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Lowell, and afterwards worked in a machine shop at Cambridge, and at a nautical instrument maker's at Boston in his native state. In 1839 a conversation in the workshop where he was employed first turned his thoughts to the problem of inventing a contrivance which should perform the mechanical operation of sewing. For some years, however, he made no serious attempt to 1ealise the idea. In 1843 he first earnestly bent his attention to the subject, and after various unsuccessful experiments, he at length hit upon the correct principle.

The first sewing-machine was produced in 1845, but some years elapsed before the merits of the new invention were generally recognised. Within the last twenty years, however, the sewing-machine has effected a complete revolution in all trades which are dependent upon the sewing-needle. A large number of sewing-machines are now used, not only in England and the United States, but on the continent of Europe, in the stitching of boots, shoes, knickerbockers, gaiters, &c. In some places the machines are owned by females, who use them at home. The demand for female labour in connection with all kinds of sewing has been on the increase; the wages of women have at the same time been considerably raised, and many women, who could earn nothing by hand-sewing from want of skill, are enabled to make a tolerable living with the sewing-machine. The ladies' cloak and mantle manufacture has greatly increased since the general introduction of the machine, one of which is able to turn out as much work as six females by hand-sewing. In this branch of industry, as in others, not only are the articles better made, but the sewing hands are both more numerous and better paid. A vast development has been given to the ready-made clothing trade by the use of the machine in tailoring. The introduction of the factory system in the manufacture of wearing apparel is entirely due to the machine, and in the case of certain classes of articles of male attire, as shirts and tailoring, steam power is now employed in driving whole rows of sewing-machines at once. The application of the machine to the shoe manufacture has almost revolutionised that branch of trade. Workmen and manufacturers alike rebelled against its introduction at first. In 1859 a great struggle took place at Northampton, the head-quarters of the wholesale boot and shoe manufacture, which resulted in the transference of a considerable portion of the trade to Leicester, and rausing the population of that town to increase nearly 50 per cent. in the ten years between the census of 1861 nd 1871.

But the greatest benefit which this admirable invention has conferred upon mankind is the amelioration it has taused in the condition of a vast number of women. In every civilised country sewing is that form of labour

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But besides these, every housewife and every female member of all but the wealthiest families must perforce ply the needle, so that not to the professional operatives in needlework alone, but to almost every living woman the sewing-machine has been a boon of the first importance. How terrible the poverty and wretchedness of the poor seamstress and dressmaker in the years immediately preceding Howe's great invention, every reader of history will know. The dressmaker's hard fate it was too long and in too many cases to have to choose between vice and starvation. In the very year when Howe first seriously set himself to work out his great task, the woes of the poor needlewomen were sung in immortal lines by Tom Hood:

"With fingers weary and worn,

With eyelids heavy and red,
A woman sat in unwomanly rags,
Plying her needle and thread.
Stitch! stitch! stitch!

In poverty, hunger, and dirt,
And still with a voice of dolorous pitch,
She sang the song of the shirt."

The poet's words had their effect. Moving the heart and brain of Howe, they caused the creation of the sewing-machine, and put an end for ever to one of the greatest scandals and reproaches of modern civilisation.

Abyssinia, History of, 308 et seq.


Bright, John, 187. See Parliament.

Abyssinian Captives, 133, 134, 313

Abyssinian Expedition, 294-296, 306, 316-327

Broglie, Duc de, at the Black Sea Conference, 496
Brooke, Sir James, Rajah of Sarawak, 332

Abyssinian Expedition, Causes which led to the, 310 et seq., 346, | Brougham, Henry, Lord, 329–332

Brunel, Isambard K., 590, 591

Adams, Charles Francis, represents the United States at the Burgoyne, Field-Marshal John Fox, 497
Geneva Conference (1871-72), 527 et seq., 529

Africa, Exploration in, 61

Agra and Masterman's Bank, 184

Agriculture, Application of Chemistry to, 621

Alabama, a Confederate vessel, 15, 16, 100, 101, 505, 506
Alabama Claims, History of the, 504-537

Albert Edward, Prince of Wales: his Visit to America, 2; his
Marriage with the Princess Alexandra, 29-32; receives
the Freedom of the City of London, 38; at Oxford, 39;
Birth of an Heir to, 62; Visits Ireland, 328; his serious
Illness, 491

Albert (Francis-ALBERT-Augustus-Charles-Emmanuel), Prince
Consort, 3-10, 13

Albert Memorials, 39, 474, 477

Alexandra, Princess, daughter of Prince Christian of Denmark,
29-32, 39

Alexandria (s.s.), Seizure of the, 38

Alford, Dean, 497

Algeria, French in, 135

Alice, Princess, daughter of Queen Victoria, 13
Alsace-Lorraine, 566

America, Civil War in. See United States.

Antonelli, Cardinal, 436, 438

Aosta, Duke of, elected King of Spain, 441

Architecture, 466 et seq.

Army Reform, 483 et seq.

Art, British, History of, since 1851, 465-483

Arundel Society, The, 470

Ashantee War, The (1864), 74

Atlantic Cable, The, 178, 179–182, 602

Austria, History of Affairs in, 137, 195 et seq., 282-284

Austria and Prussia, War between, 208-248
Austrian Army, The, 210, 211

[blocks in formation]

Calcutta, 104

Cameron, Captain, British Consul in Abyssinia, 133, 310 et seq.
Campbell, Sir Colin. See Clyde, Lord.

Canada, 149, 190, 191

Canada, Confederate Refugees in, 101, 102
Cardwell, Right Hon. E., 301, 305
Carnarvon, Lord, 268, 270
Cattle Plague. See Rinderpest.
"Cave," The (Adullamites), 164
Chambord, Count de, 562

Charities, Taxation of, 32

Charleston Harbour, 54, 60

Chelmsford, Lord (Sir Frederick Thesiger), 297, 300
Chester Castle, Fenian Attempt on, 273, 274

Childers, Mr., First Lord of the Admiralty, resigns, 488

Chislehurst, Residence of the Emperor Napoleon at, 493

Cholera, Visitations of, 178, 179

Church, Irish Established, 33, 107, 111, 272, 298 et seq., 335, 346

Church of England, Motion for Disestablishing the, 489.
Church Rates, 12; Abolition of, 297

Clarendon, Lord, 392, 393

Clergymen, Civil Disabilities of, removed, 389

Clyde, Lord, 39, 40

Coal, Consumption and Supply of, 611-617

Cobden, Richard, 14, 130-132

Coblentz, 404

Cockburn, Sir Alexander, Lord Chief Justice, 157, 527

Cockerell, Mr., architect, 466, 467

Colenso, Bishop, 74, 112

Combermere, Viscount, 126

Commercial Crises, 183-185

Commune in Paris, History of the, 537-561

Commune," The Name of, 543

Cornwall, Duchy of, 5

Cotton Famine, 13, 29, 38, 116, 149

Cotton, George E. L., Bishop of Calcutta, 192-194

Council, General Papal (1869–70), 433 et seq.

Cranborne, Lord (afterwards Marquis of Salisbury), 253, 254
Cretan Insurrection, 332, 333
Cruikshank, George, artist, 482

Daguerreotype Printing, 622

Danubian Principalities, The, 249

Darboy, Archbishop of Paris, arrested, 545; shot, 557-560
Davis, Bancroft, Agent for the United States at the Geneva
Arbitration, 527

Deceased Wife's Sister Bill, 391

Denison, Mr. Evelyn (afterwards Lord Ossington), 494

Denison, Sir William, 503

Derby, Edward Geoffrey Stanley, fourteenth Earl of, 174, 295,
297, 353-357

[blocks in formation]

Exhibition, International, of 1851, 471, 472, 473; of 1862, 26- Hope, Beresford, 266

[blocks in formation]

France, History of Affairs in, 134, 135, 248, 279–282, 332, 357— Italy at war with Prussia, 2, 32 et seq.
359, 394 et seq.

Franco-Prussian War: War Declared, 401; the Neutrality of
Belgium guaranteed, 401; Affair at Saarbrück, 405; Battle
of Weissenburg, 405; Battle of Wörth, 407; Battle of For-
bach, 408, 409; Battle of Mars-la-Tour, 411; Battle of
Gravelotte, 412-414; Capitulation of Sedan, 423; Siege of
Paris, 442 et seq.; Capitulation of Strasburg, 444; Surrender
of Metz, 448; Capitulation of Paris, 460 et seq.; Conclusion
of the War, 465; Treaty of Frankfort, 560.
Frankfort-on-the-Main, 231

Frankfort, Treaty of (Signed 10th May, 1871), 569

Freemasons, Demonstration of the Paris, 547-549

Frith, W. P., artist, 480, 482

[blocks in formation]

Italy, History of Affairs in, 16, 95, 96, 138, 197 et seq., 285, 286,
438 et seq.

Jackson, American general, 43, 46
Jamaica, Insurrection in, 149 et seq., 278
Japan, 44, 76

Johnson, Reverdy, American Minister in England, 519, 520
Jones, Burne, artist, 482
Jute Manufactures, 622

Kagosima, Bombardment of, 44, 45

Keble, John, author of "The Christian Year," 193, 194
Kensington Museum, South, 476

Königgratz, Battle of, 224-227

Landseer, Sir Edwin, artist, 481, 482
Langensalza, Battle of, 214
Lansdowne, Lord, 39, 40, 41
Law Courts, New, 108, 109

Lee, American general, 145, 146, 151
Leech, John, artist, 482, 492
Leopold I., King of Belgium, 126, 127

Gladstone, William Ewart, 66; becomes First Lord of the Lewis, Sir G. Cornwall, 39, 41

Treasury, 305. See Parliament.

Glass Painting, Revival of, 472, 473

Göben, General von, 408, 409

Gordon, W. E. See Jamaica, Insurrection in.

Life Peerages, Creation of, 352

Limited Liability Principle, 184, 185
Lincoln, President, Assassination of, 147

London, Foundering of the, 185

Longley, Archbishop of Canterbury, 332
Louise, Princess, Marriage of the, 490

Luxemburg Question, The, of 1867, 279, 280, 281
Lyndhurst, Lord, 39, 40

M'Ghee, Darcy, Assassination of, 333
MacMahon, Marshal, 406 et seq., 426
Magee, Bishop of Peterborough, 341
Malt-tax, 63, 105

Manchester Exhibition (1857), 477, 486

Manchester, Fenian Affair at, 274, 275
Manchioneal Bay, Jamaica, 153
Manning, Archbishop, 112

Mansel, Dean, 497

Marie Amélie, ex-Queen of the French, 191, 192

Married Women's Property Bill, 389, 390
Mars-la-Tour, Battle of, 411

Martin v. Mackonochie, 329

Mary of Cambridge, Princess, 185

Match-tax, Mr. Lowe's proposed, 488

Matterhorn, Accident on the, 116

Mauve, Discovery of, 620

Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 60, 61, 104, 293

Maynooth Grant, The, 303

Mazzini, Giuseppe, Death of, 567, 568

Melvill, Canon, 498

Mereweather, General, 316, 327

Metz, Capitulation of, 448

Mexico, History of Affairs in, 58–61, 104, 138, 248, 289–293

Midland Railway System, 592

Mill, John Stuart, 115

Millais, J. E., artist, 478, 479

Milman, H. H., 332

Mitrailleuse (French Gun), 405

Moltke, General von, 241, 246

Monitor and Merrimac, Fight between the, 22

Montalembert, Count de, 393

Mont Cenis Tunnel, Opening of, 567

Montmartre, Communists collect Artillery at, 538

[blocks in formation]

Paris, 410, 418 et seq.; Communists in, 537-561; Siege of, 419,
420, 442, 443, 448, 449, 452, 459-461

Parks, Right of meeting in Metropolitan, 272, 273.

Parliament, 4, 11-15, 16, 29, 32, 33, 62-66, 105-111, 112 et seq.,
158-178, 250-273, 294-305, 335-353, 387-391, 484 et seq.
Parliament, Houses of, 467, 468

Pasquier, Surgeon-General, shot by the Communists, 544
Patteson, John Coleridge, missionary bishop, Death of, 498
Paxton, Sir Joseph, 126.

Peabody, George, philanthropist, 13, 16
Père la Chaise, Paris, Cemetery of, 555

Peto, Betts, and Co., Failure of, 184

"Phiz" (H. K. Browne), artist, 482

Phoenix Park, Dublin, Riots in (1871), 494

Photography, The Invention and Progress of, 622

Picpus, Story of the Convent of, 546

Poland, Affairs of, 33, 133

Pollock, Sir Frederick, 391

Poor Laws, 108

Population of Great Britain and British Colonies, Statistics of

the, 569 et seq.

Portsmouth, French and English Fleets at, 136

Prague, Treaty of (1866), 243

Pre-Raphaelitism, Rise of, 478

Motley, Mr., Representative of the United States in England, Priests: their Treatment by the French Communists, 545

520, 521

Müller, Professor Max, 71

Mundella, A. J., M.P., 381

Murchison, Sir Roderick, geologist, Death of, 500

Murphy Riots, 328, 329

Naas, Lord, 270

Napier of Magdala, Lord, 316, 327

Napoleon III., 63, 64, 423 et seq., 493

Nashville, The (Confederate Cruiser), 11, 518

Nasmyth's Steam Hammer, 607, 608

Nassau, The Florida and Bahama at, 507 et seq.

National Guard, Central Committee of the (1871), 537
Navy, British, 389

Nelson, Brigadier. See Jamaica, Insurrection in.
Neuilly, Storming of the Bridge of (1878), 545

Newcastle, Henry Pelham Clinton, fifth Duke of, 70-
New Zealand, 4, 75, 149

Noir, Victor, shot by Prince Pierre Bonaparte, 395
Norman, Mr. Justice, assassinated, 495

North American Colonies, Federal Union of the, 286, 287

Oaths and Offices Bill (Ireland), 272

Occupations of the United Kingdom, 574, 575
O'Connell, Charles, Arrest of, 123

Odger, Mr. George, 182

Ollivier, M., 394

Prim, Marshal, Assassination of, 441

Prussia, Affairs of, 137, 195 et seq., 332, 398 et seq.

Prussia and Austria, War between, 208-248

Prussia, Military System of, 209, 210

Prussian Troops, Review of, 242

Puebla (Mexico), 59

Pugin, Welby, 466

Purchase, Abolition of, in the British Army (1871), 483 et seq.
Purchase in the British Army, History of, 484

Pyat, Felix: his journal, the "Vengeur," suppressed (1871), 538

Quadrilateral, Austrian, 233 (note)

Railway Mania, The, 591, 592
Railways and Steam-ships, 589 et seq.
Rearden, Mr., "Out of order," 304

Red Faction in Paris, 537 et seq.

Redistribution of Seats, 166 et seq., 266, 297

Reform, Parliamentary, 64, 65, 107, 158 et seq., 182, 183, 250,
269, 296, 297, 299

Registration of Voters Bill, 304

Regium Donum, 303

Republican Union of the Rights of Paris, League of the, 545

Retribution, The (Confederate privateer), 518

Revised Code, The (Educational), 11, 12

Revolution, French, of 1870, 424 et seq.

Revue des Deux Mondes, The, on the Paris Commune, 561
Richardson, Sir John, 126

Rifling Firearms, Sir Joseph Whitworth's mode of, 609
Rigault, Raoul, Public Prosecutor of the Commune, 560
Rinderpest (Cattle Disease), 116-119, 178
Ritualism. See Martin r. Mackonochie.

Road Murder, The, 116

Rochefort, editor of Mot d'Ordre, 560

Rome, 95, 96, 134, 249, 281, 438, 440

Rossa, O'Donovan (Fenian), returned to Parliament, 353
Rossel, Colonel, 549, 560

Ruskin, John, 469, 470

Russell, Lord John, 352. See Parliament.

Saarbrück, Military Action at, 404

Sadowa, Battle of, 224-227

"St. John's Wood School," The, of Artists, 481
Salt, Manufacture of, 621

Samarcand, Capture of, 332

San Juan Boundary Question, 525

Saxony at war with Prussia, 208 et seq.

Schamyl, heroic Circassian chief, Death of, 497

Schenck, General, Representative in England of the United
States (1871), 521

Schleswig-Holstein Question, 63, 64, 78 et seq.
Schleswig-Holstein War, 89 et seq.

School Boards, Number established in 1871, 492
Schools. See Education.

Sclopis, Count Frederick, at the Geneva Court of Arbitration
(1871-2), 527 et seq.

Sedan, French Disaster at, 422, 423

Semmes, Captain, Commander of the Sumter (privateer), 516.
See also Alabama (Confederate vessel).

Senior, Nassau William, political economist, 71
Seward, Secretary (U.S.), Attempted Assassination of, 147
Sewing-Machine, Invention of the, 623, 624
Shakespeare Tercentenary Festival, 71, 72

Sheffield, Trades' Union Outrage at, 275 et seq.

Shenandoah, The (privateer), 510, 512-516

Shipping of the United Kingdom, 594 et seq.

Sick and Wounded, Association for the Relief of the, 416
Solomon, Simeon, artist, 482

Spain, History of Affairs in, 138, 249, 333, 334, 359, 360, 440,

Speke, Captain, African explorer, 61, 62

Spithead, Naval Review at, 279, 283

Stampfli, Swiss Representative at the Geneva Court of Arbitra-

tion (1871-2), 527 et seq., 534

Tests (Religious) in the Universities, Abolition of, 489
Thackeray, W. M., novelist, 39

Thanksgiving Service for the Recovery of the Prince of Wales
(1871), 491

Theatre, Her Majesty's, burnt (1867), 278

Theodore, Emperor of Abyssinia. See Abyssinian Expedition.
Thomas, General Clément, murdered by the Communists, 539,

Trades' Unions, 275 et seq.

Tuileries, The, burnt by the Communists, 554

Turkey, Sultan of, visits England, 279

Turner, J. M. W., artist, 477, 478

Twenty-fifth Clause of the Education Act, The, 492, 493

United States, Civil War in the: Battle of Pittsburg Landing,
18; Battle of Fair Oaks, 20; Battle of Cedar Mountain, 21;
Battle of Antietam, 21; Battle of Fredericksburg, 22; Fight
of the Merrimac and Monitor, 22; Battle of Chancellorsville,
46, 47; Death of Stonewall Jackson, 46; Battles at Gettys-
burg, 48, 49, 50; Assault of Vicksburg, 51; Battle in the
"Wilderness," 98; Fighting round Petersburg, 99; Attack
on Mobile, 101; Charleston Evacuated, 141; Evacuation of
Richmond, 143; Capitulation of the Army of Virginia, 144
et seq.; General Cessation of Hostilities, 146; President
Lincoln Shot, 147

University Tests Bill, 109, 111

Valérien, Mont, saved from the Communists, 541

Vendôme Column pulled down by the Communists (1871), 546,

Venetia, 197, 227, 248

Vermesch, M.: his journal, the Père Duchesne, suppressed, 538
Vicensini (police agent) murdered by the Communists, 537
Victoria, Queen: Visits Ireland, 1, 2; at Balmoral, 3, 4; her
Reception of the Princess of Wales, 30; at Aberdeen,
39; her Message to the President of the United States,
179; Mr. Rearden's Question regarding, 304; the Income of,

Vinoy, General, opposes the Communists, 537 et seq.

Waddell, Lieutenant, Commander of the privateer Shenandoah,
510 et seq.

Wagner, Fort (U.S.), 56

Warrant, Royal, for the Abolition of Purchase (1871), 585 (note)
Washington, Joint High Commission at, for the Settlement of
the Fisheries Question and Alabama Claims, 521 et seq.

Stansfeld, Mr., in connection with a plot against the Emperor Washington, Treaty of, Signing of the, 526
Napoleon, 63, 64

Star of India, Order of the, 3

Steinmetz, General, 217, 220

Stephens, James, Fenian "Head Centre," 123, 124, 186 et seq.

Stephenson, George, 582, 587, 590, 591

Stephenson, Robert, 589, 590, 591

Strasburg, Surrender of, 443, 444

Suez Canal, The, 598, 599, 600

Sumter, The (privateer), 516

Tait, Rev. Dr. A. C., Archbishop of Canterbury, 332
Telegraphs, Electric, acquired by the State, 304
Telegraphy, Land and Marine, 599-602

Tennyson, Alfred, quoted, 4

Waterton, Charles, naturalist, 126

Watts, Mr., artist, 480

Wealth, Estimated, of the Population of the British Isles, 585-


Weissenburg, Attack on, 405
Westbury, Lord, 112 et seq.

Whately, Archbishop, 39, 41, 48

Whewell, William, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 86,


William I., King of Prussia, 199, 465

Williams, Dr. Rowland, 73, 74

Wilson, Mr. (Ecclesiastical Prosecution), 74

Wiseman, Nicholas (Cardinal), Archbishop of Westminster, 11

Tenterden, Lord, English Agent at the Geneva Court of Arbitra- Wool, Alpaca, 622, 623
tion (1871-2), 527 et seq.

I Wörth, Battle of, 407


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