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tachments of the enemy. The line of skirmishers had barely entered the woods, when a large force of the enemy was discovered concealed by breastworks. He opened fire, which was handsomely returned. In this affair three of the Sixteenth New York Volunteers were wounded. The skirmishers report the force of the enemy greatly damaged by Green's battery. I made no other attempt on this ford, my orders being on no account to get into a general engagement. As I was again returning to Blenker's position, I received the notice to telegraph to Washington, which I found had been done by Lieutenant Wendell, topographical engineer in my staff, and was compelled by illness to remain at my headquarters. It was at this time the order was turnpike, at the bridge. I without delay sent a staff officer to order forward Davies' brigade, but whilst this officer was executing my instructions Davies sent word he wanted a reserve regiment forward, that the enemy, some 3,000, was attempting to turn his flank. The staff officer, therefore, properly suspended the giving of my order, and immediately reported the fact to me, and this caused me to advance but the one brigade (Blenker's) to the position on the Warrenton turnpike. Blenker's advance to that point was soon impeded by fugitives from the battle-field. When these were passing my head-quarters I endeavored to rally them, but my efforts were vain.

blocking up the road. I discovered, however, that Davies' brigade could be passed to the left and west, through fields, to Blackburn's Ford. Lieutenant Brinel, engineer officer, conducted the brigade, and as soon as possible it joined Colonel Richardson, before the crossing of this ford on Bull Run. Fire was then opened by Hunt's battery, supported by Richardson's brigade on the right. Edwards's twenty-pounder rifled guns were posted on the left, about six bundred yards from Richardson's position, and sustained by a portion of Davies' brigade. Blenker's brigade took position at Centreville, and commenced throwing up intrenchmentsone regiment being located at the former work of the enemy, one to the west of the town on the Warrenton road, and two on the height towards Bull Run. With these last regi-received to put two brigades on the Warrenton ments were first placed Tidball's and Green's batteries-Green's afterwards being removed to Richardson's position, in consequence of notification being sent by that officer that about 2,000 of the enemy were about to attack him, and that he required more artillery. I may here remark that some difference existed in the order given Lieutenant Brinel and myself in regard to the defensive works to be thrown up, and also as to the quantity of tools he was to receive-my orders being, by the Lieutenant's advice, to intrench Centreville; his from Major Barnard, to throw up works at Blackburn's Ford. No tools came forward but the small amount Lieutenant Brinel had of his own. These he took to Richardson's position, commenced a battery and made several hundred yards of it. Blenker, with his pioneers, improved and extended the works at Centreville left by the enemy.

It was soon reported that the Fourth Pennsylvania regiment had left at its encampment a battery of field-guns. For this Colonel Blenker offered to organize a company of experienced European artillerists, which I accepted. The captain's name, I regret, I have forgotten, as I should recommend his having permanent command of the guns in question. He is an efficient officer. So soon as I completed my arrangements with Blenker, I visited Colonel Richardson; found him in proper position and effectively at work, Hunt's and Edwards's battery being in good position. There was no evidence of the enemy immediately about the ford until after the first opening of the fire, when he fled from barns and houses in the vicinity. Then, after ordering proper supports for the batteries, and placing a reserve force in position, returned to Centreville, finding all quiet, and the troopers at work. Remaining here some time I returned to Richardson, when it was surmised that there was no enemy at that place, and found the ammunition of the batteries rapidly diminishing. I ordered from the brigadier a few skirmishers to go forward and examine the ford, determined if I could cross to do so, and endeavor to cut the line of travel pursued by retreating and advancing de

The attack on Davies' position caused painful apprehension for the safety of the left flank of the army, and claiming it of the first importance that my division should occupy the strongest position, I sent instructions to Davies and Richardson to have their brigades fall back on Centreville. Then followed Blenker's brigade to see if it was in position, when I was informed the commanding general had passed. I then returned to Centreville, and found Davies and Richardson's brigades arriving, and commenced placing them in position-Richardson's brigade, with Green's battery, being placed about one-half mile in advance of Centreville Heights, his line of battle facing Blackburn's Ford. In rear of Richardson I posted two regiments behind fences, as a support for the first line, and still further in rear and on the heights I placed Hunt's and Edwards's batteries, two of Davies' regiments being in reserve to support them. I then followed Blenker, found Tidball's battery in admirable position, supported by the Garibaldi Guard; Blenker, with three regiments and the Fourth Pennsylvania battery, being in advance. Having great confidence in his judgment and troops, I returned to Centreville Heights to await events, when I found all my defensive arrangements changed. Not knowing who had done this, and seeing Col. Richardson giving different positions to my troops, I asked by what authority he was acting, when he told me he had instructions from my superior officer. I soon

thereafter met the commanding general, and | vanced from the camp and took their assigned complained of the change. The general's position on the heights east of Centreville, views were completed, and left me, without about daybreak. The 8th regiment, N. Y. S further control of the division. At the time V., commanded by Lieut.-Col. Stahel, on the the attack was made on Davies' flank, the regi- left of the road leading from Centreville to ments of the brigade engaged performed their Fairfax Court House; the 29th regiment, N. duty gallantly. The batteries of Hunt's and Y. S. V., commanded by Col. Steinwehr, on Edwards's opening fire did great damage to the the right of the same road-both fronting towadvancing troops of the enemy, soon repulsing ard the east; the Garibaldi Guard, commanded them. I am grieved that in this engagement a by Col. Utassy, formed a right angle with the brave and accomplished young officer, Lieut. 29th regiment, fronting to the south. The arPresby O'Craig, of the Second regiment artil- tillery attached to the brigade occupied the lery, and who was attached to Hunt's battery, following position: The battery of Capt. Tidwas almost instantly killed. Several of the ball stood in front of the left wing of the GariNew York Volunteers were wounded; I have baldi Guard; 'three pieces left in Centreville not the reports relative thereto. were placed near the right wing of the 29th regiment; three others on the left wing of the 8th regiment, where intrenchments were thrown up by the pioneers attached to the brigade. The last-nained six pieces were served by experienced artillerists, detached from the 29th and 8th regiments. The 27th regiment Pa. V., Col. Einstein, was detached to the village of Centreville, for the protection of headquarters and hospital. Four companies of the 29th regiment were detached in front of our position toward the road from Union Mills, to prevent the enemy from outflanking, unobserved, the left wing of the army. During this time I received the order to disarm one com

Blenker's brigade, whilst on the Warrenton road, was charged by cavalry; but by a prompt and skilful fire, emptied several saddles, and relieved themselves from further annoyance. This summary embraces the operations of my division up to the evening of the 21st.

Before closing permit me to name and do justice to my staff, whose assiduity in the performance of their duties, and untiring exertions throughout the day, deserve all the commendation I am able to bestow, viz.:

ly executed by two companies of the 8th regiment N. Y. S. V. In this position the brigade remained until about 4 o'clock, P. M., when I received orders to advance upon the road from Centreville to Warrenton. This order was executed with great difficulty, as the road was nearly choked up by retreating baggage wagons of several divisions, and by the vast number of

Capt. Th. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant-General; Lieutenant Prime, Engineers; Lieutenant McMullan, Adjutant Second Infantry, and Acting Infantry General; Assistant Surgeon Wood-pany of the 12th regiment, which was promptward, medical direction, and Major Ritchie, New York Volunteers. My aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Wendell, Topographical Engineer, was quite ill during the day, and thereby prevented from being with me. Lieutenant Hawkins' | Second infantry, my aids, were absent on detached service for supplies, &c., and had performed their duty, and were within two miles of Centreville when they met our army crowd-flying soldiers belonging to various regiments, ing the road. My brigade commanders, Blenker, Davies and Richardson, admirably performed their respective duties. My remarks apply also to their officers and men. The batteries of Major Green handsomely executed all required of them.

In closing this report, I would make a personal allusion to my condition during the day. I had lost my rest the two nights previous; was sick, had eaten nothing during the day, and had it not been for the great responsibility resting on me, should have been in bed.

I am, dear sir,

Nevertheless, owing to the coolness of the com manding officers and the good discipline of the men, the passage through the village was suc. cessfully executed, and the further advance made with the utmost precision; and I was thus enabled to take a position which would prevent the advance of the enemy and protect the retreat of the army. The 8th regiment took position 13 miles south of Centreville, on both sides of the road leading to Bull Run. The 29th regiment stood half a mile behind the 8th, enchiquier by companies. The Garibaldi Guard stood in reserve in line behind the 29th regiment. The retreat of great numbers of flying soldiers continued until 9 o'clock in the evening, the great majority in wild confasion, and but few in collected bodies. Soon afterward, several squadrons of the enemy's cavalry advanced along the road, and appeared before the outposts. They were challenged, "Who comes here?" and, remaining without SIR: I have the honor to submit to you the any answer, I, being just present at the outfollowing report of the operations of the First post, called "Union forever!" whereupon the Brigade, Fifth Division, during and after the officer of the enemy's cavalry commanded, "En action near Bull Run, on the 21st ult. Pursu-avant! en avant! knock him down!" Now ant to the orders of Col. Miles, the brigade ad- the skirmishers fired, when the enemy turned

Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Second Infantry, Commanding Fifth division.



The first brigade, Col. Blenker, occupied during the day the heights of Centreville, and were not engaged with the enemy.

around, leaving several killed and wounded on | and Green's and Hunt's Light Batteries, formed the spot. About nine prisoners who were al- the left wing of the troops in action. ready in their hands were liberated by this action. Afterward, we were several times molested from various sides by the enemy's cavalry. At about midnight the command to leave the position and march to Washington was given by Gen. McDowell. The brigade retired in perfect order and ready to repel any attack on the road from Centreville to Fairfax Court House, Annandale, to Washington. Besides the six guns which were mounted by our men and thereby preserved to our army, the 8th regiment brought in in safety two Union colors left behind by soldiers on the field of battle. The officers and men did their duty admirably, and the undersigned commander deems it his duty to express herewith officially his entire satisfaction with the conduct of his brigade. The three regiments (the 8th, 29th, and Garibaldi Guard) arrived in Washington in good order at 6 o'clock last night, after a fatiguing march of nineteen hours.

The loss of the brigade amounts to fifteen or
twenty killed and wounded at the outposts.
Thus far my report of the action taken by my
brigade in the engagement on the unfortunate
day at Bull Run, in a military point of view. It
was my intention to defer a final report for a
better and more suitable opportunity, on ac-
count of the very unfortunate result of the
but I have read since so many reports
newspapers, where many a high commanding
officer pretends to have been in the rear with
his brigade, or regiment, at the retreat, that I
am obliged to report in the most absolute terms,
that, according to my order, all regiments, ar-
tillery and stragglers, had passed my arrière
guard at Centreville, and the last artillery at
Fairfax Court House, and that the brigade
under my command marched last across the
Long Bridge into Washington. I have to add,
in conclusion, that the Twenty-seventh regi-
ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, with the excep-
tion of Company K, Captain Menninger, which
was on guard duty in Centreville village, at
head-quarters, and under order to escort Col.
Miles's train, retired from Centreville at about
11 o'clock, without any orders from me, and
proceeded to Washington.

Commander Brigade, Fifth Division.
DIVISION TROOPS, N. E. VA., July 25, 1861.

To Capt. James B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant-
General, Gen. McDowell Commanding:
SIR: In accordance with the circular of the
23d inst., Head-quarters Troops, Department
N. E. Virginia, I have the honor of reporting
the proceedings of the Second Brigade, Fifth
Division, at the battle of Blackburn's Ford, six
miles from the battle-ground of Bull Run, on
the 21st inst. The Fifth Division, under the
command of Col. Miles, consisting of the First
and Second Brigades, Richardson's Brigade,

The second brigade, under my command, was in readiness to march from camp at 2 A. M., but the road was so blocked with moving troops, that my brigade was obliged to take a parallel route through the fields, Green's battery in advance, until it struck the road leading to Blackburn's Ford, about one mile south of Centreville. At this point Col. Miles gave me directions to assume the command of Richardson's brigade, and to take position in front of the batteries at Blackburn's Ford, on and near the battle-ground of 18th inst., and make the demonstration of attack in pursuance of Gen. McDowell's orders.

I immediately ordered forward the two 20pound rifle guns of Hunt's battery, commanded by Lieut. Edwards, to an open field about 80 yards east of the road from Centreville to Bull Run, and on a line with the place where our batteries were playing on the 18th inst., and about 1,500 yards from the enemy's batteries at Blackburn's Ford, and there commenced a rapid firing. I ordered the Eighteenth regiment forward as a protection to this battery, in the open field, and formed line of battle, facing the enemy, the Thirty-second regiment being held in reserve on the road just in rear.

Having ascertained from our guide that there was a road without obstruction leading from the Centreville road to the east, and then bearing off toward the south in the direction of the enemy's position, and which could be seen about half a mile distant to the east from Edwards's battery, I ordered the Sixteenth and Thirty-first regiments, N. Y. V., on to this road at its junction with the Centreville road. One regiment deployed along the road a considerable distance, and the other remained in column to protect two guns of Hunt's battery, which I ordered to be stationed at that point. I then gave orders to Col. Richardson to make such arrangements with regard to the defence of the position in front of the enemy's batteries at Blackburn's Ford, (the immediate battleground of the 18th inst.,) as in his judgment the emergency of the moment might require.

At this juncture, being about 10 o'clock A. M., and finding the ammunition for the 20pound rifled guns fast running out, and having accomplished, in my judgment, (from the movement of the troops opposite, which we could plainly see,) a demonstration ordered, I ordered Lieut. Edwards to cease firing.

About 11 o'clock A. M., Col. Miles came on to the ground, informing me that he had ordered forward the Sixteenth and Thirty-first regiments from the position in which I had previously placed them, and also two guns commanded by Lieut. Platt, and had also ordered forward the other two guns of Hunt's battery into the open field, where Lieut. Ed

wards had been firing; that he had also ordered the Eighteenth regiment back out of the open field into the woods on the Centreville road as a reserve. The Thirty-second regiment, by Col. Miles's order, remained as a reserve, in column, on the Centreville road, about threequarters of a mile in rear; Col. Miles then ordered me to continue the firing, without regard to ammunition, which I did, until I received an order to stop, about two hours later.

As soon as Col. Miles left me again in command, I sent back the brigade corps of pioneers to the back road whence the two regiments had been moved, with instructions to fell trees and to completely block the road, which they effectually did.

We had, during the afternoon, unmistakable evidences that a large body of cavalry and infantry had attempted to take us in the rear by means of the road, for when they were return ing, having been stopped by the fallen trees, Maj. Hunt, with his howitzers, Lieut. Green and Lieut. Edwards, with the rified guns, poured a heavy fire into their column, the offect of which we could not ascertain, but it must have been destructive, as the distance was only from half to three-quarters of a mile.

In the course of the day two companies, and later four companies, of the Thirty-first, and two of the Sixteenth were, by Colonel Miles' order, thrown forward to feel the enemy's strength, to the front and left in the direction of Bull Run. They found the enemy posted in the woods, and were recalled. They reported having killed several of the rebel scouts.

line with them, and ordered every man to lie down and reserve his fire.

During the whole time that this order was being carried out, the enemy's troops were still advancing down the hill, four abreast, and at "right shoulder shift." I gave orders to Lieut. Edwards, when I saw the rear of the column, to give it a solid twenty-pound shot, which he did, knocking a horse and his rider into the air, and starting into a double-quick the rear of the column into the valley. I then ordered the whole artillery to pour grape and canister into the valley, and at every fire there went up a tremendous howl from the enemy. During all this time the enemy poured volleys of musketry over the heads of our prostrate men. This firing continued for twenty-five or thirty minutes. A portion of the enemy rushed into a barn, from which well-directed shots brought some out in great haste.

The whole force of the enemy consisted, as near as I could estimate, from the time of their passing one point, and from what I can find out, of 3,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry. They were utterly dispersed. A small number of them came up into the edge of the field, to the number of about 50, and fired five volleys at our prostrate men, but did not succeed in drawing shot from them in return.

It has been ascertained that the enemy had left the field, from their having ceased firing, and from seeing them run through the bushes in every direction, and hearing at the same time that our troops were falling back on Centreville, I received orders by an aid from Col. Miles, who was in Centreville, to fall back also on that place and encamp.

ville road, and also to Green's battery, but found they had left some time before, by Col. Miles's orders through an aid.

The afternoon, until about four o'clock, was passed inactively, except firing rifled cannon at moving columns of the enemy at great distances. I immediately went over to give the same I had seen unmistakable evidences in the after-order to Richardson's brigade on the Centrenoon, by clouds of dust, &c., of the concentration of the cremy's troops on our left, but peremptory orders from Colonel Miles to hold the position, and romain there all night, were received. He then left me in command for the night, and I immediately began to prepare for an attack. I threw out two companies of skirmishers to our rear, and ordered the Thirtysecond forward to support them. About four o'clock we saw the enemy approaching down a gorge, leading into a valley, which lay directly to our left, about 500 yards distant. The field in which I was ordered to remain was enclosed on two sides by dense woods, and covered by light bushes on the side toward the said valley on the left.

The Thirty-first regiment, under Col. Pratt, filed out of the field in rear of the artillery, and the Sixteenth followed, under Lieut.-Col. Marsh, each in perfect order, not having fired a gun at the enemy. The Eighteenth and Thirty-second regiments were ordered by me to fall back on Centreville, which they did in good order, and my entire brigade, together with Hunt's battery, fell back on Centreville Heights, without the least confusion, and assured position under the direct command of Geu. McDowell, who sent a major (an aid) to me, directing that my regiments should fall in, in accordance with After the enemy were discovered filing into his expressed orders. The entire left wing was the valley, no movement was made for some then in complete order, and every man in his time. When it was supposed, from the appear-place. Having received this order from Gen. ance of things, that the last of the column was McDowell, I left my command and went to entering the valley, I ordered all the artillery Centreville Centre, to look after the sick and (six pieces) to charge front to the left, but not wounded, and my own baggage train. I reto fire until the rear of the column was seen. turned immediately to my command and found I placed the artillery, with a company of in- that Col. Miles had been superseded, and refantry with each piece, and charged the battle ceived an order from General McDowell to front of the two regiments (the 16th and 31st) take command of the left wing, which I did, supporting the artillery to the left, and on a encamping on the ground. Soon after the or VOL. II.-Doc. 8


der came to fall back on Fairfax Court House. I formed my brigade, the Sixteenth regiment first, Green's battery next, and the Eighteenth, Thirty-first, and Thirty-second following, and marched them towards Fairfax Court House. I found Blenker's brigade about two miles on the road, on each side of it, and in order, at "parade rest." I communicated with Col. Blenker, and found that he had received direct orders from Gen. McDowell to bring up the rear, and prevent any attack from the enemy. My brigade thus continued its march, and arrived in camp in Alexandria in perfect condition.

On Monday, every regiment, as I understand, having an evening parade, and being prepared for any duty, Green's battery went on to Arlington, from which place I recalled it here yesterday, and the brigade now stands completo as before the battle, with the exception of casualties herewith enclosed, amounting to Lieut. Craig, of Hunt's battery, killed, and two privates wounded, (one seriously and one slightly,) and one private taken prisoner.

they were supporting the artillery, may be attributed the safety of the latter, and probably the safety of the left wing. Col. Mathewson performed various evolutions during the day, under orders-at one time protecting one road, at another time another, and then, as a reserve column-and the patience of himself and command while so acting within sound of fire, entitles him to great credit.

Adjutant Howland, Sixteenth regiment, my acting aide-de-camp, rendered me valuable services in changing the troops from time to time, and in generally doing all of his own duties thoroughly, and much that appertained to others. To Brevet Second Lieut. Bradford, acting brigade-commissary, and to Acting Brigade Quartermaster Woolsey R. Hopkins, and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General Cowdrey, much praise is due for the gallant manner in which they delivered orders, sometimes under heavy fire.

Surgeon Crandall and Surgeon's-mate Moore, Sixteenth regiment, performed their duties with great fidelity and skill, dressing the wounds of many not under my command. Surgeon Hamilton, of the Thirty-first regiment, dressed the wounds of over 200 men at Centreville.

To the teamsters of ordnance and baggage wagons credit is due for having returned all the wagons and teams, and public property of every description intrusted to them, safely to camp.

I understand from a deserter, now in my
camp, that my old class-mato at West Point,
Robert E. Lee, commanded the enemy's forces
opposed to me at Blackburn's Ford.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your ob't serv't,
THOS. A. DAVIES, Col. Comd'g 2d Brigade,
Fifth Division, Army N. E. Virginia.
T. H. COWDREY, Acting Assistant Adjutant-

With respect to the conduct of the officers under my command, on the 21st, I cannot say too much of the practical and industrious perseverance of Col. Richardson, who commanded his brigade on the Centreville road, who made important impromptu defences in felling trees, and making temporary fortifications across the road, which, although they were not required, from the direction of the attack, would have Joseph B. Rodden, Company K, Sixteenth proved of immense value under other circum-regiment, remained on the field at Centreville stances. His persevering energy during the until the morning after the battle, and brought day was untiring, and I am indebted to him for into camp, with the aid of a negro, whom he valuable suggestions as to positions and de- pressed into the service, thirty head of cattle fence. To Major Hunt and Lieut. Edwards, belonging to the Government, and arrived at who commanded the batteries on the left, any Alexandria on Tuesday morning. words that I can use will fall far short of expressing the beauty with which they handled their pieces, and the rapidity and precision of their fire. It was the most surprisingly beautiful display of skill ever witnessed by those present. As to Lieut. Green, who had charge of the rifled guns on the right, and was more immediately under the eyes of Col. Richardson, I can state from my own observation that the cool and deliberate manner in which he commanded his battery on that and on previous occasions, assures me that he is entitled to more praise than his modest report, which I herewith enclose, would indicate. As to Col. Jackson, I can state that during the morning, while he was in the face of the enemy, discharging picket duty, and in line of battle, he and his command behaved with coolness and bravery, and were relied upon in the afternoon with great confidence as a reserve. Col. Pratt, commanding the Thirty-first regiment, and Lieut.-Col. Marsh, commanding the Sixteenth regiment, ordered into battle by Col. Miles, on the field, and in previous picket duty, showed superior drill and discipline, and to their strict obedience of orders in reserving their fire, under the most provoking circumstances, while


WASHINGTON, July 29, 1861. Capt. E. B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant-General: SIR: On the 18th of July, at about 9 A. M., I joined the commanding general about two miles beyond Fairfax Court House, on the road to Centreville. He was then about going to Sangster's, and invited me to attend him. Not understanding his journey to have the character of a reconnoissance, but as simply to communicate with the division of Col. Heintzelman, I preferred accompanying the division of Gen. Tyler at Centreville.

Proceeding to Centreville, I joined Captain Alexander (Engineers) a short distance on the road leading to Blackburn's Ford. He was at this time preparing to encamp his pioneer party,

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