2 Every day will I give thanks unto thee: and praise thy Name for ever and ever. 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous, worthy to be praised: there is no end of his greatness. 4 One generation shall praise thy works unto another: and declare thy power. 5 As for me, I will be talking of thy worship: thy glory, thy praise, and wonderous works; 6 So that men shall speak of the might of thy marvellous acts: and I will alfo tell of thy greatnefs. 7 The memorial of thine abundant kindness shall be fhewed: and men fhall fing of thy righteousness. 8 The Lord is gracious, and merciful: long-suffering, and of great goodness. 9 The Lord is loving unto every man: and his mercy his works. is over all 10 All thy works praise thee, O Lord: and thy faints give thanks unto thee. 11 They fhew the glory of thy kingdom: and talk of thy power; 12 That thy power, thy glory, and mightiness of thy kingdom: might be known unto men. 13 Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom: and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages. 14 The Lord upholdeth all such as fall: and lifteth up all thofe that are down. 15 The eyes of all wait upon thee, O Lord: and thou givest them their meat in due feafon. 16 Thou openeft thine hand: and filleft all things living with. plenteousness. promifes: yet as Chriftians, it becomes us principally to pray for fpiritual Bledings: because we know that if we seek the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, all carthly enjoyments that he fees good for us all be added unto us *The Pfalmift here first celebrates God's Majefly, his wonderful Works, but efpecially his goodness to mankind in general: and afterwards his fpiritual bene fits towards them that fear him in particulars Great is the Lord, and marvellous, &c. &c. Con.. cerning this paffage we may justly apply the words of the Son of Syrach. Ecclefiafticus xliii. 30 When you glo. rify the Lod exalt him as much as you can ; for even yet: will be far exceed: and when you exalt him, put furth: all your frength, and be not weary; for you.can.ne.sergi far enough.. 17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways: and holy in all his works. 18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him: yea, all fuch as call upon him faithfully. 19 He will fulfil the defire of them that fear him: he alfo will hear their cry, and will help them. 20 The Lord preferveth all them that love him: but scattereth abroad all the ungodly. 21 My mouth fhall speak the praife of the Lord: and let all flesh give thanks unto his holy Name for ever and ever. + Pfalm 146. Lauda, anima mea. Raise the Lord, O my foul, while I live will I praise the Lord: yea, as long as I have any being, I will fing praises unto my God. 2 O put not your truft in princes, nor in any child of man: for there is no help in them. 3 For when the breath of man goeth forth, he fhall turn again to his earth and then all his thoughts perish. : 4 Blessed is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help: and whose hope is in the Lord his God; 5 Who made heaven and earth, the fea, and all that therein is: who keepeth his promife for ever; 6 Who helpeth them to right that fuffer wrong: who feedeth the hungry. 7 The Lord loofeth men out of prifon: the Lord giveth fight to the blind. 8 The Lord helpeth them that are fallen: the Lord careth for the righteous. 9 The Lord careth for the ftrangers, he defendeth the fatherlefs and widow: as for the way of the ungodly, he turneth it upfide down. ↑ David here vows continually to celebrate the praifes of God, in whom alone Men ought to place their confidence, if they hope for true happiness because he hath created all things,-is a strict observer of his promifes,-and both ready and able to fuccour his People in distress. 10 The Lord thy God, O Sion, fhall be King for evermore: and throughout all generations. O * Pfalm 147. Laudate Dominum. Praife the Lord, for it is a good thing to fing praises unto our 2 The Lord doth build up Jerufalem: and gather together the out calls of Ifrael. 3 He healeth thofe that are broken in heart: and giveth medicine to heal their fickness. 4 He telleth the number of the ftars: and calleth them all by their names. 5 Great is our Lord, and great is his power: yea, and his wisdom is infinite. 6 The Lord fetteth up the meek: and bringeth the ungodly down to the ground. 7 O fing unto the Lord with thanksgiving: fing praises upon the harp unto our God; 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds, and prepareth rain for the earth: and maketh the grass to grow upon the mountains, and herb for the use of men ; 9 Who giveth fodder unto the cattle: and feedeth the young ravens that call upon him. 10 He hath no pleasure in the strength of an horse: neither dẹlighteth he in any mans legs. 11 But the Lords delight is in them that fear him: and put their truft in his mercy. 12 Praise the Lord, O Jerufalem: praise thy God, O Sion. 13 For he hath made fast the bars of thy gates: and hath bleffed thy children within thee. This Pfalm was probably compofed upon the return of the Jews from the Batylenish captivity; who are here exhorted to praise God on account of the works of the Creation, and for the Mercies which he had fhewn to that Nation in particular. Day xxx. 14 He maketh peace in thy borders: and filleth thee with the flour of wheat. 15 He fendeth forth his commandment upon carth: and his word runneth very swiftly. 16 He giveth snow like wool: and scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes. 17 He cafteth forth his ice like morfels: who is able to abide his froft? 18 He fendeth out his word, and melteth them: he bloweth with his wind, and the waters flow. 19 Hesheweth his word unto Jacob : his statutes and ordinances un to Ifrael. 20 He hath not dealt fo with any nation: neither have the heathen knowledge of his laws. O + Pfalm 148. Laudate Dominum. Praise the Lord of heaven: praise him in the height. 2 Praise him, all ye angels of his: praise him, all his host. 3 Praise him, fun and moon: praise him, all ye ftars and light. 4 Praise him, all ye heavens: and ye waters that are above the heavens. 5 Let them praise the Name of the Lord: for he spake the word, and they were made, he commanded, and they were created. 6 He hath made them faft for ever and ever: he hath given them a law which fhall not be broken. 7 Praise the Lord upon earth: ye dragons and all deeps; 8 Fire and hail, fnow and vapours: wind and storm fulfilling his word: 9 Mountains and all hills: fruitful trees and all cedars; 10 Beafts and all cattle: worms and feathered fowls; He hath mt dealt fo with any Nation, &c. It the privileges which the Jews enjoyed under the Mofaic Difpenfation were fo ftrong a motive to gra titude; how much more should the ble fngs of the Gofpel be fo to Chriftians: which as they are not vouchfafed to all People, fhould heighten their value in our esteem, and engage us to poffefs them with thank fulness, and ufe them to the glory of God, and our own Salvation. This may be justly termed the univerfal Hymn. For herein all Creatures are called upon to celebrate the power, wisdom, and goodness of God. 11 Kings of the earth and all people: princes and all judges of the world; 12 Young men and maidens, old men and children, praise the Name of the Lord: for his Name only is excellent and his praise above heaven and earth. 13 He shall exalt the horn of his people, all his faints fhall praise him: even the children of Ifrael, even the people that ferveth him. Pfalm 149. Cantate Domino. Sing unto the Lord a new fong: let the congregation of faints praise him. 2 Let Ifrael rejoice in him that made him: and let the children of Sion be joyful in their King. 3 Let them praise his Name in the dance: let them fing praifes unto him with tabret and harp. 4 For the Lord hath pleasure in his people: and helpeth the meek-hearted. 5 Let the faints be joyful with glory: let them rejoice in their beds. 6 Let the praises of God be in their mouth: and a two-edged fword in their hands; 7 To be avenged of the heathen: and to rebuke the people; 8 To bind their kings in chains: and their nobles with links of iron. 9 That they may be avenged of them, as it is written: Such honour have all his faints. O * Pfalm 150. Laudate Dominum. Praise God in his holiness: praise him in the firmament of his power. t This Pfalm is a Song upon fome fignal Victory, and fome great Exploits done by the Jews, and therefore it probably relates to the Davidical Times, when they made the greateft figure, and gained the most con fiderable Victories. * This Pfalm, which is the last, is all rapture and A a |