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rough political education in statesmanship in the school of the people, and by long experience of public life. A village functionary; member successively of each branch of the Tennessee Legislature, hearing with a thrill of joy the words, "The Union, it must be preserved;" a representative in Congress for successive years; Governor of the great State of Tennessee, approved as its Governor by re-election; he was at the opening of the rebellion a senator from that State in Congress. Then at the Capitol, when senators, unrebuked by the government, sent word by telegram to seize forts and arsenals, he alone from that Southern region told them what the government did not dare to tell them-that they were traitors, and deserved the punishment of treason. Undismayed by a perpetual purpose of public enemies to take his life, bearing up against the still greater trial of the persecution of his wife and children, in due time he went back to his State, determined to restore it to the Union, or die with the American flag for his winding sheet. And now, at the call of the United States, he has returned to Washington as a conqueror, with Tennessee as a free State for his trophy. It remains for him to consummate the vindication of the Union.

To that Union Abraham Lincoln has fallen a martyr. His death, which was meant to sever it beyond repair, binds it more closely and more firmly than ever. The blow aimed at him was aimed, not at the native of Kentucky, not at the citizen of Illinois, but at the man who, as President, in the executive branch of the government, stood as the representative of every man in the United States. The object of the crime was the life of the whole people, and it wounds the affections of the whole people. From Maine to the southwest boundary on the Pacific it makes us one. The country may have needed an imperishable grief to touch its inmost feeling. The grave that receives the remains of Lincoln receives the martyr to the Union; the monument which will rise over his body will bear witness to the Union; his enduring memory will assist during countless ages to bind the States together, and to incite to the love of our one undivided, indivisible country. Peace to the ashes of our departed friend, the friend of his country and his race. Happy was his life, for he was the restorer of the Republic; he was happy in his death, for the manner of his end will plead forever for the Union of the States and the freedom of man.

As part of the proceedings laid down by the Committee of Arrangements, the last inaugural of the 4th of March was then read by the Rev. Dr. J. P. Thompson.

The Rev. W. H. Boole read the 94th Psalm, and the Rev. Dr. Rogers made an appropriate prayer.

Rabbi Isaacs, of the Broadway Tabernacle, then read selections from the Holy Scriptures and offered a prayer, after which Rev. Dr. Osgood recited the following:



O slow to smite and swift to spare,
Gentle and merciful and just!
Who, in the fear of God, did'st bear,
The sword of power-a nation's trust :

In sorrow by thy bier we stand,
Amid the awe that hushes all,
And speak the anguish of a land

That shook with horror at thy fall.

Thy task is done-the bond are free;
We bear thee to an honored grave,
Whose noblest monument shall be

The broken fetters of the slave.

Pure was thy life; its bloody close

Hath placed thee with the sons of light,

Among the noble host of those

Who perished in the cause of right.

Dr. Osgood also read the first three verses of a new national hymn, composed by Mr. Bryant at the request of the reader, and circulated among a few personal friends:

"Thou hast put all things under his feet."

Oh, North, with all thy vales of green!
Oh, South, with all thy palms !
From peopled towns and fields between
Uplift the voice of psalms.

Raise, ancient East! the anthem high,
And let the youthful West reply.

Lo, in the clouds of heaven appears

God's well-beloved Son;

He brings a train of brighter years;
His kingdom is begun ;

He comes a guilty world to bless

With mercy, truth, and righteousness.

O Father! haste the promised hour,
When at His feet shall lie
All rule, authority, and power,
Beneath the ample sky;

When He shall reign from pole to pole,

The Lord of every human soul.

The Chairman then announced that as the Most Reverend Archbishop McCloskey was so fatigued from his long attendance in the funeral cortège that he was unable to be present to pronounce the closing benediction, the venerable prelate's abscence would be filled by Professor Hitchcock.

Professor Hitchcock then pronounced the benediction, and the ceremonies were closed, an excellent band on the platform playing a national air.


At Mount St. Vincent, near Yonkers, the Sisters of Charity, with their two hundred pupils, were drawn up on the sward in front of the Academy, with veiled heads, to pay their respects to the funeral train.

At Tarrytown, 5.20 P. M., the surface of one side of a frame structure was entirely covered with an American flag, trimmed in mourning and adorned with mottoes. Near it on a decorated platform were a number of young ladies, with clasped hands, dressed in pure white, with broad, black sashes, apparently immovable as statues. The houses bore the usual signs of grief, and one of the prominent mottoes read was "Bear him gently to his rest.”

The Cadets were

The crowd at Sing Sing was very large. in line, and a long row of men with heads uncovered, and a number of ladies dressed in white with black sashes, heightenened the effect of this interesting scene. Minute guns were fired. The most marked feature was an arch over the road. It was apparently twenty-five feet high, and eighteen wide. Its pillars were alternately striped with white and black. The verges were covered with black velvet, intertwined with evergreens, and prominent were the words, "We mourn our country's loss," and "He died for truth." On the keystone of the arch was a figure of Liberty, her cap covered with crape.

The people of Peekskill were evidently mournful spectators. The train halted for a short time. Minute guns were fired and

companies of military and firemen filed past the funeral car with heads uncovered. Flags and mottoes were displayed, and a band of music performed a funeral march, greatly adding to the solemnity of the scene.

The station at Garrison's, opposite West Point, was adorned with national flags. A company of regulars and the West Point Cadets were drawn up in line, officers of the Academy standing with uncovered heads. The Cadet band performed funeral music in front of the train. A large number of people collected. Salutes were fired from the other side of the river at West Point.

At Cold Spring the testimonials of respect for the great departed were an arch with suitable emblems, under which on a raised pedestal was a young lady in crape personating Liberty; two lads, one a soldier and the other a sailor, mourning, formed prominent features. The Union League formed a circle round the arch. The public authorities, private social organizations, and the whole population were out en masse. Minute guns were fired. The station building was handsomely decorated, displaying portraits of the illustrious dead.

The station at East Albany was elaborately and appropriately draped. Soldiers and firemen escorted the funeral party across the river. The bells of Albany tolled and minute guns fired, and the remains of Abraham Lincoln were conveyed to the Capitol.

It had been determined that the reception should be with the least possible ostentation, and the procession was therefore confined to a detail of three companies of the 10th and 25th Regiments of National Guards, three companies of firemen bearing torches, the State officers, members of the Legislature, and city authorities. The streets were densely crowded on the line. The hearse was drawn by four white horses.

At the Capitol the coffin was removed from the hearse to the Assembly Chamber and placed upon the catafalque directly under the chandelier. Guards of the State militia were immediately stationed in the chamber, halls and side-rooms, while companies from the 3d and 21st Reserve Corps were detailed for duty on the outside of the Capitol.

At half past one next morning the coffin was opened and an immense throng of people about the park permitted to enter

the chamber and view the remains. They passed by at the rate of sixty or seventy a minute.

A low estimate fixed the number of strangers in the city at 30,000. Never before had such multitudes gathered at the capital, and everybody seemed fully to participate in the solemnities. At noon State street was filled with a living mass and Broadway and many side streets were equally crowded. At one P. M. the military, fire department, and civic societies began to form and at two the coffin was closed. Fifty thousand men, women, and children visited the remains.

Soon after two o'clock the procession commenced to move over the prescribed route, Franklin Townsend, Esq., being Grand Marshal. It was composed of the 10th and 25th Regiments of Albany, the 24th and Light Horse Battery of Troy, State and city authorities, fire department, and a large number of civic societies. The military numbered 2000. The procession was thirty minutes in passing a given point, the length being over a mile.

State street, from the Capitol to Broadway, and Broadway from State to Lumber streets, altogether a distance exceeding a mile, was densely packed during the march. Such a mass

of human beings (probably not less than 60,000) was never before seen in the streets of Albany. There were four bands, each with a full drum corps, in line; and as the procession moved down the hill, the bands playing mournful airs, grief was depicted in every face.

The hearse, with the coffin resting in an elegant and elaborately-finished catafalque, which was trimmed with white silk, adorned richly with silver mountings, and surmounted by the eagle, was drawn by eight horses.

At 3.45 the train of newly finished cars, furnished by the New York Central Railroad Company, each tastefully draped and trimmed with the emblems of sorrow, was reached at the Broadway crossing above Lumber street, and the coffin was transferred to the hearse car, in which it had been brought from Washington. At four o'clock the remains moved from Albany.

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