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[blocks in formation]

Wisest censure, mouths of, 126. man who is not wise, 403. of men, oracle pronounced,


virtuousest, 188.

Wish her stay, who saw to, 187. not what we, 340.

was father to that thought, 62. Wished she had not heard it, 125. that I had clear, 245.

Wishes lengthen as our sun declines, 265.

Wishing of all employments, 264. Wit, a man in, 296.

among lords, 367.

and wisdom born with a man,


brevity is the soul of, 108.
cause of, in other men, 60.
devise, write pen, 29.
eloquence and poetry, 166.
enjoy your dear, 198.
he had much, 212.

her, was more than man, 226.
high as metaphysic, 213.
in the combat, 459-
in the very first line, 348.
invites you, his, 367.
is a feather, 274-

is nature to advantage dressed, 281.

is out when age is in, 27. men of, will condescend to take a bit, 246. miracle instead of, 268. no room for, 209.

of one, and wisdom of many,

[blocks in formation]

Withered and shaken, 507.

and so wild, 88. Withering on the stalk, 418.

on the virgin thorn, 32. Withers are unwrung, 113. Within, I have that, 101.

is good and fair, 436. that awful volume, 451. Witnesses, cloud of, 576. Wits, encounter of our, 68. homekeeping youths have homely, 19.

to madness near allied, 221.
will jump, 605.

Witty in myself, 60.
it shall be, 306.
though ne'er so, 13.
to talk with, 157.
Wizards that peep, 562.
Woe a tear can claim, 477.
all eloquence to, 480.
amid severest, 328.
awaits a country, 447-
bewrays more, 13.

day of, the watchful night, 426.
doth tread upon another's
heel, 117.

feel another's, 295.
fig for, 140.
gave signs of, 189.
heritage of, 481.

is life protracted, 317.
luxury of, 459.
man of, 444.

melt at others', 299.

mockery of, 296.

ponderous, 239.

rearward of a conquered, 135.

sabler tints of, 335.

sleep the friend of, 427.

some degree of, 324

succeeds a woe, 159.

tears of, 458.

touch of joy or, 372.
trappings and suits of, 101.

Woe-begone, so dead in look so,


Woes cluster, 263.

Galileo with his, 474-
rare are solitary, 263.

tear that flows for others', 371. unnumbered, 298. Wold not when he might, 599. Wolf dwell with the lamb, 562.

on the fold, 481. Woman a contradiction, 278. and may be wooed, 75. believe a, or an epitaph, 466. but the, died, 296. contentious, 557.

Woman, could play the, 97. damnable deceitful, 236. dark eye in, 472. destructive, 236. excellent thing in, 122. frailty thy name is, 102. how divine a thing, 408. I hate a dumpy, 486. ills done by, 236.

in her first passion, 487.
in our hours of ease, 447-
in this humour wooed, 68.
is at heart a rake, 277.
lost Mark Antony the world,

lovely woman, 236.
loves her lover, 487.

moved is like a fountain
troubled, 44

nature made thee to temper
man, 236.

nobly planned, 404.
one that was a, 117.
perfected, 539.

scorned, like a, 256.
she is a, 65.

smiled, till, 439.

still be a, to you, 259.
stoops to folly, lovely, 349.
such duty oweth, 44.
supper with such a, 303.
take an elder, let the, 46.
that deliberates, 251.

that seduces all mankind, 301.
therefore may be woo'd, 75.
therefore to be won, 65.

will or won't, 260.

win with his tongue, 19. Woman's eyes, light that lies in,


looks, my only books were, 456.

nay doth stand for naught,


reason, none but a, 19.

whole existence, love is, 486. will, current of a, 250. Womanhood and childhood, 532. Womankind, faith in, 521. Womb of nature, 178.

of pia mater, 30.
of the morning, 11.
of uncreated night, 175.
Wombe of morning dew, 11.
Women and brave men, 470.

bevy of fair, 191.
framed to make, false, 125.
like princes, 324-
pardoned all, 490.
passing the love of, 542.

Women, pleasing punishment of, Word at random spoken, 450.


these tell-tale, 70.

weak, went astray, 242.

wish to be who love their lords, 341.

words are, 320. Women's eyes are books, 31. weapons water-drops, 120.

Won, grace that, 187.

how fields were, 345.
nor lost, neither, 359.
unsought, 188.

woman therefore to be, 65. Wonder grew, still the, 346.

how the devil they got there, 286.

of an hour, 469.

of our stage, 145.

on the white, of dear Juliet's
hand, 8o.
where you

stole 'em, 245.

without our special, 95.

Wonderful is death, 493.

most wonderful, 42.

Wondering for his bread, 363.

Wonders to perform, 369.
Wondrous kind, 338.

pitiful, 124

sweet and fair, 168.

Won't, if she, 260.
Wonted fires, in our, 334-
Woo, April when they, 43.

her, and that would, 125. Wood, deep and gloomy, 406. impulse from a vernal, 417. to find them in the, 514. Wood-bine well-attired, 200. Woodcocks, springes to catch, 104. Woodman spare that tree, 512. Wood-notes, native, 202. Wood-pigeons breed, 327;

Woods against a stormy sky, 497.

and pastures new, 200.
in the pathless, 475.

or steepy mountains, 15.
senators of mighty, 498.
stoic of the, 442.
whispered it to the, 188.
wild in, 228.

Wooed, would be, 188.

therefore to be, 65. Wooer, thriving, 248. Woof, weave the, 331. Wooing in my boys, 599.

the caress, 485.

Wool, all cry and no, 214.
Word and a blow, 230, 613.

and measured phrase, 405.
as fail, no such, 505.

choleric, in the captain, 23.
every whispered, 481.
fitly spoken, 556.

for teaching me that, 38.
He was the, 143-

no man relies on, 234-
of Cæsar, 86.

of promise to our ear, 99.
once familiar, 502.
reputation dies at every, 284.
so idly spoken, 505.
spoken in due season, 554-
suit the action to the, 112.
that must be, 476.
to aid the sigh, 414.
to the action, 112.
to throw at a dog, 39.
torture one poor, 225.
uncreating, 293.

whose lightest, 106.

with this learned Theban, 121. Wordes, finden, newe, 3

Words all ears took captive, 45

apt and gracious, 30.

are like leaves, 281.

are men's daughters, 320.

are the daughters of earth, 320. are things, 488.

are wise men's counters, 151.

are women, 320.

as in fashions, 281.
be few, let thy, 558.
deceiving in, 204.

familiar as household, 64.
fine, 245,

flows in fit, 223.

from all her, and actions, 188.

give sorrow, 97.
immodest, 232.
move slow, 282.
no, can paint, 379.
no, suffice, 480.
of his mouth, 548.

of learned length, 346.

of the wise, 560.

of tongue or pen, 525.
of truth and soberness, 572.
report thy, 194.

so nimble, 148.

that Bacon spoke, 290.
that burn, 330.

that weep, 330.

thou hast spoken, 495.
though ne'er so witty, 13.
two narrow, hic jacet, 13.
without knowledge, 545-
words, words, 108.
worst of thoughts the worst
of, 127.

Wore a wreath of roses, 502. Work, at his dirty, again, 286. for man to mend, 224. goes bravely on, 248. nor device, 559. of faith, 575:

of polished idleness, 395. of their own hearts, 494.

to sport as tedious as to, 54. together for good, 572. under our labour grows, 189. who first invented, 429. Workes of Nature, 11. Working out a pure intent, 413. out salvation, 218. Working-day world, 39. Works, son of his own, 8.

these are thy glorious, 185. World an idler too, 362.

and its dread laugh, 309.
and worldlings base, 62.
another and a better, 396.
around, heard the, 204.
balance of the old, 398.
banish all the, 56.
bestride the narrow, 82.
brought death into the, 170.
but two nations bear, 219.
calls idle, whom the, 362.
can give, joy the, 483.
cankers of a calm, 58.
cast out of the, 13.
children of this, 570.

contagion to this, 114.

creation's heir the, 342.

daffed the, 58.

dreams books are each a, 418.

falls, when Rome falls, 475. fashion of this, 574 fever of the, 406. foolery governs the, 152. foremost man of all this, 86. forgetting by the world forgot, 293.

good deed in a naughty, 38. governed by little wisdom,

[blocks in formation]

World is a stage, 41.

is a theatre, 164.

is all a fleeting show, 458. is given to lying, 59.

is mine oyster, 21.

is too much with us, 410. is surely wide enough for thee and me, 326.

its veterans rewards, 278.
knows nothing of its greatest
men, 515.
light of the, 566.
man is one, 156.
must be peopled, 26.
naked for all the, 61.
naked through the, 130.
ne'er saw, 235.

not in the wide, 454.
of death, back to a, 431.
of happy days, 69.

of sighs, for my pains a, 124.
of vile ill-favoured faults, 21.
of waters, 179.
pendent, 24.

pomp and glory of this, 72. peace to be found in the, 458. rack of this tough, 122. riddle of the, 272.

round the habitable, 228. say to all the, 87.

service of the antique, 40. shot heard round the, 527. sink, let the, 156.

slide, let the, 140, 607.

slumbering, 261.

so fair, 438.

start of the majestic, 82.

statue that enchants the, 309.
steal from the, 295.
stood against the, 86.
substantial, 418.

syllables govern the, 152.
syrups of the, 128.
that nourish all the. 31.
the flesh and the devil, 579.
the whole, kin, 74

this bleak, alone, 455.
this great, 123.

this little, 52.

three corners of the, 51. thus runs the, away, 114. to darkness, leaves the, 332. too glad and free, 509.

too much respect upon the, 34. too noble for the, 75. too wide, 41. unintelligible, 406. uses of this, 101. visitations daze the, 515. was all before them, 191.


"worth a voyage a cop the atlantic" deffersins &premin

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[blocks in formation]

World was guilty of a ballad, 29.

was no worthy, 576.

was sad, 439.

when all the, dissolves, 15.

witch the, 58.

with all its motley rout, 370.
without a sun, 439.
working-day, 39.

worship of the, 493.
worth the winning, 221.
World's altar-stairs, 523.

tired denizen, 469.

Wordlings do, testament as, 39.
Worldly ends, neglecting, 17.
goods, with all my, 579.
wise, be not, 154.

Worlds, allured to brighter, 345.
crush of, 251.
exhausted, 318.
not realized, 422.

should conquer twenty, 165.
so many, 523.

Worm, bit with an envious, 76.

darkness and the, 264.
dieth not, 570.
in the bud, 47.
sets foot upon a, 365.
that hath eat of a king, 116.
the canker and the grief, 485.
the smallest, will turn, 67.
Worms have eaten men, 43.
of Nile, 133.

Worn out with eating time, 229.
Worn-out word, alone, 505.
Worse appear the better, 174-
change for, 140.

for wear, not much the, 368.
greater feeling to the, 52.
remains behind, 116.
than a crime, 394.
truth put to the, 208.
Worship God he says, 390.
of the great of old, 484.
of the world, 493.
to the garish sun, 79.
too fair to, 499.

Worst of slaves, 338.

of thoughts, 127.
of words, 127:

speak something good, 155.
Worst-natured muse, 234.
Worth a thousand men, 449.
by poverty depressed, 318.
celestial, 268.
conscience of her, 188.
in anything, what is, 216.
makes the man, 274.
prize not to the, 27.

sad relic of departed, 469.
slow rises, 318.

Worth, stones of, 135.

the candle, 156.
this coil, 49.
Worthy of his hire, 570.
of their steel, 449.

of your love, 418.
world was not, 576.
Wot not what they are, 29.
Would I were dead now, 508.
it were bed-time, 59.
not live alway, 544.
that I were low laid, 49.
Wouldst not play false, 89.
wrongly win, 89.

Wound, earth felt the, 189
grief of a, 59.

stain like a, 353-
that never felt a, 77.
tongue in every, 86.
with a touch, 303.

Wounded in the house of my
friends, 565.

spirit who can bear, 554-
Wounds of a friend, 556.

wept o'er his, 345.

Wrack, blow wind come, 99.
Wracks, a thousand fearful, 69.
Wraps the drapery of his couch
about him, 513.

the present hour, 337.
their clay, 339.

Wrath, infinite, 181.

nursing her, 385.

sun go down upon your, 575-
turneth away, 553-

Wreath of roses, she wore a, 502.
Wreathed smiles, 201.

Wreaths, brows bound with vic-
torious, 68.

that endure, 410.
Wrecks of matter, 251.
Wrens make prey, 283.
Wretch condemned, 349.
excellent, 127.
hollow-eyed, 25.

tremble thou, 120.

Wretched are the wise, 243, 329.
Wretches hang that jurymen may

dine, 284.

poor naked, 120.

Wring under the load of sorrow,


your heart, 115.
Wrinkle, time writes no, 476.
Wrinkled Care derides, 201.
Writ by God's own hand, 266,
proofs of holy, 128.
stolen out of holy, 69.
what is, is writ, 476.
your annals true, 75.

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