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first to give an example of the honour which should be paid to them! enter among you with the greatest confidence, surrounded with those meritorious individuals, who have concealed from me nothing which they have thought necessary for your interests.Blind passions, false rumours, the intrigues of the common enemy of the continent, anxious only to separate the Indies from Spain, have plunged some of you into the most dreadful state of anarchy. My heart bleeds at the view of it; but this evil, however considerable it may be, may instantaneously cease.--Spaniards, only unite around my throne. Conduct yourselves so as that internal disturbances shall not deprive me of that time which I wish to employ in labouring for your happiness, nor deprive me of the means of accomplishing that object. I esteem you enough to persuade myself that you will make every exertion to obtain and merit that happiness, which is the dearest object of my wishes.-I, THE King.

(To be continued.)

POPEDOM.- Papers relative to the Seizure of the Papal Dominions cy Buonaparte.

No. 1. Palace of the Quirinal, March 2. The French commander has proceeded to such an excess of violence and outrage within these few last days, that the patience and resignation of his holiness, without being in the least altered, have yet been found to exhibit some signs of just indignation. The above commander, on a sudden seized the general post-office, with a picquet of soldiers, and displaced the superintendant, to examine all correspondence, in defiance of the public law. He incorporated by violence the troops of the Pope into the French army; he ba nished from Rome colonel Bracci, for being faithful to his prince; and lastly he put guards upon all the printing offices, that he might deprive the head of the church of the liberty of using the press.--Each of these attempts would be sufficient to shew what was meant by the note of February 23, which announced that the French army would direct its march to Rome, under the pretext of freeing that city from those whom it chooses to call Neapolitan brigands. Each of these attempts shews what excesses of outrage and irreverence bave marked the insults offered to the dignity of the visible head of the church. But the French army has not con! fined itself within these bounds. In order to crown its atrocities, the French soldiers have dared to lay hands on our cardinals, have dragged them from the arms of the holy father, and conducted them to Rome as state criminals.-Violence and abuse of power

could not certainly be carried farther. His holiness, who has lately seen himself deprived of the attributes of sovereignty, who has seen his power and his dignity insulted under a thousand forms, by an army which he was still willing to consider as friendly, could not however have believed that it would have proceeded to this extremity, which has, above every thing else, strack the deepest to his heart. The ho; father, who, like a lamb, has suffered in silence and with resignation this excess of insult, was roused only by this latter instance. He commanded the undersigned to write once more, and to transmit to your illustrious highness, in the strongest and most energetic language, his complaints; to lay before you all the horror of these hostile proceedings; and to represent to you how much he felt himself degraded in the face of Europe, by the violent and unheard of measures which the French army has completed in attacking the dignity of the cardinals, which is an emanation from his 'own. The holy father placing all his confidence in God alone, will wait in conformity with the principles of his sacred duty, to see how far the French army is inclined to abuse his meekness and his patience, and if at length it will put an end to the unmerited insults and outrages which it has committed against the sovereign of Rome, and the head of the catholic church-Such is the positive order which the pro-secretary of state has received from his holiness, and which he feels it his sacred duty to fulfil without the least deviation. He renews to your illustrions highness the assurance of his sincere consideration. G. CARD. DORIA PAMFILI.To Signor Lefebvre, French Chargé d'Affaires.

No. II, dated March 13, 1808, is a sharp aud spirited remonstrance against the imprisonment and threatened removal of some officers of his holiness's army, who protested against its incorporation with that of France, and declared that they would not continue to serve under such an arrangement,

No. III, dated March 23, 1908, is a copy of a letter writen by order of his holiness, to all the cardinals who were ordered to retire from Rome. He commands them by their allegiance not to remove from the capital, except they were compelled thereto, and not to continue their journey longer than such compulsion existed. Among these cardinals we find the nate of his holiness's minister cardinal Pamfili, who was succeed. ed by cardinal Gabrielli.

No. IV.-March 27, 1908. Cardinal Gabrielli, pro-secretary of state to his holiness, has received positive orders from the holy father in person to inform your illustrious high

ness, that the violence committed against the persons of the cardinals, natives of the kingdom of Naples, never would have been believed, if it had not been repeated against the persons of the cardinals born in the king dom of Italy, and the countries united to France. The holy father cannot at present be ignorant, that it is, not only intended to deprive him of his temporal authority, but that there is also a design to destroy the spiritual government of the church of Rome, represented by the sacred college, which is the senate of the sovereign pontiff.-He has seen with horror and surprise those principles and maxims which break the most sacred bands by which the cardinals are united to the Pope by all the force of a solemn oath, preceded and followed as they have been, by all the indignities to which the head of the church has only been exposed. Examples of such enormities are only to be found in the time of the republic, when Rome saw the most sacred principles trodden under foot. -If a secular prince, professing the catholic religion, and believing that he has a right to detain in his territories, as his subjects, cardinals of the church of Rome, finds himself still under the necessity of treating them with that respect due to the eminent character by which they are connected with the holy pontiff, it follows that he has no right to banish them, or to remove them by open force, thus tearing from the chief of the universal church so many of his fellow-labourers.This attempt, which will be a theme of reproach in the present and future age, has particularly wounded the feeling mind of his holiness, as well on account of the unheardof insult which has been offered to the cardinal diguity, as the outrage to his holy person by which it was acompanied; his vicar and prime minister having no more been respected than the bishops who were torn from their respective dioceses.-The holy father, aware of all the evils which these cruel and violent measures must necessarily cause to the spiritual government of the church, has commanded the undersigned to protest strongly against them, and to require at the same time that the cardinals forcibly carried off against every principle of the rights of nations, be liberated. As to the rest, always resigned to the judgments of God, and confirmed by the innate testimony of a pure conscience, he wi' patiently support in the cause of justice the hard treatment which he has not merited, and faithful to his sacred doty, after having exhausted all his efforts to allay the tempest which shakes the holy seat, he will leave to heaven the care of proteating and defending it, and to posterity

the right of pronouncing on the justice of his cause.--Such are the sentiments which his holiness has peremptorily commanded the undersigned to express to your illustrious highness, and in performing this duty, he renews, &c. P. CARDINAL GABRIELLI. To M. Lefebvre, French Chargé d'Affaires.

No. V. is a note written by cardinal Gabrielli to the Pope's treasurer, containing his holiness's order to pay cardinals Saluzzo and Pignatelli, transported to the north of Italy, and whose property at Naples was confiscated, the sum of 1000 crowns each; provided the treasurer could produce so much, of which his holiness is much in doubt.


No. VI-April 7, 1808.-This morning at six o'clock, a French detachment appeared at the gate of his holiness's palace, and the porter on duty having intimated to the offcer who commanded it, that he could not permit armed persons to enter, but that if he was desirous of coming in by himself, he would not prevent him, the latter ap peared satisfied. He ordered the troops to halt, and to fall back some paces. porter then opened the wicket, and allowed the officer to enter. But he was hardly on the threshold, when he made a signal to the soldiers, who immediately rushed forward, and presented their bayonets to the porter's breast. After having gained admission by such deceit and violence, the soldiers pushed forward to the guard room of the militia of Campidoglio, in the interior of the palace, immediately broke open the doors, and seized the muskets, with which this militia were accustomed to mount guard in one of the antichambers of his holiness.-With equal violence the French troops rushed to the quarters of his holiness's noble guard, and seized the carbines which they made use of when they mounted guard in the apart ment next to that of his holiness. A French officer then addressed the captain of the Swiss guards, and told him, as well as the few soldiers there assembled, that from that day, the Swiss guards were to receive their orders from the French general to which they would not consent. The same order was communicated to the commander of the stationary guard, on duty at the barriers, who also refused to acknowledge it, and was in consequence immediately sent to the castle. In the meantime different French detachments scoured the town, and arrested and carried to the castle all the noble guards, even including their commander. - The holy father, apprised of these horrid outrages overwhelmed by the grief which they have produced, has expressly ordered the under

signed to protest strongly against them, and to declare frankly to your illustrious lordship, that each day adds to the measure of the insults which are pouring on his sacred person, and that he is every day more and more deprived of his rights as a sovereign.-It was not sufficient for the French army to signalize its entrance into Rome by planting cannon against the palace of his holiness, and offering such unworthy violation to his residence, but it has added to this violence, by forcing the Swiss guard, and entering with arms into the peaceable, abode of the sovereign pontiff, rudely bursting open the doors, and seizing the arms rather intended for the honour than the defence of his sacred person, arresting his guards, and, in short, depriving him, by these violent measures, not only of his guards, but even his honour. His holiness requires, in the first place, that all individuals of his guard who have been imprisoned without any reason, and contrary to every principle of right, be liberated; and he afterwards declares solemnly, that to all these outrages he only opposes and will oppose patience, and, during the time such treatment may continue, that meekness of which his heavenly Master has left him an example. His long imprisonment, and the injustice which he has experienced, have made him a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men.-He awaits with resignation, but with an unshaken firmness in his principles, all that violence can attempt against the head of the catholic church; well assured, that any bumiliation he may receive will turn to the glory of religion itself.-Such, precisely, are the sentiments which his holiness commands me to express to your illustrious lordship. He renews to your highness the assurances, &c.-P. CARDINAL GABRIELLI. -To M. Lefebvre, French Chargé d'Affaires, No. VII-April 11, 1808.-When his holiness perceived, with no less surprise than grief, that his troops were forcibly incorporated with the French army, and that punishment was inflicted on such of them as remained faithful to their lawful sovereign, he thought it proper that his guards and the few militia of Campidoglio and of the barriers, who were not yet incorporated and placed under the command of the French general, should wear a new cockade.-The object which his holiness had in thus changing the cockade, was to signify publicly how much he disapproved the violent incorporation which took place, and tɔ manifest his firm determination to remaia neutral, and to be in no ways responsible for the actions of the incorporated soldiers,


whom he no longer considers as belonging to him. This reason was, by order of the holy father, officially notified to your illustrious lordship; and to all the diplomatic body,' by whom, according to the established usages, a pattern of the new cockade, was After a preliminary declaration of this frank nature, his holiness never could have conceived that the purity of his intentions would be calumniated by the circulation of a report that the new cockade was the signal of an union against the French army, as inserted in the order of the day, which was yesterday published and posted in every quarter of Rome, as well as in the provinces. The holy father is willing to believe that this order was the consequence of the false representations made to his majesty the emperor and king-In fact, if the real object which his holiness had in changing the cockade had been communicated to his majesty, had he also been acquainted that the French military commander had ordered it to be worn by all the incorporated troops, he surely would not have designated it as a signal of union against the French troops, since it was worn by those very troops who composed part of the French army. Although the holy father is well persuaded that the people of Rome and the whole world will render justice to his pure and loyal conduct, and that he is also equally certain that no one will adopt the suspicions, by which the minister of a God of peace, possessing no malice, is pointed out as conceiving projects of revolution and blood; nevertheless the horrible colours in which an act of his majesty, the most innocent possible, is endeavoured to be represented, have afflicted him with such poignant grief, that he has ordered the prosecretary of state, Cardinal Gabrielli, to complain to your illustrious lordship, and to request you, in the name of all that is true, to acquaint his majesty with the real point of view in which this change of the cockade should be considered.-The holy father, always consistent, declares solemnly, that the orders of the day, published and posted up, are highly injurious to his character, his dignity, and his rights as a sovereign; that conformable with the right which every prince has,. of making their troops wear whatever distinguishing marks they think proper, he ordered the new cockade, for the purpose of shewing the world that he no longer recognised as his the troops who were incorporated with and placed under the command of the French; and that without having committed any crime, and only for having discharged their duty in

obeying their sovereign, the persons who composed his noble guards, and some other officers, have been imprisoned.—To relieve the innocent, the holy father requires and claims their liberation, which he has hitherto demanded to no purpose, and which at present he claims again.-The undersigned having faithfully performed the orders of his holiness, has the opportunity of renewing to your illustrious lordship the assurance, &c. CARDINAL GABRIELL-TO M. Lefebvre, French Chargé d'Affaires.

No. VIII-Copy of a Note from his Ex cellency M. de Champagne, to his Excellency Cardinal Caprara.

The undersigned minister for foreign affairs of his majesty the emperor of the French, king of Italy, has laid before his majesty the note of Cardinal Caprara, to which he is commanded to return the fullowing answer :-The emperor cannot recognize the principle, that the prelates are not the subjects of the sovereign, under whose authority they are born.-As to the second question, the proposal of his majesty is, and from which he will never depart, that all Italy, Rome, Naples, and Milan, shall enter into an offensive and defensive treaty, for the purpose of removing from the peninsula commotions and hostilities.-If the holy father accede to this proposal, every thing is settled. If he refuse it, he announces by such a determination that he wishes for no arrangement, no peace with the emperor, and that he is at war with him. The first consequence of war is conquest, and the result of conquest is change of government: for if the emperor is under the necessity of going to war with Rome, is he not also under the necessity of conquering it, of changing the government, cf establishing another which shall make common cause against the common enemy with the kingdom of Naples? What other guarantee could he have for the tranquillity and security of Italy, if these two kingdoms were separated by a state, in which their enemies would be certain of meeting a cordial reception.-These alterations, become pecessary if the holy father persists in his refusal, will take away from him none of his spiritual rights. He will continue bishop of Rome, as his predecessors were during the eight first ages, and under Charlemagne. It will, however, be subject of grief to his majesty, to see the work of genius, of political wisdom, and of understanding, destroyed by imprudence, obstinacy, and blindness.-At the very moment that the undersigned received or

ders to return this answer to Cardinal Caprara, he received the note of the 30th of March, which his eminence did him the honour of writing to him. This note has two objects in view; the first to announce the cessation of the powers of the legate of the holy chair, to notify it against the ordinary forms and usages at the eve of holy week, at a time when the court of Rome, if it were still animated by a true evangelical spirit, would feel it its duty to multiply spiritual succours, and to preach, by its example, union amongst the faithful. But be it as it may, the holy father having withdrawn his powers from his eminence, the emperor no longer acknowledges him as legate. The French church resumes the full integrity of its doctrine. Its knowledge, its piety will continue to preserve in France the Catholic religion, which the emperor will always consider it his glory to defend, and cause to be respected.-The second object of the note of his excellency Cardinal Caprara, is to demand his passports as ambassador. The undersigned has the honour to enclose them. His majesty sees with regret this formal demand of passports, which the practice of modern times regards as a real declaration of war. Rome is then at war with France, and in this state of affairs, his majesty is obliged to issue the orders which the tranquillity of Italy rendered necessary.-The resolution to produce this rupture has been chosen by the court of Rome at a time when it believes that its arms are powerful enough to shew that it may have recourse to other extremitiess, but their effects will be checked by the illumination of the age. Temporal and spiritual authority are no longer confounded. The royal dignity consecrated by God him. self is above any attack.-The undersigned wishes that the observations which he is ordered to transmit to Cardinal Caprara may induce his holiness to accede to the proposal of his majesty. He has the honour to renew to his excellency the assurances of his highest consideration -CHAMPAGNY.Paris, April 3, 1808.

PORTUGAL.-Proclamation of the Magis trate representing the People of Opurio, termed the Judge of the People.

People of Porto, noble subjects of an inimitable prince, and brave restorers of his le gitimate rights:--On the 4th inst. (July), you elected me (by the votes of the representa tives of the corporations) representative magistrate of the people of this noble and august city. After accusing you of a misplaced

election, and imploring heaven to assist me in the faithful discharge of my duty, I crave your attention to what I am going to say.You, on the 18th of June, performed a deed, which, when inserted in the history of our country, will, perhaps, stimulate jealousy among the ashes of those heroes who have bled for it; you have performed a miracle, permit me the expression, for to die is but natural, and the act of bringing to resurrection is an attribute of supreme divinity; and the name of our august and amiable prince having been destroyed by the treachery of a tyrant, who substituted his own name, ordering before our eyes the commission of the most sacrilegious and most horrid of all atrocious crimes, I mean the demolition of the sacred painting, which brings to our memory the five fountains which issued on the heights of Mount Calvary, to cleanse and wash the sins of the world; I mean the five wounds of our Redeemer, offered on the plains of Ourique to our first king, as emblems of honour to be blazoned on the standards; you brought every thing to resurrection on the said day of the 18th, as on this very day the name of our sovereign appears mounted high over the name of Napoleon, picturing to our imagination a true representation of the archangel St. Michael, and on this same day, ever memorable, from all parts rise instantaneously the arms of the royal house of Braganza displaying greater brilliancy than those thousand shields which are suspended from the tower of David! But what do I say? A miracle! My thoughts have misled me, the name of our august never died among us; it always retained its life, though sacredly preserved in our bosoms, where our hearts paid and devoted to him the most humble adorations; and if, by an intrusive and treacherous exaction, we rendered any vassalage to that monster of iniquities, to that man called emperor of the French, it was the effect only of a refined hypocrisy. Have we not brought to resurrection the army of Braganza, which, although they were demolished in the edifices, always existed untouched in the image of Jesus Christ, painted with his most precious blood? Yes; what we have done with the permission of heaven, has been the natural result of the Portuguese bravery and valour solely confined by the orders given to us by our august on the eve of his departure-not entirely conscious of the perfidy of the tyrant, we know the treachery of Buonaparte, marked under the cloaks of friendship; we know him to be the chief of the numerous banditti spread

over Europe; we know finally that he was an individual, without faith, belief, or religion, and this prompted us to see the opportunity approaching, when we might teach that villain what is Portuguese valour, inherited from those who subdued great part of the universe, displaying their standards on almost the last barriers of the world; and this made us on the glorious 18th declare our independence, and, proclaim in loud voices, which reached heaven, the august name of our Don John VI. prince regent of Portugal; it was on this account that I saw ye, loved countrymen, like men converted into wild beasts, running towards the plain of St. Ovid, there to wait for the enemy resembling hungry wolves who run towards lambs. Your hunger is not satiated, your rage increases, and you protest you will feed on the blood of that portion of Frenchmen who infest august Lisbon; finally, nobody can repress you! Ah! what heroic traits of valour glow in the hearts of the Portonians, and what admirable examples of fidelity will they not leave to posterity! Continue then, my beloved countrymen; let the consummation. of the glory of Porto be perfect. But hear me for a while, do not allow that glory to be tarnished or diminished by any action that your overleaping rage may dictate to you without reflection;-honour, let honour be our guide; let us not do any thing which may displease the supreme council which governs us; reflect that it is composed of men as wise as they are virtuous; and who toil by day and by night to support the brilliancy. of our glory: yes, government is the first to lose its life for the country, and who as readily will make every traitor suffer; but order is necessary in every arrangement; let us, therefore, consult government, let us obey their directions. Government represents the prince, and who does not obey it offends the prince: if we act against their orders we destroy our own work; and it will be praising the prince at one time, and offending him at another. See that justice is a part of God, and who offends justice offends God, and then greater evils will befall us than those caused by the tyrant.I shall not treat you as your judge in the plenitude of authority, but as your friend, and the protector of your welfare; I there fore request you will lay before me all your pretensions, which, if they exceed the limits of my jurisdiction, I shall offer them to the consideration of the supreme government, that it may resolve on your behalf. Let us not be despotic, for we offend heaven, and it endangers the harmony which should

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