Page images

Giveth his beloved sleep, 551.
Giving a gentle kiss, 19.
Glad diviner's theme, 222.

father, wise son maketh, 552.
me with its soft black eye, 452.
the heart of man, 555.
waters, o'er the, 480.
would lay me down, 190.
Gladiator lie, 475-

Gladlier grew, 187.

Gladly wolde he ierne and gladly
teche, 2.

would I meet, 190.
Gladness, begin in, 405.
Gladsome light of, 8.

Glance from heaven to earth, 34.
of the mind, 369.

Glare, caught by, 468.

of false science, 359.
Glass darkly, through a, 574.
excuse for the, 383.
of fashion, 112.
of liquid fire, 396.

wherein the noble youth, 61.
Glasses itself in tempests, 476.
Gleaming taper's light, 349-
Glides the smooth current, 319.
Glimmer on my mind, 440.



grows a, 521.
tapers to the sun, 384.

through the dream of things
that were, 469.

Glimmerings and decays, 211.
Glimpse divine, 293.

of happiness, 209.

Glimpses of the moon, 105.

Glistering grief, 71.

with dew, 183.

[blocks in formation]


rush to, or the grave, 441.
set the stars of, 496.
share the, 76.

shows the way, 237.
to God in the highest, 570.
track the steps of, 482.
trailing clouds of, 421.
trod the ways of, 72.
visions of, 331.

walked in, 405.
who pants for, 289.
Glory's lap they lie, 438.

morning gate, 512.

page, rank thee upon, 453.
thrill is o'er, 453.
Glove, O that I were a, 77.
Glows in every heart, 266.
in the stars, 271.
Glow-worm lend thee, 158.
shows the matin, 107.

Glow-worms, glories like, 162.
Glozed the tempter, 189.
Gluttony ne'er looks to heaven,


Gnat, strain at a, 569.

Glisters, all that, is not gold, 602. Go, and do thou likewise, 570.

Glittering generalities, 508.

like the morning star, 353.

Globe, all that tread the, 513.
distracted, 107.

itself shall dissolve, 18.
Gloom, counterfeit a, 203.
of earthquake, 493-

Glories like glow-worms, 162.

of our blood, 160.
Glorious and free, 456.
by my pen, 169.
in a pipe, 485.
Tam was, 385.
uncertainty, 304.
Gloriously drunk, 364.
Glory, air of, 211.

alone with his, 499.
and vain pomp, 72.
dies not, 396.

excess of, obscured, 172.

[blocks in formation]


call a coach, 243.

down to the sea in ships, 550.
his halves, 6.

no more a roving, 483.

poor devil get thee gone, 326.
Soul the body's guest, 597.
that the devil drives, 606.
to the ant thou sluggard, 552.
we know not where, 24.
where glory waits thee, 453-
Goal, final, of ill, 523.
Goblin damned, 105.
God a necessary Being, 232.
all mercy is a God unjust, 264.
Almighty first planted a gar-
den, 360.

Almighty's gentlemen, 223.

[blocks in formation]



my idolatry, 78.

of storms, 535.

or devil, 223.

oracle of, 170.

save the king, 243.

send thee good ale, 9.
sendeth and giveth, 6.
sends meat, 605.

sun-flower turns on her, 455-
takes a text, 155.

the Father God the Son, 255.
the first garden made, 167.
the noblest work of, 274.
God's mills grind slow, 156, 534.

most dreadful instrument, 413.
providence seeming estranged,

power, show likest, 37.
sons are things, 320.

Goddess, like a thrifty, 22.

moves a, 298.

night sable, 261.

write about it, 292.

Godfathers of heaven's lights, 29.

God-given strength, 446.
God-like forehead, 421.

reason, 116.

Godliness, cheerful, 413.

cleanliness next to, 312.
Gods and god-like men, 470.
approve the depth, 407.
are just, 122.

had made thee poetical, 42.
how he will talk, 237.
it doth amaze me, 82.
kings it makes, 70.
love, whom the, 489.
names of all the, 83.

Gods provide thee, 221.

voice of all the, 31.
Goes to bed sober. 147.
Going, order of your, 95.
Gold, age of, 204.

all that glisters is not, 602.
apples of, 556.
bright and yellow, 508.
but little in cofre, 2.
clasps, 76.

gild refined, 50.
he loved, in special, 2.
in phisike is a cordial, 2.
saint-seducing, 76.

servile opportunity to, 413.
thumb of, 2.

wedges of, 69.
weight in, 395.

Golden bowl be broken, 560.
exhalations, 436.

keys, clutch the, 523.
lads and girls, 133-
mean, 605.
numbers, 165.
opinions, 91.

prime of Alraschid, 517.

sorrow, 71.

story, locks in the, 76.
thumb of miller, 2.

urns draw light, 187.
window of the east, 76.
Gone, and forever, 448.

before, not dead, but, 399.
before, not lost but, 399.
to the grave, 460.

Good, all things work together for,

and ill together, 45-
apprehension of the, 52.

are better made by ill, 400.
as a feast, 604.

as a play, 592.

as she was fair, 400.

beneath the, 330.

by stealth, 288.

cannot come to, 102.

deed in a naughty world, 38.

die first, 422.

evil be thou my, 181.
evil call, 562.

familiar creature, 127.
fellows, king of, 65.
fellowship in thee, 54
for us to be here, 568.
great man, 435.

hater, 322.

hold fast that which is, 576.
hold thou the, 522.

in everything, 39.

luck would have it, 21.

Good, luxury of doing, 342.

man never dies, 437-

man yields his breath, 437.
man's sin, 440.

men and true, 27.

men must associate, 351.
name in man, 127.
name is better, 558.
name to be chosen, 555.
news baits, 194.

night till it be morrow, 78.
noble to be, 517.

nor aught so, 78.

of my country, 258, 391.
old age, 540.

old cause, 413.


old rule, 411.

vice, 487.

opinion of the law, 381.
or evil times, 136.

parent of, 185.

part, hath chosen that, 570.
pleasure ease, 274.
Queen Bess, 508.

report and evil report, 575.

sense the gift of Heaven, 279.

set terms, 40.
some fleeting, 342.
some special, 78.
sword rust, 434

that men do is oft interred

with their bones, 85.
the gods provide thee, 221.
the more communicated, 185.
thing out of Nazareth, 571.
things will strive, 18.
time coming, 450.

to me is lost, 181.

war or bad peace, 316.

we oft might win, 22.

Gorgeous palaces, 18.
Gorgons and Hydras, 177.
Gory locks, never shake thy, 95.
Gospel-books, lineaments of, 12.
Gospel-light first dawned, 336.
Govern my passion, 238.
those that toil, 343.
Government, forms of, 273.

founded on compromise, 352.
Gown, plucked his, 345.
Gowns, fellow with two, 28.
furr'd, 122.

Grace affordeth health, 598.
all above is, 226.

and virtue, 218.

attractive kinde of, 12.
beyond the reach of art, 280.
does it with a better, 46.

ease with, 310.

free nature's, 311.

half so good a, 23.
love of, 116.
me no grace, 613.
melody of every, 161.
ministers of, 104.

my cause, 123.
of a day, 520.

of finer form, 448.
power of, 439.
purity of, 479.

seated on this brow, 115.
simplicity a, 144.
sweet attractive, 181.
that won, 187.
unbought, 353-

was in all her steps, 187.
Graceless zealots fight, 273.
Graces all other, 305.
peculiar, 184.

sacrifice to the, 306.

will be the final goal of ill, Gracious is the time, 101.


will toward men, 570.
wine needs no bush, 43.
wits will jump, 605.
works, rich in, 576.

Good bye proud world, 527.
Goodliest, express her, 121.
man of men, 182.

Goodly outside, 36.

sight to see, 468.

Good-man Dull, 30.

Goodness, how awful is, 184.

in things evil, 64.
lead him not, 156.
never fearful, 24.
thinks no ill, 180.
Goods, much, laid up, 570.
Goose-pen, write with a, 47.
Gordian knot unloose, 62.

Tam grew, 385.

Gradations of decay. 319.

Grain, say which, will



Grammar school, erecting a, 67.
Grand old ballad, 434-

old gardener, 517;

old name of gentleman, 524.
Grandam, soul of our, 48.
Grandmother Eve, 29.

Grandsire, cut in alabaster, 35.
phrase, 76.

skilled in gestic lore, 343-

Grant an honest fame, 294.
Grapple them to thy soul, 103.
Grasp the ocean, 255.

Grasps the skirts of chance, 523.
Grass, all flesh is, 563.

days are as, 550.
two blades of, 246.

[blocks in formation]

come from the, 107.
cradle stands in the, 146.
cruel as the, 561.
dread thing, 307.

Druid lies in yonder, 340.
Duncan is in his, 94.
earliest at his, 495-
forget thee, 475-

glory lead but to the, 332.
gone to the, 460.

hungry as the, 309.

in a full age, 544-
low laid in my, 49.
mattock and the, 264.
night of the, 359.

rush to glory or the, 441.
she is in her, 402.

steps of glory to the, 482.
strewed thy, 119.

to gav, 275-

to light, 226, 275.

where is thy victory, 295, 574-
where Laura lay, 13.
wisdom in the, 559.

with sorrow to the, 540.
without a, 476.

Graves are pilgrim shrines, 529.

dishonourable, 82.

let's talk of, 53.

of your sires. 528.
stood tenantless, 100.

Gray hairs with sorrow, 540.
Marathon, 470.

mare the better horse, 606.

Gray-hooded even, 195.
Greasy citizens, 39.
Great Cæsar fell, 86.

cause, die in a, 485.
contest follows, 362.
far above the, 330.
glorious and free, 456.
grown so, 83.

in villany, 50.

is truth and mighty, 566.

[blocks in formation]

Grew together like to a double | Grow double, surely you 'll, 417.

cherry, 33.

Greyhound mongrel grim, 121.
Greyhounds in the slips, 63.
Grief, days of my distracting, 341.

every one can master a, 27.
fills the room up, 50.
gave his father, 296.
in a glist'ring, 71.
is past, 396.
manliness of, 347-
of a wound, 59.

patch, with proverbs, 28.
plague of sighing and, 56.
smiling at, 47-

that does not speak, 97.
treads upon the heel of pleas-
ure, 256.

Griefs, some, are med'cinable, 133.
that harass, 318.
Grieve his heart, 96.

Grieved, we sighed we, 166.
Grieving over the unreturning
brave, 471.

Griffith, honest chronicler as, 74.
Grim death, 146, 178.

Feature, scented the, 190.
repose. 331.
Grimes, old, is dead, 526.
Grim-visaged war, 68.
Grin, one universal, 314.

so merry, 373-
to sit and, 535.
Grind, axe to, 465.

slowly, mills of God, 534-
the faces of the poor, 562.
Grinders cease, 560.

Gripe, barren sceptre in

of noose, 381.

my, 94.

Gristle, people in the, 352.

Groan, anguish poured his, 318.

bubbling, 476.

the knell the pall, 528.
Groans of the dying, 446.
thy old, ring yet, 79.
Groined the aisles, 527.
Grooves of change, 519.
Grose, his name was, 490.
Gross and scope, 100
Ground, haunted holy, 470.
let us sit upon the, 53-
of nature, 410.
on classic, 252.
purple all the, 200.

slave to till my, 361.
water spilt on the, 542.
Groundlings, ears of the, 112.
Grove of Academe, 192.
Groves, God's first temples, 514.
Grow dim with age, 251.

wiser and better, 238.
Grown by what it fed on, 102.
Grows with his growth, 272.
Growth, man is the nobler, 378.
man the only, 342.

of mother earth, 409.
Grudge, feed fat the ancient, 35.
Grundy, what will Mrs., say, 394-
Guard dies and never surrenders,


our native seas, 441.
thy bed, holy angels, 255.
Guardian angel o'er his life pre-
siding, 399.
angels sung, 312.
Gude time coming, 450.
Gudeman's awa', 372.
Gudgeons, swallow, 217.
Guesseth but in part, 436.
Guest, speed the going, 288.
speed the parting, 299.
the body's, 597;
Guests are in the depths of hell,

Guid to be honest and true, 390.

to be merry and wise, 390.
Guide philosopher and friend, 276.
providence their, 191.
Guides, blind, 569.

the planets in their course, 400.
Guilt's in that heart, 456.
of Eastern kings, 165.
rebellion fraud, 250.

so full of artless jealousy is, 117.

to cover, 349.

who fear not, 357-

Guilty of no error, 504.
of such a ballad, 29.
thing, started like a, 100.
thing surprised, 422.
Guinea, compass of a, 465.
jingling of the. 519.
Guinea's stamp, 389.
Gulf profound, 176.
Gum, med'cinable, 131.
Gun, out of an elder, 64.
Guns, these vile, 55.

Gypsies stealing children, 382.

Habit, costly thy, 104.

use doth breed a, 19.
Habitation, local, 34.

Habits, small, well pursued, 379.
Had we never loved sae kindly, 389.
Haggard, do prove her, 128.
Hags, black and midnight, 96.
Hail Columbia, 428.

fellow, well met, 606.
holy light, 179.

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