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The Author is encouraged to believe that the plan will be favourably received, if it leads the pupil to think, or removes any of the difficulties which lie in the way of those, who are just turning their attention to Composition. Justice requires the acknowledgement that some hints have been derived, and some extracts have been taken from Walker's Teacher's Assistant, Booth's Principles of English Composition, and Jardine's Outlines of a Philosophical Education; but the plan, and the general features of the work, are believed to be new.

The book is designed as the Sequel to a Grammar which will shortly be published, on a plan, in some respects, different from any now in use. It therefore presupposes some acquaintance with syntax; although the practical exercises under most of the Lessons, can be performed with tolerable facility by those, who have but a slender knowledge of any part of Grammar.

BOSTON, June, 1832.


Within the short space of six months this work has passed through two editions, consisting of Four Thousand Copies. The publishers have now determined to stereotype it, and thus put it into a permanent form. The Author, desirous of rendering it more worthy the unexpected favour it has received, has made some additions which will supersede the necessity of using any abridged treatise of Rhetorick in connexion with it.

Hayward Place, January, 1833.

ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SIXTEENTH EDITION. THE flattering success which has attended this work, in every section of the United States, is sufficient evidence of its peculiar merits. The fact may also be stated, that it has been very favorably received in England, having been stereotyped, and passed through six large editions in London, within the space of two years.

The following notice is extracted from the London edition:"A third edition of this little work having been called for within the present year, (1834) is no small testimony of its utility, both as a guide to the teacher, and an aid to the pupil, in cne of the most difficult, though most important departments of education."

A Second Part, or Sequel to this work, designed to treat of the subject in its higher departments, which has been long in the course of preparation, will soon be completed and given to the public; and, if the Author's aims are accomplished, the Publisher feels confident in the assurance that it will prove as useful as its predecessor. Boston, March, 1838.


On the use of words.

WRITE a sentence containing one or more of the following words: namely, contains, industrious, well, idle, neglect, reward, reprove, recognized, surprised, destitute, excel.


The school room contains many pupils.

Some are industrious, and get their lessons well.

Others are idle and neglect their studies.

The teacher will reward the good, and reprove the negligent.

I recognized my father in the procession."

I was surprised by the return of my long lost brother.

A poor man is destitute of many comforts.

She excels all her classmates.


The pupil will now write a sentence containing one or more of the following words, recollecting that his exercise will be more meritorious if he can employ several of the words in the same sentence.

Present, exemplary, beautiful, tall, straight, erect, well, quickly, inadvertently, exalted, abandoned, animation, enterprising, refused, admission, inspect, sagacity, fruitless, solicitation, disregarded, congratulate, acquire, delightful, sentiment, necessarily, comprehensive, contain, expect, fatal, infirmities, obtain, possess, prospect, unforeseen, poisonous, baneful, influence, indulgence, forbear, gentle, docile, equally, clemency, prompt, anticipate, alienated, stimulated, promiscuous, heterogeneous, mingle, entire, complete, astonished, homage, lucubrations, nomenclature, panegyrick, paltry, palpitate, patent, posterity, regret,refute, refresh, secret, secede, shortsighted, substantial, indefinite, auxiliary, surpass, surmount, protest, surly, suppress, withdraw, approximate, fearlessly, coerce, atrocious, invasion, fertility, inundate, preserve, commiseration, uncouth, barbarity, productions, invincible, repugnance, verdure, fleeting, ridiculous, condemn, confine, discover, anxious, solicitude, anticipate, commendable, evince, undoubtedly, ravages, menace, insignificant, reprehensible, benefits conferred.


Use of words in phrases.

Write a sentence containing one of the following phrases, namely, very good, exceedingly kind, tolerably well, at length, in the best manner, in succession.

My pen is a very good one.


My teacher is exceedingly kind to me.

George behaves tolerably well.

I have at length finished the first lesson in composition.

I tried to perform it in the best manner.

I did not use all the words in succession.


1. In general.

2. Indeed.

31. By some thoughtless action or expression.

3. In the most exemplary man- 32. Has not the slightest foun


4. The atrocious wickedness.

5. The inhuman barbarity.

6. The nefarious traffick.

7. The indolent habits.

8. The frightful ravages. 9. Just and generous principles. 10. Were mingled.

11. Great advantage may be de


12. Menaced with a loud voice.
13. Invasion of our rights.
14. Fertility of invention.

15. Patience and perseverance.
16. Was inundated.

17. The importance of.

18. Are of no great consequence. 19. Pay particular attention to. 20. Be very anxious.

21. The acquisition of knowledge. 22. The value of education. 23. Can be useful to few persons only.

24. Naturally tend.

25. The beneficial influence.

26. The baneful effects.

27. The most important.

28. A good character.

29. Young children are apt. 30. The duties of children school are.

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33. In order to preserve our health it is necessary.

34. We should always speak. 35. Can neither be respected nor esteemed.

36. Deserves our commiseration. 37. Is the first duty of children at school.

38. The most insignificant and trifling.

39. It is the duty of children. 40. If we wish to excel.

41. Are uncouth and disgusting. 42. Is a description of the earth. 43. Teaches us to speak properly and write correctly. 44. Are the productions of warm climates.

45. Where the sun never rises. 46. Are fleeting and changeable. 47. Are ridiculous in the extreme. 48. There is a great difference between.

49. Condemned to die.

50. Invincible repugnance. 51. He found himself surround


52. How vast are the resources. at 53. I would surely.

54. I had rather.

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Supply the words that are omitted in the following sentences, and make sense of the sentences.

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5. A faithful discharge of duty

Supplying the words omitted, the sentences may be read,

1. His father was induced to grant his request.

Or, His father was obliged, (or compelled) to deny his request.

2. The boys applied themselves to their lessons with commendable diligence.

3. No one should undervalue the advantages he enjoys.

4. Parents feel an anxious solicitude for the welfare of their children.

5. A faithful discharge of duty is seldom unrewarded.

N. B. The pupil is given to understand that any other words which would make good sense may be used.

[blocks in formation]

5. When you have a difficult to perform.


it; but exert all your ; for what man has done can again

must not say you cannot and use your best

be by man.

6. By carefully observing the proper discharge of your duties, you will gain the of your superiors; the


and of your equals; and the and · of all who are your inferiors. All that know you, will you. Your example will be behaviour. You will be



in every period, station and circumstance in and your name will be

7. Nothing can it beauty is and wit

8. Ignorance and we need be ashamed. what company you will.

as a pattern


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when you are in your grave. for the want of modesty; without

are the only things of which Avoid these, and you may

[blocks in formation]

ings. Your own happiness cannot be augmented by the faults of others, neither can your

by their

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be promoted

[blocks in formation]

us for that which is

-; it describes

in the various parts of

16. Geography teaches us

; and, in its connection with astronomy, ex

plains the difference of the world.

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