eighth Regiment of New York Volunteers, un- the blockade, was published in the Baltimore der the command of Lieut.-Col. Brown, and a | American.—(Doc. 165.) party of cavalry of Capt. Mead's company of the Confederate army. The Colonel ordered the Confederates to halt, which was not obeyed. The Unionists then fired on them and killed three, wounded two, and took twenty horses, with their equipments, and seven prisoners, who were taken before Gen. Banks. None of the Federal troops were hurt. The engagement occurred at daybreak. The advancing party forded the river, and caught the cavalry pickets of the enemy at breakfast. The prisoners were brought into camp at Sandy Hook. Nearly every man captured had sword-arms and revolvers. On the sword-belt of one was marked in ink, "John H. Rollins, Leesburg, Va." One captain of the rebels was killed. Previous reports from Colonel John C. Starkweather, of the First Wisconsin Regiment, stationed at Edward's Ferry, stimulated the action which resulted so successfully. Colonel Starkweather had already made reconnoissances on the Virginia side, destroyed the rendezvous of the rebel pickets, and had but one man wounded, Mr. W. H. Langworthy, of Company E. All the captured are from Loudon County, Va.-(Doc. 164.) -A BAND of rebels, numbering from one thousand to twelve hundred, made an attack upon a camp of Union men at Athens,* Missouri, this morning at five o'clock. There was a considerable amount of arms and ammunition for United States troops stored at that place, under a guard of the troops composing the camp. The United States Volunteers numbered about three hundred and fifty men, under the command of Captain Moore. The fighting lasted about one hour, when the rebels retreated. In the mean time Captain Moore, having been reinforced by about one hundred and fifty men from Centralia, Iowa, on the opposite side of the river, gave chase to the rebels for about a mile and a half, killing one, taking eighteen prisoners, and capturing thirty-one horses and two secession flags. Several of the rebels were also wounded in the chase. After the battle, six or eight rebels were found dead on the field. In the afternoon the bearer of a rebel flag of truce to the Union camp was admitted. They carried off fourteen killed, and as many more wounded and missing. The rebels were led by Martin Green, a brother of ex-Senator Green. Of the Union men there were three killed and eight wounded.-(Doc. 166.) -SEVERAL shots were exchanged between the U. S. blockading steamer off Galveston, Texas, and some sand batteries on shore.-(Doc. 167.) -IN the House of Representatives at Washington, Mr. Calvert, of Maryland, introduced a resolution providing for the appointment of a Committee to consider and report such amendments to the Constitution as may restore confidence and insure the preservation of the Union. Houses of the Congress of the United States, August 6.-All the bills which passed both Laid on the table.-Mr. May, of Maryland, was refused permission to introduce resolutions pro-ed a reluctant approval of that for the confiscawere approved by President Lincoln, who yieldviding for the appointment of Commissioners tion of property used for rebellious purposes.— to procure an armistice, and so compromise as (Doc. 159.) to preserve the Union if possible; if not, to provide for "the peaceful separation of those States that have seceded or may hereafter secedo."Mr. Diven offered a resolution declaring that, as rebels are now in arms against the Government, all resolutions looking to a compromise are either cowardly or treasonable. The House refused to suspend the rules to receive Mr. May's resolution. The Senate bill, increasing the pay of the volunteers and legalizing the acts of the President, was passed. -A LETTER written on board the steam-sloop Brooklyn, off the mouth of the Mississippi River, giving an account of the manner by which the rebel privateer Sumter was suffered to run -THE brigs Naiad, Machias, and Ben Dunning, seized by the privateer steamer Sumter, near Cienfuegos, arrived at New York. They were released by order of the Spanish Government, and sailed with others as far as Cape Antonio, under convoy of the U. S. steamer Crusader.—Official advices from the Gulf squadron state that, on the 4th of July off Galveston, the United States steamer South Carolina captured six schooners; on the 5th, two, and ran one ashore; on the 6th, one, and on the 7th, one-making in all eleven sail destroyed or cap * Athens is a small town in the extreme northeast of Missouri, on the Desmoines River, twenty-five or thirty miles from Keokuk. tured. The names of the captured vessels are the Shark, Venus, Ann Ryan, McCaulfield, Louisa, Dart, Covalia, Falcon, George Baker, and Sam. Houston. A portion of them had cargoes, chiefly of lumber. Among other things captured were 13 mail bags, and 31 bags containing express matter.-N. Y. Times, August 7. -QUEEN VICTORIA, in her speech to the British Parliament this day, said:-"The dissensions which arose some months ago in the United States of North America, have unfortunately assumed the character of open war. Her Majesty, deeply lamenting this calamitous result, has determined, in common with the other powers of Europe, to preserve a strict neutrality between the contending parties.-London News, August 7. -THERE was great excitement in the House of Representatives at Washington this morning. The near approach of the hour of adjourning, and the busy and exciting scenes which always attend the adjournment, attracted quite a crowd of ladies and gentlemen to the galleries. The Senate went into executive session at an early hour, and thus sent their spectators into the galleries of the House of Representatives. Within a few minutes of the hour of adjourn ment, a most exciting scene took place in the House. A lull had occurred in the business, when Mr. Wickliffe, of Kentucky, arose and stated to the House that the elections in his State had gone largely for the Constitution, and that the people of Kentucky had declared that their State, among the first in the Union, should be among the last in the Union. The announcement created a scene of indescribable enthusiasm. Cheer after cheer arose from the floor and galleries, and the Speaker, unable to control the assembly, yielded to the general enthusiasm of the moment.-Phila. Press, Au gust 7. up a position on Back River, three miles from Hampton, Virginia. The intention was to draw out the national forces, attack Camp Hamilton or Newport News if practicable, and at least to destroy Hampton, so as to prevent its use by the U. S. troops for winter-quarters. Gen. Butler at once repaired to Hampton Bridge, where he remained until 11 o'clock P. M. Col. Weber erected a barricade near the Hampton end of the bridge, and placed a strong guard at various points near. A few minutes past midnight, Gen. Magruder, with about 500 Confederates-some of them belonging in Hampton-entered the town, and immediately fired the buildings with torches. A greater part of the five hundred houses were built of wood, and no rain having fallen lately, the strong south wind soon produced a terrible conflagration. There were perhaps twenty white people and double that number of negroes remaining in the town from inability to move, some of whose houses were fired without wakhis wife, both of them aged and infirm, but fifing the inmates. They gave Cary Jones and teen minutes to remove a few articles of furand also of the negroes were hurried away to niture to the garden. Several of the whites be pressed into the Confederate service. Mr. Scofield, a merchant, took refuge in a swamp above the town. Two negroes were drowned while attempting to cross the creek. A com pany of the bridge, but were repulsed with a loss of of rebels attempted to force the passage three killed and six wounded. They then with drew. The fire raged all night and entirely destroyed the town.-(Doc. 168.) -THE Ohio Democratic State Convention met at Columbus to-day and nominated H. J. Jewett for Governor and John Scott Harrison for Lieutenant-Governor. A series of resolutions were adopted. The third recommends the legislatures of the States to call a National Convention for settling the present difficulties and restoring and preserving the Union. The sixth resolution condemns the President's late attempt to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. August 7.-John C. Breckinridge was serenaded at a hotel in Baltimore, and in response essayed to address those assembled in the street, but was compelled to desist by the uproar of the crowd, who shouted for the "Union," "Crit--National Intelligencer, August 10. tenden," "Scott," etc.-Baltimore American, August 9. -GEN. MAGRUDER, C. S. A., with a force of 7,000 men, including 200 cavalry and eight pieces of artillery, viz., three Parrott guns, four howitzers, and one rifled cannon, took -THE United States gun boat Flag arrived at Fort Mifflin, on the Delaware River, this morning with thirty-six rebel prisoners, taken from the rebel war vessel, Petrel, formerly the revenue cutter Aiken, seized at Charleston last winter. The Aiken fired at the St. Lawrence, off Charleston, mistaking her for a merchant ves- | turn march, they were overtaken with word sel, when the St. Lawrence returned a broad- that another detachment of about 130 cavalry side, sinking the rebel. Five of the crew were had entered the town. Tired and worn out, lost, and the rest rescued and placed on board almost shoeless, and hungry, the brave fellows the Flag.-Philadelphia Press, August 8. with a shout at once voted unanimously to return and attack the rebels. Starting at a -ISHAM G. HARRIS, Governor of Tennessee, appeals to the people of that State "to raise, organize, and thoroughly prepare a reserve force of thirty thousand volunteers."-(Doc. 169.) August 8.—This evening, at Baltimore, Md., Charles King, from North Carolina, was arrested by officer Stevens, of the Southern District, by order of Major-General Dix, on the charge of being concerned in the raising of a number of men, whose purpose it was to organize themselves into a crew, and take passage on some boat, intending to capture it in the same manner as the St. Nicholas, and then turn her into a pirate.-Baltimore Patriot, August 9. -THE Nineteenth Regiment of Indiana Volunteers passed through Philadelphia for the seat of war.-N. Y. Herald, August 9. double-quick time they reached the town, and under the cover of a corn-field gained sight of the cavalry about thirty rods distant. Resting for a few minutes, they heard the rebel captain been discovered and were about to be charged give orders to mount, and believing they had at a double-quick, firing two volleys as they upon, Captain Kennedy charged upon the town ran. The enemy, after firing a few harmless shots, made their way, concealed by houses, out of the opposite side of the town, but not until they had one lieutenant killed and five men wounded.-N. Y. Times, August 13. -THE office of the Democratic Standard at Concord, N. H., was completely relieved of its contents this afternoon by a mob composed of the soldiers of the returned First Regiment and citizens. The Standard published an article reflecting on the soldiers. They demanded retraction, and the Palmers-the editors and pro -F. K. ZOLLICOFFER was appointed a brigadier-general in the rebel army, and assigned to the command of the Department of East Ten-prietors-shook pistols and axes out of the winOn assuming his command, he issued a proclamation assuring all who desire peace, that they can have it by quietly and harmlessly pursuing their lawful avocations.-(Doc. 171.) nessee. -THE Massachusetts Fifteenth Regiment, under the command of Colonel Charles Devens, left Camp Scott, Worcester, Mass., for the seat of war. This regiment is armed with the Springfield musket, and numbers 1,046 men. They are all tall, muscular men, possessing the lightness of limb and full development of natural powers which denote the true specimen of a soldier. Their dress consists of the regular army uniform-gray pantaloons, blue coats, and hat, which is as neat and useful a thing as our fighting men could have.-N. Y. Herald, August 10. -ONE HUNDRED men of the Nineteenth Regiment N. Y. V., commanded by Capt. Kennedy, crossed the Potomac at Rock Ferry, at 1 A. M., and marched to Lorrettsville, Loudon co., Va., where it was reported that a company of rebel cavalry were engaged in the impressment of citizens. When they reached the town the rebels had left, and they retraced their steps; but late in the afternoon, while upon their re dows and dared the mob, while the city authorities endeavored to quell the disturbance. The Palmers fired four shots, wounding two soldiers. The office was immediately stripped, and the materials burnt in the street. The Palmers took refuge in the attic, but were finally found and carried to the police station, protected by the police, though with great difficulty.--(Doc. 172.) —DISSATISFACTION at the supposed intention of the Government not to receive men in its army who could not speak the English language, and a misconception of a War Department order upon the subject, led to the withdrawal as thus stated: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON, August 8, 1861. To F. A. Alberger, Esq., Mayor of the city of Buffalo, N. Y.: DEAR SIR: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 5th inst., and to state in reply, that the order to which it refers was officially explained a day or two since by the Secretary of War, but having still been a subject of great misapprehension it has now been entirely rescinded and vacated. Consequently there is no obstacle whatever to the acceptance of the services of volunteers, on the ground of their nationality or language. The contest for the Union is regarded, as it ought to be, a battle of the freemen of the world for the institutions of self-government. I am very truly yours, WILLIAM H. SEWARD. -IN a communication of this date, in respect to the disposition to be made of contrabands, the Secretary of War informed General Butler that he was to be governed by the act of Congress, 1861, which "declares that if persons held to service shall be employed in hostility to the United States, the right to their services shall be forfeited."—(Doc. 173.) -THE Massachusetts Fourteenth Regiment, under the command of Colonel Wm. R. Greene, left Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, for the seat of war. The regiment numbers 1,046 mem and whereas the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, France, Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, and Russia, at the Congress of Paris of 1856, established a uniform doctrine on this subject, to which they invited the adherence of the nations of the world, which is as follows: 1. That privateering is and remains abolished. 2. That the neutral flag covers the enemy's goods, with the exception of contraband of war. 3. That neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to capture under the enemy's flag, and 4. That blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective; that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy. And whereas it is desirable that the Confederate States of America shall assume a definite position on so important a point; now, there bers. Their uniform is light brown pants, deep fore, be it blue jacket, light blue overcoat, and regulation hat. They are armed with the Springfield musket of the pattern of 1842. They have with them twenty-four baggage wagons, four ambulances, two hospital wagons, and 220 horses. All the field and staff officers of this regiment but two are natives of Massachusetts. Of the whole corps 350 are married men, and 5 widowers with families. It has one "gentleman," a host of shoemakers and laborers, and samples of every kind of craftsmen and operatives known among us. There are several teachers on the roll, and one "missionary." There are a great many blacksmiths-more than any other regiment probably will average. The Amesbury section (Co. E) has thirteen disciples of Vulcan on its roll. The farmers are about equal in number to the blacksmiths. There are three artists, one photographer, one physician, only one printer, two students, and a number of hatters and machinists. One-half of the whole regiment is composed of men connected with the boot and shoe business.-N. Y. World, August 9. -THE "Confederate" Congress in session at Richmond, Va., adopted the following resolution this day: Resolved, That the Congress of the Confederate States of America accept the second, third, and fourth clauses of the above-cited declaration, and decline to assent to the first clause thereof. -THERE was published a letter dated April 15, from Gen. Frost, Missouri Militia, to Gov. Jackson of Missouri, apropos to the President's proclamation calling out 75,000 volunteers. He advises the Governor to convene the Legislature, proclaim to the people of the State that the President's proclamation is illegal, and especially to take St. Louis, held by United States troops.—(Doc. 174.) August 9.--President Lincoln to-day made the following appointments of brigadier-generals for the volunteer force: Colonels Blenker and Slocum, of the volunteers, and Major Wadsworth, aide to Gen. McDowell; Colonel John A. Peck, Ex-Major of the regular army, who distinguished himself in the Mexican war; John H. Martindale, a graduate at West Point; Ormsby M. Mitchell, Professor of Astronomy, of Cincinnati, a graduate of West Point and an ex-army officer. -ORMOND F. NIMS' battery of light artillery left Boston for the seat of war. The company departed from their camp at Quincy at 73 Whereas it has been found that the uncer- o'clock last evening, and, marching through tainty of maritime law in time of war has South Boston, reached the Providence depot at given rise to differences of opinion between 11 o'clock. An hour and a half was occupied neutrals and belligerents, which may occasion in getting their guns, horses, and carriages on serious misunderstandings, and even conflicts; the cars. The battery consists of six rifled 6 |