IN MEMORIAM. Audenried, Colonel Jos. C. Barlow, Captain W. H. Barber, Captain Josiah Beach, Surgeon Wm. Morrow Beem, Captain Martin Blair, General Frank P. Bonner, Surgeon S. P Brucker, Surgeon M. Callender, Brigadier-General F. D. Carper, Captain L. Cavender, General John S. Cady, Surgeon W. F. Chambers, Colonel Alex. Clark, Major W Penn. Collins, S. A. Cooke, Surgeon J. M. DeGress, Captain Frank Diemling, Colonel Francis C. Dodds, Colonel Ozro J. Eaton, General C. G. Eddy, Colonel Norman Eggleston, Lieutenant E. L. Fearing, General B. D. Harper, Surgeon T. L. Hicks, Colonel S. J. Hill, Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Hitt, Captain J. E. Howe, General J. H. Hughes, Colonel Samuel T. Hurlbut, General S. A. Janes, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry W. Joel, Lieutenant-Colonel E. M. Jones, Colonel John J. Jones, Colonel Henry E. May, General Dwight Mower, General J. A. Murphy, Colonel P. H. Mussey, Surgeon Wm. H. McCook, General Ed. McCoy, Colonel J. C. Nichols, Colonel George Ward Oliver, General John M. Ord, General E. O. C. Potter, Surgeon J. B. Palmer, Colonel J. J. Patterson, Lieutenant W. A. Peck, Major Wm. E. Peckham, Colonel James Pearce, Lieutenant Edgar P. Potts, Brigadier-General Benjamin F. Randall, Lieutenant J. R. Richardson, Lieutenant G. W. Rice, General E. W. Robertson, Major W. S. Rowley, General William Strong, Major R. C. Swain, Colonel J. A. Terrell, General W. H. H. Thurston, Colonel W. H. Towner, Major H. N. Tullis, Colonel Jas. Turner, General Charles Von Blessing, Brevet Brig. Gen. L. Walker, Major J. Bryant Wangelin, General Hugo Welch, Colonel D. U. White, Captain David White, Major M. Hazen Wood, Colonel E. T. Wood, Colonel John Woodworth, Surgeon John M. Wright, General Crafts J. Wright, General W. W. Yorke, General L. E. Dr. Jacob Keller died at Steetsville, Randolph county, Ill., May 21st, 1887, of paralysis of the heart. Dr. Keller was born at St. Louis, Mo., in 1841, and after receiving a liberal education he entered and graduated from the St. Louis Medical College, after which he completed his professional studies in Europe, principally at Heidelherg and Berlin. Upon returning to this country, he located at Steetsville, where he enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best practitioners and operating surgeons in Illinois. He entered the service as Assistant Surgeon of the 6th Missouri Infantry, and May 13th, 1863, was promoted to Surgeon, in which capa city he served throughout the war, and at its close located at Kansas City, Mo., where he established and conducted his Missouri Surgical and Medical Journal. In 1868, he disposed of his interest in this journal, and located at Chester, Ill. In 1872, he again visited Europe, and, on his return, located at Steetsville, where he resided until his death. He leaves a widow, Mary J. Keller, one of the most estimable ladies of Illinois, and six children, the eldest, Dr. Robert J. Keller, being a resident of Pleasant Hill, Mo. He was a charter member of Steetsville Post No. 358 of the G. A. R., which Post assisted by Swannett Post No. 212 of Chester assisted at his funeral on the 22nd of May. General Richard Rowett died at Washington Park, Chicago, Ill., July 13th, 1887, of heart failure, the result of wounds received at Allatoona Pass. General Rowett was born at East Love, Cornwall, England, in 1830, came to America in 1851, and settled in Illinois in 1854. At the breaking out of the war, he entered the service as Captain of A Company, 7th Illinois Infantry, which had such an active and distinguished career. His first active service was at the capture of Fort Donaldson, followed by Shiloh, where he was severely wounded, but still remained on the field to participate in the battles of Iuka and Corinth. In 1864 he was placed in command of Camp Butler, but chafing over the inactivity of such a position, he applied for and received orders to again join his regiment at the front, with which he participated during the Atlanta campaign, particularly distinguishing himself by the heroic defense of Allatoona Pass, of which General Sherman said, "For the number engaged it was the bloodiest battle-field ever known upon the American continent." He was at this desperate battle again dangerously wounded in the head. For his gallantry upon this occasion, he was, upon recommendation of General Sherman, breveted a Brigadier-General. In April, 1865, he again returned to the front, and assumed command of his old brigade, with which he participated in the Grand Review at Washington City, and returned to Springfield for muster out. His military career was an exceptionably brilliant one, substantially covering all the important battles fought by the Army of the Tennessee from Cairo to Allatoona. Upon returning to civil life, he was first appointed Canal Commissioner, then Commissioner of the Joliet Penitentiary; in 1876, elected a Representative, and, in 1881, appointed Collector of Internal Revenue of the 4th Illinois Collection District. The funeral services were held under the direction of G. A. Post, of which he was a cherished member. Ex-Governor Palmer, his old personal friend, delivered a beautiful address, followed by others who knew and appreciated his many manly virtues. "Little mattered how he died They had seen him stand where the bloody tide Of battle rolled around him its crimson flood. For his country's sake. Ah they knew he was brave And never a soldier in distress But had cause his leader's name to bless. They knew he was kind, and many a tear Those veterans dropped on their comrade's bier And when the shadows had longer grown They left him under the stars alone: So they buried him, and left the rest To the Great Commander who knoweth best." Captain Alvah Stone Skilton died July 27th, 1887, at Monroeville, Huron county, Ohio, of carbuncle at base of brain. Captain Skilton was born at Ravenna, Portage county, Ohio, April 12th, 1836. He enlisted in the 57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, November 1st, 1861, and on the 10th of February, 1862, was commissioned Captain of Company I. He was severely wounded at Shiloh, and subsequently participated in the battles of Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Mission Ridge, Resacca, Kenesaw mountain and Atlanta, at which latter place he was captured during the battle of July 22d, 1864, and held in confinement successively at Camp Oglethorpe, Macon, Ga., Charleston, Columbia, Ashville, Saulsbury, Castle Thunder and Libby. He was liberated April 2d, 1865, and on the 13th of the same month was honorably discharged. After the close of the war he returned to Monroeville, and established a grain and commission business, in which he continued until his death. He was Post Commander of Asa R. Hillyer Post, G. A. R.; Chairman of Huron County Soldiers' Relief Commission, a Mason, Knight Templar, and life-long friend of his old companions in arms. Colonel James Tullis died at Lafayette, Ind., September 13th, 1887. Colonel Tullis was born near Shelbyville, Ind., September 3d, 1833, and a year after removed with his father's family to West Point, Tippecanoe county, where he remained until nineteen years of age. In 1855 he removed to Lafayette, Ind., where he was employed as sales |