaccomplished; and they express the firm conviction that war is inevitable.-(Doc. 51.)— World, April 12.

-AT 2 P. M. Colonel Chesnut and Major Lee, aids to General Beauregard, conveyed to Fort Sumter the demand that Major Anderson should evacuate that fort. Major Anderson replied at 6 P. M. that his " sense of honor and his obligations to his Government would prevent his compliance" with the demand. He informed the gentlemen verbally that he would be "starved out in a few days."

It was stated that there were at this time 7,000 men around Fort Sumter under arms, and 140 pieces of ordnance of heavy calibre in position and ready for use.-Charleston Mercury.

April 12.—At 1 A. M. a second deputation from General Beauregard conveyed to Fort Sumter the message that if Major Anderson would name the time when he would evacuate, and would agree not to fire in the mean time upon the batteries unless they fired upon him, no fire would be opened upon Fort Sumter. To this Major Anderson replied that he would evacuate at noon on the 15th, if not previously otherwise ordered, or not supplied, and that he would not in the mean time open his fire unless compelled by some hostile act against his fort or the flag of his Government. At 3.30 A. M. the officers who received this answer notified

At 4.30 A. M. fire was opened upon Fort Sumter from Fort Moultrie, and soon after from the batteries on Mount Pleasant, Cummings' Point, and the floating battery; in all 17 mortars and 30 large guns for shot-mostly columbiads. Meantime the garrison of Sumter took breakfast quietly at their regular hour, were then divided into three reliefs, each of which was to work the guns for four hours; and the fire of Sumter was opened at 7 A. M. from the lower tier of guns, upon Fort Moultrie, the iron battery on Cummings' Point, two batteries on Sullivan's Island, and the floating battery simultaneously. When the first relief went to work, the enthusiasm of the men was so great that the second and third reliefs could not be kept from the guns.

As the fire of the enemy became warm, it was found that there was no portion of the fort not exposed to the fire of mortars. Shells from every direction burst against the various walls. Cartridges soon run out; there were no cartridge bags, and men were set to make them out of shirts. There was no instrument to weigh powder, and this, with the absence of breech-sides and other implements necessary to point guns, rendered an accurate fire impossible.

Fire broke out in the barracks three times, and was extinguished. Meals were served at the guns. At 6 P. M. the fire from Sumter ceased. Fire was kept up from the enemy's batteries all night, at intervals of twenty minutes.-Tribune, Times, and Herald, April 13, 14, 15.

April 13.-Fire from the enemy's batteries was resumed at daylight, and from Fort Sumter at 7 A. M. At about 8 the officers' quarters in Sumter took fire from a shell, and the work at the guns was necessarily somewhat slackened, as nearly all the men were taken away to extinguish the flames. Shells from Moultrie and Morris' Island fell now faster than ever. Dense volumes of smoke still poured out of the barracks at 9, when the men were again sent to the guns. At 10 o'clock the halliards on the

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