with the reserve at my position, unfortunately | will, through all time, make famous Bull Run too late to take part in the engagement, not- and the plains of Manassas. On Friday, the withstanding the battery was moved at a trot 19th, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, who had comand the cannoneers at a double-quick, the en- manded the army of the Shenandoah, posted tire distance from Union Mills Ford. at Winchester, arrived at Manassas Junction with four thousand of his division, to reinforce Gen. Beauregard. The remainder of his army (with the exception of a sufficient forco to. hold Winchester) were intended to arrive on Saturday, the 20th; but, in consequence of some railroad casualty, they did not reach tho scene of conflict until Sunday, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock, when the battle was raging at its height. In this battle my loss has been one killed, Sergeant J. D. Reynolds, Fourth company; two wounded slightly, Corporal E. C. Fayne, First company, and private Geo. L. Crulcher, Fourth company. I cannot conclude this official report without the expression of my grateful thanks to the officers and men under my command for their gallant behavior during the entire day; they fought like veterans, and no man hesitated in the performance of any duty or in taking any position to which it was indicated they were required-in a word, I desire to say these men are entirely worthy of the noble State that has sent them forth to fight for the independence of the Confederate States. To Lieut. Squires commanding, I desiro especially to direct your attention a young officer, the second time under fire, (having been in the engagement of the 18th,) he acted his part in a manner worthy of a true soldier and a brave man. He is an example rarely to be met. Lieutenants Richardson and Whittington, both with this battery in the engagement of the 18th, were in this battle, and bravely did their duty. Lieut. W. M. Owen, adjutant, and Lieut. James Dearing, Virginia forces attached to this battalion, accompanied me. To them I am indebted for invaluable service upon the field; frequently were they ordered to positions of great danger, and promptly and bravely did they each acquit themselves of any duty they were called upon to perform. I could mention individual instances of bravery and daring on the part of non-commissioned officers and privates, but this would be invidious where all behaved so well. In conclusion, General, I can only say I am gratified to know we have done our duty as we were pledged to do. With great respect, I am, General, Your obedient servant, J. B. WALTON, Major Commanding. To Brigadier General G. T. BEAUREGARD, Commanding Division C. S. A. SOUTHERN ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLE, WITH NOTES BY BRIG.-GEN. WM. F. BARRY, U. S. A. MANASSAS JUNCTION, July 22d. By Divine favor we are again victorious. To God be the glory. The armies of the North and South yesterday faced each other-the former not less than 50,000 men,* the latter not exceeding 30,000-and wrestled together for six long hours, with that desperate courage which Americans only can show. I proceed to give you, as near as I can, a full and detailed history of that terrible battle, which This is an error-the Federal force amounted to only 23,000, including reserves. Gen. McDowell's Report states 18,000 only were engaged. W. F. B. The night before the battle, it was generally understood at Manassas Junction the enemy were gathering in great force, and designed turning our left flank, which rested a few miles above the scene of Thursday's engagement, at a ford on Bull Run, called Stone Bridge. We retired to rest under the full conviction that on the morrow the fortunes of our young nation were to be staked on a mighty contest, and we were not disappointed. There were not many spectators of the battle, the general commanding having, on Thursday, issued a general order requiring all civilians, with the exception of residents before military operations commenced, and those engaged necessarily in business at Manasses Junction, to leave the camp and retire beyond a distance of four miles. The writer, however, with the following named confrères of the press, were privileged to remain to witness a scene not often enacted, and which forms an era in their lives for all time to come; a scene of terrific grandeur and sublimity, which is imprinted on their memories with a recollection never to be effaced. At seven o'clock on Sunday morning our party, consisting of Messrs. L. W. Spratt, of the Charleston Mercury; F. G. de Fontaine, of the Richmond Enquirer and Charleston Courier; P. W. Alexander, of the Savannah Republican; Shepardson, of the Columbus (Ga.) Times and Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, and your correspondent, started from Manassas Junction. The distant cannon, at short intervals since daybreak, had apprised us that the enemy were in motion, but in what direction we could only surmise until we reached a point a mile and a half from the breast works, at the north-west angle of the fortifications of Manassas Junction. The day was bright and beautiful-on the left was the Blue Ridge, and in front were the slopes on the north side of Bull Run crowned with woods, in which the enemy had early planted his batteries, and all around us were eminences on which were posted small but anxious knots of spectators, forming the most magnificent panorama I ever beheld. At about 8 o'clock we reached a hill above Mitchell's Ford, almost entirely bare of trees, and sufficiently high to afford an unobstructed view of the opposite heights. After taking a leisurely survey of the beautiful landscape, spread out before us in all the loveliness and grandeur of nature, and listening with watchful intent to the booming of the heavy cannon on our right, and anxiously examining the locations where the guns of the enemy on the opposite hills were plainly to be seen with the naked eye, and the heavy clouds of dust rising above the woods in front and on either side, indicating the direction in which the heavy columns of the enemy were marching, we each sought the shade of a tree, where we drew forth our memorandum books and pencils, to note down for the information of the thousands, who looked to us for a description of the day's occurrences, the various shiftings of the scene which henceforth forms an era in the history of our young Confederacy, and grandly inaugurates the march of glory on which she has entered. immense clouds of dust appearing above the woods indicated beyond a doubt the Federal columns were moving in solid masses in another direction, and one which was unmistakable. Just at this time, by the aid of our glass, we could see their guns brought to bear on the hill where we stood, for in a few moments the smoke was discovered issuing from their batteries of rifled cannon, and before scarcely a word could be said, the peculiar whiz and hizzing of the balls notified us that their aim had been well taken. Several balls fell in a field immediately behind us, and not a hundred yards from the spot where the gencrals stood. An officer of Gen. Beauregard's staff requested us to leave the hill, and as we moved away a shell burst not twenty feet off. Col. Bonner calculated with his watch the time taken by the balls to pass us, and made the distance 14 miles from the enemy's battery. The enemy no doubt discovered the horses of the generals, and thought it a good opportunity to display their marksmanship, and credit is due to them for the accuracy of their aim. Providence, however, who governs all things, covered the heads of our generals as with a shield, and preserved them for the hazardous service in which they were in a short hour or two to be engaged. It was now about eleven o'clock, and the enemy having opened with rifled cannon and shell on their right, which they had continued for more than three hours without response, we heard away to the left, about three miles distant, the heavy booming of cannon, followed immediately by the rattling crack of musketry the discharges being repeated and continuous which notified us the engagement had com An interesting meeting took place between our party and the venerable Edmund Ruffin, who had against the walls of Fort Sumter fired the first defiant gun. He had come to this conflict with his eighty odd years weighing upon him, and his flowing white locks, to take part in this fight, encouraging our young men by his presence and example. Agile as a youth of sixteen, with rifle on his shoulder, his eyes glistening with excitement as he burned to engage the Yankee invader. Shortly afterwards Generals Beauregard, Johnston, and Bonham, accompanied by their aids, came galloping up the hill, and dismounted on the summit. The generals held an earnest conversation for a few minutes, while taking a survey of the field, and watching the excessive challenges from the enemy's batteries, directed against our right and among the woods near Mitch-menced in earnest at that point, where the ell's Ford, where a hospital was stationed and the yellow flag flying. This was also the point where their fire of Thursday was directed, and where the mark of a cannon ball is to be seen in the kitchen and stable of a house in which Gen. Beauregard dined on that day at the time the ball struck the building. Whether the enemy thought it was again his head-quarters, or whether the fire was playing toward that point to draw out a response from us, is not known. It is more likely, however, it was a mere feint-an impotent attempt to deceive our skilful and able commander as to the point where the enemy was most in force, for so our wise general considered it, as he was seen to direct Gen. Johnston's attention particularly with his hand towards our extreme left, as if he knew the struggle was to be made there. I should here remark that it had been Gen. Beauregard's purpose to make the attack, instead of waiting to receive it; but from some cause unknown to me, he preferred at last to let the enemy take the initiative; perhaps for the reason that Gen. Johnston's division had been detained on the railroad. As I have said, Gen. Beauregard was not deceived, for the battle was to be fought and won. Proceeding towards the scene of action about two miles, we came to a creek in the hollow where one of the hospitals for the day had been stationed, and the first wounded, some 29 or 30, had been brought. Dr. Gaston, of South Carolina, formerly a surgeon in Col. Gregg's regiment, but now attached to Gen. Beauregard's head-quarters, was assiduously attending to the wants of the wounded. At this point Generals Beauregard and Johnston, accompanied by a staff of some ten or twelve officers, passed at full gallop, riding towards their head-quarters for the day, which were on a hill immediately overlooking the ground where our brave soldiers were manfully and persistently struggling for the victory. A large force of cavalry were here stationed, and as the generals passed, they called for three cheers for Beauregard, which were immediately given with right good will, and which the general gracefully acknowledged by lifting his hat from his head and bowing his thanks. Both of our generals were plainly dressed. No large epaulettes, no gilt, nor any fuss and feathers; you could only distinguish them at a distance to be officers by their swords, but on a closer inspection the marks of genius and | had only 18 guns on that part of the field.* It military skill were unmistakable. Their uni- has been stated to me by so many of our form was what I took to be plain undress. soldiers I cannot but believe it, that the enNot the least sign of excitement was to be seen emy by some means had obtained our signal on the countenances of either as they coolly for the day-they also used our red badge, rode forward into the storm of iron hail. which fortunately was discovered in time, and Beauregard's eyes glistened with expectation, they carried into action the flags of the Palno doubt, when he afterwards threw himself metto State and the Confederate States. It has into the very heart of the action, appearing been asserted, too, by numerous individuals enthen, as was afterwards most expressively said gaged in the battle, that there was great conof him, to be the very impersonation of the "god fusion and slaughter among our own men, who of war. General Johnston, too, looked every mistook them for the enemy. This was less to inch a commander, and proved himself to be be wondered at from the similarity of uniform the worthy inheritor of the prowess and vir- and the mean advantages above referred to tues of his ancestors. On reaching the top of taken by our unscrupulous foes. They pressed the hill, where was a white house, owned, I our left flank for several hours with terrible believe, by a Mr. Lewis, they were again dis- effect, but our men flinched not until their covered by the enemy, as the rifled shot and number had been so diminished by the wellshell whizzed through the air and lodged in the aimed and steady volleys that they were comhollow behind. The aim was not so good at pelled to give way for new regiments. The this time, the accurate artillerists three miles 7th and 8th Georgia regiments, commanded by below not having yet come up with the en- the gallant and lamented Bartow, are said to emy's main body. At about 12 o'clock Beau- have suffered heavily during the early part of regard and Johnston assumed the command of the battle. Kemper's, Shields', and Pendleton's our main body at the Stone Bridge. The line batteries were in this part of the field, and did of battle extended some seven miles up and fearful execution. I regret to be unable to down the creek, and during the day there were name all the regiments engaged, in their order, some minor engagements at other fords. not having succeeded in ascertaining their posiAt Blackburn's Ford, General Jones's brigade tion. I am inclined to believe there was some made an attack upon the left flank of the en- mistake during the day in the delivery or exeemy, who had two strong batteries in a com-cution of an order of Gen. Beauregard's remanding position, which it was important to specting an attack on the enemy's rear, which capture. The Fifth South Carolina regiment was not effected. led the attack, but our troops were compelled Between 2 and 3 o'clock large numbers of to retire for a while under the heavy fire of the men were leaving the field, some of them batteries and musketry, and the enemy imme-wounded, others exhausted by the long strugdiately retreated. Up to the time of this attack, these batteries had been bombarding all the morning Gen. Longstreet's position in his intrenchments on this side of the run. gle, who gave us gloomy reports; but as the fire on both sides continued steadily, we felt sure that our brave Southerners had not been conquered by the overwhelming hordes of the North. It is, however, due to truth to say that the result of this hour hung trembling in the balance. We had lost numbers of our most distinguished officers. Gens. Bartow and Bee had been stricken down; Lieut-Col. Johnson, of the Hampton Legion, had been killed; Col. Hampton had been wounded; but there was at hand the fearless general whose reputation as a commander was staked on this battle: Gen. Beauregard promptly offered to lead the Hampton Legion into action, which he executed in a style unsurpassed and unsurpassable. Gen. Beauregard rode up and down our lines between the enemy and his own men, regardless of the heavy fire, cheering and encouraging our troops. About this time a shell struck his horse, taking General Evans, of South Carolina, was the first to lead his brigade into action at Stone Bridge. It consisted of the Fourth South Carolina regiment and Wheat's Louisiana battalion. Sustaining them was General Cocke's brigade, consisting of the 17th, 19th, and 28th Virginia regiments, commanded respectively by Colonels Cocke, Withers, and Robert T. Preston. These brigades were the first to bear the brunt of the action, as they were exposed to a concentric fire, the object of the enemy being to turn our left flank while we were endeavoring to turn his right. These regiments of infantry were sustaining the famous Washington Artillery, of New Orleans, who had two of their guns at this point, which made terrible havoc in the ranks of the enemy. The Federal troops lead-its head off, and killing the horses of his aids, ing the action consisted of 10,000 regulars, sustaining the celebrated Sherman's battery, these regulars being in their turn sustained by immense masses of volunteers, the New York Zouaves among the number. General Beauregard estimated the enemy's numbers in the action to be not less than 35,000 men. Their artillery far outnumbered ours. We have captured 67 pieces of cannon, while we Messrs. Ferguson and Hayward. Gen. Beauregard's aids deserve honorable mention, particularly those just named, and Cols. W. Porcher Miles, James Chesnut, John L. Manning, and A. R. Chisolm. Gen. Johnston also threw himself into the thickest of the fight, seizing the colors of a Georgia regiment, and rallying *The Federal forces had but 22 pieces on the field. The remainder of their artillery was in reserve.-W. F. B. them to the charge. His staff signalized them- | President's manly form pass by, raise their selves by their intrepidity, Col. Thomas being killed and Major Mason wounded. heads, and heard them give shout upon shout and cheer upon cheer. It has been stated the President commanded the centre and joined in the charge; but this is a mistake. The train had been delayed, and arrived at the Junction two hours behind its time, which must have been a grievous disappointment. The Washington Artillery, who had drawn their guns up the hill and in front of the house known as Mr. Lewis's-Gen. Cocke's and Gen. Johnston's head-quarters, and which was riddled with shot-commanded by Major J. B. Walton in person, gave the enemy about this time a parting salute. Your correspondent heard Gen. Johnston exclaim to Gen. Cocke just at the critical moment, Oh, for four regiments!" His wish was answered, for in the distance our reinforcements appeared. The tide of battle was turned in our favor by the arrival of General Kirby Smith, from Winchester, with 4,000 men of Gen. Johnston's division. Gen. Smith heard while on the Manassas railroad cars the roar of battle. He stopped the train, and hurried his troops across the field to the point just where he was most needed. They were at first supposed to be the enemy, their arrival at that point of the field being entirely unex-powerful than his own, he observed the carpected. The enemy fell back, and a panic seized them. Cheer after cheer from our men went up, and we knew the battle had been won. With the aid of our glass, which was more riage of a gun some two miles off. He gave the order for another fire, and Lieut. Dearing pointed the piece. Before the ball had well reached the point aimed at, a whole regiment Thus was the best-appointed army that had of the enemy appeared in sight, going at "douever taken the field on this continent beaten, ble-quick" down the Centreville road. Major and compelled to retreat in hot haste, leav- Walton immediately ordered another shot "to ing behind them every thing that impeded help them along," as he said, and two were their escape. Guns, knapsacks, hats, caps, sent without delay right at them. There was no shoes, canteens, and blankets, covered the obstruction, and the whole front of the regiment ground for miles and miles. At about 5 o'clock was exposed. One-half were seen to fall, and if we heard cheer upon cheer, and the word Gen. Johnston had not at that moment sent an "Davis" ran along the ranks, and we saw in order to Major Walton to cease firing, nearly the the distance the tall, slender form of our gal-whole regiment would have been killed. Of lant President, who had arrived upon the field in time to see the total rout of the army which threatened his capture, and the subjugation of the South. The President left Richmond at 6 o'clock in the morning, and reached Manassas Junction at 4, where, mounting a horse, accompanied by Col. Joseph R. Davis and numerous attendants, he galloped to the battle-field, just in time to join in the pursuit by a magnificent body of cavalry, consisting of 1,500 men, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Stewart.* This sight, of itself, was worth the fatigue of the day's journey. We saw the poor wounded soldiers on the roadside and in the fields, when they observed the *Soon after prayer in the Confederate Congress, on the morning of the 22d, the following despatch was read to that body: "MANASSAS JUNCTION, Sunday night. "Night has closed upon a hard-fought held. Our forces were victorious. The enemy was routed, and fled precipitately, abandoning a large amount of arms, ammunitios, knapsacks, and baggage. The ground was strewed for miles with those killed, and the farm-houses and the ground around were filled with wounded. "Pursuit was continued along several routes towards Leesburg and Centreville, until darkness covered the fugitives. We live captured several field-batteries, stands of arms, and Union and Stato flags. Many prisoners have been taken. Too high praise cannot be bestowed, whether for the skill of the principal officers, or for the gallantry of all our troops. The battle was mainly fought on our left. Our force was 15,000; that of the enemy estimated at $5,000. "JEFFERSON DAVIS." the Washington Artillery, only one member of the detachment was killed, viz., Sergeant Joshua Reynolds, of New Orleans, who was struck in the forehead while giving the word of command. Privates Payne and Crutcher were slightly wounded. Thus did 15,000 men, with 18 pieces of artillery, drive back ingloriously a force exceeding 35,000, supported by nearly 100 pieces of cannon. I believe the official report will sustain mo in the assertion that Gen. Beauregard did not bring more than 15,000 men into the action. The total force under Gen. McDowell was over 50,000, but $5,000 will probably cover the entire force in action at the Stone Bridge. Of the pursuit, already the particulars are known. Suffice it to say, we followed thein on the Leesburg road and on the Centreville road as far as Centreville and Fairfax. The poor wretches dropped their guns, their knapsacks, their blankets, and every thing they had-they fell on their knees and prayed for mercy. They received it-Southerners have no animosity against a defeated enemy. We have captured 900 prisoners, and they will be treated with kindness. We have also captured 67 pieces of cannon, among them numerous fine pieces, Armstrong guns, and rifled cannon, hundreds of wagons, loads of provisions, and ammunition. The credit is accorded them: they fought well and long, but their cause was bad-they were on soil not their own, and they met their equals, who were fighting in defence of their homes, their liberty, and their honor. -Richmond Dispatch, and Baltimore Sun, August 1. Doo. 3.-WM. H. RUSSELL'S LETTERS ON THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN. WASHINGTON, July 19, 1861. tion, which to-morrow's news must outstrip, cease here, and let us examine the composition of the forces actually engaged with the Confederates. The head of the naval and military forces of the United States is the President, in theory and in the practice of appointments; but Lieut.-Gen. Winfield Scott is " Commander-inChief" of the United States Army. His staff consists of Lieut.-Col. E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General, Chief of the Staff; Col. H. Van Renssellaer, A. D. C. (Volunteer ;) Lieut. Col. George W. Cullum, United States Engineer, A. D. C.; Lieut.-Col. Edward Wright, United States Cavalry, A. D. C.; Lieut.-Col. Schuyler Hamilton, Military Secretary. The subjoined general order gives the organization of the standard of the several divisions of the army under Brig.-Gen. McDowell, now advancing into Virginia from the lines opposite Washington.* Some changes have been made since this order was published, and the corps has been strengthened by the accession of two regular field-batteries. The effective strength of the infantry, under McDowell, may be taken at 30,000, and there are about sixty field-pieces at his disposal, and a force of about ten squadrons of cavalry.t The division under Gen. Patterson is about The army of the North is fairly moving at last, and all the contending voices of lawyers and disputants will speedily be silenced by the noise of the cannon. Let no one suppose that the war will be decided in one or two battles, or conclude from any present successes of the Federalists that they will not meet with stern opposition as they advance. The Confederates uniformly declared to me after their failure to take either Faneuil Hall or the Capitol, they would wait in Virginia and "entico" the Federalists into certain mysterious traps, where they would be "destroyed to a man. There is great reliance placed on "masked batteries " in this war, and the country is favorable to their employment; but nothing can prove more completely the unsteady character of the troops than the reliance which is placed on the effects of such works, and, indeed, there is reason to think that there have been panics on both sides -at Great Bethel as well as at Laurel Hill. The telegraph is faster than the post, and all the lucubrations of to-day may be falsified by the deeds of to-morrow. The Senate and Congress are sitting in the Capitol within the very hearing of the guns, and the sight of the smoke 22,000 strong, and has three batteries of artilof the conflict which is now raging in Virginia. lery attached to it; and Gen. Mansfield, who Senators and Congressmen are engaged in commands the army of Washington and the disputations and speeches, while soldiers are reserve watching the Capitol, has under him a working out the problem in their own way, corps of 16,000 men almost exclusively volunand it is within the range of possibility that a teers; Gen. McDowell has also left a strong disastrous battle may place the capital in the guard in his intrenchments along the right bank hands of the Confederates; and the news which of the Potomac, guarding the bridges and covhas just come in that the latter have passed ering the roads to Alexandria, Fairfax, and Bull Run, a small river which flows into the Falls Church. The division in military occuPotomac, below Alexandria, crossing the rail-pation of Maryland under Gen. Banks, most of road from that place, is a proof that Fairfax Court-House was abandoned for a reason. It is stated that the Confederates have been repulsed by the 69th (Irish) Regiment and the 79th (Scotch) New York Volunteers, and as soon as this letter has been posted I shall proceed to the field (for the campaign has now fairly commenced) and ascertain the facts. If the Confederates force the left of McDowell's army, they will obtain possession of the line to Alexandria, and may endanger Washington itself. The design of Beauregard may have been to effect this very object while he engaged the bulk of the Federalists at Manassas Junction, which you must not confound with Manassas Gap. The reports of guns were heard this morning in the direction of the Junction, and it is probable that McDowell, advancing from Centreville, has met the enemy, prepared to dispute his passage. which is concentrated in and around Baltimore, consists of 7,400 men, with some field-guns. The corps at Fortress Monroe and Hampton, under Gen. Butler, is 11,000 strong, with two field batteries, some guns of position, and the fortress itself in hand. Gen. Lyon, who is operating in Missouri with marked success, has about 6,500 men. Gen. Prentiss at Cairo commands a division of 6,000 men and two fieldbatteries. There are beside these forces many regiments organized and actually in the field. The army under the command of Gen. Beauregard at Manassas Junction is estimated at 60,000, but that must include the reserves, and a portion of the force in the intrenchments along the road to Richmond, in the immediate neighborhocd of which there is a corps of 15,000 men. At Norfolk there are 18,000 or 20,000, at Acquia Creek 8,000 to 9,000, and Johnston's. corps is estimated at 10,000, swollen by tho débris of the defeated column. The railways from the South are open to the Confederates, and they can collect their troops There are some stories in town to the effect that Gen. Tyler has met with a severe check on the right, but the advance of McDowell was very cautious, and he would not let his troops fall into the ambuscades against which they have been especially forewarned. Let specula-Western Virginia. VOL. II.-Doc. 9 *For this order, seo page 1, ante. + Here follows an account of McClellan's Division in |