party, this man I aala a wore which wars pd in the verbal convessor: tion. In telling that I attempt no compliment to my own sagacity. I claim not to have controlled events, but confers plaing that events have controlled sno. Now, at the nov of three the nation's constition is not what either years stingges or any mow devised, or expected. God alone can claims it. Whither it is tending seems plain. If you now wills the removal of a great wrong, snor will also that we of the Northe you of the Sonce, shall pay fairh, for our complants in that wrong, impartial history will finds therein as cames seplans the justies goodmen of God. as well as rever and You'sting ALincoln FACSIMILE OF CLOSING PARAGRAPH FROM THE ORIGINAL DRAFT OF LINCOLN'S LETTER TO A. G. HODGES, OF APRIL 4, 1864. SEE PAGES 508-9. |