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(5) Education.


The giving of the most important knowledge to every person in the nation.

3. The call to both native-born and foreign-born to overthrow the enemies and to enthrone the friends of our nation.




1. Why has attention been given to questions of Americanization only within recent years?

2. What is the ordinary person's conception of Americanization?

3. What is the best starting-point in studying the subject of Americanization?

4. What is meant by the making of an American?

5. What do you understand by America's "manifest destiny"?

6. Which of the definitions of Americanization that are given in chapter one do you prefer, and why?

7. Is there an American race?

8. Distinguish between race and nationality.


1. What criticism can you offer concerning the analysis of American traits that is given in the first paragraph of chapter two?

2. Are American traits a matter of the past or of the future?

3. What did the term "America" mean to the world in


4. What was the leading element in Americanism in 1776? 5. What phase of Americanism did Franklin personify? 6. Why do we give Washington the first place in the early history of Americanism?

7. What do you understand by "personal liberty"?


1. Why was the confederacy of 1783 to 1789 a failure? 2. For what opposite elements in Americanism did Hamilton and Jefferson stand?

3. Why did Calhoun oppose the supremacy of the Union? What was the cause of the Civil War?



In what phases of American life today has the spirit of union and co-operation not entered extensively?


1. What do you understand by the term, democracy? 2. Why did Jefferson fail to include the Negro in his conception of democracy?

3. What was Lincoln's chief contribution to Americanism? 4. What phases of democracy have we been slow to


5. Illustrate Roosevelt's meaning of the term, "the square


6. Illustrate President Wilson's phrase: "The world must be made safe for democracy."

7. Explain: "Democracy must be made safe for the world."


1. What meaning do you give to the term, internationalism?

2. What different types of internationalism can you name? 3. What attitude should we take toward Washington's in

junction to the nation to avoid entangling alliances? 4. What is the chief difference between the Rooseveltian and the Wilsonian conception of internationalism? 5. Is Americanism the nationalization of internationalism? When did America verge toward imperialism?


7. What is the relation of internationalism to the brotherhood of man principle?

8. Explain the statement that Christianity is the real internationalism in which all races are one.


1. Who first discovered America?

2. Who were the second discoverers of America?

3. Who was the third discoverer of our continent? 4. What were the leading races in order of numbers to immigrate in colonial days?

5. What was Franklin's attitude toward immigration? 6. Why did the United States first undertake to count the number of immigrant arrivals?

7. When did the first wave of immigration to the United States occur?

8. When did immigration figures for the first time reach 100,000? 500,000? 1,000,000?

9. How has the center of emigration in Europe migrated in the last century?

10. What has been the nature of migration between the United States and Canada?

11. What races have migrated to the United States in the largest numbers?


1. Why do American-born persons need to be Americanized?

2. What is the average American's conception of Amer




Is it true that the average American "adores the flag but suspects the state"?

What do you understand by the slogan, "America for the Americans"?

5. Explain: "Americans are more hospitable on Sundays than on week-days."

6. Give an original illustration of an unAmerican act of an American.

7. Why do many Americans neglect to vote?

8. Why do many Americans who are well fitted for public life refuse to become candidates for public office?

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