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Blow, that gives the, 239.

thou winter wind, 42.
wind! come wrack, 99.

word and a, 613.

Blown with restless violence, 24.
Blows, apostolic, 213

of circumstance, 523.

Blue above and the blue below,

and gold, 395.
beautifully, 489.
darkly deeply, 427.
meagre hag, 196.

sky bends over all, 431.

the fresh the ever free, 503.
Blunder, free us frae monie a, 386.
in men this, 379.

[ocr errors]

worse than a crime, 394.
Blundering kind of melody, 223.
Blunders round about a meaning,

Blush of maiden shame, 514.

shame where is thy, 115.
to find it fame, 288.
to give it in, 440.

Blushes at the name, 511.
bear away, 27.
man that, 266.
Blushing honours, 72.

like the morn, 188.

Boast not thyself, 556.
of heraldry, 332.
Boards, ships are but, 35.
Boat is on the shore, 483.
Boatman, take thrice thy fee, 500.
Boats, little, keep near shore, 316.
Bobbed for whale, 592.
Bobtail tike, 121.

Bodes some strange eruption, 100.
Bodies, bore dead, 55.

forth, 34-

friendless, 162.

ghosts of defunct, 213.
of unburied men, 162.
pressed the dead, 58.
princes like to heavenly, 136.

Boding tremblers, 346.
Bodkin, bare, 111.

Body, absent in, 573.

clog of his, 221.

demd moist, 538.
form doth take, 12.
nature is, 271.
or estate, 578.

sickness-broken, 209.
thought, almost say her, 143.
to that pleasant country's, 53.
with my, I thee worship, 579
Bog or steep, 179.
Boil like a pot, 546.

Bokes clothed in black, 2.
Bold bad man, 10, 71.

peasantry, 344.
Boldest held his breath, 442.
Bond of fate, 96.

't is not in the, 37.
Bondage, eternity in, 251.
Bondman let me live, 419.
that would be a, 85.
Bondman's key, 36.
Bondsmen, hereditary, 469.
Bone and skin two millers, 305.
bites him to the, 314.

of manhood, 352.
Bones are coral, 17.

cover to our, 53.

full of dead men's, 569.

good oft interred with their, 85.
tell all my, 547-

to lay his weary. 73.

worn him to the, 80.

Bononcini, compared to, 305.
Booby, who 'd give her, 302.
Book, adversary had written a,


and heart must never part,

and volume of my brain, 107.
dainties bred in a, 30.

face is as a, 90.

I'll drown my, 18.

in gold clasps, 76.

is a book though nothing

in 't, 466.

kill a good, 207.

of fate, 269.

of knowledge, 179.

of nature short of leaves, 506.
of songs and sonnets, 20.
only read by me, 404.

so fairly bound, 79.

the precious life-blood, 208.
Bookful blockhead, 283.
Bookish theoric, 123.
Books are a world, 418.

authority from others', 29.
cannot always please, 384.
deep vers'd in, 192.

in the running brooks, 39.
making of many, 560.
not in your, 26.

of honour razed, 134.
out of old, 4.
quit your, 417.

some to be tasted, 136.
spectacles of, 230.
talismans and spells, 365.
tenets with, 276.

that nourish all the world, 31.
the printers lost by, 209.

Books to hold in the hand, 322.

upon his head, 396.

were woman's looks, 456.
which are no books, 429.
wiser grow without, 365.
Booted and spurred, 233.
Boots it at one gate, 193.
Bo-peep, played at, 158.
Bore a bright golden flower, 197.
without abuse, 524.
Bores and bored, 491.
Born an American, 464.

better ne'er been, 451.
better to be lowly, 71.
for the universe, 347.
happy is he, 141.
in the garret, 481.
of woman, 544-
to be a slave, 366.
to blush unseen, 333.

to set it right, 108.
to the manner, 104.
under a rhyming planet, 28.
who ne'er was, 241.

Borne down by the flying, 446.
like thy bubbles, 476.

the burden of the day, 568.
Borrowed wit, 151.

Borrower, bettered by the, 206.

is servant, 555-

nor a lender be, 104.
Borrowing dulls the edge, 104.

such kind of, 208.

Bosom, cleanse the stuffed, 98.
confidence in an aged, 322.
of God, 16.

of his Father, 335-

of the ocean, 68.

thorns that in her, 107.

was young, 442.

Bosomed high in tufted trees, 201.
Bosoms, come home to men's, 136.
Bosom's lord sits lightly, 80.
Bosom-weight, 408.

Boston, solid men of, 381.

State-House, 534.

Botanize upon his mother's grave,

[blocks in formation]

Boundless his wealth, 445-
Bounds of modesty, 8o.

of place and time, 330.
vulgar, 280.

Bounties of an hour, 261.
Bounty, large was his, 335-
Bourbon or Nassau, 242.
Bourn, no traveller returns, 111.
Bout, winding, 202.
Bow, stubborn knees, 115.

two strings to his, 611.
Bowels of compassion, 578.
of the harmless earth, 55.
of the land, 70.

Bower, nuptial, 188.

of roses, 452.
Bowers of bliss, 300.
Bowl be broken, 560.

mingles with my friendly, 288.
Box, twelve good men into a, 504-
Boxes, beggarly account of, 80.
Boy, love is a, 216.

playing on the seashore, 237.
stood on the burning deck,


who would not be a, 469.
you hear laughing, 537.
Boyish days, 124.
Boys, three merry, 147.

wooing in my, 599-
Brach or lyme, 121.
Bradshaw bullied, 313.
Braggart with my tongue, 97.
Braids of lilies, 198.
Brain, coinage of your, 116.
heat-oppressed, 92.
him with a fan, 56.
madness in the, 432.
memory warder of the, 91.
of an idle, 77.

paper bullets of the, 26.
poet's, 142.

too finely wrought, 357.
vex the, 384.

volume of my, 107.
written troubles of the, 98.
Brains could not move, 396.
cudgel thy, 117.

steal away their, 127.
were out, 95.

Branch, cut is the, 16.
Branch-charmed, 498.
Brandy for heroes, 321.
Branksome hall, custom of, 444-
Brass, evil manners live in, 73-
sounding, 574-
Brave days of old, 511.

deserve the fair, 220.
fears of the, 317.
home of the, 491.

Brave, how sleep the, 339.

on, ye, 441.

that are no more, 368.
toll for the, 368.
Brawling woman, 555.
Bray a fool in a mortar, 557.
Breach, imminent deadly, 124
more honoured in the, 104.
once more unto the, 63.
Bread and butter, smell of, 484.
begged his, 164.
crust of, 288.
distressful, 64.

eaten in secret, 552.
half-pennyworth of, 57.
he took and brake it, 143.
in sorrow ate, 534.
is the staff of life, 247-
man shall not live by, 566.
upon the waters, 559-
Break it to our hope, 99.
of day, 24-

Breakfast on a lion's lip, 63.
with what appetite, 72.
Breaking waves, 497.
Breast, arm the obdured, 176.

eternal in the human, 270.
master passion in the, 272.
on her white, 284.
snowy, 168.

soothe the savage, 256.
sunshine of the, 328.
tamer of the human, 329.
thine ideal, 474-
toss him to my, 156.
where learning lies, 297.
within his own clear, 196.
Breastplate, what stronger, 66.
Breath, bated, 36.

boldest held his, 442.
call the fleeting, 333
can make them, 344.
good man yields his, 437.
heaven's, 90.
hope's perpetual, 413.
is in his nostrils, 562.
lightly draws its, 401.
of kings, 390.
of morn, 183.
o'erthrows, 289.
revives him, 289.

suck my last, 294.

summer's ripening, 78.
weary of, 506.

Breathe, thoughts that, 330.
Breathed the long long night, 512.
Breathes from yonder box, 284.

must suffer, who, 241.
there the man, 445-
Breathing household laws, 413.

Breathing of the common wind,


we watched her, 506.

Breathless with adoration, 409.
Bred in a book, 30.

Breech, where honour 's lodged,


Breeches, are so queer, 535.
cost but a crown, 126.
Breed, how use doth, 19.
of noble bloods, 83.
Breeding, to show your, 384.
Breeds by a composture, 81.
Breeze, every passing, 460.
refreshes in the, 271.
Brentford, two kings of, 360.
Brethren in unity, 551.
Brevity is the soul of wit, 108.
Briars, working-day full of, 39.
Bribe, too poor for a, 336.
Brick-dust man, 314

Bricks are alive this day, 66
Bridal chamber, come to the, 528.
of the earth, 155.

Bride, glittering, 423.
Bridegroom, fresh-as a, 54.
Bridge of sighs, 473-
Brief as the lightning, 32.
as woman's love, 113.
authority, 23.

let me be, 106.

Bright, angels are still, 97.
as young diamonds, 228.
consummate flower, 185.
excessive, 180.
honour, pluck, 55.
must fade, 456.
particular star, 45.
promise of early day, 460.
waters meet. 454-

Brighten, blessings, 263-
Brightens, how the wit, 282.
Brightest and best of the sons of
the morning, 460.
still the fleetest, 456.
Bright-eyed Fancy, 330.

Science, 332.

Brightness, her original, 172.
Brilliant Frenchman, 366.

Bring me to the test, 116.

sad thoughts, 417.

the day, 154.

the pen, 505.

the philosophic mind, 422.

the rathe primrose, 200.

your wounded hearts, 458.
Bringer of unwelcome news, 60.
Brings me to an end, 251.

Britain first at Heaven's com-

mand, 312.

Britain's monarch uncovered sat, | Bubbling cry of some strong swim-


Britannia needs no bulwarks, 441.

rules the waves, 312.
Brither, like a vera, 388.
Briton even in love, 402

Britons never shall be slaves, 312.
Broad based upon her people's

will, 517.
Broadcloth without, 365.
Broke the die, Nature, 482.

the good meeting, 95.
Broken-hearted, ne'er been, 389.
Brokenly live on, 471.
Broil and battle, 123.
Broods and sleeps, 418.
Brook and river meet, 532.

can see no moon, 454-
noise like of a hidden, 430.
sparkling with a, 492-

Brooks, books in the running, 39.
in Vallombrosa, 171.
make rivers, 227.

near the running, 418.
Broomstick, write finely on a, 247.
Brother, closer than a, 555.

followed brother, 421.
man and a, 591.
near the throne, 286.
of the Angle, 153:

Brotherhood, monastic, 423.

of venerable trees, 412.
Brothers in distress, 386.
Brother's keeper, 540.
Brow, anguish wrings the, 447-
furrows on another's, 265.
grace was seated on this, 115.
of Egypt, 34.

Brows bound with victorious

wreaths, 68.

gathering her, 385.
whose shady, 194

Bruise, parmaceti for, 55.
Bruised reed, 563.

with adversity, 25.

Brushing with hasty steps, 334.
Brute deny'd, 189.

not quite a, 266.
Brutish, life of man, 151.
Brutus grows so covetous, 87.
is an honourable man, 85.
will start a spirit, 83.
Bubble burst, 269.

empty, honour but an, 221.
on the fountain, 448.
reputation, 41.

Bubbles, borne like thy, 476.

the earth hath, 88.

Bubbling and loud-hissing urn,


mer, 487.
groan, 476.

venom flings, 468.
Bucket, as a drop of a, 563.
iron-bound, 451.
moss-covered, 451.
the old oaken, 451.
Buckets into empty wells, 362.
Buckingham, so much for, 248.
Buckram, rogues in, 56.

Bud, bit with an envious worm,

like a worm in the, 47.
of love, 78.

offered in the, 254

to heaven conveyed, 434-

Budding rose above the rose, 425.
rose is fairest when 'tis, 449-
Buds the promise, 268.
Buff and the blue, 390.
Buffets and rewards, 113.
Bug in a rug, 316.

Bugle horn, blast upon his, 449-
Build for him, others should, 405.
not boast, he lives to, 307.
the lofty rhyme, 199.
Builded better than he knew, 527.
Building, life of the. 93

Built a lordly pleasure-house, 517.
a paper-mill, 67.

God a church, 366.
in the eclipse, 200.
on stubble, 197

Bullied in a broad-brimmed hat,


Bullocks at Stamford Fair, 61.
talk is of, 562.

Bully, like a tall, 279.

Bulrushes, dam the Nile with, 516,
Bulwark, floating, 356.

Bulwarks, Britannia needs no, 441.
Bunghole, stopping a, 118.

Burden and heat of the day, 568.
loads the day, 205.

man bear his own, 575-
of some merry song, 288
of the mystery, 406.

of three-score, 343-
the grasshopper a, 557.
Burdens of the Bible, old, 527.
Burglary, flat, 28.
Burn daylight, 20.

to the socket, 422.
words that, 336.

Burned, half his Troy, 60.

is Apollo's laurel bough, 16.
Burning and a shining light, 571.
deck, boy stood on the, 497-
marle, 171.

Burning, one fire burns out anoth- Calamity is man's true touch-

er's, 76.

Burnished dove, 518.

Burns with one love, 298.
Burrs, conversation's, 536.

Burst in ignorance, 105.
Burthen of his song, 358.
Bush, good wine needs no, 43.

man in the, 527.

the thief doth fear each, 67.
Business, diligent in, 555.
dinner lubricates, 377-
feeling of his, 117.
home to men's, 136.
hours set apart for, 314.
in great waters, 550.
men some to, 277.
of the day, 224.
prayer all his, 259.

Busy bee, 254.

hammers closing rivets, 64.
hum of men, 201.

Busy-bodies, 576.

But me no buts, 614.

on and up, 500.
what am I? 523.
Butchered their sire, 475.
Butchers, gentle with these, 85.
Butter in a lordly dish, 541.
smoother than, 548.
Butterfly, I'd be a, 502.

upon a wheel, 287.
Button on Fortune's cap, 109.
Buttoned down before, 526.
Buttons be disclosed, 103.
Buy it, they lose it that do, 34-
By strangers mourned, 296.

that sin fell the angels, 72.
By-word, proverb and a, 542.

Cabined, cribbed, 94.

loop-hole, 195.

Cadmean victory, 581.

Cadmus letters gave, 488.

stone, 149.

of so long life, 110.

Caledonia stern and wild, 446.
Calf's-skin on recreant limbs. 50.
Call evil good, 562.

for the robin-redbreast, 162.
it holy ground, 497.

it not vain, 445.

me early mother dear, 518.
to-day his own, 227.

us to penance, 174
you that backing? 56.
Called, many are, 568.

the tailor lown, 116.
Caller, him who calleth be the, 243.
Calling shapes, 195.

Calls back the lovely April, 134.
Calm, here find that, 319.
lights of philosophy, 250.

repose, 335.
so deep, 410.

thou mayst smile, 380.
thoughts, 435-

Calumny, shall not escape, 111.

Calvinistic creed, 323.

Cambuscan bold, story of, 203.

Cambyses' vein, 56.

Came prologue, excuse, 190.
to the beach, 441.

Camel, like a, 114.

shape of a, 114.
swallow a, 569.

through the eye of a needle,
Camilla scours the plain, 282.
Can any mortal mixture? 195.
imagination boast, 308.
it be that this is all, 477.
such things be, 95.
this be death, 295.
Candid friend, 398.

where we can, be, 269.
Candied tongue, 113.

Casar dead and turned to clay, Candle, hold a, 305.


had his Brutus, 375.

hath wept, 85.

in every wound of, 86.

not that I loved less, 85.

with a senate at his heels, 275.
word of, 86.
Cæsar's, things which are, 569.

wife above suspicion, 582.
Cage, iron bars a, 161.
Cages, it happens as with, 162.
Cain the first city made, 167.
Cake, eat thy, and have it, 156.
is dough, 44.
Cakes and ale, 46.

match with the, 267.
not worth the, 156.
out out brief, 98.

throws his beams, 38.
to the sun, 267.

to thy merit, 314.

Candles are all out, 91.

night's, are burnt out, 80.
Cane, clouded, 285.
Canker and the grief are mine, 485.
galls the infants, 103.
Cankers of a calm world, 58.
Cannon by our sides, 119.
Cannon's mouth, in the, 41.
Cannot come to good, 102.

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