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not surpassed by any of Northern fabrication. Price $3 50.

Two Millions, by Wm. Allen Butler; author of Nothing to Wear; New York: D. Appleton & Co.

A little volume issued in very handsome style. The poem was read before the Societies of Yale College, and is only surpassed in graphic power, and inimitable satire by the author's earlier gem.

THE article on the Atlantic Telegraph, which appears in the present issue of the Review, though greatly at fault in its prediction, relative to the laying of the telegraphic cable, and its capacities for the transmission of intelligence, is nevertheless a very useful and valuable paper. The author is an experienced, practical telegrapher, and has some very large views in regard to electrical matters. We have not won

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dered at his doubts however-for if success has been attained which now seems probable, it has been by conquering impossibilities." Indeed many of the greatest feats of every age have been accomplished in spite of opposing demonstration and it may almost be considered as scientifically correct, as was held by one of the early fathers in regard to faith-"this is impossible, it is therefore true."

ability. Having completed the publication of Mr. Pettigrew's adverse exposition, we shall, in our next and other issues, be enabled to give attention to these articles. Regarding the subject under the existing state of things as perhaps not a very practicable one, we are unwilling to occupy with it too much of our space.

SEE in our advertising columns the card of the New Orleans School of Medicine, whose regular course of lectures 1858. Though only in the third year on the 15th November, school is so well established that about of its existence, the reputation of this


two hundred students will receive the

benefit of its instructions the coming session. Among the Professors is Dr. Fenner, who is largely known as the author of several volumes of Southern Medical Reports, and as editor for cal Journal, and now of the New Orleans many years of the New Orleans Medito whose energies and zeal the estab Medical News and Hospital Gazette, referred. The other Professors are all lishment of the school may be mainly men of ability, and large or growing practice. In diseases of the eye, Dr. Baird has established a reputation enjoyed by few in America. Dr. Flint, That the great Atlantic is belted or the Buffalo Medical Journal, and is the recently elected, was long the editor of bridged and that thought is sent through author of several very valuable medical it with the velocity of light may be works upon "Continued Fever," "The considered the great event of the age, Respiratory Organs," "Heart Sounds All honor to the originators and execu- in Health and Disease," etc., etc. He tors of the herculean work. Mr. Calhas, also, for a number of years, occupied houn in the spirit of prophecy said chairs in the Buffalo and Louisville twelve years ago. Medical Colleges.


"Magic wires are stretching themselves in all directions over the earth, and when their mystic meshes shall at length have been perfected our globe itself will be endowed with a sensitiveness which will render it impossible to touch it on any one point and the touch not be felt from one end of the world to the other. And this work is at yet but commenced; it is but the breaking of the dawn of the world's great jubilee. It promises a day of refinement, more intellectual brightness, more moral elevation, and consequently of more human felicity than the world has ever seen from its creation."


THERE are on our table two or three manuscript articles advocating the reopening of the slave-trade, and discuss. ing the general subject with much

THE following numbers of the Review are wanted by the publishers who will give their value for them, if forwarded to New Orleans office. Agents will please procure them: 1846, January, February, March, April, July, September, and October; 1847, January, March, May, and June; 1849, August; 1851, February and June; 1858, June and October; 1854, September; 1855, October; 1856, January and August; 1857, May and October; 1858, January, March, May, and June.

A FEW sets of our Industrial Resources of the Southwest still remain on hand, 8 vols. Price $5, postage free.

SEVERAL provoking typographic errors crept into the article on Russell's Magazine and Mexico, for which the proof reader, and not the editor, must be responsible.

SEE the card of the McComb's Cotton Tie and Press, which are articles of great interest to our agricultural world at the South.

IT is the intention of the Editor of the

Review to resume, in December next, his resi-
dence (for some time interrupted) permanent-
the Review will be again established.
ly in New Orleans, where the main office of


Prospectus of De Bow's Review.



Encluding Statistics of Foreign and Domestic Endustry ano Enterprise. PUBLISHED MONTHLY IN NEW ORLEANS AND WASHINGTON CITY. Terms, $5 per annum, in advance.

Postage Two Cents a Number, if Prepaid Quarterly,


TO SUBSCRIBERS.--11 our subscribers will follow a few plain rules, accounts between us wil be fat in ter kept than formerly.

1. Note the Receipts on the cover, and if your name does not appear in two months after nement 'n form the office at Washington of the fact, and how the payment was made. (Notify the office when a number has failed to come to hand)

2. Remit whom war ing for agents.

When you pay an agent, be sure that his credentials are right.

3 If you write to the office, give the name of the office to which your Review is sent, and il vou discon tinne, give the notice of three months which is required, and pay up all arrearages Should numbers afterwards come to hand, see that they are returned by the next mails. TO POSTMASTERS.-The moment Review is refused at your office, give notice as the law requires, or return the number with explanations This is earnestly requested from all.

Our travelling agents are: James Deering, E. W Wiley, Israel E. James, and C W. James, (with those acting under them. Professor Stueckrath will make a general S, utlein tour, and is warmly recommended to all of our subscribers. T. Wash, Smith, and W. B. Crooks, agents,


Alabama.-To January, 159-H S Smith, 20 To June, 18.58-GB Danzier. To May, 1839-Atling ton Bio. To July, 1859–A Lyon, WA Capell, Jas H DeBose, S D J Moore. To July, 1858–J E Pearson, $10; Thos E Speight.

Forida.-To July, 1859-JC Anderson.

Grurgia-To July 1-59 AF Owen, BH Hill Col H Lng. W O Suffold, $20; TB Suffold, $7 Judge FH Con, $15; Col W F Fanum. $24; Jas Bond $15; G G Hall, Gen'l Robert Taylor, $: Demosthenian Society, $. Col RC Daniel. H A Tarves, Judge B T flains. $10; Col D W Lewis, $20 Col J J Pinchard, $15; 8 M Lanier, Col MCM Hammond, J 1 Fulwood, J || Glover, D. Ardis $:5; E Dead. $15 To Marelt 15-N M Lewis, $15; A A Roberts S10; JP Buchan, $10; C G Harus J Baker, Palien & Cox. $10; A W Jones, $15. To January, 15-J Cunningham $10; Judgy CJ MleDonald, $10; DS John-on, Dr C W Loug, $0; TL Wynn $ P. To July, 185-Hon W Dawson, $,5; Col N G Foster $21 To Apil. 150-Jos N Seymour. $10. To Jalz, 1958-Col J II Jossey 20; Dr HL, Bu t.0; Prof J T Coxe, $17 40. To July 185-C Lows. $21 To January 1857 - L J Glenn $10 To February, 1859-Prof R M Jolinston, To August, 1859 -MG Hamis $15 40 To July, 1-59-Dr Sam Clayton BW Collier. Byington Hotel, RI, Gamble. $0 To January, 1860– HI. Bunn To Augu, 15-AJ White, $100 To March, 1859-R H Clarke, $2). To Octubes, -Juo R Sims. To July, 18-PE Ta ver. $30.

Kentucky-To July, 1859-W B Belker. R. Atkinson, Sanford Duncan, J. B Wilder, T L Banet, Geo Aunske To January, 1859-Fi-lding & Truman, Jno Law-on

Louisiana -To June, 1859-A G Carter To January, 1857-J L Manning, $33. To July, 1858-Dr CD Tateman. $15. To July, 1-59-A B Skannel, A Tamburg.

Mississippi. To Januar, 15-Col JR Ward, CW Cade. Thos Miller, $10; JR Borras. To July, 1858-WB Saunders, B M Brad ord. NE & SE Nye WB Lon, $15: JR Cock $10; DM Moods, JS Johnson. W S Barry, $30. To July, 1857 –T F Clay, $; Elmonson. Tu October, 185-8 H l'egues, $10 To July 1-59-W F Stearns. F Baun. To June, 1859-GS Fox. To Decem ber, 1858-W L Johnson. To September, 1858-Oliver Barrett To January, 1859-Vicksburg & Jack >on Railroad.

Ohio.-To January, 1859 Young Mens Christian Association, Gould, Pierce & Co, M tehell & Ram meisbury To December, 185-Guv Chase. To July, 1859—Campbell, Ellison & Co, J B Bennett. Pennsylvania-To July 1859 PW Shafer.

South Carolina.-To March 159-Daniel Jenkins. $10 To January, 1859-W W Fripp. To Jaly, 1959-A Johnston, David G Robert-on To July, 1858-Nat Barnwell.

Teras-To July, 1859-C W Buckley, Jas & Mountgomery, Jno D Watkins. $15. To January, 1859BH Hayward, $10. To April, 1858–A S Reed, To January, 185--RL A-ken.

Tennessee-To January, 1859 -J I Edmunds, RV Richardson, $20; Lown-s, Orgell & Co, Speed & Strange, ano Smith, Hon A Miller, $15: GB Peters To July, 15-F M White, JH Allan S Foniks, JM Wi swell. CB Frazer, Hon J A Nooe, $15: Maj E Winston, Rev J Loving $25; WH Wood $0. Dr JS Beaufort. $20; Dr D Mason, $10; Gen'l 8 Hay, $10 To July, 159-K JB L, Winn, J Wich r slam Jas Cruthers. A Street, R B Hawley & Bro. Col Chas C Michie, $15; W Hunt. $15: Dr Z Conkey, JH Parham, $t: H Riad o d. §15: J C Caggestshall. $15: Hon A W O Toten. $15. To Apl. 1858-S Y Wat-on, $ 25 To April, 159–Dr. A 4. Green To July. I-57—T Shepard, $10; M Bullock $20; H W MeQurry, $10; RB Hays, 8 0 To May, 1850-T W Gamewell, $15: J M Morrill, $). To Julv. 1855-J A Nool $15: RB lays $0 To May, 1859-T M Gamerwell, $15 Southern States. Col JR Ward Judge F H Cone, J Cunningham, Judge CJ McDonald Jas Bond, J M Davidson. Nat Barnwell, T L Wynn, Judge B T Harris, Col Chas C Michie, T Shepard, Gen'i s Hays. R L Gamble.

Advertisements --Thos Holloway. $7.50


The undersigned has returned to the practic of his profession at Washington City and New Ortrans. Business at Washington in the Supreme Court, Court of Claims, or in any of the Bureaus or Departments of the Governmen—Land, Pension, and Patent Offices-will be attended to by himself. Business for New Orleans will receive the attention of his law associate, V. H. Ivy, Esq., of that city, and also of himself during a portion of the year. J. D. B. DE BOW

WASHINGTON, August, 1855.

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