About 5 a.m. Garcia returned to headquarters with his two suspects. "Keep searching," he told two agents left behind. "Mattresses, pillows, everything. When you're finished, start all over again. There's bound to be more than we've found." Digepol's files indicated that the woman, who claimed to be a nurse, was a contact for a fugitive FALN leader. The man who called himself López was fingerprinted, and a search through the files disclosed his real identity: Luis Eduardo Sánchez Madero, age 24. On the margins of the FALN sabotage manual were notes jotted down in his handwriting, among them a precise schedule of his last day of instruction on October 21: 6 a.m.-rise; 8 to 12-courses in artillery and mortar; 2 to 6 p.m.-training in recoilless rifle, bazooka and machinegun and cryptography; 8 to 10-study; 11-bedtime. PUZZLE BECOMES PICTURE Meanwhile, at apartment 49, an agent had found, taped to the bottom of a desk drawer, a 2-inch-thick stack of papers. Included in the material were lengthy descriptions of arms and explosives plus an intricate checklist for pulling off a successful sabotage or kidnapping operation: escape routes, floor plans, guards, alarm systems, cover stories, hiding places. There was also a large map of Caracas showing every street and major building in the city, and four pieces of transparent paper-overlays for the mapdotted by rectangles, circles, arrows, asterisks, crosses, parallel bars and triangles. What did it all mean? Garcia and his men studied these and other items, zeroing in on several papers crisscrossed with neatly ruled lines. At the top of each perpendicular column were large letters: "F," the symbol for fusil, Spanish for rifle; "PERS" for persons; "M" for mortar; "Csr" for cañone sin retroceso-recoilless rifle; and "B" for bazooka. The same type of arms found at Macama! More notes were studied, such as a list of apartment buildings, offices and streets with specific designations of weapons. These numbers were compared. The map was pulled out, and the overlays with their symbols were arranged and rearranged. At last the puzzle became a picture. The rectangular figure meant "artillery," the triangle "fixed group," the open circle "troop positions," the slanted parallel lines "barricade," the cross "emergency station," the five-sided figure surrounded by arrows "object of attack." Sanchez Madero had drawn up a detailed plan for attack upon Caracas using the weapons delivered at Macama. The Urdaneta barracks was the prime objective. A walled fort perched on the city's highest ground, it held a concentration of troops. Here also were tanks, near a jail holding top FALN terrorists. The scheme: isolate the troops and free the prisoners to join in the attack. This one phase of the operation called for 3 artillery units, 6 fixed groups of 3 to 4 men, 3 mobile groups plus positioning of 12 FALN troop units in carefully chosen locations. Assigned to do the job were 374 men, 195 rifles, 8 mortars, 12 bazookas, 4 recoilless rifles, 75 machineguns. Apartment houses near the barracks were selected from which snipers and machinegunners could pick off soldiers trying to reach jeeps and armored cars. Mortars would knock out key exits, sabotage units would cut telephone lines, seize power stations, and blow up vital streets; bazookas and recoil Indeed, the question was: Would the "outside world" believe it? Could they prove conclusively where the plan had originated, where the arms had come from? The first point hinged on Sánchez Madero. An exhaustive check of all airline listings was undertaken. It was a long shot but it paid off. Sánchez Madero had fied from Venezuela to Jamaica on March 5, 1962, listed as "Luis E. Sánchez M.," after an armored-car robbery in which his fingerprints were found. In Jamaica he had boarded a KLM special flight, No. 977 from Kingston to Havana, Cuba. He had cockily given the airline his destination address: House of Americas (headquarters in Havana for the infamous Institute of People's Friendship, the processing agency for Cuba's Latin American terrorist trainees). Tracing of the arms was turned over to the Venezuelan Army. An elaborate effort had been made to disguise the weapons. All serial numbers had been ground off. Near the trigger of each rifle, a hole had been cut, obviously to remove the insignia. But whose insignia? Several of the weapons were rushed to Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre at Herstal-lez-Liège, Belgium, whose trademark had been left on. Fabrique Nationale, the largest private arms manufacturer in the Western World, had filled an order by the Cuban Army for 22,500 automatic rifles on March 23, 1959. Now company experts examined the rifles dug up at Macama and reported that "the coat of arms of Cuba was stamped in the place where a cut had been made." Moreover, the Cuban weapons had their serial numbers uniquely located on the left side of the trigger guard, as these had been before they were ground off. Rifles with these characteristics had never been delivered to any country but Cuba. As for the 31 "UZI” 9-mm. machine guns, the Belgian company also confirmed that they had been bought by Cuba. But the Venezuelans went a step further. Where a seal had obviously been ground away, an etching solution was applied. Slowly the chemical made decipherable the outlines of a legend. Under a magnifying glass an ornate crest could be distinguished-the crest of the Cuban Army. outboard motor that had been left behind on the beach that first morning by the two strangers. Odd, he thought a Johnson motor with the manufacturer's marking: The Outboard Marine Corp. of Canada, Ltd., serial number C367809. The Canadian Ambassador in Caracas was asked to have the motor investigated. A report came back through Canadian Government channels: four Johnson outboard motors, including C367809, had been purchased by an exporting company in Montreal and flown to Cuba on October 1, 1963, consigned to the National Institute of Agrarian Reform, Poultry Division. A DAMNING VERDICT On February 24, 1964, the OAS commission presented its verdict: "The shipment was made up of arms originating in Cuba that were surreptitiously landed at a solitary spot on the coast for the purpose of being used in subversive operations to overthrow the constitutional government of Venezuela. The objective of the 'Caracas plan' was to capture the city of Caracas, to prevent the holding of elections on December 1, 1963, and to seize control of the country." This plan, plus Cuba's "propaganda methods, provision of funds, training in sabotage and guerrilla operations," concluded the investigators, added up to "a policy of aggression." A 112-page report was submitted with a mountain of facts and proof, much of which is the basis for the preceding account. Columbia's OAS representative found it hard to contain his fury. "This is not an incident of unwary sailors," he declared. "It is a serious international incident which is part of a carefully thought-out plan of Cuba for carrying the Communist revolution to the hemisphere." La Tribuna, a major newspaper in Lima, Peru, commented: "What is important is the next step: that is, what kind of action will be taken against a government convicted of armed intervention?" Incredibly, the answer to that question was in grave doubt. Several Latin countries balked at imposing firm measures against Cuba, clinging to the ancient concept of nonintervention which had originated years before Soviet communism moved into the The case was airtight. It was time to hemisphere. Principal backsliders were Mexbring charges. IRREFUTABLE PROOF The wood-paneled main council room of the Pan American Union Building, four blocks from the White House in Washington, D.C., was packed on December 3, 1963. Venezuela had called the Organization of American States into emergency session to charge Cuba with aggression. Ambassador Enrique Tejera-París of Venezuela was speaking: "The people of Venezuela have been the constant victims of the insults and attacks of Cuba's Castro regime. Now in the face of the new act of aggression by Cuba, for which there is definite and irrefutable proof, Venezuela is forced to take this action." An investigating commission was immediately set up, composed of representatives of Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Uruguay, and the United States. On December 8, the commission flew to Caracas, along with a team of military advisers. There they heard detailed accounts from a score of witnesses ranging from Minister of National Defense Gen. Antonio Briceño to Juan DeDios Marín, a young Venezuelan who had been in Cuba for several months receiving military train less rifles would be waiting for tanks-if they ing in the handling of arms and guerrilla made it through the carnage. FANTASTIC? At Miraflores Palace the attack plan was laid before President Betancourt. "To those of us who have witnessed FALN's murder and arson for 3 years, it doesn't seem so shocking," he confided to a colleague. "But this is going to look fantastic to the outside world." tactics. (See "Inside a Castro "Terror School,'" the Reader's Digest, December 1964.) Venezuelan Army officials picked out weapons at random, and before the eyes of the investigators demonstrated how the Cuban insignia could be raised chemically. Ward P. Allen, chief U.S. representative, was especially curious about the aluminum skiff and ico, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile and Brazil, all of whom at the time maintained diplomatic relations with Cuba. SANCTIONS OR NOT Venezuela would not be put off, and pressed for a foreign ministers' conference of the 20 American Republics to punish Castro. It called for mandatory steps such as cutting off all trade, air travel and diplomatic relations with Cuba. "If the OAS does not apply sanctions to Castro's Cuba, it means the bankruptcy of democracy and the inter-American system," warned Venezuela's Foreign Minister Marcos Falcón Briceño. Then in April 1964 a revolution in Brazil led by Gen. Humberto Castelo Branco, a firm anti-Castroite, ousted left-leaning President João Goulart. (See "The Country That Saved Itself," the Reader's Digest, November 1964.) Soon after, Brazil expelled Cuba's diplomatic delegation. Now those seeking stern measures against Castro felt that the continent's largest nation could be counted on when the chips were down. Still, weeks, then months, dragged by while diplomats dickered over sanctions that would assure the necessary two-thirds vote. Finally, on July 21, more than 8 months after Lino stumbled on the arms at Macama, the hemisphere's foreign ministers gathered in Washington for the crucial voting. The hemisphere states should not maintain diplomatic or consular relations with Cuba: 14 yes, 4 no, 1 abstain. They should suspend their trade, either direct or indirect, with Cuba, except for humanitarian reasons: same vote. They should suspend all sea transportation, again with the humanitarian exception: 14 yes, 3 no, 2 abstain. Any new attempts to subvert an American Republic could bring quick armed retaliation without consultation: 15 yes, 4 no. By the time the final resolution had passed, it was 12:15 a.m., July 26, the day Castro annually celebrates the birth of his revolutionary July 26 movement. At long last the American Republics had branded an outlaw in their midst. Within 6 months Chile, Bolivia, and Uruguay broke relations with Cuba. More significant was that key resolution giving the green light to OAS nations, alone or collectively, to strike back without delay should Castro be caught in further subversion. THE THREAT REMAINS Whether this provision will be used for direct retaliation against the Cuban sanctuary is quite another matter. Just last November representatives of Latin American Communist parties slipped into Havana to map out a bold new strategy with the Soviets to accel erate Red revolutions A secret declaration (released in Moscow 2 months later) was signed promising "active aid" to "freedom fighters" in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Panama, Haiti, and Venezuela. Operations center for this guerrilla warfare is Cuba's subversion and espionage agency, the DGI (whose biggest unit promotes Latin revolutions), advised by at least five Soviet intelligence specialists. Squads of Latin Americans are trained by the DGI's Department of Special Schools. This department and other Cuban organizations have turned out at least 5,000 graduates. "This training today represents the most serious threat to democracy in Latin America," says Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Jack H. Vaughn. "We know of cases where the individuals of a given country trained in Cuba return by the hundreds. These people form a cadre of guerrilla units, and the larger the number, the greater the threat ultimately that they will make a move." AN APPALLING SCOREBOARD The scoreboard of riots, bombings, assassinations, violence, and espionage emanating from Cuba is appalling. In Guatemala a band of terrorists with a hard-core strength of about 300 men roams the mountains with headquarters in the Lake Izabal region. Five of them recently burned the U.S.-aid program garage in Guatemala City, gutting 23 vehicles. Last February during a festive parade in the capital, 10 Guatemalan soldiers were killed by a grenade lobbed into the back of their trucks. Chief of these guerrillas is stocky, tough Marco Antonio Yon Sousa who has secretly received $200,000 from the DGI. A contingent of Panamanian Communists recently went back to Cuba for a second round of guerrilla instruction, while even more are preparing to journey to Havana. Next door in Colombia, banditry and kidnapings, once confined to remote rural regions, are closing in on the cities. Former Cabinet Minister Harold Eder was grabbed by kidnapers and a $250,000 price put on his head even though he had been murdered before the ransom demand. A newly organized Cuban-backed Army of National Liberation (ELN) directs much of this violence. In Moscow, Pravda propagandizes that events in Colombia are "very little different from the dirty war being fought in Vietnam." Finally, look at the grim tragedy in the Dominican Republic. In classic style a band of skilled Communists swiftly exploited an explosive chaotic revolution. At least 77 known Communists were pinpointed and, as President Johnson has disclosed, "two of the prime leaders in the rebel forces were men with a long history of Communist association and insurrections." He noted that many of the "conspirators" were "trained in Where will the graduates of the SovietCuban Communist combine strike next? Where within our hemisphere will U.S. soldiers have to be sent next to avert a Communist coup while Havana and Moscow have a propaganda field day? And will we and our friends be able to discover and act against the next blueprint for subversion before it is too late? No one can say so long as an operations center for "wars of liberation" functions with impunity in Cuba. Time and time again our officials have said this subversion "must stop," yet it continues. Our words and warnings are scorned, and we go on merely reacting to one Cuban-fomented foray after another. One long-overdue solution is for the OAS to modernize its rules and machinery so that it can act swiftly against Communist "interventions." Otherwise, Latin countries must accept U.S. fast action when lives and liberties of nations are in the balance, as in the Dominican Republic. Another solution lies in tightening the economic noose around Cuba. Considering the mess communism has made of the Cuban economy, experts say it would collapse within weeks if most outside assistance was cut off. Why, for example, should we permit a procession of Soviet oil tankers to steam into the Caribbean to fuel Cuba's industries and utilities so that this springboard for subversion can survive? And why should we allow nonCommunist nations to furnish vital items867 shiploads since 1963? When Secretary of State Dean Rusk called for sanctions against Cuba last summer, he pointed out that "subversion supported by terror, sabotage and guerrilla action is as dangerous a form of aggression as an armed attack." And he added these significant words: "Today it is Venezuela which is under attack. Is there any one of us who can say with assurance, 'It cannot be my country tomorrow'?" MALAYSIA DAY Mr. KENNEDY of New York. Mr. President, today is Malaysia Day, the anniversary of the independence of Malaysia. Malaysia became a federation within the British Commonwealth on this day in 1957, and achieved its present independent status in 1963. I know that my brethren in the U.S. Senate join me in congratulating this young nation on its birthday and in wishing it well for the coming years. I want particularly to extend my best wishes to Malaysia's Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, at this time of independence celebration in his country. Malaysia has made significant progress in many areas. I enjoyed visiting there in 1951 when it was fighting for survival and I enjoyed being there again just last year. Over the years Malaysia has made great strides with its rural development programs, with its educational programs, and in its operation of a parliamentary democracy with free elections. On this occasion of independence observance, I want to wish Malaysia continued success in its programs of economic and social development. I might point out to Senators in connection with recent events in Malaysia that the Tunku stated in his independence day speech earlier today that Malaysia and Singapore have pledged to work together "in intimate association on matters of mutual benefit or concern." This is good to hear, and it is appropriate that the Tunku was able to announce it on an occasion in which everyone's thoughts We all wish this are with Malaysia. young country well on this anniversary day. CRIME, DELINQUENCY, UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS COMPOUNDED BY THE POPULATION EXPLOSION SENATOR SIMPSON'S TESTIMONY ON S. 1676 Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, this morning our able colleague, the junior Senator from Wyoming, MILWARD SIMPSON, testified before the Subcommittee on Foreign Aid Expenditures, which is holding hearings on S. 1676, a bill to establish offices in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and in the Department of State to make birth control information available to those desiring it and to provide for a White House Conference on Population Problems in 1967. Senator SIMPSON is a member of the subcommittee. Senator SIMPSON gave an excellent analysis of the need for this legislation, implementing as it does the four statements made by President Johnson urging action to help solve the problems created by the population explosion both at home and abroad. I ask unanimous consent that Senator SIMPSON'S press release as well as his testimony before the subcommittee be printed in the RECORD. There being no objection, the statement was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: BIRTH CONTROL WASHINGTON, D.C.-U.S. Senator MILWARD SIMPSON spoke out today on the controversial subject of birth control, warning that if people do not learn to limit their numbers, millions of human beings throughout the world will die of starvation, and poverty will continue on the increase. SIMPSON, in a statement presented before his Foreign Aid Expenditures Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, told Senators that the population of the United States will double before the end of this century and then double again within the next 30 or 40 years. He pointed out that two-thirds of the world's people are underfed, under present population ratios, and that there are now 55 million more mouths to feed in the world each year. "The standard of living experienced by a nation's people is determined by the quantity of goods and services related to the number of people drawing upon this availability," Senator SIMPSON pointed out. "America has been blessed and has been able to produce more goods and services than it needs, but there is no assurance that this balance will continue and it certainly does not exist today in other countries of the world." SIMPSON asserted that the only solution to the population problem is reproduction control on a voluntary basis, and he said that "no religious group opposes family planning or planned parenthood. It is to the particu lar method of planning that there may be objection," he said. The Wyoming lawmaker praised both the Government and the press for the change in attitude toward the birth control issue. He recalled that President Kennedy had endorsed action which led to a $500,000 appropriation by Congress for studies in human reproduction and that "the press for the first time has this year been lending itself admirably to the subject." Senator SIMPSON asserted that there is a clear and graphic relationship between poverty and population. He said that evidence produced during Senate debate on the Appalachia bill made it abundantly clear that low-income families with many children plunged themselves deeper into the poverty cycle than those with fewer children. "The cost of maintaining children of the poor has climbed to more than a billion dollars a year," SIMPSON said. "One child in every 25 receives welfare aid. That number is expected to double in the next 10 years. These children, because of family poverty and the resulting lack of education and opportunity, have little chance of rising above the culture of despair." SIMPSON listed three economic aspects of increased population in the United States: We may expect our burgeoning population to burden rather than accelerate our economy, we can expect vast increases in public expenditures for new schools, health facilities, housing, water supplies, transportation, and public power-all necessitating a greater tax burden and a bigger government, 15 to 20 percent of all tax revenues this year will be spent simply to give 4 million new babies the basic services of our society. SIMPSON said the United States must em bark upon programs for research on a large scale on the biological and medical aspects of human reproduction so that improved methods of fertility control can be developed. He said the American people must be informed of the enormous problems inherent in unchecked population growth in the United States and abroad, and he stressed the need for responsibility in bringing into the world only those children whom parents want and are prepared adequately to care for and educate. SIMPSON asserted also that information on birth control must be made available at low cost to all those who need and wish such guidance. Senator SIMPSON called birth control "one of the most vital issues facing the United States and the world." BIRTH CONTROL LEGISLATION (Statement of U.S. Senator MILWARD L. SIMPSON, of Wyoming, before the Foreign Aid Expenditures Subcommittee of the Government Operations Committee) Mr. Chairman. I want to commend you for holding these hearings which I have been regularly attending. The need for birth control here in the United States and in the world has been dramatically demonstrated by the witnesses that we have heard. The tremendous number of children born unwanted, unplanned, and unneeded is one of the causes of the problems that we in the Senate try to solve. Crime is on the increase. We have a great deal of poverty. Delinquency in our schools and universities is abundant. Unemployment continues to plague us. School dropouts continue to increase. Here in the United States and abroad these problems are compounded and multiplied by the population explosion. Mr. Chairman, I am of the opinion that there is a direct correlation between poverty and uncontrolled births. I realize that there are many reasons for poverty, but certainly one reason is the tremendous population growth of the United States and the world. The standard of living experienced by a nation's people is determined by the quantity of goods and services available divided by the number of people. America has been blessed and has been able to produce more goods than it needs. Consequently, our standard of living has been steadily increas ing. However, two-thirds of the world's people are underfed and undernourished, partly because there are now 55 million more mouths to feed in the world each year. The population of the United States will double before the end of this century. And then it will double again within the next 30 to 40 years. The less developed areas, such as China, southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America, are doubling their population every 20 to 30 years, according to a study made by the National Academy of Sciences entitled "The Growth of the World Population." The population crisis in the world is startling. Countries which now cannot even feed their own will have two or three times as many people as they have now by the year 2000. The Department of Agriculture has published a book written by Les R. Brown entitled, "Man, Land, and Food: Looking Ahead at World Food Needs," which is must reading for those who are interested in the problems caused by the uncontrolled population explosions. Can we feed the people of the world? Mr. Brown handles this question very well. He points out the problem of feeding the world is two dimensional. "It is partly a production problem, partly a distribution problem. Food supplies in the developed regions are abundant and steadily rising on a per capita basis. In the less-developed regions, supplies are inadequate * *. "The distribution aspects of the food problem give little evidence of immediate improvement. Population in the less-developed regions, now totaling 2.1 billion, is expected to reach 5 billion by the end of the century. If the expected addition of about 3 billion materializes, the less-developed regions will need to develop an additional food production capacity equal to current world capacity." What are the prospects of this needed additional production? Not very good. We must learn to control our population birth rate or millions of human beings throughout the world will die of starvation or malnutrition. If the world situation can be said to be critical, then our national problem must be lation problem were formerly taboo subjects called serious. Birth control and the population problem were formerly taboo subjects but now, due to the seriousness of the problem, they are extensively discussed in the Nation's mass media. In 1963, newspaper stories concerning birth control jumped 55 percent to a total of 11,699. Popular magazines and specialized professional publications, with circulation in the many millions, published at least 130 articles on these and related subjects. In 1964, birth control problems and the population explosion received a great deal population explosion received a great deal of attention through the news media of this Nation. Never before had there been such an overt attempt by our editors and publishers to bring to the forefront the problems that are being experienced in this field. This year, Mr. Chairman, because of your pioneering spirit, and because of your willingness to talk about a subject which heretofore had been considered taboo, the press has been full of information concerning birth control. The Senate now has a great opportunity to do something which will be constructive and will help meet the need of this Nation and possibly the world. I hope we will be courageous enough to act. It is important that the American people be fully informed on the subject matter of birth control. I am pleased to know that there are many organizations which are doing all that they can to get the known information distributed and to acquire new information and knowledge. Organizations, such as the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Population Council, the National Academy of Sciences, the Population Reference Bureau, the American Public Health Association, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the many pharmaceutical manufacturers, as well as public health officials across the land, are trying to educate our people to the need of birth control or, as some prefer, family planning. It should be pointed out that no religious group opposes family planning or planned parenthood. It is to a particular method that there may be objection. The U.S. Government has wisely adopted a policy concerning the population problem. President Kennedy endorsed action, and following his endorsement, our Government gave $500,000 to the World Health Organization for studies in human reproduction and created a major new research division of the National Institute of Health-the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The State Department affirmed the United States' willingness to "help other countries, upon request, to find potential sources of information and assistance on ways and means of dealing with population problems." Our foreign aid laws authorize the use of assistance funds for "research into problems of population growth." There is an emerging pattern of public responsibility in educating the public regarding the need for birth control. The question must be asked: Is the Government doing enough to promote population control? Clearly, we are not. State, county, and city governments must take a more active role. The county of Mecklenburg, N.C., according to an article which appeared in the April 7, 1964, Look magazine, has met the challenge and has assisted the poor by giving them birth control devices and information. By this practice the county government spends $1 to save $25. The human savings are much greater. There is a direct relationship between poverty and high birth rates. If we are to declare "war on poverty," we must assist people so they can plan for their families. Much of the attention has been focused on Appalachia because of its large unemployed population and poverty. Traditionally, the Appalachian region has experienced phenomenally high fertility. The report of the National Resources Committee, published in 1938, noted that "the highest fertility in the United States is found among the women of the southern Appalachians. * The population would increase 21⁄2 times in about 30 years without emigration * * *.” Conditions have improved but the problem is still acute. We are all familiar with the problems caused by the needy families who have too many unwanted children. many unwanted children. Our welfare departments are plagued with the poor who continue to have children when they can't even afford to feed the ones they have. The cost of maintaining children of the poor has climbed to more than a billion dollars a year in welfare funds. One child in 25 receives welfare aid, and the number may double in the next 10 years. These youngsters, because of family poverty and lack of education, lack of love, have little chance of rising above the culture of despair. Birth control does not solve all the problems of poverty. But it does help the poor regulate the growth of their families. Expenses are cut. The health of the mother improves because she isn't having too many children too quickly. The fear of bearing another child, who might mean increased poverty, diminishes. The costs of unwanted and unplanned children are immeasurable. The human suffering caused by and to them and the financial strain on the family and community are more than we realize. Among low income, low educated parents surveyed recently, 54 percent of their children were unplanned and unwanted. For every 100 patients visiting a planned parenthood center in 1962: 66 have incomes of $74 or less per week; 33 are on welfare or have incomes of less than $50 a week; 78 are less than 30 years old; 21 are less than 20 years old; and 69 have three children or less. What are the economic aspects of increased population in the United States? 1. Increasingly, we may expect our rapid increase in numbers to burden, rather than accelerate, our economy. 2. Increased expenditures-mostly public funds-needed to supply schools and colleges, health facilities, housing, water supplies, transportation, power, etc., for the expanding population will mean a substantially higher tax burden and bigger government. 3. This year 4 million new babies will be born in the United States, and between 15 and 20 percent of all tax revenues will have to be spent simply to give them basic services. 4. The U.S. Office of Education estimates that Americans spent $32 billion last year on schooling-three-quarters of it from tax funds. What must be done to meet this challenge? 1. Research on a far larger scale must be supported on the biological and medical aspects of human reproduction so improved methods of fertility control are developed. 2. The American people must be informed of the enormous problems inherent in unchecked population growth here as well as abroad. 3. A sense of responsibility must be developed concerning marriage and parenthood, including the responsibility of bringing into the world only those children whom parents want and are prepared adequate to care for and educate. 4. Existing knowledge about birth control at low or no cost must be made available to those who need and wish such information and guidance. The Federal Government has spent millions of dollars in research so that the health of the world could be improved. The effectiveness of our federally financed research in cooperation with private enterprise has been so effective that we have now virtually eliminated many of the killer diseases and our death rate is now very low. Now our public health officials must concern themselves with the increase in population which threatens the health and well-being of many millions of people. Our public health officials should fully utilize the devices and information that are now available. It is my understanding that even though our law provides that money can be used for family-planning services, few agencies use it. Our officials must face up to their responsibilities. We must mount an educational program that will inform the American public of the wisdom and advisability of planning parenthood. There has been substantial information and know-how collected. It must now be used. Mr. Chairman, the meetings that we have held have been most informative and most valuable. I am hopeful that the great reservoir of knowledge that has been pulled together will be used by the Federal Government and State governments in their efforts to meet these population problems and the problems experienced by our individual citizens who must concern themselves with the need for planning their families. I have appreciated serving on this committee and am grateful for the opportunity of presenting grateful for the opportunity of presenting this statement. THE SUPERSONIC TRANSPORT PROGRAM Mr. HARTKE. Mr. President, two articles published in the August 30, 1965, issue of Aviation Week demonstrate a continuing concern over the future of the civilian agencies of our Government, the civilian agencies of our Government, especially the FAA. The military takeover is continuing at a steady pace and again should be an item of national discussion. The two articles are well written and of Senate interest, and I therefore ask unanimous consent that they may be printed in the RECORD at this point in my remarks. There being no objection, the articles were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: CONGRESS TO APPROVE SST MONEY REQUESTMAJOR OPPOSITION UNLIKELY, BUT PROTEST BUILDS ON APPOINTMENT OF USAF OFFICER TO HEAD FAA PROGRAM (By George C. Wilson) WASHINGTON.-Congress within the next few days will approve President Johnson's request for $140 million in fiscal 1966 funds for the supersonic transport program but not without protesting what some Members In my judgment, action is required. I contend is militarization of the Federal Avisuggest: 1. Public health organizations at all levels of government should give increased attention to the impact of population change on health. 2. Scientific research should be greatly expanded on (a) all aspects of human fertility; and (b) the interplay of biological, psychological, and socioeconomic factors influencing population change. 3. Public and private programs concerned with population growth and family size should be integral parts of the health program and should include medical advice and services which are acceptable to the individuals concerned. 4. Full freedom should be extended to all population groups for the selection and use of such methods for the regulation of family size as are consistent with the creed and more of the individuals concerned. Recognizing that the population problem, nationally and internationally, has become a serious crisis, we must determine a course of action. I recognize that a great deal of work has already been done by the drug firms throughout America and other interested organizations. Nothing should be done to detract from their achievements. In fact, we should compliment their efforts. CXI-1410 ation Agency. Chairman, GEORGE H. MAHON, Democrat, of Texas, of the House Appropriations Committee, told Aviation Week & Space Technology there was no significant opposition in the House to the President's supersonic transport money request. "I think people are sold on the idea that this supersonic transport is desirable. I think it will be a routine thing" to get House approval. But a protest is building in the Senate, led by Senator VANCE HARTKE, Democrat, of Indiana. He said he is "very disturbed" over the imminent replacement of Gordon Bain, deputy administrator for supersonic transport development, by an Air Force general and intends to make an issue of it when the money request reaches the Senate, if not before. Senator HARTKE objected to the naming of USAF Gen. William F. McKee (retired) as FAA administrator on grounds it amounted to militarizing the civilian agency (Aviation Week & Space Technology, June 28, p. 31). WEATHERS ATTACK Although General McKee weathered this attack and was confirmed, the whole question will be raised again because General McKee has announced that USAF Brig. Gen. Jewell C. Maxwell will replace Bain. To blunt expected criticism of militarization of the FAA, General McKee told the Senate that while General Maxwell was joining the agency another general was leaving it-USAF Maj. Gen. M. S. White, Federal air surgeon. Dr. Peter V. Siegel, a civilian who has been serving as Chief of the FAA Aeromedical Certification Division at the Office of Aviation Medicine in Oklahoma City, will replace General White. Senator HARTKE contends that the arrival of General Maxwell and departure of General White do not balance out because of the overwhelming importance of the civilian supersonic transport program. He has asked General McKee why the title of the job to be held by General Maxwell has been changed from deputy director for supersonic transport development, to "director, supersonic transport program." Other questions Senator HARTKE has asked General McKee by letter to answer are: "Why was a military man selected for this position? Was any search made for a civilian to fill this position? Is any civilian technically competent and qualified to fill this important position? Is there any civilian in the aviation industry technically competent and qualified to fill this position? Is there any civilian in any of our aviation engineering schools, such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California School of Technology, Purdue or others, who could fill this position? Is it considered necessary that a military man take this post? If so, should the supersonic transport development program be transferred from the Federal Aviation Agency to the jurisdiction of the Pentagon?" Chairman A. S. MIKE MCNRONEY, Democrat, of Oklahoma, of the Senate Aviation Sub committee, who has championed the supersonic transport in the Senate in the past, said, "I don't expect a flap" over the replacement of Bain by General Maxwell. Whether there will be a sizable fight when the $140 million appropriation reaches the Senate floor, or before, depends on how much support Senator HARTKE recruits. The House Appropriations Committee will lump the $140-million for the supersonic transport with other Presidential requests for fiscal 1966 supplemental appropriations. The whole bill will be voted within the next few days. Then it goes to the Senate special subcommittee for supplemental requests, headed by Senator JOHN O. PASTORE, Democrat, of Rhode Island. Senator MONRONEY is on this subcommittee and probably will defend the supersonic transport money request when it reaches the Senate floor. Because Congress is pushing hard to get the money bills out of the way so it can adjourn as soon after Labor Day as possible, the supplemental appropriations will reach a vote in the Senate a few days after it clears the House. No separate bill authorizing the supplemental appropriations is required as in most regular money bills. HARTKE'S FORUM Although the supplemental appropriation for the supersonic transport is entirely separate from the question of whether the appointments of Generals McKee and Maxwell threaten to militarize the FAA, the debate on the money bill will provide a forum for Senator HARTKE and his supporters. They came within three votes of recommitting the bill granting General McKee special treatment to enable him to collect about $8,000 a year in retirement benefits. Some of that support may be transferred into opposition to the supersonic transport appropriation although not enough to deny the President the money. Privately, those Senators pushing for the supersonic transport program generally and the $140 million specifically contend that there was no place other than the military to recruit the kind of experienced management needed to run the billion-dollar effort. "Where are you going to get somebody who knows enough about the aircraft devel opment to run the supersonic transport program," asked one Senator. "Do you really think you're going to get a $75,000-a-year man from Boeing or Douglas or any place else to work for the FAA for less than half that money? We're getting near the metal cutting stage now. Where are you going to go to get somebody who really knows aircraft development and procurement if you don't go to the military?" Although Bain enjoyed considerable support within the aerospace industry during his tenure as FAA's supersonic transport chief, backers of General Maxwell counter Bain's work was mainly organizing the Government's paper effort. The hardware stage, they contend, demands a breadth of experience different from the experience Bain brought to the job. One byproduct of having military officers at the forefront of the civilian supersonic transport development is bound to be a full assessment of the military potential of the aircraft, despite the contention of Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara that there is no military requirement for it. This could be a most significant byproduct, including the very real possibility that the Defense Department eventually will pay for part of the supersonic transport's development-perhaps the engines. DEPARTURE OF BAIN SPURS CONCERN OVER FUTURE FAA DIRECTION OF SST WASHINGTON.-Gordon M. Bain's decision to leave the Federal Aviation Agency where he has directed the supersonic transport program since 1963 has created concern among airlines and aircraft manufacturers over the future of the program. Adding to the uncertainty is the appointment of Air Force Brig. Gen. Jewell C. Maxwell, to replace Bain. Bain's resignation is effective September 15. Bain said it was for "personal reasons" and that he plans to return to private industry, although he has not said where or what his new job will be. Bain was considered to have a sympathetic understanding for the problems faced by both the airlines and the airframe and engine manufacturers in developing a practical transport. "We differed with him on a lot of points, but at least you could argue constructively with him," one airline equipment planner said. The fact that the supersonic transport is a commercial enterprise, and that it is to be directed by an active-duty Air Force general, is the basis for most of the current concern. However, Gen. William F. McKee, FAA Administrator, said in making the appointment that General Maxwell was the best man he could find who had lengthy experience in R. & D. work. Princeton University, and is a graduate of the War College. Industry sources are avoiding any public comments on the merits of General McKee's bringing a fellow Air Force officer into the supersonic transport program. The airlines are particularly anxious to see to what extent General Maxwell will seek their advice. "The supersonic transport must be developed in a fish bowl, without any secrecy," one airline official said. "The airlines do not buy off-the-shelf aircraft. Each one, even though it is a basic model, must have features desired by the individual carrier." At present, FAA sources said, the only part of the supersonic transport still covered by Defense Department security is performance and interior technology on the engines. Bain told Aviation Week & Space Technology that he felt now was the most opportune time for him to resign. "When I took this job in 1963, I had no intention of seeing it through to the end," Bain said. "My job was to pull everything together and get it headed forward in good order. That has been done, and the pattern for the next 18 months is set. So I feel it is a good time for me to step out." Industry officials who have worked closely with Bain acknowledge that he has kept the program working smoothly and that schedule deadlines have been met. The main point of disagreement between himself and the industry has been over the eventual production of flying prototypes-the industry wanting two and Bain insisting on one. "We in the industry know that the best airplane and engine always comes from an intense competition," one airline official said. "but recognize that Gordon might have had a tough time convincing the Government that the added expense * * was justified." Bain's leading role in the program also was affected when President Johnson named Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara to head a special advisory committee whose recommendations led to the recent phase 2C research decision. Spokesmen said it was apparent during negotiations on the phase 2C contracts that Bain was not in complete agreement with the order to continue research for another 18 months. "We cannot expect delivery of a U.S. supertry spokesman said. "But Gordon agreed sonic transport now before 1975," one indus with those of us who know we could have it ready by 1973." THE THEORY THAT THE VIETNAM- Mr. DODD. Mr. President, we are frequently assured by those who urge an to you the words of the broadcast letter to the patron saint of the Chinese Communists: On behalf of the South Vietnam people and the NFLSV, and in my own name, I would like to extend the warmest and highest respect to you, the great leader of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people. The South Vietnamese people are deeply inspired by receiving the full and valuable sympathy and support from the Chinese Communist Party and the fraternal Chinese people in their patriotic and just struggle and war of resistance against the U.S. imperialist aggressors and their lackeys and for national independence. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have this inserted into the RECORD at this point, the entire text of the letter from Nguyen Huu Tho to Mao Tse-tung. There being no objection, the statement was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: [Communist China, International Affairs, Aug. 20, 1965] NFLSV CHAIRMAN'S LETTER TO MAO TSE-TUNG Chairman Mao Tse-tung recently received a letter from Nguyen Huu Tho, Chairman of the Presidium of the NFLSV Central Committee, thanking the Chinese people for their support to the South Vietnam people in their struggle against U.S. imperialist aggression. At the same time, Chairman Liu Shao-chi, NPC Chairman Chu Te, and Premier Chou En-lai also received letters from Comrade Nguyen Huu Tho. The letters were hand delivered to Premier Chou En-lai by Tran Van Trung, head of the NFLSV permanent delegation to China, on August 12. The full text of Chairman Nguyen Huu Tho's letter to Chairman Mao Tse-tung reads: SOUTH VIETNAM, June 1, 1965. CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG OF THE CCP CENTRAL COMMITTEE. DEAR CHAIRMAN: On behalf of the South Vietnam people and the NFLSV, and in my own name, I would like to extend the warmest and highest respect to you, the great leader of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people. The South Vietnam people are deeply inspired by receiving the full and valuable sympathy and support from the Chinese Communist Party and the fraternal Chinese people in their patriotic and just struggle and war of resistance against the U.S. imperialist aggressors and their lackeys and for national independence. The historic statement issued by you on August 29, 1963, on the South Vietnam question is of great significance to the revolutionary cause of the South Vietnam people. The job Bain holds pays $24,500 a year. American withdrawal from Vietnam It also demonstrated once again the close, standards for a project like the supersonic transport. General Maxwell, 48, is presently commander of the Air Force Western Test Range at Vandenberg AFB, Calif. Among his research and development activities was service as chief military coordinator in development of the Boeing B-52 bomber. He is a former chief of staff of USAF Systems Command, and in 1963 was chairman of the aircraft committee of Project Forecast, which included analysis of future Air Force needs for transports. For 5 years he was chief of the bomber aircraft division at Wright-Patterson AFB. General Maxwell flew 44 missions as a Martin B-26 pilot in World War II, and was executive officer of the 386th Bomb Group in the European Theater of Operations. He holds a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Tennessee, a masters degree in aeronautical engineering from that our withdrawal will not result in turning Vietnam and southeast Asia over to the effective political control by Peiping. We are told that the Vietnamese Communists are basically anti-Chinese, that Ho Chi Minh is basically another Tito, and that the most effective way of assuring the continued independence over Vietnam from Peiping would be to turn the entire country over to the control of the so-called Nationalist Communists. Mr. President, I believe that the most effective answer to those who entertain these theories was recently given by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Na tional Liberation Front of South Vietnam, in a letter to Mao Tse-tung. This letter was broadcast over Peiping domestic service on August 19. Let me quote solid militant friendship between the Chinese and South Vietnam people, and has strengthened further our solid strength to defeat the U.S. aggressors. To avoid its inevitable defeat in South Vietnam, U.S. imperialism is exerting great efforts to intensify its war of aggression against South Vietnam, has dispatched to South Vietnam tens of thousands of U.S. troops and some troops of its vassal countries, and has continuously extended the bandit war to North Vietnam. At the same time, it has spread the so-called unconditional peace talks tricky offer, attempting to deceive world opinion and to cover up its true aggression and bellicose nature. However, the NFLSV Central Committee's five-point statement issued on March 22, 1965, has pointed out that the South Vietnam people are convinced that no frantic schemes, no tricky arguments, and no modern weapons and troops of U.S. imperialism and its vassals could make the 14 million patriotic |