The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings, Volume 41800 |
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ae night ain dear Allan alter amang anither auld auld lang syne ballad bard beautiful birks of Aberfeldy blythe bonie bonnie bosom braes BURNS cauld charming Chloris CHORUS chuse Clarke Coila Dainty Davie dear Sir dearest dearie delight e'en Ecclefechan Edinburgh English song fair fancy fine air flowers frae give glen hame happy heart heaven ilka Jeanie John Anderson lass lassie Lassie wi Leiger lo'es Lord Gregory lover luve mair Mary maun melodies merit mill morning muse Museum Nancy ne'er never o'er Phillis Pindar pleased pleasure poet poetry poor Rob Morris Roy's wife Saw ye Scots Scottish Scottish language singing stanza suit sung sweet syne taste tell thine THOMSON thro tune wander wee thing whistle wild Willie Wilt thou winding young Jessie