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are not always rewarded with kindness and esteem; but this reflection with a man who soars above the sordid baseness of the world, fortunately stimulates, not damps, the generous ardour of his mind. I find, Mr. Cobbett, that your sentiments upon the subject of Spanish patriotism have met with the disapprobation of a correspondent who subscribes himself " Scoto-Britan"nus." How long that gentleman may have plumed and cherished himself under the wing of sovereign power, I know not ; but though his gratitude may be applauded in his universal zeal for potentates, not even excepting the family of the Bourbons, I cannot hold that virtue as an apology either for ignorance or wilful misrepresentation. Your correspondent's observations, in the introductory part of his letter, on the right of ceding a sovereignty, are built upon the following position, which ScotoBritannus lays down as an axiom; namely, that In private property no man can "cede his right of inheritance or pos "session. This right belongs not to him exclusively, but to his family. He is a " mere life reuter, From his ancestors his " inheritance was acquired, and to his own posterity it must be faithfully transmitted.” Now, Sir, there must really be a strange vernacular property in the atmosphere of Scotland that could induce a man to make so modest and extraordinary a declaration as the present. That because a man derives au inheritance from his ancestors, it must be therefore faithfully transmitted to his posterity, is so adverse to truth, that daily and hourly experience contradicts the assertion. Do we not every day see a profligate heir dissipating the estate which his ancestor has left him? Are not men daily disposing of inheritances which they enjoy by descent, by public auction, and private contract? So contrary to the fact is the assertion of Scoto Britannus, that the perpetuating estates in families called for legislative interference so long as four centuries ago, and the thing is rendered impossible by a solemn act of parliament. But what occurs to me, Mr. Cobbett, as the most extraordinary, is, that this strange gratuitous assertion should be made for the purpose of establishing that a sovereign is the delegate of his subjects, to whom, according to the nature "of the government, is entrusted the management of the public affairs, and the "furtherance of the laws of the nation" I accord perfectly with Scoto Britannus that a sovereign is the delegate of his subjects," but I really should have sailed round the compass many times before I should have



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enforced such an opinion by a discovery that property was unalienable, from which (if it were true) the only inference I can collect is, that no act of the people can prevent the crown from lineally descending in which case, as it should seem, the people are divested of all possible right of interfering with the crown. Whether monarchical、 power takes its origin from a contract with the people, or exists as of Divine right, has been for ages asserted either way, as party interest has predominated; but what judg nient a dispassionate unbiassed mind would form, who, without supernatural grace, col lects his information from the experience of things as they pass before his eyes in this material world, I think there can be little doubt. Mr. Hume has observed, that theory is in favour of all kingly power originating in popular contract, but that experience is against it. How it happens that the latter is true should imagine to be this; that by the supineness and inactivity of one side of the contracting parties, the other has been suffered to establish a power which has enabled him to hold the contract at defiance; and though there be an axiom in the English constitution" that no right can exist with

out a remedy," yet I fear it is an axiom very often incapable of being realized. Now, Mr. Cobbett, I perfectly accord with your sentiments respecting Spain. I hold it, with you, to be the bounden duty of this country to give the Spanish Patriots the most disinte rested assistance in her power Spain is now in arms against the universal enemy of law and liberty, and it becomes every man of independent principles to aid and assist her in resisting the tyrant's grasp; but in ́so doing, what right there can exist to interfere in the internal regulation of the country, with whom our arms are to be united, quite passes my conception. Scoto-Britannus, who deals in the marvellous in point of argument, is for making the restoration of the Bourbons a sine quâ non of our assistance; and as a reason, he asserts "that the practice of interfering in the regulation of internal government terminates always in the detri "ment or ruin, either of the assisting or "of the assisted;" and to exemplify this, he states an historical fact, that the ancient Britons, by calling in the Saxons and Normaus to assist them in organizing their legislature, became the slaves of their assistants. How this can shew that we ought to impose on Spain, as the terms of our assistance, that Ferdinand the VIIth, or any other of the Bourbons, should be established as their monarch. I profess not to have sagacity enough to penetrate. If the people of Spair are


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the delegates, in whom the power of appointing a monarch or ruier is inherent, nothing can be so clear, as, that, if they wish to be governed by a Bourbon, they will adopt that mode of government; but if they have no such inclination, and we interfere and insist on their being governed by Ferdinand the VIIth, or in any measure dictate a government to them, what are we doing but following the very footsteps of those Saxons and Normans who displease Scoto-Britannus for having most unprincipally subjugated the ancient Britons? Scoto-Britannus, (who probably nestles himself in some snog birth within the air of royalty) I rather apprehend, thinks it improper to term those slaves who have a monarch set over them, though against their inclination. But it Scoto-Britanņus

ill consult the lexicon of that favourite ot his country, I mean Dr. Johnson, he will discover, that slavery may be defined to be the incapacity of a sane rational mind 10 act according to its inclination; and that it would be as much slavery for the Spanish nation to have a Ferdinand the VIIth reign over them, if contrary to their inclination, as it would have been for the Swedes to have had a jack-boot for a prime minister, which their indulgent master, Charles the XIIth, was inclined once to afford them I consider, Mr. Cobbett, that in affording aid to Spain, we are governed, or ought to be so, by a principle, generous in itself, and which can alone entitle our assistance to the approbation of an impartial world; I mean the principle of detestation of tyrants and despots of every description and of every climate; that, as a country enjoying more genuine liberty and freedom than can probably be found in any other spot on the civilized globe, we are anxious to disseminate that freedom to others, and to stem the strides of ghastly despotism which, in the person of the French emperor, seeks the destruction of each latent spark of liberty. If this be the basis of our conduct towards Spain, I most fervently hope it will prove successful; if it be not, the same fate will most likely accompany it, which generally attends, sooner or later, all base and strvile acts; and instead of affording the future historian an agreeable theme for panegyrising the independent spirit of his country, will reluctantly compel him to throw down his pen, or, what will be more grating, to blast her character by recording the transaction.- -W. F. S.-Lincoln's Inn, August 2, 1903.

MR. COKE OF NORFOLK. SIR-I have been much charmed and edited by Mr. Thomas Roope's eloquent

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and glowing panegyric on "MR. COKE OF NORFOLK," which appeared in your Register a few weeks since.-I do most sincerely congratulate our beloved representative," (to whom I am zealously attached), on the inestimable acquisition of such a partizan! He has long been strenuously supported by a great proportion of our "large-acred inen," who have powerful and necessary influence over the free suffrages of "inde


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pendent yeomen." He has also been not a little indebted to other friends, who can play with consummate skill every card of the Party Game, from the knave to the deuce. But, what are all these, compared with a Man of Genius, gifted with that magic mastery of words, which, in every free government, ancient or modern, has been known to have such astonishing effects on the minds of the people? I cannot doubt, that these voluntary and generous efforts of such a man as Mr. Thomas Roope, ou behalf of such an one as "Mr. Coke of "Norfolk," will very materially promote the good cause, and forward the wishes of the most truly independent yeomen" of our county. I particularly anticipate the happiest effects, from the very judicious publication of that panegyric, in a handsome separate form, (lest your Register, Mr. Cob beit, should not give it sufficient publicity), from the liberal presentation of copies to the Coffee-rooms in Norwich, and from the distribution of them among proper persons, (I have one) even at that " scene that "is NOT KNOWN ELSEWHERE, the Sheepshearing at Holkham.' Who this ** Mr. "Thomas Roope" is, I cannot say that I exactly know. He now first appears before the public; and, like other mighty geniuses, bursts forth at once in meridian splendour. He is obviously a very shrewd observer, a very logical reasoner, and a very fine writer. Certainly, Mr. Coke has not such another writer to his back. The doer of late addresses, &c. I do not think worth mentioning. But there is Dr. Parr-what is he to

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Mr. Thomas Roope?" When a barrel of gunpowder explodes, certainly it makes a dazzling flash, an alarming report, a prodigious deal of smoke, and no little stink. But the first two are over in a moment, and the others last but a very short time. They are nothing to the celestial beams which permanently warm, invigorate, and enlighten. Most certainly, it is not too bold a figure, to say that Mr. Thomas Roope" writes with a sun-beam! Such is my decid ed opinion of him as an author. I can have no doubt, that he is moreover, gentleman of enlightened mind and libe

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" do

"ral education," (as he tells us “ali M "Coke's tenants are ") one of "the_most "learned men we can boast, and of the "best practical, liberal, and enlightened cul"tivators of land;" 66 -one of the men "most reputed for their agricultural knowledge;' 3 "fit associate for such digni"fied men as Dukes of Bedford, and Mr. "Arthur Young ;"-most worthy to be "courted by Mr. Coke ;"--and one of" the "first breeders of stock of every descrip"tion."-But, Mr. Cobbett, among all his excellencies, agricultural, literary, or philosophical, I am most particularly struck with these two-with that "honest pride" of conscious genius, which prompts him to pit himself plump against you, in the strife of opinion "and with that artful delicacy in insinuating censure, which must, I should think, make you feel ingenuously ashared of your own blameable precipitancy, ia venturing to speak as you have spoken, of the little talents and ambition of so great a man-whom, it seems, you not know!" I must, however, declare, that I am equally pleased with your candour, in inserting this elegant and spirited rebuke, which you cannot but severely feel. I am only surprized you have not cried peccari, and am expecting it every week.-Really, the fervour of Mr. Thomas Roope's sentiments, and the splendour of his diction, are powerfully affecting-Pungent, stimulating. titillating, they have caused a warm and tingling glow within me- scalpuntur intima!" And as it is obvious, that his intention was by no means to excite the risibility of his readers, I can account for these feelings no otherwise, than by suppos ing he must have meant to provoke their mincturiency; that by a surer criterion than the "temperality of the pulsidge," he might form a proper diagnosis of the cases he has taken in hand, and consequent hopes of Bat it should seem that you are suldenly determined not to be cast! Yet a second dose, though weaker than the first, is sometimes known to insure its effect. Let me try to administer it. As I despair of writing like Mr Thomas Roope, l'endeavour to compensate for my deficiency, by quoting him as much as possible; and may perhaps here and there, in my own diction, catch some slight whiff of that ethereal spirit, with which his pen is impregnated, and even super-saturated. So that, upon the whole, I hope we shall not bave given you these repeated scourings in vain. I desire it may be understood, that 1 write, though by no means in concert, yet, in the most perfect harmony and coincidence



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with Mr. Koope There can be no dout that since Mr. Coke became " proprietor of "the immense tracts of land he now possess. "es," the desert of "Norfolk is become a paradise! These are not indeed the words of Mr. Roope, but in a compendious form. convey his obvious meaning. Before that auspicious æra, who ever saw any sheep, "but such as disgraced the breeders of that "animal?" Who ever paid particular "attention to planting?" By whom was the" barley and turnip sys em introduced?" By whom were "layers regularly sown?" Who ever made the finest wheats grow in the western district," which (as Mr. Roope elegantly observes) was conspicuous "for its growth of rye? Who ever saw men mow "corn on swamps, where before they had walked up to their knees in wa"ter to mow off the rushes?" who had "farm-houses and stack-yards full of corn?" Who ever heard "heaths groan for the sic-. "kle?" (which to say the truth, must be a very alarming noise to the neighbourhood,) Who, before that time, saw a farmer's " wife "take pride in shewing the management of concerns within doors? (for which they are so very remarkable now!) who ever knew "maids receive public gifts for their good "conduct?" Who ever got the better of that boisterous bully the "German Ocean," till Mr. Coke got acquainted with "a man "of vast geological knowledge, Mr. Wil

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liam Smith, mineralogist? Who ever thought of any one of an ese things? To most of these questions, if not to all, I am well aware, that some persons pretend to have answers to give, many and diverse and all " as ready as a borrower's

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cap." But to every one of them, Mr. Roope and I answer promptly and decidedly, NOBODY." No abuse, Hal, none; none,

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a cucumber," which Mr. Roope has not done What Is he not "Knight of the "Shire to represent us all?" Did he not tell us at the famous barley meeting at NoRWICH, of the solenin charge he had received on a former similar occasion, from that great statesman Mr. Fox, then in power, not to allow the alarming question to be agitated, but to keep HIS county quiet? Does not that sublime title man of NORFOLK, (which he has been "solicited," to bear) in its own proper import imply, that he absorbs and concentrates in himself, all the inconsiderable good, which may perchance, have bec done by others? Does he not "reign iɛ




istic feature of his political life, the great point of paramount importance, to which he has uniformly bent all the powerful. energies of his bright and various talents, all the rich stores of his rare knowledge, all the vigorous plasticity and elasticity of his mighty mind-he has been super eminently consistent! No other politician has been so immoveably firm. From the very beginning of Mr. Pitt's career, (at least," from the time of his sturdy and disrespectful uncompliance-verbum sat!) has not Mr. Coke always, without the minutest variation, declared and manifested his opposition, not only to the measures, but to the man? Has he not been known to proclaim, to all whom it might concern, that he always would op pose whatever might proceed from that odious minister? Was he ever once caught trip. ping, like Sir Francis Wroughead, in “ say

our hearts?" Do we not all " look up to "him, with a fervour of esteem, and degree of veneration, which KINGS may EN 66 VY but DO NOT OBTAIN?" I wish to put these questions fairly home to the heart and conscience of every truly independent yeoman" in the county, particularly and privately. I wish most heartily I could poll them all, by this intimate and searching scru tiny: the result of it would be glorious! I would manifest from it, to all the world, how right Mr. Thomas Roope and I are, in our exclusive admiration (nay idolatry) of Mr. Coke-I cannot but declare my expecial concurrence in Mr Roope's commendation of those very judicious particulars in Mr. Coke's conduct, which place his wisdom far above that of any other power. I mean his disinterested plan of making his tenants" independent yeomen," by long "leases and favourable terms;" his build-ing age when he should have said no? ing them "houses fit for the residence of "gentlemen;" and "expending vast sums "in the purchase of the most elegant and

costly pieces of plate to stimulate indus"try!" Means and ends niost sagaciously adapted to each other! Though such for bearance and such expenditure, taken toge ther, may constitute a goodly revenue, the lofty mind of our higher than noble patron "feels that all is well bestowed; and, from his proud exaltation he looks down with supreme contempt, on the little-minded patricians or plebeians, who meanly and sordidly think, that such precious possessions as popularity and electioneering interests, can be bought too dear. Mr. Thomas Roope and I cordially approve and admire. I cannot, however, fllow my adventurous and enraptured leader quite so far, as to say: "Would to God that every Englishman's bosom glowed with the same ambitions

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hopes, and I should have no fear for "England's safety." On the contrary, I should have very great fear indeed. Not that I at all suspect Mr. Coke of being inclined to do any mischief; but that in that case, among so many contending and inconsistent claims of pre eminence, there could not be room for the expansion and free play of such generous and multifarious animosity, and the whole county would, (to use a Norfolk simile) exhibit the exact resemblance of one grand battle of turkeys! A sight silly and laughable enough upon a moderate scale, but on so vast an one, it cer tainly could no but be productive of great alarm and danger.I warmly join in the praise of Mr. Coke's political consistency. It is no more than barely just, to allow that in the main prominent, and character

Has he not repeatedly quitted "the solid "comforts of domestic life, and the most

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laudable pursuits which can engage the "attention of man," and travelled post by night or by day, through fair weather or foul; no matter--so that he could but get into the house in time for the division? Nay, has he not been known (when notice has been given of another opposition-motion) even to stay several days in that abominable sink of pollution, London, amidst “transi

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tory joys," "gistering baubles," "empty parade," and " useless touts?

And when at an awful moment, his associates in opposition (and among them the generous and noble-natured Fox) professed that every emotion of hostility was extinct within them, when they sighed or wept, and said that death had put enmity under his feet, -- Hz rose sublimely superior to such imbecillity, and with more than Roman firmness, still holds forth an illustrious example of unshaken political consistency, more perfect than Britain ever saw before. Even to this day, bas he ever been known to make a speech at any public meeting, political or agricultural, without taking occasion (often with the utmost ingenuity,) of either making a direct and gallant attack, or throwing out the bitterest oblique sarcasms, on that justly detested name, that object of his rooted aversion? If such a man do not deserve the glorious title of " patriot," on whom can it be be stowed? Such consistency, characterizing the "whole career of his parliamentary du "ties," and "all his patriotic proceedings" (nay, constituting the main sum and substance of them,so far as the world has heard,) does not only entitle him to the thanks of the county, (or what by the courtesy of

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lating "plate. As I have done all I can to second him, I venture to express a modest and diffident hope that some slight token may be bestowed on me. If beggars can be allowed to chuse, I restrict my wishes to -a mustard pot. While at my three-legged table, I contentedly dabble in it, to give a savoury relish to my cheese, I shall hear with delight and admiration, but without envy, of the splendour of Mr. Thomas Roope; who after a sumptuous banquet (a Grand Presentation-Dinner) at the "hospitable board," in the "princely abode," will glorieusly replenish his honorary silver jordan!" I could add a great deal more, but "less I could not well say." And now, Mr. Cobbett, let me confidently hope, that the same candour which induced you to insert Mr. Roope's letter, will also secure admission to this, which is so exactly of the same import and tendency. In this pleasing hope I remain.-Your very obedient servant,

WILLIAM SMITH,-Neither M. P. nor Mineralogist - Duke's Palace, Norwich, 20th

party is called the county) but to those of the while country; gives him a claim to the "estima le and lasting treasures of GENERAL ADMIRATION and UNIVERSAL ESTEEM." I cannot help offering sincere thanks to Mr. Thomas Roope, for so judiciously introducing this topic. I come now to another subject truly magnificent; of which the world might bave known nothing, had it not been for the warni zeal of Mr. Rocpe. How do I envy the honour he has enjoyed, of dining and conversing, at the hospitable board,' in the "princely abode," with foreigners "of the first rank from various parts of the "world," - even Sovereign Princes, it seems! How does my bosom swell to catch a share in that proud and triumphant exaltation, which must have been felt by WHIGS, when they heard crowned heais, speak of themselves with such becoming humility, and in meek prostra ion acknowledge their inferiority! We petty monarchs of little "states, could have for med no such ideas!" This is indeed inexpressibly grand! Transcendently sublime! It absolutely overcomes me! I sink under the overwhelming emotion of supreme delight!-I trust, Mr. Cobbett, we shall after this, hear no more of “ little "talents and ambition." But if you suspect that Mr. Thomas Roope and I have fabricated a specious eulogium, only to produce effect at a distance, come among us yourse.f! Come to our meetings! The admission as only a GUINEA! Take the evidence of your own senses! Behold ouringurgitations and regur gitations of intoxicating panegyric and port! Listen to the explosive and expansive bursts of involuntary and uncontrolable applause! of enraptured and enrapturing puff! Join in on animating choral strains, patriotic, potatory, and prurient in the grand vocal artinery of "three times three!" Mark, and admire our homage so humbly paid, so graciously received, that humility and condescension exactly neutralize each other, and all seems perfect EQUALITY. And when you have seen and heard all this, then say if you dare that Mr Coke is not" deserving of that

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public testimony of esteem, the inhabi"tants of Norfolk have so long bestowed, "in electing him their representative." Say that he has not deserved those marks "of distinction which he never received."Say that the "kingdom contains two persons, one of whom only I believe to exist."


Say it if you dare. I defy you!-Mr. Thomas Roope, by this splendid and successful exertion of his masterly pen, has laid Mr. Coke under such especial obligations to him, that he certainly cannot be overlooked in the noble and profuse distribution of" stimu


Jul, 1808.

P. S. I shall feel very much obliged, if you
can prevail on your friend Mr. Thomas
Roope, to commanicate through the channel
of your Register, the senses which his dic-
tionary affixes to the following words ;-
gerilemon, liberal, learned, enlightened,
dignified, juicious, beneficial,
beneficial, perfect,
potriorism, im rovement, admiration, esteem,
excouragement. I could add many more,
but these are the most important, and are
sufficient at prosent. The account I find of
these in my dictionary (which is Johnson's,
and I am afraid is in some degree obsolete)
has puzzled me extremely; and I am afraid
that by trasting to it, for want of better
authority, I may have made mistakes of
Mr. Roope's meaning in some places.

Роскет Воок."

Sir-The "licentiousness" of the pen of SIR RICHARD PHILLIPS, in your last. Register, ought not perhaps to excite any "other emotion than contempt;" but as "the greatest fool that ever trod the earth" (to borrow a description from the Attorney General, confirmed by my Lord Ellenborough,) may, in the very prevailing party of which he is the towering head, find some congenial souls, "Asinus asino, et "sus sui pulcher," to admire his wisdom, and to believe his assertions, I am compelled to ask you for a corner, in which I may stand to make my defence. You have ably vindicated the right of freemen to speak the truth, and you will of course, be the last,

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