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remained there inactive all day till actually summoned by a telegram from Frossard at 7.30 P.M.* The conduct of German corps and divisional commanders both in this battle and in that of Wörth was very different. They did not wait to be sent for; but on hearing the sound of firing, or learning that fighting was going on in a given direction, they marched without a moment's delay to the spot to the assistance of their own side.


immense quantities of stores at the railway station. But the French were sadly demoralised by their defeat. The German loss in killed and wounded was upwards of 4,800; that of the French just exceeded 4,000. Frossard retired upon Saargemund, and thence, with what was left of his corps, joined the army which Bazaine was collecting near Metz.

On that fatal Sunday (August 7) the full truth conThe superiority of numbers on the part of the Germans cerning Wörth and Forbach was known at Paris. A

[graphic][merged small]

was but slight in this engagement,† till near sunset, when a fresh division of the 7th Corps, under General Glumer, came up, and drove the French out of Forbach, capturing

• See the telegraphic despatches in Bazaine's "L'Armée du Rhin." + German writers (e.g., Major A. von Schell, in his book on the "Operations of the First Army under General Steinmetz") maintain that the French were in stronger force; but this is by assuming that the three divisions of Frossard's corps contained thirty-nine battalions (39,000 men). The ordinary strength of a French division at this period of the war was 8,000 men; Frossard's corps can there fore not be rated at more than 25,000 men. The Germans began the battle with one division and two regiments of another-about 15,700 the Second Army; and after seven o'clock were further strength.

men; were reinforced about two o'clock by some 15,000 men from

ened by the arrival of Glumer's division, about 13,000 more.

telegram from the Emperor was published, admitting that the army had suffered reverses, but feebly adding, "Tout peut se rétablir" ("All may yet be regained"). An indescribable ferment agitated all minds and hearts. The enemies of the Empire rejoiced in the disasters that had overtaken it, because they saw in them the pledge of its overthrow; yet the honour and safety of France were so fearfully compromised by what had occurred, that they shrank from the prospect of dislodging the present holders of power, and taking from their bands a responsibility so full of peril. The cry in the streets was for a levée en masse, and the word "déchéance" ("deposition") was often heard. The Corps Législatif met on

the 9th August. Jules Favre and the party of the Left urged the Emperor's recall from the army, and the appointment of a committee with full power for the conduct of the war. Ollivier, who showed little sense of the terrible gravity of the situation, spoke in defence of the Ministry, but his speech was received with vehement interruptions and loud denials, and the majority cared not now to screen him from the attacks of the Left. A middle course was taken. The Empress sent for the Count de Palikao (August 10), and requested him to form a Ministry. Palikao, the General Montauban of the Chinese War of 1860, had been ennobled for his achievements on that occasion, and had ever since been in high favour at the Imperial Court. He was in command of the military centre of Lyons when summoned to Paris by the Empress. He succeeded in forming a Ministry, in which Magne took charge of the Department of Finance; the Prince de la Tour d'Auvergne, of Foreign Affairs; and Palikao himself became the Minister of War. Vigorous measures were instantly taken to make timely preparation for the worst, in case the armies still in the field should not be able to prevent the Germans from marching upon Paris. A broad strip of beautiful woodland in the Bois de Boulogne, on the side where it approaches the enceinte, or encircling fortified wall of Paris, was given over to the axe, lest a victorious enemy should find cover within musket-shot of the ramparts. General Trochu, a brave and honest soldier, but a little too rigid and positive in his opinions, was appointed to the command of the forces of Paris; a new war loan of one thousand millions of francs was set on foot; the ranks of the National Guard and Mobiles were filled; and great efforts were made to bring into Paris as large a supply of provisions as possible from the surrounding country.

On the 11th inst., the King of Prussia crossed the frontier at Saarbrück, and from his quarters at St. Avold issued a manifesto to the French inhabitants of territory occupied by the German armies. After speaking of the unprovoked attack which the Emperor had made upon Germany, the King said, that having been compelled to cross the border to repel this aggression, he wished it to be understood that he was waging war against soldiers, not against French citizens; and that the latter would continue to enjoy security for their persons and property so long as they themselves should not, by hostile attempts against the German troops, deprive him of the right of according them his protection. An absurd interpretation was put upon these words after the Emperor's fall, as if the King had declared that he was making war solely upon the Emperor, and therefore the Germans ought to desist from hostilities as soon as the Emperor was dethroned. To Germany, of course, it mattered little what form of government France preferred to adopt; but it was a matter of the utmost importance to obtain valid securities from France, however governed, against the repetition of an act so wanton as the declaration of war in July, 1870. On the other hand, the development of our narrative will show how shamefully and repeatedly the King's word was violated in France, by cruelties and ravages committed by his subjects upon the persons

and property of thousands who had never made "hostile attempts against the German troops."

After Forbach there was nothing to hinder the Germans from pushing forward their armies into France. The First and Second Armies, facing to the westward, marched in the direction of Metz-Steinmetz keeping to the north, and Prince Frederic Charles to the south, of the railway connecting Metz with Saarbrück. About the 12th inst., Steinmetz was reinforced by the 1st Corps, under General Manteuffel, which with other fresh troops was brought up from Germany. Bazaine, on his part, was doing his utmost to re-form and augment the French army round Metz. He was now possessed of uncontrolled authority; for Count Palikao, though he would not consent to Jules Favre's motion for the recall of the Emperor to Paris, lest the excited populace should rise and put a sudden end to the dynasty, wisely yielded on the main point, and prevailed upon the Emperor to resign the chief command. Accordingly, by an Imperial order of the 12th August, Bazaine was appointed generalissimo of the Army of the Rhine, with Colonel Jarras as his chief of the staff. Nevertheless, Napoleon, afraid to return to Paris, unwilling even to trust himself at the camp of Chalons, remained with the army, and was the cause of much embarrassment and delay. It had been originally intended that the Crown Prince should bring his army to the assistance of the other two armies, for the reduction of Metz. But when the German chiefs noted the overpowering strength of the First and Second Armies, they deemed that further addition to their numbers was unnecessary, and it was decided that the Crown Prince should march upon Paris by a route lying farther south, through Nancy, St. Dizier, and Chalons. His head-quarters were at Luneville on the 15th, and at Nancy on the 16th August, the ancient capital of Lorraine surrendering without a shot to a squadron of German troopers. Bazaine had now under his command the Imperial Guard, the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and part of the 6th Corps, making a total of about 140,000 men. The heavy losses of the 2nd Corps on the day of Forbach were nearly compensated by the presence of a brigade from the 5th Córps, which, having been at Saargemund, was unable to join De Failly in his sudden retreat to the southward. Of the 6th Corps (Canrobert) one division had been cut off from Metz by the rapidity of the German advance, and compelled to return to the camp of Chalons.

Finding that with his utmost efforts he could not bring together a force capable of coping with the First and Second Armies in the field, Bazaine resolved to leave Metz for a time to the protection of its encircling forts and powerful garrison, and fall back towards Verdun and Chalons. The movements within the French lines, caused by the preparations for complying with this order, attracted the attention of General Steinmetz, and brought on the battle of Borny, or Courcelles. Prince Frederic Charles had moved with the Second Army to the south. ward, intending to cross the Moselle at Pont-à-Mousson and other places above Metz, and then seize the roads leading to Verdun and Paris. Steinmetz seems to have intended only a reconnaissance in force, but the eagerness

A.D. 1870.]


of the German troops brought on an engagement along the whole line, some miles to the east of Metz, in which (August 14) neither side gained a decided advantage, but a part of the French army was detained at Metz on the following day; which was exactly what Steinmetz had desired. The loss on the German side in this battle amounted very nearly to 5,000 men killed and wounded; that of the French was 3,610. General Decaen, lately appointed to the command of the 3rd Corps, was mortally wounded, and Marshal Bazaine himself was struck by a ball on the left shoulder, his life being only saved by the thickness of his epaulette. General Steinmetz, coming up after the battle, praised the gallantry of the troops, but expressed some disapproval of the conduct of the corps commanders (Manteuffel and Zastrow), for having engaged in so serious an action without authority. Yet the delay in the general movements of the French army caused by this fierce attack on its rear-guard materially aided, as we learn on the testimony of Bazaine himself, in the successful accomplishment of Moltke's strategic plan for intercepting the march of Bazaine's army to Verdun and Chalons, and forcing it back behind the fortifications of Metz. For the 2nd and 6th Corps had crossed the Moselle on the same day that Borny was fought (August 14), and were échelonned along the Verdun road in front of Gravelotte on the 15th; the Guards crossed the river on the night of the 14th, and reached the vicinity of Gravelotte on the next day at evening; and could the 3rd and 4th Corps have made similar progress, the march to Verdun might have been continued by the entire army early on the morning of the 16th, before the Germans could come up in sufficient force to prevent it. But the 3rd and 4th Corps had fought desperately on the day of the 14th, and had lost heavily; their ammunition needed to be replenished and their ranks re-formed, so that it was impossible for them to complete their crossing of the river before the middle of the day on the 15th, and they were unable to reach the positions which they had been ordered to take up near Gravelotte that day. Thus the 4th Corps, which should have arrived at Doncourt on the upper Verdun road on the 15th, did not reach it until the afternoon of the 16th. Marshal Leboeuf, who had been temporarily appointed to the command of the 3rd Corps, vice Decaen, sent a request to Bazaine that the army might not commence its march until the 3rd and 4th Corps had come up, and this request was acceded to. The Emperor slept at Longeville (a kind of suburb of Metz, on the left bank of the Moselle) on the night of the 14th, at Gravelotte on the 15th, and left for Verdun very early on the morning of the 16th, taking with him an escort of 6,000 men, whom the over-matched French army could ill spare.

The strength of the Army of the Rhine on the 13th August was-Infantry, 122,000; Cavalry, 13,000; Artillery, 10,000: total, 145,000 men. Besides these, there were 25,000, mostly non-combatants, employed in the administrative and auxiliary services, and as gardes mobiles. Deducting those who had been killed or disabled at the battle of Borny, and the 6,000 who accompanied the


Emperor to Verdun, there remained an available force not exceeding 135,000 men, with which, if possible, Bazaine was to march or fight his way to Verdun. On the morning of the 16th, no movement having been made that day by the troops massed in front of Gravelotte, on account of the non-arrival of the 3rd and 4th Corps, the heads of the German columns, appearing from the southward about 10 A.M., pushed back Forton's cavalry division, which had bivouacked to the south of the lower Verdun road, and occupied Mars-la-Tour. The position of the French troops at this time was as follows: the 2nd and 6th Corps occupied both sides of the Verdun road, between Rézonville and Mars-la-Tour, and were supported by Forton's cavalry division, already mentioned, and also by the first cavalry division of General Du Barrail. The Guard, massed to the north of Gravelotte, was held in reserve; the 3rd and 4th Corps were still on the march from Amanvillers. At first the Germans were in no great force, but their numbers kept increasing, and their artillery fire became more and more deadly. At noon Bazaine was compelled to bring up the Guard and place them in line. It was not till two o'clock that the 3rd and 4th Corps came into action on the right of the French line, which then extended in a northwesterly and south-easterly direction across both the Verdun roads, facing the Prussians who were coming up from the south and west. The battle raged all day with great violence; at nightfall the French held their positions and had taken a Prussian flag. But their loss, apparently owing to the superiority of the German artillery, was fearfully heavy; Bazaine himself states it at 16,954 killed, wounded, and missing. The German loss is stated at 14,820 men. It is difficult to ascertain the precise numbers engaged on each side in this battle. Authorities, purely German, maintain that a force of 60,000 or 70,000 Germans intercepted the march of the enemy as he was moving upon Verdun, and defeated the whole French army; the German official account, with a disregard to accuracy not often found on that side, added that "notwithstanding the great superiority of the enemy, he was driven back to Metz." But the Swiss Colonel Rüstow, an impartial witness, estimates the forces engaged in this battle of Mars-la-Tour, or Vionville, as about equal-probably some 80,000 men on each side.

The French bivouacked on the battle-field. On the next day Bazaine found that it was impossible to continue his retreat on Verdun for several reasons. The enemy held the lower road in great force, so that an attempt to break through them would only have brought on another battle against augmented numbers; and almost the same might be said of the upper road, which for a long distance is only separated from the lower by a narrow tract of level or undulating country. Provisions also had fallen short, and ammunition still more; and these could only be replenished from the Government establishments in Metz. On the 17th, therefore, the French were engaged all day in falling back to, and strengthening themselves upon, a commanding position, extending from Amanvillers on the north to Rozerieulles on the south. The chief points along this line, proceed.

ing from north to south, were Montigny la Grange, Leipzig, and the farmhouses of Moscou and Point du Jour. The French were posted along the edge of a plateau which is steep towards the west, and slopes down gradually on its eastern side towards Metz. On the left of the position, between Moscou and Point du Jour, the road from Verdun (the upper road having fallen into the lower at Gravelotte) ascends the plateau; about half way up stands the road-side inn of St. Hubert. At the bottom of the hill the road crosses a stream, the Mance, which on both sides of the road runs for three or four miles through woods, that to the north being the Bois de Genivaux, that to the south the Bois de Vaux. Leaving the stream the road ascends another plateau, which is, however, lower than that on which the French were posted, and reaches in about half a mile the village of Gravelotte. About two miles from Gravelotte, on the lower road, is Rezonville.

In advance of the right front of this position is the village of Verneville, round which Bazaine stationed the 6th Corps under Canrobert. But observing that there was a strong position at the village of St. Privat, commanding the road to Briey, the occupation of which would extend northwards the line already taken up, and make a turning movement on the part of the enemy more difficult, Marshal Canrobert asked permission to move his corps to St. Privat. Bazaine gave his consent; the 6th Corps occupied St. Privat; and the symmetry and defensive strength of the French line were doubtless improved by the change. By the orders of the Commander-inChief, shelter trenches were dug all along the line, abattis were thrown up, and all other available means for strengthening the position were resorted to. The great battle fought on the 18th August is called by Bazaine, speaking from the French point of view, the "Defence of the lines of Amanvillers," and this is a better name than "Battle of Gravelotte," for that village was on the extreme right of the battle-field, far from the point where the fortune of the day was in fact decided. The theory of Bazaine's movement was this: he desired to receive the enemy's attack in a strong and fortified position, to wear him out by fruitless and repeated losses, and so compel him to allow the French to retire unmolested, on the 19th or 20th inst., by the road to Briey. These were sound and able tactics, and if the French could have brought into line but one additional corps, would probably have succeeded.

Proceeding from left to right, the French order of battle was as follows: the 2nd Corps, under Frossard, holding the plateau at the Point du Jour, and above St. Hubert; then the Guards, partly in line, and partly held in reserve; then the 3rd Corps, under Leboeuf. The centre of the position, facing Verneville, was held by Ladmirault with the 4th Corps. Canrobert, with the 6th Corps, carried on the line to St. Privat, occupying Ste. Marieaux-Chênes and Roncourt-the first lying to the west on the road to Briey, the second to the north-with strong detachments. The interval of a day had given the Germans time to bring up from the southward the dense masses of the infantry of the Second Army; and so great,

accordingly, was the disparity of force in the action of the 18th, that but for natural advantages of position, well improved by art, and the resolute valour with which that position was held, the French must have been swept from the field long before the day had closed. On the night of the 16th, the 10th and 3rd Corps, parts of the 8th and 9th, and the 5th and 6th Cavalry Divisions, had bivouacked around and between Mars-la-Tour and Vionville. In the course of the 17th, the 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th, and Guard Corps, none of which had taken part in the battle of the 16th, were moved up from the direction of Pont-à-Mousson to the line Mars-la-Tour-Gravelotte. All the troops named, except those belonging to the 8th and 7th Corps, were of the Second Army; the excepted corps belonged to the First Army. The plan of action for the 18th was this: that the Second Army should feel the centre and right of the French position, and endeavour to turn the enemy's right, while the First Army assailed the plateau opposite Gravelotte.

Very early on the 18th, Prince Frederic Charles directed the left wing of the entire army, consisting of the Prus sian Guards and the 12th and 9th Corps, to break up from their bivouacs near Mars-la-Tour, and march in a northerly direction across the front of the enemy's position, with orders to outflank him, if possible, and attack him wherever found. The 10th and 3rd followed. The King of Prussia came on the ground at 6 A.M., and posted himself on a hill to the south-west of Gravelotte. A royal order, dispatched at 10.30, directed the 12th Corps (Saxons) and the Guards to attack either at Ste. Marie-aux-Chênes, if they found the French attempting to retreat by the Briey road, or at Amanvillers. At the same time, the First Army was ordered to advance from Gravelotte and clear the woods in the valley of the Mance; the 10th, 3rd, and 2nd Corps were massed in reserve, at St. Ail, Verneville, and Rezonville respectively-that is, in rear of the left, centre, and right of the German posi tion. To the 9th Corps was entrusted the attack on the centre and right centre of the French lines, which was to commence from the wood of La Cusse.

Advancing by Verneville, the 9th Corps came into action between eleven and twelve with the troops of Ladmirault. The German sharp-shooters swarmed in the wood of La Cusse, and attempted to carry the farm of La Folie, which lay somewhere between the plain and the crest of the plateau. But Ladmirault's guns, numerous and well served, searched the woods, inflicted terrible loss on the German gunners, and partly silenced their artillery; while from the enclosures round La Folie a withering fire of Chassepots repressed every attempt to advance. No progress of any consequence was made here by the Germans during the whole day.

The First Army, fighting under the King's eye, were not likely to be backward in the performance of their portion of the programme for the day. As soon as he heard the sound of the artillery of the 9th Corps, General von Göben (8th Corps) commenced (about noon) a vigorous attack on the French left. The French skirmishers were gradually driven out of the woods of Vaux and Genivaux, or, rather, out of the greater part of them, and compelled

A.D. 1870.]


to fall back on their main position; but when the Germans endeavoured to press up the hill-side, a devastating fire of mitrailleuses and Chassepots from the top of the plateau decimated their ranks, and the broken formations of many a regiment of foot, and many a squadron of horse, fell back into the hollow and sought the cover of the sheltering woods. Then General Steinmetz massed the batteries of several corps on the Gravelotte plateau, both north and south of the village, and opened a storm of fire on the French position. After a time the superiority of the German fire was established, and the French guns were either silenced or only replied at intervals. It was in respect of artillery, as we shall see, that Bazaine alleged his great inferiority of force to the enemy to consist. The inn of St. Hubert, after being long subjected to a tremendous shelling, became untenable to its French defenders; they evacuated it, and about three o'clock it was occupied, in spite of a murderous fire, by Weltzien's division of the 8th Corps. A secure lodgment was here effected, and, under cover of the inn and adjacent buildings, Gneisenau's brigade of Barnekow's division advanced boldly along the road soon after three, but, after struggling gallantly for some time, were completely repulsed by four o'clock. A great combined attack of cavalry and artillery was ordered by Steinmetz between four and five. The batteries of the 8th Corps, and three reserve batteries of the 7th Corps, supported by a large body of horse, were pushed across the defile. But they fared no better than their predecessors. The 4th Light Battery, trotting up the hill to the right of St. Hubert, "suffered so severely that, after firing ten rounds, it was put hors de combat, and obliged to retire down the hill."* The attack failed, and both cavalry and artillery fell back by degrees on their original positions.


the 2nd Corps pressed forward, and now General Stein-
metz resolved to make a last grand effort to storm the
hill. It was about half-past seven. The 8th Corps was
ordered to advance on the left, the 7th on the right, of
the 2nd Corps, which held its way along the high road.
But this attack was as fruitless as any that had preceded
it. The Germans were received by a devastating fire,
and "the difficulty of leading the men on unknown ground
was increased by the approach of night; troops coming up
in rear, deceived by the darkness, fired into those that
were fighting in front; and the overwhelming fire of the
enemy put a stop to the advance of these also."
**** Sullenly
the Germans retired upon Gravelotte, and darkness found
the French still immovably planted on the position which
they had so bravely defended against overwhelming

On the right they had not fared so well. In the afternoon, the 12th Corps moved upon Ste. Marie-aux-Chênes, and drove out the French detachment that held it. From the high ground about St. Privat, Canrobert for a long time kept the assailants as effectually at bay as was the case at any other part of the line. But Prince Frederic Charles, availing himself of his great superiority in numbers, kept extending his line to the left until it overlapped Canrobert's right, and the 12th Corps gained possession of Roncourt, a village about a mile and a half due north of St. Privat. After several unsuccessful attempts, in which a great many men fell, a combined attack by the Prussian Guards and the 12th Corps, simultaneously directed on St. Privat from three sides, the north, the west, and the south, forced the brave defenders, soon after seven, to relinquish their hold. The right of Canrobert's corps was then thrown back, but still faced the enemy, and darkness soon terminated the contest. The result was that the French had held their ground everywhere except on the extreme right, but that all the roads leading to Verdun had been taken from them. Bazaine's

* Major von Schell.

There are few battles about which more misrepresentations have been circulated than this of Gravelotte. Most English accounts con.

vey the impression, if they do not state in so many words, that the

French at the close of the day were driven from their positions along the whole line. Thus the Times correspondent, in "The Campaign of 1870-1," says, "By nightfall the German standards waved on the bloodstained slopes over Gravelotte; and the whole French army, yielding the position, had retired under the cover of Metz." The Daily News correspondent, in the "War Correspondence," &c., is equally positive and equally inaccurate. "The battle of Gravelotte is ended," he writes; "the Prussians hold the heights beyond the Bois de Vauxheights which command the surrounding country up to the limits of

General Steinmetz had by this time nearly exhausted the reserves of the First Army, and he sent an officer about five o'clock to the 2nd Corps, the van of which was at Rezonville, two miles west of Gravelotte, requesting it to advance. This could not be done without an order from the King himself, and Steinmetz, upon hearing this, sent Colonel the Count von Wartensleben to the King to obtain from His Majesty the desired order. It was given, and the 2nd Corps prepared to advance and attack the blood-stained hill. But as it was advancing, about seven o'clock, the French made a retour offensif upon their enemies, advancing in force from the Point du Jour down the hill, and endeavouring to re-take St. Hubert, in which, however, they were unsuccessful. But this sudden advance produced an extraordinary commotion. In the valley below St. Hubert there were thousands of soldiers belonging to different regiments mingled together, grievously these writers underrated the tenacity and effectiveness of who had lost their officers, and when the French advanced, a panic arose among those men, and they fled precipitately along the road towards Gravelotte; the road was blocked by the fugitives; the alarm propagated itself rearwards with great rapidity, and seized upon the camp followers at Gravelotte, and a general stampede occurred along the road towards Rezonville. Undisturbed by the hubbub,

Major von Schell, "Operations of the First Army" (Hollist's Translation), p. 129.

the gun-ranges of Metz." The account given in the text, on the substantial facts of which the narratives of Marshal Bazaine, Major von Schell, and Colonel Rüstow are in exact accord, will show how

the French resistance. The King himself contributed greatly by his letter to the Queen Augusta, dated Rezonville, 19th August, which he must have written on inaccurate information, to the circulation of this false view of the termination of the battle. "An advance, by Gravelotte," he says, evidently speaking of the last unsuccessful charge of the 2nd, 8th, and 7th Corps, "was undertaken just as the

daylight departed, which was met by such an overwhelming fire from behind shelter-trenches and from artillery, that the 2nd Corps, then just coming into action, was obliged to attack the enemy with the bayonet, and completely captured the strong position, and maintained it." Perhaps no royal personage ever penned a sentence more inexact.

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