"THE MOST ORIGINAL NOVEL OF THE DAY." The Nation. YALE and HARVARD use Whitney's German Course, HOLT & WILLIAMS, PUBLISHERS, No. 25 Bond Street, New York. The Publishers issue a very large assortment of works in the same department. A descriptive catalogue will be sent gratis to any one referring to this advertisement. MACMILLAN & CO.'S LIST. In one vol., crown 8vo, price $2: AT LAST. A Christmas in the West Indies. TOM PIPPIN'S WEDDING. ing before us one marvel after another, alternately sating WEAR AND TEAR; or, Hints for the Over worked. By S. Weir Mitchell, M.D., Member of the National Academy of Sciences, etc. 18mo, fine cloth, 50 cents. For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, by the Publishers. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 715 and 717 Market Street, Philadelphia, JUST PUBLISHED. The German Conquest of England in 1875, and Battle of Dorking. DESCRIBED BY AN EYEWITNESS IN 1925. Describing the Arrival of the German Armada; destruction of the British Fleet; the decisive battle of Dorking; capture of London; Downfall of the English Empire. 12mo, paper, 30 cents; cloth, 50 cents. A powerful satire on the military helplessness of England. The Britons are stirred up by it as they have been by no magazine article of this generation." Journal of Commerce. Everybody is talking about it, and everybody should read it. For sale by all booksellers, or sent by mail on receipt PORTER & COATES, Publishers, and piquing our curiosity. Whether we climb the cliffs Tragedian. With Extracts from his Son's Journal. "Mr. Young is one of those pleasant diarists who, it is "He has contrived to bring out a narrative often as detailed as Pepys, as versatile and lifelike as Boswell, and as full of recent personal interest as Crabb Robinson. It is not a barren record of facts, but a kindly chronicle of life and manners, and men and minds, running over the last half century."-Saturday Review. "There is hardly a page of it which was not worth printing. There is hardly a line which has not some kind of interest attaching to it.... When we mention that the extracts from Mr. Young's own journal abound in choice anecdotes of Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Scott, and many other of the great men of the last generation with whom he was brought into personal contact, we have said enough to prove the interest of the work, even if it had less of the grace and vivacity which characterize it from beginning to end. We lay down the volume with regret, and shall return to it in many a leisure hour."-Guardian. MACMILLAN & CO., 38 BLEECKER STREET, NEW YORK. SCIENCE LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. FIRST SERIES. Thirteen Lectures by Professors Roscoe, Dr. Alcock, W. S. Jevons, and J. E. Morgan. 12mo, paper, 50 cents. SECOND SERIES. Four Lectures by Professors Williamson, Dr. Carpenter, A. H. Green, and J. Norman Lockyer. 12mo, paper, 25 cents. THIRD SERIES. Five Lectures by Professors Huxley, Roscoe, Huggins, Dawkins, and A. W. Ward. 12mo, paper, 25 cents. D. VAN NOSTRAND, Publisher, Numerous beautiful Illustrations by Hennessy. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, $10. Portraits, Memoirs, CAULFIELD, James. LANE'S ARABIAN NIGHTS. and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of the Reign of George II., collected from the most authentic accounts extant. London, 1819. 4 vols. large 8vo, uncut. Fine copy. Several of the Portraits are by George Cruikshank. $24. CRUIKSHANK. Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens. With all the original Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. 3 vols. crown 8vo, half-red morocco. London, 1841. $9. CRUIKSHANK. The Comic Almanac. An Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, containing Merry Tales, Humorous Poetry, Quips and Oddities, etc. With many hundred Illustrations on Steel and Wood by George Cruikshank. First series, 1835-1843. $275. The Comic Almanacs of George Cruikshank have long been regarded by his admirers as among his finest, most characteristic productions. CRUIKSHANK. The Biglow Papers, by James Russell Lowell. With Colored Plates, by Geo. Cruikshank. 12mo, cloth, $1 50. THE COIN-COLLECTOR'S MANUAL. By H. Noel-Humphreys. Many nice Steel Plates. 2 vols. crown 8vo, newly bound, half-morocco. London, 1853. $5. MR. SPONGE'S Sporting Tour. With Illustrations (colored) by Leech. 8vo, half-morocco, uncut. Scarce. $5. FALSTAFF. The Life of Sir John Falstaff. The Illustrations to this book are some of the finest Beauty Illustrated CHAP BOOKS (A Collection of). Contain ing The Comical Budget, The Richardson Songster, London Songster, The Whole Art of Legerdemain, Mother Shipton's Dream-Book, Baron Munchausen, Napoleon's Book of Fate, Valentine Writers, Domes tic Cookery, Nixon's Prophecies, The Dreamer's OraNumerous cle, and the Original Norwood Gipsy. Colored Plates. 12mo, newly bound, half-morocco, gilt top. Derby, n. d. 6 50. CRUIKSHANK. Queen Caroline. A Series of Caricatures illustrating the Attorney-General's Charges against Queen Caroline. 51 Plates. Oblong follo, newly bound, half-red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. $40. The American Bibliopolist and Literary Register, and Monthly Catalogue of Old and New Books, and Reposi tory of Notes and Queries. Subscription $1 per year; cheap paper, 36 cents per year, postage free, Office, 84 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. I. The Opening of the New Northwest. Burdett Hart. IV. Evolutionism in Natural History as related to Chris- Dr. H. von Holst. VII. Notices of New Books. Price $4 a year. Single Numbers, $1. Address, with orders, AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 119 Nassau Street, New York, or W. L. KINGSLEY, New Haven, Conn. JUST PUBLISHED. THE COOLIE: HIS RIGHTS AND WRONGS. By the Author of "GINX'S BABY." 12mo, 380 pages, paper cover, price 50 cts.; in extra cloth "This edition of The Coolie' has been expressly pre- For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent by mail, GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, THE WORKS OF THE CASSELL'S POPULAR EDUCATOR. Rt. Rev. Ashton Oxenden, D.D., COMPLETE IN SIX VOLUMES. Price, $15. "We have gone over its pages with sentiments of real CASSELL, PETTER & CALPIN, ,596 Broadway, New York. LONDON BOOKS. Short Lectures on the Sunday Gospels. Vol. II. Easter to Advent. 12mo, cloth, $1. Words of Peace; or, The Blessings and Trials of Baptism Simply Explained. 18mo, limp cloth, 40 cts. Any book free by mail on recipt of advertised price. POTT & AMERY, ZELL'S GREAT ATLAS OF THE WORLD Is now being issued in parts at 50 cts. each, and will be 25 cts. each. Sent on receipt of price. The maps of this Atlas are er graved on steel and print- ZELL'S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA Is now complete and will be served to subscribers in Specimen Numbers of Encyclopædia, 10 cts. 17 and 19 South Sixth St., Philadelphia. 5 Beekman Street, New York. CHEGARAY INSTITUTE. English and French for Young Ladies and Misses, MADAME D'HERVILLY, Principal. DARTMOUTH HOME SCHOOL lars to Instruction given in all departments. Apply for Circu- "AMER. SCHOOL INST." FOUNDED 1855. Is a reliable and practical Educational Bureau- J. W. SCHERMERHORN, A.M., Actuary, RIVERVIEW MILITARY ACADEMY, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. Location healthy; Scenery unequalled; Building con- FINE INE ART AGENCY.-MR. WILLIAM J. Terms made known on application to Mr. Stillman (ad- OIL. Cooper Union, Fourth Avenue, New York. tinue to use it can testify to its perfect THE BEST EVENING PAPER. NEW YORK COMMERCIAL ADVER- TISER, PUBLISHED AT 2, 3, 4, AND 5 O'CLOCK. 126 125 27% 28% 115 111 107% 109 One year, invariably in advance.. 574 59 Six months, in advance.. 116 117 Three months, in advance......... 72% 73% Per month, in advance........ 89 91% 110% 109% 60/% 60% .$9.00 ATHENS. VIEWS OF THE ACROPOLIS. Single copies, for sale everywhere, at 3 cents. Terms of Advertising in Dally. All advertisements charged for the space they occu- No advertisement inserted in any part of the paper NEW YORK SPECTATOR. FRANCIS NEWBERY & SONS, The Cheapest Reading, The undersigned publish for the author an Album of These indestructible photographs are from 8x10 inch Of the twenty-five subjects, sixteen have not been taken They are mounted on board about 13x22, with a page $1 16 BELT RIBBONS. 80 MACHINE TWIST. SEWING SILK. TRAMS AND ORGANZINES. B. S. WALCOTT, President. Terms of Advertising In Weekly. Published on Thursday. Archer & Pancoast Mfg. Co., One month, or 4 insertions, 10 cents per line each inser- MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, ETC. of every description. Manufactory and Warerooms: Nos. 70, 72, and 74 Wooster Street Careful attention will be given to the Furnishing_of N. B.-The Broadway cars pass our warerooms in going tion. Three months, or 13 insertions, 8 cents per line each inser- Six months, or 26 insertions, 6 cents per line each inser- One year, or 52 insertions, 5 cents per line each insertion. FINE ORGANZINES for SILK MIXTURE CASSIMERES. Silks for Special Purposes to Order. SOLD BY Advertisements must be received by 8 o'clock on Wed- A. T. STEWART nesday to ensure insertion. Be particular and direct all orders, HUCH J. HASTINGS, Weekly papers copying the above Prospectus, and send- & CO. SLAVE SONGS OF THE UNITED STATES. A Unique Collection of Original Melodies-words and Sent post-paid on receipt of price. Address STEAM TO EUROPE. The new, full-powered, and magnificent Steamships of the are appointed to sail from New York for Liverpool as be- ATLANTIC, Captain Murray, July 1, at 2 P.M. OCEANIC, Captain Thompson, July 8, at 10 A.M. Saloon accommodations all on main deck in midship section, free from motion of propeller, and unrivalled. For passage, freight, or information apply at Company's offices, 19 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. J. H. SPARKS, Agent. His "Mr. Peter K. Deyo, for many years an advertising Agent for the Tribune,' has returned, and will resume his old business of General Advertising Agent. health was very much impaired, and he has only quite lately recovered sufficient strength and energy to warrant his friends in hoping that he may rebuild the business which he left to enlist for the war. We wish him the fullest success."-N. Y. Daily Tribune, January 13, 1869. PETER K. DEYO, Advertising Agent, 7 Beekman Street, New York City. I have had in use for the past four months a Doty Washing Machine and Universal Wringer, and I am free to say that nothing has ever been more useful in my household. The finest as well as the coarsest fabrics are washed and wrung without the slightest injury. In my opinion, every housekeeper with these two articles will save in three months, in time and labor, more than their cost. I would not be without one at any price.-Cambridge Democrat. WILLARD FELT & CO., Stationers, Printers, and Blank Book Manufacturers, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH AND DEPOT OF LAROCHE, JOUBERT, LACROIX & CO.'S 47 and 49 Liberty Street (opposite Post-office), Franklin Osgood, DIRECTORS. William Butler Duncan, John Taylor Johnston, HENRY HILTON, President. HUGH SMITH, Vice-President. W. BUTLER DUNCAN, Treasurer. By authority of the Board of Directors of the NEW YORK RAILWAY COMPANY, and in conformity with the terms of the Act of Incorporation in that respect, the undersigned Commissioners on Stock Subscriptions give public notice for and in behalf of the Directors, and of such Company, that Books of Subscription for the Capital Stock thereof will be opened on WEDNESDAY, the TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF JUNE instant, at the following places in this City, viz.: At the Banking-House of DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO., No. 11 NASSAU ST. 7-30 GOLD LOAN OF THE Northern Pacific Railroad Co. RAPID PROGRESS OF THE WORK. The building of the Northern Pacific Railroad (begun July last), is being pushed forward with great energy from both extremities of the line. Several thousand men are employed in Minnesota and on the Pacific coast. The grade is nearly completed 266 miles westward from Lake Superior; trains are running over 130 miles of finished road, and track-laying is rapidly progressing towards the eastern border of Dakota. Including its purchase of the St. Paul & Pacific Road, the Northern Pacific Company now has 413 miles of completed road, and by September next this will be increased to at least 560. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Jay Cooke & Co. are now selling, and unhesitatingly recommend, as a profitable and perfectly safe investment, the First Mortgage Land Grant Gold Bonds of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. They have 30 years to run, bear Seven and Threetenths per cent. gold interest (more than 8 per cent. carrency) and are secured by first and only mortgage on the entire road and its equipments, and also, as fast as the road is completed, on 23,000 ACRES OF LAND to every mile of track, or 500 Acres for each $1,000 Bond. They are exempt from U. S. Tax: Principal and Interest are payable in Gold; Deno mirations: Coupons, $100 to $1,000; Registered, $100 to $10,000. LANDS FOR BONDS. Northern Pacific 7-30's are at all times receivable at ten per cent. above par, in exchange or the Company's Lands, at their lowest cash price. This renders them practically Interest-bearing Land War rants. SINKING FUND. The proceeds of all sales of Lands are required to be devoted to the re-purchase and cancel lation of the First Mortgage Bonds of the Company. The Land Grant of the Road exceeds Fifty Million Acres. This immense Sinki g Fund will undoubtedly cancel the principal of the Company's bonded debt before it falls due. With their ample security and high rate of interest, there is no investment, accessible to the people, which is more profitable or safe. EXCHANGING U. S. FIVE-TWENTIES. The success of the New Government 5 per cent. Loan will compel the early surrender of United States 6 per cents. Many holders of Five-Twenties are now exchanging them for Northern Pacific Seven-Thirties, thus realizing a handsome profit, and greatly increasing their yearly income. OTHER SECURITIES. All marketable Stocks and Bonds will be received at their highest current price in exchange for Northern Pacific Seven-Thirties. Express charges on Money or Bonds received, and on Seven-Thirties sent in return, will be paid by the Financial Agents. Full information, maps, pamphlets, etc., can be obtained on application at any agency, or from the undersigned, For sale by JAY COOKE & CO., PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND WASHINGTON Financial Agents Northern Pacific Railroad Company By Banks and Bankers generally throughout the country. TO LET-IN BROOKLYN. Two very pleasant houses, in complete order, with improvements and conve through that County. For the proper equalization of the niences, at a moderate rental. interest of shareholders who may subscribe and pay in The terms of Subscription will be as follows: TEN PER CENT of the amount of Stock subscribed for, to be paid in cash at the time of subscription. The residue to be paid as called for by the Board of Directors on a notice of thirty days, but no call at any one time to exceed ten per cent. Scrip for interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum will be issued by the Company, payable out of the first earnings of the Railway on all instalments paid on Stock subscribed for within thirty days after the Subscription Books shall be opened. The Company reserves the right to close the Subscription Books at any time after the twenty-ninth day of July, Remittances at the risk of the sub "Radicals" and Terms:-Five Divars per annum, in advance; Clergymen, Four Dollars. *criber, unless made by draft, check, P. O. money order, or registered letter. The date of expiration of each subscription is indicated on the printed label, WHICH BY TURNS IS A RECEIPT AND A BILL. A delay of more than three months in reneiving subscriptions will endanger their continuance. ADDRESS, PUBLISHER OF "THE NATIÓN," BOX 6732, NEW YORK, PUBLISHING OFFICE, 3 PARK PLACE Dealers in Government Securities State, Courty, and City Bonds. Also. Sterling Exchange drawn by Jay Cooke & Co., on Jay Cooke, McCulloch & Co., London, in sums and at dates to suit. Commercial Credits and Circular Letters for Travellers issued, available in all parte of Europe. JOHN MUNROE & CO., BANKERS, 8 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, iasne dreniar Letters of Credit for Travellers, and Draw Baon MUNROB & CU.. 7 Rre NCR EE, PARIS, ALEXANDERS, CUNLIFFEN & CO 30 Lombard Street, London. WILLIAM C. GILMAN, DEALER IN INJURANCE SCRIP, AND FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE STOCK, 46 PINE STREET, CORNER OF WILLIAM STREET, New York. SECURITY FROM LOSS LY ROBBERY, FIRE, OR ACCIDENT. THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST, AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, In their New Marble Pre-proof Building, 329 and 331 APITAL, $1,001,000, of which 700,500 is paid. Resive for gfe keeping under guarantee, Coupon Bonds, Secritic, Pam Pate, Coin, Deeds, and Valnable of every descripcion. Also rent Sales in their Burglar-proof op at $1 to $75 a year, according to size. Interest owed on money deposits. Trasis of every kind received and executed. N. B. BROWNE, PREST. ROBERT PATTERSON, Sze, and TREAS S. G. & G. C. WARD, FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM TWELVE CENTS PER COFY. AGENTS FOB BROTHERS & COMPANY 52 Wall Street, New York, 28 State Street, Boston, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. STOCK, NOTE, AND GOLD BROKERS, LEE, HIGGINSON & CO., STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, 40 STATE STREET, BOSTON, Stocks and Bonds bought and sold at the Exchanges of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. Particular attention given to the securities of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quay R. R., Michigan Central R. R., and their oil-hoo's and branches. CHASE & HIGGINSON, BROKERS IN STOCKS AND RAILROAD BONDS No. 6 BROAD STRE T. Buy and sell the Bonds of the following Railouts: C caso, Burlington, and Quacy R. R. an branches-S per er dents. Burlington and Missouri Ris 5. (in Iowa) --8 per cents. Do, do, in Nebraska) p gents. River, Ft. Scott, and Grif PR-10 p. pta, Levenworth, Lawrence, and Galves on R. R ནོ}རྫོང་རྒྱCUP8, |