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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

D. 51

resolutions of, July 18th,

"Cheney, B. P." steamer seized by

the rebels,

Doc. 392

Cherokees, correspondence between
the chief of, and the rebel au-
thorities of Arkansas, D. 38;
See John Ross.
Chesconnessy River,.Va., rebel bat-
tery on,
D. 42
"Cheshire Light Guard" of Keene,

N. H. "George Rex," tents of, P. 72
Chicago Tribune, account of the

battle at Athens, Mo., Doc. 483
comments on Russell's letters on
Bull Run,
Doc. 62
CHRISTIAN, JAMES P., notice of, P. 29
Col. 26th Regt.
D. 5
Church of the Messiah, N. Y., pa-
D. 22

N. Y. S. V.,

triotic services of,

[blocks in formation]

Doc. 493
"Contraband goods," incidents at-
tending the search for,
Mrs., Daughter of the
Onondaga (N. Y.) Regt.,
COOKE, P., ST. GEORGE, a soldier's
Cook, -, Capt., at the battle of
Cole Camp, Mo.,

P. 14

D. 51

Doc. 171

D. 2

COON, S. PARK, Col. 2d Wisconsin

[blocks in formation]

Concord, N. H., account of the
destruction of the office of the
"Democratic Standard" in,
Doc. 490; D. 59
Confederation of the U. S. Doc. 133
"Confederato" Alien Law, N. O.
Delta's remarks on the, D. 65
"Confederate Army," generals of
Doc. 296; D. 87
position of the, July 10th, P. 10
field officers of, killed and wound-

ed in battle of Bull Run, P. 15
card from a colonel in the, P. 73
"Confederate" Artillery, increase
D. 72
"Confederate Congress," North Car-
olina delegates to,
met at Richmond,

COTTON, Capt., at the battle of
Scarytown, Va.,

Cotton-planters, A. H. Stephens'

speech to the,
Couch, D. N., Col. Mass. 7th Regt.,

Lieut.-Col., at the
battle of Haynesville,
"Courtesies of War," the,

Cox, Mr., of Ohio, motion in
the House of Representatives
for the reconstruction of the

D. 2
D. 85

appoints a day of thanksgiving,

D. 87

peuce proposition of,

[blocks in formation]

D. 46

Doc. 435

D. 52

peace proposition considered by

the Mobile Register,

Cox, HENRY, Rev., anecdote of, P. 6
Cox, J. D., Brig.-Gen., honorably

Cox, -, Brig.-Gen., his despatch

to Gov. Pierpont,
Cox, Gen., occupied Charles-
ton, Va.,

vateer Jeff Davis,"
D. 69
CRAGIE, BENTON, of N. C., D. 2
CRAVEN, THOMAS S., Commander,

report on the attack on the
steamer "Resolute," Doc. 581

Doc. 359

D. 47

D. 41; Doc. 402

P. 59


Capt. of the pri-

calls 100,000 volunteers into_the

Doc. 160

Jeff. Davis' message to the, July
Doc. 355
act of the, respecting alien ene-
Doc. 492
act of increasing the artillery
Doc. 538
"Confederato district attorney,"
queries to a,

CREEDON, -, Father, of Auburn,
N. Y., his war speech,

P. 85


CREIGH, JAMES, speech at Annapo-
lis, Md.,
D. 75

his response,

D. 55
D. 56

CRITTENDEN, JOHN J., of Kentucky,

[blocks in formation]

Cincinnati, Ohio, Andrew John-

son's speech at, June 19, Doc. 148
the city council of, appropriate
$23,000 for the relief of the
families of volunteers,


"Citoyens, la patrie est en danger,"

by "A. L.,"

CLARK, EDWARD, proclamation to
the people of Texas, June 8,
D. 15; Doc. 391
CLARK, GEORGE, jr., Col., 11th Regi-
ment Mass. Vol.,
D. 11

CLARK, H. F., Capt., subsistence
department report of battle of
Bull Run,
Doc. 42
Doc. 539

[blocks in formation]

"Confederate Government," list

of the officers of the,
"Confederated Republic," the her-
esy of a,
D. 3
"Confederate States of America,"
the recognition of, not attained,


D. 26
commissioners to Europe, D. 13, 74
Constitution of the,
Doc. 321
Confiscation Bill of the United
States, Crittenden's speech on
Doc. 475; D. 53
D. 54
approved Aug. 6th,
Doc. 475
Congress of the United States. See
Houso of Reps. & Senate.
Congress of Paris of 1856, Confed-
erate Congress adopts the doc-
trine of the, in reference to
maritime law, except the clause
referring to privateering, D. 60
Connecticut Militia, gallantry of
the 2d Regiment of, at Bull
Doc. 8
2d Regiment on their return
D. 55, 61
Connecticut Volunteers, 5th Regi-
ment of, pass through New
D. 47
Conspiracy, bill to punish, Doc. 415
Constitution of the "Confederate"
States of America,
Doc. 321
Constitution of the U. S., Mr. Cal-
vert's (Md.) resolution in ref-
erence to the amendment of,
D. 57
Doc. 134
Doc. 187

notice of,

CLARK, JOHN B., expelled from

U. S. Congress,


D. 29
Doc. 508
P. 106

[ocr errors]


D. 48

D. 65
P. 41
COLBURN, ALEX. V., Capt., notice
Doc. 539
COLBURN, -, Major, of Connecti-

D. 6
D. 2

[blocks in formation]

Cole Camp, Mo., battle at,
Collins' Requiem of Heroes, sung

in N. Y.,

Colorado, steamship, accident to, D.
Columbia College, N. Y., President
King's address to the graduat-
ing class of 1861,

Doc. 175

remarks on the Confiscation

D. 59
remarks on the Loan Bill, Doc. 258
CRITTENDEN, -, Col. 6th Indiana

D. 42
CROSBY, Lieut. U. S. A., expe-
dition of, to Back River, Va., D. 40
his expedition returned to Old
Point Comfort,
D. 55

his expedition to the Pocomoke,
Doc. 477
CROSSLY, Lieut., rebel, captured,
Doc. 478
"C. S. A.", a significant interpreta-
tion of,
P. 70
Cuba, Capt.-General of, releases the
prizes of the privateer "Sum-
D. 85

Culinary wants of the army. See

James M. Sanderson.
CULLUM, Geo. W., U. S. A. See
Sanitary Commission.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Danville, Ky.,

DARE, C. P., Col., at the battle of

Falling Waters, Va.,

notice of,

D. 71
Doc. 246
D. 75
D. 2
DAVIES, THOMAS A., Col. 16th Regt.
N. Y. S. V.,
D. 8; Doc. 174
report of a reconnoissance on the
Fairfax Road, Va, July 13th,
D. 30; Doc, 303
report on the occupation of Fair-
fax Court House,
Doc. 454
report of battle of Bull Run, Doc. 34
DAVIS, GEORGE, delegate to Con-
federate Congress,
D. 2
DAVIS, J. AMORY, of Boston, notice
D. 65
DAVIS, JEFFERSON, letter to Abra-
ham Lincoln,
Doc. 414

DAVIDSON, A. R., of N. C.,

his letter to President Lincoln
read in the Confederate Con-
D. 45
letter to John R. Chambless,
D. 43; Doc. 440
letter on the battle of Bull Run,
Doc. 50
considers the "victory" at Bull
Run a defeat,
P. 9
Doc. 355


"Democratic Standard," of Con-
cord, N. H., office of, destroyed,
D. 59; Doc. 490
DENNIS, MARY W., 1st Lieut. in a
Minnesota Regiment, P. 58
DE PEYSTER, FRED., Jr., his endu-
rance at Bull Run,
P. 103
8. A., dismissed from the ser-
D. 35; Doc. 853
DEVENS, CHARLES, Col. Massachu-
setts 15th Regt.,
D. 59
DE VILLIERS, Col., at the bat-
tle of Scarytown, Va., Doc. 332
DE WITT, THOMAS, D. D., notice of,
D. 55
DE WOLF, WINTHROP, remarks on
Russell's letters on the battle
of Bull Run,
Doc. 64
DICKINSON, DANIEL 8., address at
Amherst College, July 10th,
D. 24; Doc. 259
speech of, before the citizens of
Broome and Chenango Coun-
ties, New York,
D. 33
DICKINSON,, Lieut., rebel, his
account of Wheat's Battalion in
the battle of Bull Run, P. 12
DILLON, 2d Lieut., dismissed
from the U. S. A.,
D. 21
DIMMICK, -, Col., at Fortress
D. 70
DIx, JOIN A., Gen., confirmed as
D. 54
assumes command,
Doc. 353
DODGE, GEO. R., appointed Police
Marshal of Baltimore, Md., D. 24
DoHERTY. E. P., escapes from Sud-
ley Church,
D. 46
account of his escape from Sud-
ley Church, Va.,
P. 13
account of the battle of Bull Run,
Doc. 89
DONNELLY. DUDLEY. Col. 25th Regi-
ment N. Y. S. V., D. 7; Doc. 172
"Don't give up the ship," by J.
P. 79
DOOLITTLE, Senator. Speech on
the bill to suppress insurrection,
Doc. 466
DORSIT, JAMES, of the schooner 8.
J. Waring,
D. 37
DOUBLEDAY, ABNER, at the battle of
Doc. 243
D. 17
D. 71
P. 73
DOUGLAS, AUGUST, arrested at
D. 73
DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A., letter to
Virgil Hitchcox,
Doc. 126
and Lincoln, Abraham, debates
of, quoted,
Doc. 142
Dover, Delaware, peace meeting at,
D. 9
resolution of the peace meeting
at, June 27th,
Doc. 194
DRAKE, C. D., speech of at Louis-
iana, Mo., July 4th, Doc. 196
DREW, Phebe, her sufferings at the
P. 57
DUBOIS, JOHN V., Lieut., report of
the battle of Wilson's Creek,
D. 61; Doc. 502

message of, July 20th,

remarks on the message of, by C.

D. Drake,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Doc. 203
proclamation of,
D. 66; Doc. 526
D. 37
D. 22
Doc. 254

approves the act for the increase

of rebel artillery,

D. 72

approves the bill admitting Mis-
souri to the C. S. A.,

D. 74

his war-horse and compass saddle,

acrostic on,

P. 59
P. 44

and the Devil against the Na-
what Gen. Scott would do with,

Falling Waters, Va.,

P. 59



Col. 22d Illinois

P. 59


etymological analysis of his name,
"The Dream and the awakening,"
a prophecy disrespectfully in-
scribed to,
P. 53
DAVIS, JEFFERSON C., Col. 22d Regt.
Indiana Volunteers,
D. 70
"Davis, Jeff.," privateer, captures
the Alvarado,
Doc. 489
D. 56

Doughnuts, the feast of, at Augusta,

P. 53


notice of,

[blocks in formation]

DEAN, D. V., expelled from Appa-
lachicola, Fla.,
P. 54
"Debates of Douglas and Lincoln,"
Doc. 142
DE Bow's "Review," criticism on
the Northern army.
P. 91

Declaration of Independence, Dr.

Smyth's remarks on the, P. 59
See Fourth of July.

DEGRAW, CHARLES, surgeon 8th
Regiment N. Y. S. M., D. 65
De Kalb Regiment, N. Y. 8. V., left
New York,
D. 23
in the advance into Virginia. D. 82
banner presentation to the, Doc. 398
De KAY, S., correspondence with
the "Louisville Courier," notice
Delaware, regiments contributed

[merged small][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

P. 60

P. 107

at Bull Run,

D. 52

death of,

Doc. 468


Dug Spring, Mo., fight at,
account of the fight at,
Col. 9th Indiana
Regt. at Carrick's Ford, Doc. 543
DUNNELL, MARK H., Col. 5th Maine
D. 9; Doc. 176
DURYEA, A., Gen. See Habeas Cor-
D. 67
at the battle of Bethel, Va., Doc. 164
DUBIANE,. Lt.-Col. 1st Regt.
Maryland Volunteers., D. 23
DUTTON, HAMILTON II., Lt., dismiss-
ed from the U. S. Navy, D. 12

Regt. N. Y. 8. V., report of

[blocks in formation]

Lieut.-Col. 38th

battle of Bull Run,

Doc. 28

Fast, President Lincoln's Procla-

mation of Aug. 12,

Doc. 522

See Lincoln.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Doc. 414

"Flag song of the Michigan Volun-

teers," by D. B. Duffield, P. 60
FLAGG, SOLOMON, notice of, D. 8
Flags of North Carolina,
P. 101
Flat Rock, Ga, verbatim letter of
the postmaster of,
P. 71
Florida, Ordinance of Secession,
Doc. 407

FLOYD, JOHN B., on the depreda-
tions of the Mormons, Doc. 232
sells for old iron perfect guns be-
longing to the United States, P. 47
his operation with Mr. Burke's
P. 100
Foot's Resolution, Webster's speech
Doc. 188
FOOTE, SOLOMON, speech of, at New
York, June 25th,
D. 8


Foreigners, U. S. War Department's
order in reference to the enlist-
ment of,
D. 85; Doc. 853
See Seward's letter to F. A. Al-

[blocks in formation]

er St. Nicholas,


account of the capture of the,

Doc. 255
FRISBEE, EDWARD, Colonel 30th
Regiment N. Y. S. Volunteers,
D. 10; Doc. 176
FROST, DANIEL, of Western Va., D. 16
FROST, D. M., letter to Gov. Jack-
Doc. 494
Doc. 1

the treason of,
FRY, JAMES B., Adjutant-General,
U. S. A.,
Fugitive Slaves-returned by Col.



not permitted to reside in the
camps of the National army, D.
number escaped from the South
during the years 1840-1860, P. 57
FULLER, JAMES, killed at Matthias
Point, Va.,
D. 67

[ocr errors]

GILVEREY,, Captain, of the ship
Mary Goodell, courageous con-
duct of the wife of,

"God Preserve the Union," by
John Savage,

"God save the Flag of our Native

P. 53

Land," dedicated to the mem-
ory of my father, who was in
the war of 1812, the brave boy.
cornet of the Bourbon cavalry,
Ky. By "M. R. M.,"
"Going to the Wars," by Edward
S. Ellis,
Good Samaritan, a,
GOODE, JOHN THOMAS, 1st Lieuten-
ant, dismissed from the U. S.
GOODFELLOW., Orderly Sergt,

P. 87

P. 101

D. 20

at the fight at Bethel, Va., P. 82
"Goodwin Riflemen," of Concord,
N. II.,
D. 5
GORDON, GEORGE H., Colonel 2d
Regiment Mass. Volunteers, D. 23
"Gordon," privateer, captures of
D. 45
GORMAN, WILLIS A., Colonel 1st
Minnesota Volunteer Regt,

D. 8; Doc. 174
report of battle of Bull Run, Doc. 27
supplementary report of battle of
Bull Run,
Doc. 23
GOULD, CHARLES. See Newspapers
GOULD, LAFAYETTE, Surgeon, dis-


[blocks in formation]

Galveston, Texas, cannonaded, D. 57
account of the bombardment of,
Doc. 484
Governor of Missouri, D. 50
his inaugural to the Missouri
Convention, D. 51; Doc. 458
proclamation to the citizens of
D. 53
military inspectors appointed by,
D. 76
Doc. 472
Doc. 474

D. 72

D. 3

P. 98

GARCELON, -, Surgeon-General

[blocks in formation]

D. 1

of Maine,

D. 82

fight at,

D. 65

Colonel, command of,

in Missouri,

D. 49

Fort Moultrie, 1776, anniversary of

the battle of, celebrated at
Charleston, S. C.

Fort Pickens, notice of,

to be razed with red pepper, P. 59
to be filled with centipedes and

missed from the U. S. A., D. 20
Government employees, report on
their loyalty,
Doc. 446
GRAHAM, C. K., Colonel 5th Regi-
ment N. Y. S. Volunteers.
Grafton, Va., excitement at,

Fourth of July, celebrated in the

P. 71

Fortress Monroe, Va., Gen. Wool

assumed command at,

Northern literature at,

D. 70
P. 58


to the freemen of North Caro-

Sandwich Islands,

at the South,

D. 5
P. 86
P. 98, 99

the New Orleans Picayune's

[blocks in formation]

D. 22; Doc. 252
Fox. G. W., private, 24th N. Y.
Regiment, killed,
D. 42
confirmed as Brig.-
D. 54
FRED, F. L., account of the battle
of Blackburn's Ford, Doc. 850
P. 99

D. 67

Frederick Town, Mo., rebels sur-
prised at,

FREE, W. II., Lieut. 7th Ohio Regi-
ment, captures secessionists, D. 81
"Freedom," by M. F. Tupper, P. 87
"Freedom's Banner,"

Freeman's Journal, presented by
the Grand Jury.


D. 43

Garibaldi Guard, N. Y. S. V., wo-
men in,
P. 58
GARLAND, ROBERT, Captain, dis-
missed from the Federal army,
GARNETT, ROBERT S., General, es-
capes from Laurel Hill, D. 28
killed at Carrick's Ford, Va., D. 30
account of the death of, Doc. 289, 290
GARRICK,, negro cook of the
Enchantress," anecdote of, D. 52
GARRISON, LLOYD, quoted by the
"Memphis Appeal,"
D. 49
GARRISON, Judge, Kings Co.,
N. Y. See Habeas Corpus, D. 67
GARTRELL, L. I., Colonel, rebel,
wounded at Bull Run, P. 15
GARVIN, WILLIAM, of Kentucky, D. 68
Gauley Bridge, Va., Wise's flight
D. 50
Genevieve, Mo., money seized at,
by the U. S. troops,
D. 69
"Gentlemen's Magazine," quotation
Doc. 391
Georgia, 2d Regiment of, passed
through Charleston, S. C., D. 44
a destitute regiment of, arrived
at Richmond, Va.,
Governor of, refuses arms, D. 10
repudiation of,

[ocr errors][merged small]

GRAY, WILLIAM, of Boston, notice
D. 65
Great Bethel, Va., account of oc-
currences before the battle of
See Bethel.
P. 41
Great Falls, Va., skirmish at, D. 21
GREBLE, JOHN T., Lieutenant, let-
ter to his wife on the day pre-
vious to his death,
P. 43
GREENE, WILLIAM R., Colonel 14th
Regiment Mass. Volunteers. D. 60
GREEN, HENRY, of Louisville, Ky.,
shoots a secessionist,
D. 38
GREENHOW,, Mrs. See Female

P. 29
GREEN, MARTIN, rebel, at the battle
of Athens, Mo.,
Doc. 483

Greenville, Tenn., Union Conven-
tion meet at.

D. 5
GRIFFIN, CHARLES, Captain, report
of battle of Bull Run, Doc. 23
P. 79
GROW, GALUSHA A., elected Speak-

er of House of Congress, D. 18
speech of July 4th,
Doc. 222
GuioN, FRED. A., The Compromise

Petition of

P. 88

D. 67

FREMONT, JOHN C., Gen., the ances-

try of,

returned from Europe,


his command in the West,

P. 70
D. 20

D. 11
troops of, at the fight at Laurel
Hill, Va.,

D. 11

D. 25

"George B. Baker," the schooner,
D. 63

condition of his compromise peti-
D. 20
his remonstrance in reference to
Doc. 177

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

GUNNELL, F. M, Surgeon U. S. N.,

official report of fight at Mat-
thias Point, Va.,
GwATHMEY, WM. H., of Va.,

Doc. 180

P. 55

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


D. 59

Penn. Vols.,


HANDY, S. I. K, of Baltimore, no-

tice of
Hannibal, Mo., editor of the "Even-
ing News," arrested at, P. 93
HARDEE, Colonel, appointed
Brig. Gen. C. S. A..
D. 11
Harper's Ferry, Va., skirmish at, D. 18
the ladies of present a flag to the
2d Regt. Mass. Vols.,



tary Commission.

HARRIS, ISHAM G., Gov., message
to Tenn. Legislature,

appeal to the people of Tenn.,
Aug. 8th,

letter from to the "Memphis
Avalanche," Doc. 475; D. 54
order for the collection of arms in
Doc. 521; D. 63
proclamation of, June 24th, Doc. 189
proclamation of, Aug. 7th, Doc. 459
HARRIS, JAMES, Surgeon 1st Rhode

Island Vols., at Bull Run, Doc. 19
HARRIS,, Brig.-Gen., rebel, D. 25
HARRISON, CARTER H., killed at
Bull Run, notice of,
P. 91
Harrisonville, Mo., skirmish near, D. 31
HART, DAVID L., account of the

battle of Rich Mountain, Doc. 234
HARTSUFF, GEO. L., notice of, D. 63
HARVEY, E. B., Col. 7th Regt.
D. 49
Lieut.-Col., D. 19
HAVEMEYER, G. W., account of the
fight at Carter's Creek, Va,
Doc. 169
P. 1


HAVEN, FRANKLIN, of Boston, D. 65
Haverhill, Mass., Ambrose L. Kim-
ball mobbed at,
D. 71
Hawaii, speech of a young man of,
in defence of the United States,
P. 87
HAWKINS' Zouaves, N. Y. S. V., D. 20
Hawk's Nest, Va., skirmish at, D. 72
rebel account of the skirmish at,
Aug. 20th,
Doc. 539
HAWLEY, JOSEPH R., Capt., notice
D. 68
Corporal, wounded at
Patterson's Creek, Va., D. 9;


remarks at the reception of the
4th Maine Volunteers,
HOFFMAN, H. C., Col. 23d Regiment
N. Y. S. V.,

HOLLIDAY,, Capt., surprised
near New Market Bridge, Va.,
D. 35
HOLT, JOSEPH, address at Louisville,
Ky., July 13, Doc. 297; D.
specch at Camp Joe Holt, July 31,
Doc. 450; D.
confirmed as Brig-

HOWE, SAM. G., M. D. Sec Sanitary

Doc. 304: D. 30
proclamation, July 29. Doc. 442
proclamation quartering soldiers
on the citizens of Marion Co.,
Doc. 522
assigned to the command of the
forces on the Hannibal and St.
Joseph Railroad.

JACKSON, ANDREW, mob at the
statue of, in Memphis, Tenn.,
P. 86
ration of the Independence of
D. 56; Doc. 479
P. 18

D. 49
order to the authorities of Marion
County, Mo.,
D. 64
order to the authorities of Pal-
myra, Mo., Aug. 19th,

Doc. 174

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Doc. 537; D, 72
"Hurrah," by a Mississippian, P. 8S

the author of the "New Priest."

a fugitive,
his authority supported by the

General Frost's letter to,

HINMAN, E. W., his proposition to
President Lincoln,
D. 70
History, the retributions of, P. 17

[blocks in formation]

D. 2

17th Regiment,

D. 16

18th Regiment of,

D. 68

D. 21

19th Regiment,

D. 59

20th Regiment,

D. 48

21st Regiment of,

D. 48

21st Regiment arrived at Balti-

more, Md.,

D. 54

221 Regiment of,

D. 68


22d Regiment of, pass through

Terre Haute,

D. 70


24th Regiment of,

D. 68

D. 54
"Ho! Sons of the Puritans," P. 80
HOWARD, O. O., Col., at Bull Run,
D. 86

33d Regiment of,

D. 68

Indians. Proclamation of John

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


D. 87




[blocks in formation]

LEE, ROBERT E, Gen., rebel,


LEE, POLLOCK B., rebel,

Doc. 535


P. 50

LEMON, -, Major, arrests Miss

D. 74

[blocks in formation]

1st Regt. of, at Wilson's Creek, D.
2d Regt. of, at Wilson's Creek, D.
KASSON, JOHN A., First Asst. Post-
master-Gen., notice of, D.
Katonah, Westchester Co., N. Y.,
havelocks made by the ladies of,
D. 54
KEARNEY, PHILIP, appointed Brig.
D. 42
confirmed as Brig.-Gen., D. 54
confirmed as Brig.-
D. 54
D. 65
Doc. 127

notice of,
KENDALL AMOS, correspondence
with James L. Orr,
KENLY, J. B., appointed provost-
marshal of Baltimore, Md., D. 8
Gen. Banks' instructions to, Doc. 178
notice of,
D. 24
KENNEDY,, Senator, of Md.,
presents memorial denouncing
the National Government, D. 54
his vote on the Volunteer Bill, D. 24
KENNEDY, WM. D., Col. Tammany
Regt. N. Y. S. V.,
D. 88
death of,
D. 88
D. 1
D. 58

Kentucky, affairs in, June 19,
"still for the Union,"
incident in the Legislature of, P. 59
the position of, June 15, Doc. 163
proclamation of Gov. Magoffin to
the people of, Aug. 3, Doc. 474
the duty of the rebel Government
to declare it under blockade, D. 72
"Kentucky," by Forceythe Will-
P. 61
Kentucky Volunteers. 2d Regt. of,
at Barboursville, Va.,
D. 28
Keokuk, Iowa, singular case of re-
cognition at,


LEONARD, S. H., Col. 13th Regt.

LESHLER, JAMES, Lieut., dismissed

from the Federal Army, D. 43
LETCHER, JOHN, Gov., his sheriff, D. 65
Lieut. Mayo's reply to the
clamation of,

Broc. 198

proclamation to the people of
Virginia, of June 14th, Doc. 167

answered by Andrew Sv

of Wheeling, Va.,

correspondence with Mrs. Brad-

"Lettuce alone,"

"Let us alone,"

P. 71

P. 44, 72
P. 74

P. 38

D. 65

66 "by Wm. H. Burleigh, P. 47
LEWIS, JAMES M., surgeon 2d Wis-
consin Regiment,
LEWIS, Col. Penn. Vols., D. 75
Liberty, Mo., secessionists captured
D. 2
LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, at the flag-

raising at Washington, D. 12
quoted by the Memphis Appeal, D. 94
E. W. Hinman's proposition to, D. 70
proclamation for fasting and
prayer, Aug. 12, Doc. 322; D. 64
approves the bill to punish con-

Doc. 445
non-intercourse proclamation of,
Aug. 16th,
Doc. 582; D. 68
approves the bills passed by Con-

D. 57

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Doc. 222

Message of, in verse,

P. 68

and Douglas' debates,

Doc. 142

Senator Benjamin's opinion of,

Doc. 142

Jeff. Davis' letter to,

Doc. 414

speech of Andrew Johnson on the
resolution to approve the acts

D. 85


Fred. A. Guion's compromise
petition to,

Doc. 415

Doc. 177

Doc. 274

P. 58

Brigade, surprised near New-
market Bridge, Va.,

JOHNSON, REVERDY, remarks in Su-
preme Court of U. S., Dec. 1860,

on the power of the President to
suspend the writ of habeas cor-
Doc. 185; D. 12
speech of, at Baltimore, Jan. 10,

JOHNSTON, J. E., rebel,

Doc. 182
Doc. 3
bulletin to the rebel army after
the battle of Bull Run, Doc. 108
notice of,
D. 87
JOHNSTON, SAMUEL, Col., rebel, his
notice to the 89th Regt. Vir-
ginia Militia,
D. 64
JONES, Col., Ala., wounded, P. 15
JONES, CHARLES C., jr., Mayor of
P. 93

[blocks in formation]

dress to the graduating class of
Columbia College,

Doc. 175
D. 59
KING, W. S., medical and surgical
report of battle of Bull Run,
Doc. 41
notice of
Doc. 539
KINGSBURY, H. W., 1st Lieut. U. S.
A., bravery of, at Bull Run,
Doc. 5
KIRWAN, Capt. of steamer St.
D. 11
KNOWLES, ABNER, Col. 6th Regt.
Maino Vols.,
D. 32
KYLE, WM. C., his protest against
the proceedings of the East
Tenn. Union Convention, Doc. 158

a rebel etymological analysis of
his name,

the "Soulouque" of the U. S., Doc. 196
called the "Gorilla,"

P. 86

[blocks in formation]

rebel canards about,

Adams to, 1789,

Doc. 146; D. 3
Lizards, an implement of war. P. 71
Loan Bill, debate on the, in the U.
S. House of Representatives,
July 10th,

Doc. 256

passed the House of Representa-
D. 28
Doc. 118


London "Daily News" on the bat-
tle of Bull Run,

[blocks in formation]

D. 19

LAMAR, G. B., letter to J. C. Fer-
rill on the battle of Bull Run,
P. 17
D. 63


LANDER, F. W., appointed Brig.-


D. 47

confirmed as Brig.-Gen.,

D. 54

P. 104
on the battle of Bull Run, Doc. 111
on the impressment of British
subjects in New Orleans, La.,

P. 41

LANE, HENRY S. See "Tall Run-

Doc. 118

[blocks in formation]

P. 99
the Oregonians respond to, P. 100
Lano. Ill., secessionist hung at, D. 8
Lane's Prairie, Mo., fight at, D. 44
LANGWORTHY, WM. H., wounded,
D. 57; Doc. 481
Regt. N. Y. S. V., Doc. 154; D. 5
"Laura, Laura, don't secede," P. 77
Laurel Hill, Va., skirmish at, D. 25
LAWSON, O. A., Capt., at Middle-
fork Bridge, Va.,
Doc. 251

[blocks in formation]
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