" - - - - - - goods and chattels. Her surprise at the poverty of the Lincoln cabin. — Gentry. - - 66 - Knowledge of astronomy and geography. An apocryphal story. - - CHAPTER III. Works for Mr. Goes to New Scar on his face. 19 - - The Abe's return from New Orleans. - Sawing planks for a new house. ber of inhabitants. — Their houses. - Springfield. — Petersburg. — Mr. - - Abe as 66 Lincoln appears a second time at New Salem. - Clerks at an election.- - CHAPTER V. 85 Offutt's business gone to ruin. - The Black Hawk War. - Black Hawk crosses - - - - - - - - - coln's company declines to form. - Lincoln under arrest. Stillman's of the war. Capture of Black Hawk. Release. - Death. Grave. - The volunteers from Sangamon return shortly before the State election. - Abe Results of the canvass. —An opening in business. The firm of Lincoln & 121 - company. Retires to the country. -Bowlin Greene. - Mr. Lincoln's - - How - - . 135 CHAPTER VIII. - James Rutledge. - His family. - Ann Rutledge. — John McNeil. - Is engaged - - CHAPTER IX. - - Bennett Able and family. - Mary Owens. - Mr. Lincoln falls in love with ment. - - - - Mr. Lincoln takes his seat in the Legislature. - Schemes of internal improve- . 159 172 1840. He introduces a bill. His speech. - Financial expedients.— -- 184 CHAPTER XI. - - - Capital removed to Springfield. — Mr. Lincoln settles there to practise law. - - - A reconciliation. coln fails to appear. - - -- - - - - - - She releases him. - Mr. Lincoln a candidate for elector in 1844. Debates with Calhoun. - - - . 274 - CHAPTER XIII. - - Mr. Lincoln in his character of country lawyer.- Public feeling at the time - - - . 311 - CHAPTER XIV. - - - - Mr. Lincoln not a candidate for re-election. - Judge Logan's defeat. — Mr. - more. - - |