LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. BY WASHINGTON IRVING. IN FIVE VOLS. VOL. V. NEW YORK: G. P. PUTNAM; HURD AND HOUGHTON. 1865. HARVARD A Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern PREFACE. THE present volume completes a work to which the author had long looked forward as the crowning effort of his literary career. The idea of writing a life of Washington entered at an early day into his mind. It was especially pressed upon his attention nearly thirty years ago while he was in Europe, by a proposition of the late Mr. Archibald Constable, the eminent publisher of Edinburgh, and he resolved to undertake it as soon as he should return to the United States, and be within reach of the necessary documents. Various circumstances occurred to prevent him from carrying this resolution into prompt effect. It remained, however, a cherished purpose of his heart, which he has at length, though somewhat tardily, accomplished. The manuscript for the present volume was nearly ready for the press some months since, but the author, by applying himself too closely in his eagerness to finish it, brought on a nervous indisposition, which unfitted him for a time for the irksome but indispensable task of re vision. In this he has been kindly assisted by his nephew, Pierre Munro Irving, who had previously aided him in the course of his necessary researches, and who now carefully collated the manuscript with the works, letters, and inedited documents from which the facts had been derived. He has likewise had the kindness to superintend the printing of the volume, and the correction of the proof sheets. Thus aided, the author is enabled to lay the volume before the public. How far this, the last labor of his pen, may meet with general acceptation is with him a matter of hope rather than of confidence. He is conscious of his own shortcomings and of the splendid achievements of oratory of which the character of Washington has recently been made the theme. Grateful, however, for the kindly disposition which has greeted each successive volume, and with a profound sense of the indulgence he has experienced from the public through a long literary career, now extending through more than half a century, he resigns his last volume to its fate, with a feeling of satisfaction that he has at length reached the close of his task, and with the comforting assurance that it has been with him a labor of love, and as such has to a certain degree carried with it its own reward. SUNNYSIDE, April, 1859 WASHINGTON IRVING. CONTENTS OF VOL. V. PAGE The new Government-Domestic and Foreign Relations-Washington's anxious Position-Its difficulties-Without Cabinet or Constitutional Advisers---John Jay-Hamilton-His efficient Support of the Constitution and Theoretic Doubts Washington's Privacy beset with Visits of Compliment-Queries as to the proper Line of Conduct in his Presidential Intercourse-Opinions of Adams and Hamil- ton-Jefferson as to the Authors of the minor Forms and Ceremonies-His whimsical Anecdote of the first Levee--Inaugural Ball......... Alarming Illness of the President-The Senate rejects one of his Nominations-His sensitive Vindication of it-Death of his Mother-Her Character-The Execu- tive Departments instituted-Selection of Officers for the Treasury and War De- partments-Hamilton instructed to report a Financial Plan at the next Session of Congress-Arrangement of the Judiciary Department-Edmund Randolph- |