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Darien, silent upon a peak in, 499. Day, critic on the last, 283.

Daring dined, 292.

Daring in full dress, 485.
Dark amid the blaze of noon, 193.
and doubtful from the, 384.
and lonely hiding-place, 432.
as Erebus, 38.
as pitch, 604.
blue sea, 480.
ever-during, 179.

eye in woman, 472.
illumine what in me is, 170.
leap into the, 6.

sun to me is, 193.

with excessive bright, 181.
Darkeneth counsel by words, 545.
Darkly, deeply beautifully, 489.
Darkness and the worm, 264.
buries all, 293.
Cimmerian, 440.
dawn on our, 460.
instruments of, 83.
jaws of, 32.
land of, 541.
not in utter, 544-
prince of, 121, 157.
raven down of, 195.
up to God, 523.

visible, 170.

which may be felt, 541.
Darling sin, 432.

Darlings, wealthy curled, 123.
Dart, death his, 190.

like the poisoning of a, 167.
shook a dreadful, 177.

time shall throw a, 145.
Dashed the dew, 448.
Daughter, harping on my, 108.
of his voice, 189.

of my house, 470.

of the voice of God, 419.

old man's, 123.

dearly love but one, 244-
deceased, 252.

dog will have his, 119.
ended with the, 512.
ere the first, of death, 477-
eye of, 205.

great important, 250.
hand open as, 62.
harmless, entertains the, 141.
he that outlives this, 64.
I've lost a, 262.

in June, what so rare as a, 539-
in thy courts, 549.

is done, and the darkness falls,

[blocks in formation]

parting, linger and play, 463.
peep of, 159.
posteriors of this, 31.
so calm, so cool, 155.
stands tiptoe, 80.

suffering ended with the, 512.
sufficient unto the, 567.
that comes betwixt a Saturday
and Monday, 244-
that is dead, 520.

the great the important, 250.
through the roughest, 89.
unto day uttereth speech, 547-

Daughters of my father's house, 47. Daylight and truth, 208.

David, hating, 222.

Daw, wiser than a, 65.

Dawn, belong not to the, 185.
cheerful, 404.

exhalations of the, 436.
is overcast, 250.
later star of, 403.

on our darkness, 460.
Dawning, bird of, 100.

of morn, 442.
Daws to peck at, 123.
Day, as it fell upon a, 134, 143.

brought back my night, 206.
burden and heat of the, 568.
business of the, 224.
close of the, 359.
count that, lost, 601.

we burn, 20.

Day-star, so sinks the, 200.
Days, afternoon of her best, 70.

among the dead, 428.

and nights to Addison, 320.

are as grass, 550.

are dwindled, 372.

are in the yellow leaf, 485.
are swifter than a shuttle, 544-
begin with trouble, 600.
boyish, 124.
degenerate, 298.
fallen on evil, 186.
flight of future, 175-
live laborious, 199.
measure of my, 547.
melancholy, are come, 514.

Days of childhood, 429.

o' lang syne, 388.
of my distracting grief, 341.
of nature, 106.

of our years are threescore
years and ten, 549.

one of those heavenly, 404.
past our dancing, 77.
perfect, if ever come, 539.
race of other, 526.
salad, 131.

sweet childish, 402.
that are no more, 521.
that need borrow, 163.
to lose good, 12.

with God ne passed the, 259.
world of happy, 69.

Day's march nearer home, 438.
Daze the world, 515.
Dazzle as they fade, 450.
Dazzles to blind, 359.

Dazzling fence of rhetoric, 198.

Dead, bent him o'er the, 477.
better be with the, 94.
day that is, 520.
days among the, 428.
fading honours of the, 444.
flies a stinking savour, 559.
for a ducat, 115.

he mourns the, 262.
in his harness, 566.
men's bones, 569.
men's skulls, 69.

not, but gone before, 399.
of midnight, 378.
of the night, 102.
past bury its dead, 530.
sheeted, did squeak, 100.
would I were, 503.
Deadly fair, so coldly sweet, 477.
Deaf adder, 548

Deal damnation round, 295.
Dear as remembered kisses, 521.

as the light that visits, 331.
as the ruddy drops, 331.
as the vital warmth, 236, 331.
as these eyes that weep, 236.
beauteous death, 211.
charmer away, 301.
five hundred friends, 362.
for his whistle, 316.
hut our home, 315.
son of memory, 204.
Dearer than his horse, 518.
than self, 469.
Dearest thing he owed, 89.
Dearly let or let alone, 154.
Death, all of, to die, 437-

and his brother Sleep, 493.
and life, 251.

Death, back resounded, 178.
be thou faithful unto, 578.
borders upon our birth, 146.
by slanderous tongues, 28.
calls ye, 160.

came with friendly care, 434-
can this be, 295.
certain to all, 61.
cold ear of, 333.
cometh soon or late, 511.
covenant with, 563.

coward sneaks to, 300.

cruel as, 309.

dear beauteous, 211.

dread of something after, 111.
ere thou hast slain, 145.
fell sergeant, 119.
first day of, 477-
grim, 146.

grinned horrible, 178.
hearsed in, 105.

herald after my, 74.

in the midst of life we are in,

in the pot, 543-
into the world, 170.
intrenched, 265.
just and mightie, 13.
kisses after, 521.

lays his icy hands, 160.
love strong as, 561.
lovely in, 263.

loves a shining mark, 265.
makes equal, 140.
most in apprehension, 24.
not divided in, 542.
nothing but birth, 265.
nothing our own but, 53.
of each day's life, 93.
rides in every breeze, 460.
ruling passion strong in, 277.
shades of, 177.
shadow of, 544.
shook his dart, 190.
sights of ugly, 69.
slavery or, 250.

sleep of, what dreams may
come in that, 110.

so noble, 194.

soul under the ribs of, 197.
studied in his, 89.
there is no, 533-
thou hast all seasons, 496.
to us, play to you, 232.
untimely stopp'd, 296.
urges kneils call, 262.
us do part, 579.

valiant taste but once of, 84.
wages of sin is, 572.

way to dusty, 98.

Death, whatshould it know of? 401. | Deep, danger on the, 502.

what we fear of, 24.

where is thy sting? 295, 574-
which nature never made, 264.
whose portal we call, 533.
wonderful is, 493-

Death-bed is a detector, 263.
Death-beds, ask, 262.
Death's pale flag, 81.

Debt, a double, to pay, 346.

to nature, 154-

Debtor to his profession, 137.
Debts, he that dies pays all, 18.
Decalogue, men who can hear
the, 420.

Decay, gradations of, 319.
muddy vesture of, 38.
unperceiv'd, 317:

Decays and glimmerings, 211.
Decay's effacing fingers, 477.
Deceit in gorgeous palace, 79.
Deceitful shine, 458.

woman, 236.

Deceivers, men were, ever, 26.
December, roses in, 466.

when men wed, 43.

Decencies, content to dwell in,

[blocks in formation]

embosomed in the, 343-
for his hearers, 347-
home is on the, 441.

in the lowest, 181.
malice to conceal, 181.
on his front engraven, 175-
sleep falleth on men, 543-
spirits from the vasty, 57.
tipple in the, 161.
versed in books, 192.
yet clear, 164.

Deeper than all speech, 526.
than plummet, 18.
Deep-mouthed welcome, 486.
Deer a shade, 440.

let the strucken, 114.

mice and such small, 121.
Defamed by every charlatan, 524-
Defect, cause of this, 108.
fine by, 277.

Defective comes by cause, 108.
Defence, admit of no, 232.

against injury, 8.
millions for, 393.

Defend me from my friends, 595-
your departed friend, 226.
Defer, madness to, 261.

till to-morrow, 256.
Defiance in their eye, 343-
Deficiencies of the present day,

[blocks in formation]

Delight in misfortunes of others, Desire, this fond, 251.


into a sacrifice, 155.

lap me in, 526.

mounted in, 405.
over-payment of, 426.

paint the meadows with, 31.
phantom of, 404.
she's my, 234:

to pass away the time, 68.
Delightful task, 308.
Delights, all you vain, 148.
that witchingly instil, 310.

to scorn, 199.
Delphian vales, the, 529.
Delphos, steep of, 204.
Demd damp moist body, 538.
horrid grind, 538.
Demi-paradise, 52
Democratie, fierce, 192.
Democrats, d-d, 490.
Democritus would not weep, 415.
Demosthenes, fall below, 393.
Den, beard the lion in his, 311.
Denied, who comes to be, 146.
Denizen, world's tired, 469.
Denmark, may be so in, 107.
rotten in, 105.

Deny, heart would fain, 97.
Depart, loth to, 241.

Deplore thee, we will not, 460.
Depressed with care, 301.

Depth and not the tumult, 407.
in philosophy, 136.
in whose calm, 501.

Depths and shoals of honour, 72.
Derby dilly, 398.

Descant amorous, 182.

Descends the unguarded store,

Descent and fall, adverse, 174.
claims of long, 517.
Describe the undescribable, 474-
Description, beggared all, 131.
Desdemona would seriously in-
cline, 124.

Desert blossom as the rose, 563.
fountain in the, 481.
my dwelling-place, 475.
of a thousand lines, 289.
of the mind, 477-

use every man after his, 109.
wildernesses, 195.

Deserted at his utmost need, 220.
Deserts, his, are small, 169.

idle and antres vast, 124.
Deserve the precious bane, 173.
Desire, bloom of young, 329.
kindle soft, 221.

of the moth for the star, 495.

who lives as they, 262.
Desires of the mind, 138.
Desk's dead wood, 429.
Desolate, no one so utterly, 531.
none are so, 469.
Despair, black, 493.

depth of some divine, 521.
fiercer by, 174-

flat, or final hope is, 174.
hurried question of, 479.
infinite, and wrath, 181.
message of, 440.
nympholepsy of some fond,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Dews, brushing away the, 334-
mother of, 308.

of the evening, 306.
Diadem of snow, 483.
precious, 115.

Dial from his poke, 40.

to the sun, 218, 268.
Diamond, great rough, 306.

me no diamonds, 614.

Diamonds, bright as young, 228.
cut diamonds, 604.
Dian's temple, 75.
Diana's foresters, 54.

Diapason closing full in Man, 227.
Dice were human bones, 485.
Dicers' oaths, 115.
Dickens, what the, 21.

Dictynna good-man Dull, 30.
Die a bachelor, 26.

an American, 464.

and endow a college, 278.
and go we know not where, 24.
at the top like that tree, 247.
because a woman's fair, 157.
before I wake, 600.

dare to, or bear to live, 274.
hazard of the, 71.
here in a rage, 247.
in a great cause, 485.
in an inn, 327.

in the last ditch, 590.


Die in yon rich sky, 520.
is gain, 575.
is landing on
shore, 244.
let us do or, 388, 603.
nature broke the, 482.
not born to, 528.
not willingly let it, 206.
of a rose, 270.


taught us how to, 300.
who tell us Love can, 426.
with harness on, 99.
without or this or that, 276.
young, whom the gods love,

Died in freedom's cause, 428.
Dies and makes no sign, 66.
like the dolphin, 473-

Diet, sober in your, 303.
Difference to me, 402

Different, like -- but oh! how, 407.
Difficulties, knowledge under, 504
Difficulty and labour, 179.
Diffused knowledge, 395.
Digest, inwardly, 579.
of anarchy, 352.
Digestion bred, 184.

wait on appetite, 95.
Diggeth a pit, whoso, 556.
Dignified by the doer's deed, 45-
Dignifies humanity, 515.
Dignity, in every gesture, 187.
of crimes, 379.
Diligent in his business, 555-
Dim and perilous way, 423-
eclipse, 172.
religious light, 203.
the sweet look, 531.

with childish tears, 418.
with the mist of years, 469.
Diminished heads, hide their, 180.
Dimmed and gone, 457.
Dine, that jurymen may, 284.
Dining, thought of, 347-
Dinner lubricates business, 377-

of herbs, better is a, 553-

Dire was the noise of conflict, 186.
Directs the storm, 252.
Direful spring of war, 298.
Dirge in marriage, 101.
Dirt, loss of, 140.

Disappointed unanel'd, 107.
Disastrous chances, 124.

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