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sons, one of which was that he wanted to run for a second term in Illinois.

The Democratic National Convention drafted Adlai Stevenson as the Democratic

Party's standard bearer and although he felt that he could not seek the nomination, he accepted it. His acceptance speech sounded the keynote of his campaign and his philosophy: "Let's face it. Let's talk sense to the American people. Let's tell them the truth, that there are no gains without pains * That we are involved in a "costly struggle which alone can assure triumph over the great enemies of man-war, poverty, and tyranny."

Adlai Stevenson was defeated in that campaign. During the next 3 years he traveled extensively. He sought to see, and to speak to, and with the people of his own beloved America and the world. Since he had been his party's nominee, he had the responsibility to be its spokesman.

It was during this time that he formulated his view of a new America. This was to be the theme for his second presidential campaign. He told the Democratic Party in convention assembled, 1956:

"History's headlong course has brought us, I devoutly believe to the threshold of a new America to the America of the great ideals


and noble visions which are the stuff that our future must be made of * * a new America where poverty is abolished and our abundance is used to enrich the lives of every family * * a new America where freedom is made real for all without regard to race or belief or economic condition *** a new America which everlastingly attacks the ancient idea that men can solve their differences by killing each other."

When the campaign was over he said, "Win or lose, I have told you the truth as I see it." This was the true Adlai Stevenson: the honest politician, in the rough game of politics, the idealist, in a world where many had placed their ideals aside for material gain, a statesman, in a world where cool heads and thoughtful purpose were never needed so badly. He saw in his two presidential campaigns, his speeches, his writings, and his travels a chance to educate people to what he felt were the great issues facing the American Nation and the world. He opened his mind and let the words fall where they may.

He was never to be President. But, we can see everyday where his ideas have had a great influence in the concepts of the New Frontier of John F. Kennedy and the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson.

Adlai Stevenson's idealism, his wisdom, his vision, and his sensible thinking, rallied many Americans to take an interest and an active role in this Nation's political affairs. He had the same effect on many citizens throughout the world.

And now Adlai Stevenson is gone. It is the responsibility of good citizens everywhere to see to it that his work was not in vain.


Mr. TYDINGS. Mr. President, several Mr. President, several weeks ago I had the opportunity to place in the RECORD the winning essay on steps toward world peace. The contest was sponsored by the Baltimore Life Insurance Co., whose chairman of the board is Mr. Henry E. Niles. A distinguished Baltimorean, Mr. Niles has testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on several occasions, most recently on Senator CLARK'S planning for peace resolution Senate Concurrent Resolution 32.

On August 8 the Sunday Sun did an excellent feature article on Mr. Niles.

As the article indicates, we all too often think of the peace movement in terms of unshaven sit-in demonstrators, rather than distinguished businessmen. I commend this article to my colleagues in hopes that they too may be aware of the service being performed by such distinguished persons as Mr. Niles.

I ask unanimous consent that the article be reprinted in the RECORD.

There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:

request for a copy of the regulation on the price of hardwood generated an unprecedented amount of correspondence, he set out blizzard of memorandums and letters that went to each department. He then pasted them down on a piece of wrapping paper 4 feet wide by 16 feet long, and traced the course of the original request and its eventual reply with several yards of red tape. The effect on the administrator's office was instantaneous.

Mr. Niles launched a similar attack on bureaucratic inscrutability when in 1947, while attending the Eighth International PROMOTING PEACE IS DEAR TO NILES' HEART Management Congress in Stockholm, he beBALTIMORE



(By J. D. Dilts)

After years of exposure to ban-the-bomb marches in Britain, the public tends to conceive of the movement for world peace as proceeding in sandals, to the accompaniment of guitars, its face, for the most part, unshaven.

Yet while the annual mass migration to Trafalgar Square and the occasional efforts of other fervent activists in the fight for peace get most of the publicity, in the background other men labor, among them-the antithesis of the bearded marcher-the American businessman. This small group's methods are quieter, their idealism is tempered by practicality, but they are equally dedicated to promoting peace.

One of the more active among them is Henry E. Niles, the tall, articulate chairman of the board and director of the Baltimore Life Insurance Co. The most recent evidence of his long-standing interest in world affairs was his announcement July 7 of the winners in an essay contest conducted by his company for high school students in seven States and the District of Columbia. They answered the question: "What steps should the United States take toward insuring world peace?"

Both Mr. Niles and his brother, Emory H. Niles (former Chief Judge of the Supreme Bench in Baltimore and a member of the U.S. Commission of International Rules for Judicial Procedures) were brought up in a family tradition that citizens should take an interest in world affairs. Mr. Nile's real interest began in his twenties when with his father, the late Judge Alfred E. Niles, he attended the first meeting of the League of Nations.

His father also influenced his career in the insurance business. After graduating (cum laude) from the Johns Hopkins University in 1920, Mr. Niles spent 2 years studying statistical methods, here and abroad, and then came to Baltimore Life, of which the older Niles was general counsel. He soon became mired in routine tasks and he chose to leave.

He went to New York, to the statistical department of the Federal Reserve Bank, then spent several years as assistant manager of the Life Insurance Sales Research Bureau in Hartford, Conn. For 10 years beginning in 1930 he and his wife, Mary Cushing Niles, were consultants to management, mainly in the insurance field. In 1940 Mr. Niles rejoined Baltimore Life as superintendent of agencies, a top-level job safely removed from the routine.

Because of his growing reputation as a management expert, Mr. Niles was asked, 2 years later, to become the chief management analyst for the Office of Price Administration, where he again demonstrated an impatience with petty procedures. Discovering, for example, that a manufacturer's simple

came interested in the Committee for the Blind of Poland. It was a New York-based

organization founded that year to ship clothes, food, medicines, etc., to the Polish Institute for the Blind at Laski, run by Catholic nuns. No one knew if the supplies were getting through. Mr. Niles made two trips behind the Iron Curtain to find out if they were (they were). He now serves as chairman of the board of the committee.

In 1951 Mr. Niles was again in Europe, this time in Baden-Baden to lead seminars for German industrialists. The subject was human relations, and Mr. Niles went on behalf of the Marshall plan.

The following year he was asked by Chester Bowles, whom he had met in his work at the OPA and who was then Ambassador to India, to go to that country as deputy director of the point 4 program.

For the past several years Mr. Niles has been attending periodic gatherings near Washington of about 120 representatives of government, business, and colleges and universities called the Conference to Plan a Strategy for World Peace. Riding on a bus to the latest conference, he found out from a friend that high school students all over the country would be debating in 1964-1965 the question of the best means of controlling atomic weapons.

He felt that it wasn't a basic enough question, devised what he thought was a better one, and announced the contest to schools last November. A panel of judges picked the 3 winners from over 3,000 entries. The winners received a total of $4,750 (first prize $2,500) to help pay for their college education.

Many of the essays were well-researched and thoughtful responses to one of the world's thorniest questions and one which many of Mr. Niles' business acquaintances, ironically, dismiss as too complex and too remote.

Mr. Niles gives credit to its complexity, but not its remoteness. Although as a Quaker he has a philosophical commitment to world peace, he is also a hardheaded businessman.

Insurance death claims increase in wartime, even in such limited engagements as those in Santo Domingo and Vietnam. Still: "Last year," he says, "our company's growth was 50 percent better than in any previous year. But all that could be wiped out in 15 minutes of nuclear war.

"It is estimated that the average scientist today has a half-life of 10 years, i.e., half the knowledge he has today will be obsolete 10 years hence. Our problem is to change our political and social thinking to keep up with what the scientists have done. World law is no longer the dream of the idealist; there must be some agreement among nations about how we are going to live in a world of speeded-up transportation and great destructive power."

His main purpose in sponsoring the essay contest was to inspire new thinking by the younger generation.

Mr. Niles remembers, from his stay in Geneva during the first days of the League

of Nations, Spanish Philosopher Salvador de Madariaga's statement that if the League failed, another institution would be set up to take its place. It was, of course, but now there is talk in some quarters of that Organization being broken up in favor of still another. Mr. Niles would prefer to see the United Nations strengthened rather than abandoned; provoking thought and discus

sion, especially among the young, seems a with the order heretofore entered, that
good way to accomplish this.
the Senate stand in recess until 10
o'clock tomorrow morning.


Mr. RUSSELL of South Carolina. Mr. President, if there is no further business to be transacted, I move, in accordance

The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 o'clock and 3 minutes p.m.) the Senate took a recess, under the order previously entered, until tomorrow, Friday, September 10, 1965, at 10 o'clock a.m.

Outlook on Vietnam Improves






Thursday, September 9, 1965

The North Vietnamese had let it be known millions is passing through mob hands, that during the monsoon season it would and a part of this sticks in the form of make its major effort to drive American profits. Mob gambling profits bankroll forces into an untenable position in Vietnam. The nation is well into the monsoon every seamy form of vice known. season and the Vietcong has been unable to muster the resources and the men to make the gigantic attack necessary to inflict a telling defeat on the South Vietnamese and American troops.

Morale in South Vietnam appears to be

Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, rising. Reports indicate it is weakening in

I ask unanimous consent that my newsletter of recent date, Capital Comments, be printed in the RECORD.

The newsletter follows:

OUTLOOK ON VIETNAM IMPROVES (By JOE L. EVINS, Member of Congress, Fourth District, Tennessee)

An air of cautious optimism is running through congressional and administration circles as reports reach Washington that U.S. military power is being applied with increasing effectiveness against the Vietcong in the battles in southeast Asia.

It is too early to overstate the case-to indicate that the tide has turned generally. But the fact is that in the first major U.S. engagement of the war on the Van Tuoung Peninsula near the U.S. air base at Chu Lai, this Nation demonstrated to North Vietnam just what happens when the Vietcong is forced to stand and fight in regimental strength.

The Communists were soundly beaten, caught in a military trap, cut off from escape and cut to shreds. The message implicit in this encounter will not be lost on Ho Chiminh, the premier of North Vietnam.

The feeling here is that American military might is being felt in Vietnam. Our planes are strafing and bombing strategic military targets in North Vietnam. Our troops are assisting the South Vietnamese in detecting the enemy in South Vietnam and aggressively attacking. Supply routes have been bombed repeatedly and the stream of the enemy troops and materiel into South Vietnam slowed markedly.

The Communists do not understand democracy. They do not understand that while there is some American disagreement and dissent that we are united. Simply because there is some dissent from President Johnson's foreign policy does not mean that this dissent will be reflected in any degree in the Nation's military effort.

As a matter of fact, there has been remarkable unity on American policy in Vietnam among members of both parties-and this unity seems to be growing stronger as President Johnson's determination begins to bear fruit in terms of greater success for the

forces of freedom.

Ambassador Averill Harriman reportedly made it clear to the Russians that the U.S. commitment in South Vietnam will be backed to the hilt, that there will be no equivocation and withdrawal to permit a Communist takeover.


North Vietnam.

optimistic mood on Vietnam. But we are
All of these factors add up to a more
not out of the woods. The advantage in a
guerrilla war is with the aggressor. He can
pick his time and spot for an attack. He can
concentrate forces overwhelmingly superior
to the forces he is attacking. He is operat-
ing in familiar jungles.

The casualties in the Vietcong and its
North Vietnamese elements are rising. They
are being pounded. Their supply lines are
in jeopardy. And, most important, they are
losing face.

Losing face in the Orient is a prelude to losing everything. It means loss of spirit, lowered morale, less cooperation from civilians, and a loss of prestige and power.

The sands of history are shifting in Vietnam. And time now may be running on our side the side of liberty and freedom.

Federal Government and Idaho:
Partners in Crime and Vice





Thursday, September 9, 1965

Mr. FINO. Mr. Speaker, today I would
like to bring to the attention of the Mem-
bers of this House some statistics con-
cerning gambling in the State of Idaho.
Idaho is another of those States where
the partnership of the State and Federal
Governments in keeping gambling illegal
is tantamount to a partnership in per-
petuating illegal gambling's bankrolling
of organized crime.

Last year, the parimutuel turnover in Idaho came to $600,000. Illegal gambling was far more extensive. Testimony given to the McClellan committee supillegal gambling at $120 billion annually. ports an estimate placing nationwide On a population basis, Idaho's share of this sum would be $480 million. This seems excessive, but no doubt an Idaho illegal gambling turnover in the tens of

The answer is National or State lotteries. Government-run gambling makes gambling dollars work for rather than against society.

World Peace Through Law





Thursday, September 9, 1965

Mr. ST. ONGE. Mr. Speaker, on September 2, 1965, I joined with a number of my colleagues in sponsoring a concurrent resolution which expresses the sense of Congress that World Law Day be officially recognized.

In connection with the 20th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, Congress adopted a concurrent resolution last June to encourage international cooperation within the framework of law and order. Subsequently, President Johnson proclaimed September 13, 1965, as World Law Day, thereby emphasizing the need to strengthen international cooperation through law and legal institutions. On this day, September 13, leading jurists, lawyers, and legal scholars from 120 countries throughout the world will gather in Washington to discuss the development of legal rules and judicial systems and their application toward the maintenance of world peace. The series of meetings will last for a whole week and will be known as the World Conference on World Peace Through Law.

my colleagues and I introduced in ConThe purpose of the several resolutions gress, in addition to official recognition of World Law Day, is also to welcome to our shores the many hundreds of jurists and scholars from abroad during their deliberations. We are very proud that our Nation's Capital was chosen for this significant meeting, coming especially at through law and order is a crying need a time in world affairs when peace of humanity everywhere. Their task is not merely to talk of peace through law, but also to draft plans for new international

courts, to codify and

strengthen international law, and to develop greater acceptance of the principle of law and order rather than resorting to force and aggression.

The legal profession and all those associated with that profession-and that includes indirectly parliamentarians of all nations have a magnificent opportunity to show the way for mankind to seek and attain peace through law and order. Any progress in this direction will be to the advantage of civilization and the survival of humanity.

Royalston's 200th Anniversary





Thursday, September 9, 1965

Mr. CONTE. Mr. Speaker, I represent a part of our land that is rich in history. The proud heritage of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts began at Plymouth in 1620, when a sturdy band of Englishmen arrived on these shores to build a new and better society. They and their families soon spread out, to the north, to the south, and many to the beautiful western hills and valleys that now comprise my congressional district.

These settlers grew and prospered. They were joined by others, of different religious and national backgrounds, but all eager for a new and better life in a young, free land. As a result, many of the communities in my district are this year celebrating their 200th anniversaries. Royalston, in Worcester County, Mass., is one such community.

It is always a pleasure for me to take note of such an historic occasion as a bicentennial year. But in Royalston's case it is a special pleasure, and I want to share it with my colleagues in the Congress. It is special because among Royalston folk there is a long tradition of mutual trust, friendship, and civic spirit of which any American community could be proud.

One hundred years ago, the Honorable A. H. Bullock gave an eloquent speech commemorating Royalston's centennial year. The sentiments he expressed at that time hold true today, and they go a long way toward explaining the kind of tradition in Royalston. Mr. Bullock said in part:

I apprehend that scarcely an ancient town in the State can present a parallel with this. Such has been the uniformity, the harmony, the serenity of this smooth current of population, from the commencement until now, that the present occasion is furnished with little that is eventful and with nothing that is dramatic. A town far away from the sea, and therefore without the inspiring excitement of ocean commerce-a precinct that bears no vestige of the aborigines, and is in this respect so unlike the more southerly towns, which had half a century of life not find that those original lords ever lighted a pipe or a fire here, a church without a schism in a century, a ministry that never

crowded with Indian traditions, that I can

sturdy and responsible community for her progress and achievement in the past, and on this, her 200th birthday, will offer her our warmest wishes for success in the years ahead.

knew how to quarrel, a people that have walked the paths of unambitious duty; these make our record uninteresting for the public address. But these also make our claim to the highest distinction of municipal fame. This agreeable progress of four generations, without anything that is startling in savage or civilized adventure, has made our history comparatively tame; but it is the tameness of beneficence, of a people who have been of beneficence, of a people who have been Survivorship Benefits for Servicemen IV content without observation to pour the town into the swelling volume of the growth, the power, and the renown of the State.

ceaseless tributaries of a small and distant

In fact, Mr. Bullock was being a bit modest. There are many interesting sides to Royalston's history, and in 1917 Mr. Lilley B. Caswell compiled a town history of no less than 550 pages. Mr. Caswell begins by recording the original grants and purchases of land in Royalston-one as early as 1737-and describes the proprieters meetings held "at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern" in Boston. He reports that the first permanent settlement was made in 1762, when six families established residence. When the French and Indian War ended shortly thereafter, these intrepid settlers were joined by others, and soon there were 75 homesteads dotting Royalston's hillsides.

Roads were laid out, mills were built, and a meeting house was erected. The growth and development of the little community was such that within 3 years it was ready to achieve the status of a full-fledged township. Responding to a petition by the townspeople, the general court on February 19, 1765, passed "An act for erecting a town in the County of Worcester by the name of Royalston." And thus took place the event that we are commemorating this year.

I am sure that my colleagues in Congress will join me now in saluting this

[blocks in formation]





IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 9, 1965

Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, previously I have inserted in the RECORD the benefits available to a sergeant who has lost his life and who leaves dependent parents. Today I want to include as a part of my remarks, the benefit to survivors of a noncommissioned officer when he leaves a widow and two children:



1. Sergeant, U.S. Army.

2. Age 25 at death.

3. Death was service-connected. 4. Seven years service at death. 5. Three years in grade at death.

6. Average earnings $251.10 a month (base pay).

7. Left a widow, age 25, and two children, ages 1 and 3.

8. Widow lives out her expectation of life (50.8 years).

9. Children receive maximum number of payments.


10. Widow does not remarry.

[blocks in formation]


Social security.

1 204


$13, 015, 20


[ocr errors]


$ 63.80


[ocr errors]


$ 63.80


Social Security (38 U.S.C. 412(a))



13, 414.50




Disability insurance compensation.

[blocks in formation]

Until youngest child reaches age 18.

204 months to age 18 plus 48 months in full-time training. $63.80 to age 18; $73.90 from age 18 through age 21. 180 months to age 18 plus 48 months in full-time training. $63.80 to age 20; $73.90 from age 20 through age 21. Beginning at age 62.

Survivorship Benefits for Servicemen-V their country. I want to include as a




IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 9, 1965

Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I have previously indicated the benefits and the commuted value of such benefits to privates and noncommissioned officers who lose their lives today in defense of

part of my remarks today the case of a second lieutenant who had 4 years of service at the time of his death and who leaves dependent parents:


1. Second lieutenant, U.S. Army;

2. Age 23 at death;

3. Death was service connected; 4. Four years' service at death; 5. Four years in grade at death;

6. Assumed average monthly pay was $329; 7. Base pay at death was $384.30 a month; 8. Left dependent parents (no other income), each age 50;

9. Parents live out their expectations of life (mother, 27.7 years; father, 23 years).


[blocks in formation]

Pay- Pay- Total ment ment payperiod rate ments


curity (38

U.S.C. 412(a)).

3 132



90 455


[blocks in formation]

1 Beginning at age 62.

2- or 3-year novitiate on Capitol Hill,
emerging after a few months as one of
the most respected young members."


He came into the national spotlight when he fought against President Roosevelt's Supreme Court organization plan. As a member of the Senate Judiciary 1 188 2 $90 $17,414 Committee, he authored a minority report condemning Roosevelt's plan to increase the court from 9 to 15 judges and "tampering with the hallowed institution which separates the power in American Government." For this he won national respect of the American bench and bar, but his relations with F.D.R. were never again the same. Gone were the halcyon days of "Joe O'Mahoney and

-Increasing to $99 after death of the father.

3 Beginning at age 62.

11, 880
12, 172
9, 372
50, 848

4 Decreasing to $11 at age 62 and then increasing to $50 after death of the father.

$ Decreasing to $11 at age 62.

Profiles in Wyoming Greatness






Thursday, September 9, 1965

Mr. RONCALIO. Mr. Speaker, in my series of Wyoming greats commemorating my State's 75th anniversary, I am particularly pleased to present this profile of my beloved friend and mentor, the late Joseph C. O'Mahoney.


Joseph Christopher O'Mahoney was born in Chelsea, Mass., November 5, 1884, the son of Irish immigrants. Following his father's death, he moved to New York at the age of 18 with an older brother, studying at nights, working in the day, and attempting an education as best he

was able. His brother's tuberculosis forced a move to Boulder, Colo., where O'Mahoney worked as a newspaperman. In 1915 he wandered northward to

Cheyenne and settled there as city editor

of the old State Leader.

In 1917 he was appointed secretary to Wyoming's newly elected U.S. Senator John B. Kendrick. In Washington, Joe O'Mahoney attended Georgetown University, won a law degree in 1920, and returned to Cheyenne to set up the practice of law and begin his career as possibly the greatest lawmaker in the history of Wyoming's 75 years of statehood.


In 1932, O'Mahoney helped formulate the national party's platform and served

as a vice chairman of the Democrat National Campaign Committee under his good friend, national chairman, James A. Farley. Following Roosevelt's election that year, O'Mahoney was appointed first Assistant Postmaster General by his friend, Jim Farley. He resigned that post in December 1933 to accept an appointment to the U.S. Senate, designated by Wyoming's Governor, his friend, Leslie A. Miller, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of the beloved Kendrick, his former boss.

According to Raymond Moley, Joe O'Mahoney "neatly telescoped the usual

the New Deal."


In 1938 Congress created the Temporary National Economic Committee. Under the leadership of O'Mahoney as its chairman and of such men as Thurman Arnold, Leon Henderson, and the late Dr. John D. Clark, this probe was carried on for almost 3 years, studying the concentration of wealth in American industry. The author I. F. Stone declared that these investigations "will rank with the great inquiries of the TNEC report "a document which depast" and called O'Mahoney's final serves to be read by every American."


Senator O'Mahoney established an outstanding record as a sponsor of important legislation. He twice put through ica the most effective in the world; in defense funds to make airpower of Amer1945 he authored a resolution to submit to the States the question of abolishing

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

known for his unaffected warmth, sincerA well-liked Washington figure, he was ity, and good humor, and as one "who speaks for the wide open spaces of Wyoming with a Boston accent." He battled in the great tradition of Western progressives with a capacity for fierce indignation and dedicated effort against those who extracted great riches from our soil and water without making a contribution for the benefit of future generations. Joe O'Mahoney will go down in history as one of the greatest Senators of all time.

Crusade for Safety





Thursday, September 9, 1965

Mr. FRIEDEL. Mr. Speaker, on Sepcasion of the issuance of a special 5-cent site of first day ceremonies on the octember 3, 1965, Baltimore, Md., was the traffic safety stamp.

The Safety First Club of Maryland campaigned for 5 years for the approval

lacked the propensity for big spending. of this stamp; and for that reason Balti

He was tightfisted with the dollar and kept hammering away at inflation, high prices and Government participation in private industry through foreign deals. He felt foreign cartels were never fully aired so that the American people could aired so that the American people could know what their great corporations were doing in the world market.


Although his close New Deal associations made him a national power, he always pumped for the development of the West. In 1944 he presented to Congress the bill for projects of the Missouri River Basin Glendo and Boysen Dams; the O'Mahoney-Hatch Oil Leasing Act of 1946 served to make wildcatting more profitable and oilfield investments more attractive; he secured the authorization for the multimillion-dollar Trona plant near Green River and for the alumina plant at Laramie; he pushed through an authorization for the Bureau of Mines building at the University of Wyoming; when Fort Warren was slated to be abandoned at the close of the war, O'Mahoney used his prestige to the limit to save it and, by a personal appeal to Air Force

more was given the privilege of serving as the site for the first day issuance ceremonies.

The 5-cent traffic safety stamp will help call attention to the tragic traffic toll registered during 1964: 48,000 deaths, 3,840,000 injuries, 285,000 pedestrian casualties, more than 1,300,000 casualties from speeding; and 18,960 deaths on weekends, weekends, almost 40 percent of the total. Over the last weekend alone, 536 Americans lost their lives in traffic accidents.

As one of the highlights of the first day program, the Safety First Club of Maryland sponsored a "stamp out accidents" luncheon on September 3 at the Lord Baltimore Hotel in Baltimore. Principal speakers at the luncheon included Frederick C. Belen, Deputy Postland, the Honorable J. Millard Tawes; master General; the Governor of Maryand Mayor Theodore R. McKeldin, of Baltimore.

The executive committee for the observance included Morris A. Kasoff, general chairman; William F. Laukaitis, postmaster of Baltimore City; Warren M. Bloomberg, assistant postmaster of

Baltimore City; Delegate Maurice Cardin, cochairman; Aaron B. Cohen, cochairman; Judge Edgar P. Silver, cochairman; Congressman SAMUEL N. FRIEDEL, cochairman; Paul Huddles, president of the Safety First Club of Maryland and Maurice R. Shochatt, executive vice president, Safety First Club of Maryland.

The citizen's committee included J. Charles Beasley, Melvin M. Berger, Paul El Burke, Oliver D. Davies, David Gordon, James Hajimihalis, Richard G. Hunter, Philip Kershner, Morton Levinstein, Samuel Matz, Jay H. Monfred, Sidney B. Needle, Mose Ottenheimer II, Bernard Potts, William J. Ryan, Lee A. Strassner, Richard H. Thompson and U.S. Marshal Frank Udoff.

As part of the celebration, a traffic safety postage stamp commemorative brochure was issued by the Safety First Club of Maryland. In conjunction with this event, President Johnson transmitted a message to me which I would like to insert at this point in the RECORD so that all our citizens may know of the President's concern about the tragic loss of life resulting from careless driving.

THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, August 24, 1965. The issuance of the special traffic safety stamp is a good opportunity for me to express my deep concern over the mounting death toll on the Nation's highways.

Last year, nearly 48,000 Americans died in traffic deaths. Most of them could be prevented. I intend to recommend steps next year to mount a major campaign against such senseless and terrible loss of life.

I hope the issuance of this stamp will call public attention to the need for safe and efficient driving practices and that it will be a "stop-look-and-listen" reminder to every American to drive as if the next mile could be his last.


I also ask unanimous consent to have the remarks of Governor Tawes, Mayor McKeldin and Deputy Postmaster General Belen included at this point in the RECORD in the hope that they will impress upon all our citizens the need for safe driving to reduce the slaughter on our Nation's streets streets and highways. These three addresses follow: GREETINGS BY GOV. J. MILLARD TAWES, AT THE ISSUANCE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY STAMP CEREMONIES, BALTIMORE, MD., SEPTEMBER 3, 1965 Chairman Kasoff, Reverend O'Hara, Rabbi Shusterman, Governor Terry, Deputy Postmaster General Belen, Mayor McKeldin, Mr. Newton, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, today marks the culmination of 5 years of effort by the Safety First Club of Maryland. I offer them my sincere congratulations and I know that it was because of their efforts over these past 5 years that the State of Maryland, and, in particular, Baltimore City, has been honored by being the site today of the first-day issuance of the U.S. traffic safety commemorative postage stamp.

The stamp itself, our presence here today, and the ceremonies connected with this event, all have the same purpose-to serve as a reminder and as a plea to the people of our State and of the entire Nation to exercise the highest degree of caution on the highway.

The selection of Friday, September 3, for this ceremony further demonstrates the purpose of this occasion. Today on the eve of the Labor Day holiday weekend, with the dire predictions of recordbreaking deaths on

our roads and highways, let us express our confidence that the people of America will realize the need for a special degree of care these next 3 days. To emphasize this need, the Governors of most of the States and myself, as Governor of Maryland, have asked that travelers turn their lights on low beam during the daylight hours tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday.

Studies have shown that this action has a definite safety value. Its greatest value lies,

perhaps, in that it shows that traffic safety is a common problem and that ultimate responsibility rests with the individual


All of us concerned in an official capacity with traffic safety are, in the final analysis, limited in our efforts.

Legislatures can pass more and more stringent motor vehicle regulations. Law enforcement officers can be more and more vigilant. Trial magistrates can levy stronger and stronger penalties on persons guilty of violations.

Organizations such as the Maryland Traffic Safety Commission and the Safety First Club of Maryland can promote traffic safety

with all the facilities at their command.

All of these efforts, as important as they are, will only achieve partial success if the individual motorist fails to assume the ultimate responsibility which is his.

Only when each and every motorist has a healthy respect for the vehicle he is driving and for the dangers inherent in its use can we expect to overcome this terrible waste of lives and property.

I am appalled by the latest fatality statistics for our State thus far in 1965. We are far ahead of our fatality figure of this date last year.

As Governor of the State of Maryland, I plead with our citizens to exercise the most extreme caution on the road not only over this Labor Day weekend, but for the remainder of the year.

Not a single life need be lost if every-I repeat every motorist will obey the rules of the road.

I have an especially pleasant assignment today, and that is to present to our distinguished guest and principal speaker, the Honorable Frederick C. Belen, a certificate designating him as an honorary citizen of the State of Maryland.

I would also like to officially thank Mr. Belen for his part in causing the first issuance of this traffic safety commemorative

postage stamp to be held here in Baltimore. It is indeed a high honor for Maryland.

As chairman of the national teenage safety pageant, I have the honor of presenting an award to Postmaster General John A. Gronouski in recognition of his interest in traffic safety and of the excellent safety record of the postal service, which has one of the largest fleets of vehicles on the roads today. I will ask Mr. Belen to accept this award on behalf of Postmaster General Gronouski.

Thank you.


Today is hardly a beginning in Baltimore's efforts at traffic safety, but neither is it an ending of the kind which signals that we can cease our efforts.

attention to good safety practices becomes ever more urgent.

Today is appropriately a time for expressions of congratulation and appreciation, and I would like to take this occasion to offer the congratulations and appreciation of the people of Baltimore to the members of the Safety First Club of Maryland for their relentless campaign not simply to have the stamp issued, but to promote traffic safety in all its aspects.

I would also like to express the appreciation of the city of Baltimore to the U.S. Post Office Department for its decision to issue the handsome and meaningful stamp in our city.

I think it is particularly noteworthy that this event should come only a week after the announcement by the National Safety Council that Baltimore is to be one of two cities to receive its top honor-the Trustees Award for the best long-range accidentprevention activities during 1964 and thus

far in 1965.

The other city is Hamilton, Ohio.

As the National Safety Council's winner in the over 350,000 population category, Baltimore will receive a specially designed art creation in Steuben glass fashioned to symbolize the flame of life that accident prevention seeks to sustain.

It will be my privilege to represent Baltimore in Chicago in October at the award ceremonies.

I am certain that at that time there will be fitting references to the fact that the traffic safety commemorative postage stamp, with its emphasis on enforcement, education and engineering, was issued in the city of Balti


This is as it should be, and I once again extend the city's appreciation to all those who are in any way responsible for today's events for their good work in helping make Baltimore one of the most safety-conscious cities-perhaps the most safety-conscious city-in the Nation.


Today we issue a stamp of special signifi


Besides its commemorative value, the traf

fic safety stamp is particularly important. torists that they must improve their driving habits. It is an appeal to the national conscience to take every possible step to prevent accidents and the needless tragedy and death that go with them.

It is intended to remind the Nation's mo

Today is the beginning of the last big holiday of the summer-the Labor Day weekend-and millions of Americans will be on the Nation's highways headed for beaches, parks, and the homes of relatives to take advantage of the warm weather.

We choose this time for our stamp ceremony because we want to dedicate this weekend to a safe journey home for every vacationing American.

The Labor Day weekend ranks with the Fourth of July as the most hazardous for the driver and his family. Last year 557 persons died in traffic accidents during the Fourth of July weekend; the toll was even worse for Labor Day: 561 died during that holiday in 1964.

Again this year the National Safety Council is predicting major tragedy for the Labor Day weekend. We must prove this predic

It is, however, a significant point along tion wrong. the way.

The beginning of the specific efforts which have culminated in today's ceremony goes back some years to the start of the campaign of the Safety First Club of Maryland to have a traffic safety postage stamp issued.

The end of efforts at traffic safety is and should be nowhere in sight as the need for

Safety is no accident. It is a very deliberate endeavor, and it must be promoted and cultivated and encouraged if it is to be achieved.

Such work can be undertaken with no less zeal and determination than that displayed here in Baltimore by the Safety First Club of Maryland.

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