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of the world's progress in Christianity and civil- | of generalship and true economy. The first ization, fulfilling, in the resistless march of her dominant Anglo-Saxon race across the American continent, one grand part of the Divine scheme for the spread of that Gospel which shall survive all changes, overthrow all evils, and achieve its mightiest triumphs in the later days of our world's history."

-THE Charleston Mercury of to-day contains the following:—“Night and day, for the last two months, has the Northern Government been making herculean efforts in its department of war. Preparation on the most gigantic scale has gone on steadily and unflagging, under the intelligent and able superintendence and direction of General Scott. An immense body of volunteers have been thrown into camp, and are drilling eight hours a day under competent officers of West Point training. The arms at hand have been distributed, and all who are to engage soon in battle, have been thoroughly equipped with the best weapons. Factories for the manufacture of cannon, rifles, sabres, bayonets, and ammunition of every description, are in full operation at the North during the whole twenty-four hours of each day. Agents have long since been sent abroad to Europe to procure and forward as fast as possible cargoes of improved arms, and already they have begun to arrive. Great efforts have also been made for the health, comfort, and supplies of Northern troops. Energy and promptitude have characterized their movements both in Maryland and St. Louis, and their success along the border has so far been complete. They have in the West obtained and secured the great repository of arms for that section, equipped our enemics of St. Louis, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, leaving the resistance men of Missouri poorly proivded, Kentucky unarmed and overawed, and Tennessee also, with a meagre provision for fighting, dependent on the Cotton States for weapons of defence. Maryland has been cowed and overpowered, Washington rendered as secure as may be, while Virginia is invaded and Richmond threatened with capture. In all this the military proceedings of the North, since the fall of Sumter, have been eminently wise. For the purpose of overpowering, disheartening, and gaining the first advantages, which, both at home and abroad, are of immense importance, the concentration of all the forces available as promptly as possible, has been clearly the course

blow is said to be often half the battle. The war policy of Scott and the Northern Government has all the effect of the first blow. The final result we cannot, in the slightest degree, doubt. The immediate signal will depend, in a great measure, upon the number of troops now got ready, and the efficiency of the preparation made for them by the Confederate Government during the same period Scott has been at work. Let us not commit the mistake of underrating our enemy, or of supposing that, in modern warfare, it is only the courage of a people and the relative military talent of their field-officers that decide the issues of war. Ability in combinations and bravery in executing them may

fail of success where the material is wanting or deficient. An hour's delay of a corps of reserve lost the battle of Waterloo; and Napoleon fought the battle with the best troops in the world. They were cut to pieces."

-THE United States ship Powhatan captured the Mary Clinton, from Charleston for New Orleans, off the Pass L'Outre, with a full cargo of rice, peas, &c.-New Orleans Picayune, June 1.

-MR. W. II. RUSSELL's letters from the South to the London Times, create much comment. According to one dated April 30, the South Carolinians long for "one of the royal race of England to rule" over them.—(Doc. 217.)

-THE Seventh Regiment, N. Y. S. M., left Washington for New York. It made a fine appearance and received on their departure the same warm eulogium that greeted their arrival. -(Doc. 218.)

-THE National Intelligencer of to-day contains the correspondence between the bank presidents of the city of New York and the Governor of the State, relative to the proclamation of Governor Brown of Georgia, of the 26th of April last.

-THE First Regiment of Maine Volunteers left Portland at 8 30 this morning, in a train of eleven cars. They were escorted through the city by the Fifth Regiment, and nearly the whole population. The train left amid the wildest cheering, and a salute from the artillery.-(Doc. 219.)

-Ex-GOVERNOR PRATT, of Maryland, was arrested this evening at Annapolis, by order of

the Government, and taken to the Washington shells fell into the batteries. The fire from Navy-Yard.-Boston Transcript, May 31. the earthwork batteries ceased in a short time, -AT Acquia Creek, 55 miles below Washing- but a terrific fire was kept up from the main ton on the Potomac, the U. S. gun-boat Freeborn, battery on the hill. The boats hauled off at 10 Capt. Ward, opened fire about 10 A. M., on the minutes of 12.-(Doc. 220.)

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mond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad. teries at Acquia Creek was re-begun, at 11 30 A second round was fired at the depot building, A. M., by the U. S. gun-boats Freeborn and Pawand a third across the bow of the Page. Three nee. The firing on shore was scarcely as spirbatteries on shore, two in the earthwork, near ited at any time as on the day before. The the depot, and a third from the hill above, im- heights were abandoned, the guns apparently mediately opened on the Freeborn, when the having been transferred to the earthworks at gun-boat Anacosta came to her assistance. As the railroad termination, to replace the battery soon as the vessels had fixed their range they silenced there on the 31st ult. This railroad fired with marked effect. The Anacosta took battery was otherwise repaired. The Freeup a position and played upon the depot with born approached to within about two miles from rapidity, firing thirteen shells, three of them the shore, and fired four or five shots, when taking effect and causing much consternation the Pawnee entered into the conflict, taking a among the rebels. Several of the Freeborn's position nearer to the land. For the first two

hours, the fire from the shore batteries was | riflemen whom they dispersed, and then wheelsharp, but was returned with more expeditioned about and instantly charged back, and were

by the Pawnee. During the engagement, she fired 160 shells, one of which was seen to explode immediately over the heads of the Confederates who were working the battery. The observer, through a telescope, saw numbers of bodies of them carried away on wagons. During that time the shore movements were faster than at any other. The Freeborn lodged three shells in succession in the beach battery, perceptibly damaging the works, which had the effect of greatly diminishing the fire. The Freeborn received two shot, one of which passed through the cabin, damaging some of the crockery, but not the vessel, except making a passage through the bulwarks of slight consequence. The Pawnee received eight or nine shot, but all too high to inflict much damage. One struck her main-topsail yard, which was thereby unslung; another grazed the mizzenmasthead and passed through the hammock nettings. It is the opinion of the officers on board, that had the rebels been provided with good gunners, the vessels might probably have been sunk. Some of the Confederates' shots passed over the masthead to the Maryland shore. After five hours of incessant fire the gun-boats hauled off owing to the fatigue of the men, the day being very warm. During the last hour of the engagement only two or three shots were thrown from the shore, and the gunners were seen stealthily now and then to emerge from the concealment, and hastily load and fire a single gun. The railroad depot and buildings on the shore at Aquia Creek are all destroyed. The damage to the beach battery is not considered permanent, as the Confederates can soon repair it.-N. Y. Times, June 3.

-ABOUT daylight, Company B, of the second U. S. Cavalry, 47 privates, under Lieutenant Tompkins and Second Lieutenant Gordon, and three members of the New York Fifth Regiment, Quartermaster Fearing, Assistant Quartermaster Carey, and Adjutant Frank, reconnoitring within 300 yards of Fairfax Courthouse, by the Winchester road, were fired on by two of a picket of the Virginia troops. They captured the picket and then entered the village from the North side, and were fired on from the Union Hotel and from many houses, and from platoons behind fences. They charged down the principal street upon the mounted DIARY-10

then met by two considerable detatchments, with a field-piece. Turning, they cut through a third detachment in the rear, and left the village bringing with them five prisoners, and killing throughout the engagement, as the officer in command thought, twenty-seven men. Two of the United States cavalry are missing, two are killed, and Assistant Quartermaster Carey, of the New York Fifth Regiment, is wounded in the foot. Lieutenant Tompkins had two horses shot under him, the last one falling on his leg, injuring it slightly.*—(Doc. 221.)—Washington Star, June 1.

-THE secession forces on the upper Potomac, attempted to take possession of the ferryboat lying opposite Williamsport, for the purpose, as is conjectured, of removing into "Falling Waters," a point four miles below, where there is a considerable number of secession troops stationed, who doubtless intended by means of the boat to cross to the Maryland side on a marauding expedition. The Union company at Williamsport, as soon as they observed the opposite party possessing themselves of the boat, ordered them to desist, which they refused to do; whereupon the Union guns opened fire upon them, which was returned, and a brisk fire was kept up on both sides for about an hour. Three or four secessionists were wounded, one sericusly. None were killed or wounded on the Federal side.—N. Y. Evening Post, June 3.

-SHORTLY before 12 o'clock last night a skirmish took place at Arlington Mills, near Alexandria, between Capt. Brown's company of Zouaves and Capt. Roth's, Company E, of the Michigan Regiment, and a scouting party of nine Virginians. The Zouaves had just arrived to relieve the Michigan troops, and had posted sentinels when the Virginians attacked them. The Federal troops drove them away. One Zouave was killed and another wounded.

* Upon other authority it is said that the only one killed

in the rebel camp was Capt. John Q. Marr, of the War

renton Rifles. He heard the troops coming up and ordered them to halt. They replied that they were Capt. Powcll's Cavalry Company. Capt. Marr then ordered his men

to arms, when the United States Dragoons fired a volley,

killing the captain. Instantly the rebels rushed out in undress, and in a disordered condition, and fired on the ginia State Convention, and a member elect of the Legis cavalry at random. Capt. Marr was a member of the Virlature from Fauquier County.-N. Y. Times, June 2.

It is supposed one rebel was killed or wounded, | master General of the Southern Confederacy, as in the retreat he was carried off. The rebels by which the postmasters throughout the retired in the woods during the night, and rebel States are ordered to "retain" the this morning took a hand-car and left for parts stamps, locks, etc., of the various offices-the unknown.-N. Y. Commercial, June 2. property of the United States.—(Doc. 223.)

—L. W. BLISS, Acting Governor of Jefferson Territory, proclaimed the neutrality of that Territory, and forbid the payment of any debts or future dues to the United States or any body else outside the Territory; but he gener

-Ar night word came into the camp of the Twenty-eighth New York Regiment, that the two dragoons missing from Company B, which made the sally on Fairfax Court-house this morning, were captured by the rebels, and were to be hung. Company B was imme-ously offered to receive payment for all debts due diately summoned from their quarters, and to outsiders into the Territorial Treasury, and mounting, rode up to the Court-house, and give his notes for it on interest at ten per cent. having by some means ascertained the precise (Doc. 224.) location of their comrades, made a dash through the village, and recovered the two men, whom they brought back in triumph to the camp.

Of the five Confederate prisoners taken at the Court-house one is a son of the late Major Washington of the Army. He said he did not want to fight against the United States, and made amends by taking the oath of allegiance. -N. Y. Times, June 3.

-THE big guns were planted at Cairo, Ill., and the first thirty-two pound ball was sent booming down the Mississippi, a warning to all traitors to keep at a respectable distance. Great satisfaction was expressed throughout the camp that these heavy guns were at length in place. The firing over, a whole regiment of nearly a thousand men, detailed for the day, sprang to their shovels and wheelbarrows, and the work of completing the breast works went gaily on. The levee itself forms an excellent breast work, behind which, now that Bird's Point is fortified, the soldiers would be perfectly protected, and with Sharp's rifles they could mow down whole regiments, if the steamers that bore them escaped the artillery and effected a landing.—National Intelligencer,

June 13.

-JEFFERSON DAVIS was serenaded at Richmond, and addressed the assembled crowd. To a person who wanted to hear something about Buena Vista, he said that they "would make the battle-field of Virginia another Buena Vista, and drench it with blood more precious than that which flowed there." Gov. Wise also addressed the crowd, and told them to arm with any thing they could get, and to take a lesson from John Brown.-(Doc. 222.)

-THE address of the Central Committee of

Northwestern Virginia to the people of that locality, is published in full.—(Doc. 225.)

June 2.-Three thousand men, of Indiana, Ohio, and Virginia volunteers, the whole under command of Col. Crittenden, of Indiana, were assembled on the parade ground at Grafton, Va., in the afternoon, and informed in general terms that they were to start on a forced march that night. They were then supplied with ammunition and one day's rations, and dismissed. The men were full of ardor, expecting that they were going direct to Harper's Ferry. At eight o'clock they were again assembled, and took up the line of march on the road leading southward. A heavy rain soon commenced to fall, and continued all night.-N. Y. Times, June 6.

-ABOUT midnight a squad of secession cavalry made a dash at the outposts of the Twentyeighth New York Regiment, and fired upon them. The alarm was instantly sounded and the regiment turned out, and a scouting party

treated. The fire was returned by the outposts despatched in pursuit of the enemy, who reof the Twenty-eighth, with what effect is not known, as the night was exceedingly dark. No damage whatever was done by the enemy.-N. Y. Times, June 3.

-THE Seventy-ninth Regiment, N. Y. S. M., Lieut.-Col. S. M. Elliott, commanding, left New York for Washington, accompanied by a body of recruits of the Seventy-first and Ninth N. Y. Regiments.—(Doc. 226.)

-GEN. TWIGGS was appointed Major-General in the Confederate army, and accepted the rank. He will command the military district of

THERE is published an order of the Post- Louisiana.-Natchez Courier, June 4.

The enemy

-SENATOR ROUSSEAU, a member of the upper | volley as Col. Kelly's regiment turned the corhouse of the legislature of Kentucky, delivered ner of a street. They then turned and retreated a strong Union speech before that body on the towards the main body. At this fire several of 21st of May last. The senator exposes the our men were slightly wounded, and Col. Kelly folly of attempting to preserve a neutral attitude received a ball in the side. The regiment in the present crisis, and boldly tells many very pressed on, and was quickly followed by the plain truths to the secessionists of Kentucky.- Indiana and Ohio regiments. When the column (Doc. 227.) got within range of the main body of the enemy, the latter delivered a straggling fire, and then at once broke and fled. It was a complete rout. The Union troops delivered a volley with good effect at the enemy, and then charged upon them at full run. took the direction of Leedsville, ten miles further south. Col. Crittenden ordered the Ohio regiment to stay and guard the town, and the other two regiments continued the pursuit. They returned after daylight, with several prisoners. The secessionists had no idea of being attacked. They had no intrenchments, and had only set the ordinary guard. One or two of the Federal troops were killed. The loss of the secessionists, so far as known, is sixteen killed, a large number wounded, and ten prisoners. Some twenty-five of Col. Kelly's men were wounded, but none dangerously. The amount of ammunition captured was not large, but there was a lot of camp kettles and profell into the hands of the federal troops; also visions, and miscellaneous camp equipage, that seventeen horses. Col. Kelly's wound was not mortal.-(Doc. 228.)

June 3.-Quartermaster T. Bailey Myers arrived at New York from Fortress Monroe, bringing from that quarter a secession flag as a present to the Union Defence Committee. The flag was captured at Hampton village, near the fort, and when taken was flying from its staff on the roof of John Tyler's country residence. Lieutenant Duryea, the colonel's son, let down the traitorous emblem, and ran up the Stars and Stripes, which are now flying. The scouting detachment brought in the secession colors to head-quarters, and they were forwarded by Major-General Butler. The flag is a dirty looking affair of red, white, and blue flannel, with eight stars. It is roughly made, the sewing having been done by half-taught fingers. -N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, June 4.

-Gen. BeaureGARD arrived at Manassas Junction, and assumed command of the rebel forces there.-N. Y. Times, June 6.

-AT night twelve volunteers from Camp Lincoln, near Leavenworth, Kansas, headed by Sergeant Decurin, of the Elwood Guards, armed with Minié rifles and revolvers, marched to -STEPHEN A. DOUGLASS, Senator of the Iatan, Mo., fourteen miles above Leavenworth city, and crossed in skiffs to capture a secession! United States from Illinois, died at Chicago at flag. When asked their purpose, Decurin de- ten minutes past nine o'clock in the morning. manded the flag by the authority of the United-Buffalo Courier, June 4. States. The flag was hauled down, and the -THE Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel Johnparty started on their return, when they were tired at by the secessionists, and the fire was returned. Three of the volunteers were wounded, one severely.-N. Y. World, June 6.

son, and the Fifteenth, Colonel Oakford, of Pennsylvania Volunteers, arrived at General Patterson's camp at Chambersburg from Lancaster.-National Intelligencer, June 6.

-THE British Government decided not to

allow the entry of privateers into any of their ports. This was announced by Lord John Russell in Parliament, saying that Government had determined to prohibit privateers from bringing prizes into any British port. It was also stated that France intended adhering to the law which prohibits privateers remaining in port over twenty-four hours.-(Doc. 229.)

-AT 1 A. M., the Union force from Grafton, approached Philippi, a little town on the Monongahela, 20 miles south of Grafton, occupied by 1,500 rebels. Scouts went forward to reconnoitre, a favorable report was received, and the troops advanced about 5 A. M., and were fired at by the sentinels on duty, who appeared to be the only men on the alert. The camp, however, was immediately aroused, and before it was reached by our troops three companies of rifle- -THE border State Convention met at men advanced to meet them, and delivered a Frankfort, Kentucky.-N. Y. Tribune, May 27.

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