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Jan. 18.-In the Massachusetts State Legis- | portion of the Brooklyn city military was muslature to-day, a series of resolutions was passed tered to cooperate.—Herald, Jan. 22. by a unanimous vote, tendering to the President of the United States such aid in men and money as he may request, to maintain the authority of the general Government. The preamble to

the resolution declares that the State of South Carolina, in seizing the fortifications of the Federal Government, the Post Office, Custom House, moneys, arms, munitions of war, and by firing upon a vessel in the service of the United States, has committed an act of war. The Senate passed a bill authorizing the increase of the volunteer military of the State.--Boston Journal, Jan. 19.

Jan. 19.-The State Convention of Georgia has adopted the secession ordinance by a vote of two hundred and eight against eighty-nine. -(Doc. 22.)

A motion to postpone the operation of the ordinance until the 3d of March was lost by about thirty majority.

Alexander H. Stephens and Herschel V. Johnson are among those who voted against the ordinance.

The ordinance of secession is ordered to be engrossed on parchment, and to be signed on Monday at noon.

Judge Linton Stephens says that, while he approves of the ordinance, he sees no reason for its adoption now. He therefore will not vote for or sign it.

Unusual demonstrations of approbation are being made at Milledgeville to-night in honor

of the adoption of the ordinance, including the firing of cannon, the letting off of sky-rockets, the burning of torches, and music and speeches. -Richmond Enquirer.

Jan. 21.-Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, withdrew from the Senate at Washington today. The ordinance of secession having passed the Convention of his State, he felt obliged to obey the summons, and retire from all official connection with the Federal Government.(Doc. 23.)

-AT the Brooklyn, N. Y., navy yard, the entire force was put under arms, and held in readiness to act immediately, through some apprehension of an attack by an organized force of persons in sympathy with secession. The guns of the North Carolina were shotted, and a

-THE Georgia State Convention resolved, unanimously :

"As a response to the resolutions of the Legislature of the State of New York, that this Convention highly approves of the energetic and patriotic conduct of the Governor of Georgia in taking possession of Fort Pulaski by the Georgia troops; that this Convention request him to hold possession of said fort until the relations of Georgia with the Federal Government shall be determined, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of the State of New York.-Times, Jan. 22.

-WENDELL PHILLIPS addressed the Twentyeighth Congregational Society in Boston this afternoon on the "Political Lessons of the Hour." He declared himself to be a disunion man, and was glad to see South Carolina and other southern slave States had practically initiated a disunion movement. He hoped that all the slave States would leave the Union, and not stand upon the order of their going, but go at once. He denounced the compromise spirit manifested by Mr. Seward and Charles Francis Adams with much severity of language; and there was an occasional stamping of feet and hissing, but no outbreak. Mr. Phillips was escorted home by a few policemen, and a great crowd pushing about him.-Springfield Republican.

-A UNION meeting was held to-night at the Trenton Bank, in the chair. Trenton, N. J., Thomas J. Stryker, Cashier of

The Committee on Resolutions reported, de

ploring the state of the country; recommending, as a means of settling differences, the adoption by the people of the Crittenden resolutions, or some other pacific measures, with such modifications as may be deemed expedient; recommending the Legislature of New Jersey to pass a law to take a vote of the people, yes or no, on the Crittenden resolutions; approving of the course of Virginia in appointing a Commission to go to Washington, and recommending the New Jersey Legislature to do the same.

Speeches were made by Judge Naar, C. W. Jay, and others.

Jan. 22.-Sherrard Clemens of Va. made a strong Union speech in the House of Representatives to-day.—(Doc. 24.)

Jan. 24.-The Charleston Mercury continues

the publication of anonymous incendiary ap-| Toombs, of Georgia, and Fernando Wood, peals, intended to stir up the people to an at- mayor of New York, relative to the seizure of tack on Fort Sumter. One, headed "Fort arms by the police of that city, creates comment Sumter, the Bastion of the Federal Union," and surprise.-(Doc. 26.) concludes with these words:

"No longer hoping for concessions, let us be ready for war, and when we have driven every foreign soldier from our shores, then let us take our place in the glorious Republic the future promises us. Border southern States will never join us until we have indicated our power to free ourselves—until we have proven that a garrison of seventy men cannot hold the portal of our commerce. The fate of the Southern Confederacy hangs by the ensign halliards

of Fort Sumter."

-THE Toronto Leader, the Government paper of Canada, this morning says it is in a position to announce in the most positive terms that it is the intention of the English Government to acknowledge the independence of the Southern Confederacy as soon as it is formed.

-THE London Times, in an article on the disunion movement in America, asserts that the United States cannot "for many years be to the world what they have been."-(Doc. 25.)

Jan. 26. The Louisiana State Convention passed the ordinance of secession to-day, by a vote of one hundred and thirteen to seventeen. A delay ordinance was proposed yesterday, but was voted down by a large majority. A gold pen was given each member, with which to sign the ordinance of secession.—(Doc. 27.)— Buffalo Courier.

Jan. 27.-The Grand Jury at Washington made three presentments of Ex-Secretary Floyd, first, for maladministration in office; second, for complicity in the abstraction of the bonds; and third, for conspiracy against the Government.-N. Y. Tribune.

Jan. 29.-The United States revenue cutter

Robert McClelland, Captain Breshwood (a Virginian), was surrendered at New Orleans to the State of Louisiana.-Times, Feb. 8.

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-AN effort was made by the New York poJan. 31.-The State of South Carolina, by lice to seize a quantity of fire-arms which were her attorney-general, I. W. Hayne, offered to known to be shipped on board the steamer buy Fort Sumter, and declared that, "if not Montgomery. While the officers were search- permitted to purchase, she would seize the fort ing on board for the arms, the captain ordered by force of arms." The United States, in rethe vessel's fasts to be cut, and she steamed ply, asserted political rights superior to the away from the pier, scarcely giving the police-proprietary right, and not subject to the right men time to jump ashore. The five hundred of "eminent domain."-Times, Feb. 9. muskets found on board the schooner Caspian were returned to the captain, the authorities being satisfied that the vessel was bound to Carthagena.-Chicago Tribune.

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-The United States branch mint, and the custom-house at New Orleans, seized by the State authorities. In the mint were government funds to the amount of $389,000, and in the sub-treasury, $122,000-(Doc. 29.)— Louisville Journal, Feb. 2.

Feb. 1.-The Texas State Convention, at Galveston, passed an ordinance of secession, to be voted on by the people on the 23d of February, and if adopted, to take effect March 2.—(Doc. 30.)-New Orleans Picayune, Feb. 7.

Feb. 2.-The United States revenue cutter Lewis Cass, Capt. Morrison, a Georgian, was surrendered by the officer at Mobile to the State of Louisiana.—(Doc. 31.)—N. Y. Times, Feb. 6.

Feb. 4.-The Montgomery convention organ

ized with Howell Cobb, president, and Johnson F. Hooper, secretary.-(Doc. 32.)

-THE North Carolina House of Representatives passed unanimously a declaration that if reconciliation fails, North Carolina will go with the other slave States.--Times, Feb. 6.

Feb. 5.-The Peace Convention, at Washington, organized permanently, with Ex-president John Tyler in the chair; J C. Wright, of Ohio, secretary.-Herald, Feb. 6.

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Secretary of the Treasury-Mr. Memminger. Secretary of War-Mr. L. Pope Walker. Feb. 8.-The Congress at Montgomery this evening unanimously agreed to a constitution They were confirmed.-Tribune, Feb. 22. and provisional government. They will go into -GOVERNOR BROWN, at Savannah, Ga., seized immediate operation.—(Doc. 33.)-No propo- the ship Martha J. Ward, bark Adjuster, and sitions for compromise or reconstruction. After brig Harold, all belonging to citizens of New the vote on the constitution was taken, Jeffer-York. They will be detained until the arms son Davis was elected President, and Alexander are delivered up by the State of New York. H. Stevens Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy, by the Congress.-(Doc. 34.)-Com-| mercial Advertiser.

-BRIGS W. R. Kibby and Golden Lead; barks Adjuster and C. Colden Murray; and schooner Julia A. Hallock, all owned in New York, were seized in the harbor of Savannah, by order of the Governor of Georgia, in reprisal for the seizure, in New York, of arms consigned to Georgia.-Baltimore American.

-THE Little Rock arsenal, Arkansas, with 9,000 stands of arms, 40 cannon, and a large

amount of ammunition, was surrendered to the State of Arkansas.-N. Y. Times, Feb. 11.

Feb. 9.-At Montgomery, Mr. Memminger presented a flag sent by some of the young ladies of South Carolina to the Convention.(Doc. 35.)-National Intelligencer.

Feb. 10.-The New York vessels seized by the State of Georgia were released.—Courier & Enquirer.

Feb. 13.-Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, were declared by Vice-President Breckenridge, elected President and Vice-President of the United States for the four years from March 4, 1861.—(Doc. 36.)— Tribune, Feb. 14.

-EIGHT thousand Sharp's rifle cartridges and 10,000 Sharp's rifle primers, were seized by the police in New York city on a Charleston steamer.-Idem.

Feb. 18.-Jefferson Davis was inaugurated President of the Southern Confederacy.-(Doc. 37.)

-THE Congress at Montgomery passed an act declaring the establishment of the free navigation of the Mississippi.-Philadelphia Press, Dec. 23.

Feb. 22. The people of Charleston, S. C., celebrated Washington's birthday with great enthusiasm. The Pickens cadets paraded for the first time, and were presented to Governor Pickens by Lieutenant Magrath. The Governor made the company a brief address, urging upon its members the bright and shining example of Washington as deserving imitation. Subsequently a banner was presented to the Washington Light Infantry, and in the evening the company reassembled in Hibernian Hall, where it was addressed by Colonel Edward Carroll, in an oration of a rather sanguinary hue. Other companies also celebrated the day in their own way.-Louisville Journal.

-THE Collector of Charleston gives official notice that all vessels from foreign States, except Texas, will be treated as “foreign vessels,” and subjected to the port dues and other charges established by the laws of the Confederated States.-Charleston Courier.

Feb. 23.-President-elect Abraham Lincoln arrived in Washington. The published programme of his journey had been abandoned at Harrisburg, which city he left secretly last night.—(Doc. 38.)—Commercial, Feb. 23.

-UNITED STATES property, to a great amount, together with the various army posts in Texas, were betrayed to that State by General Twiggs. ―(Doc. 39.)—Times, Feb. 26.

Feb. 26.-Captain Hill, in command of Fort | The feeling between the authorities and Major Brown, Texas, refused to surrender his post as Anderson continues to be friendly, and he is alordered by General Twiggs, and engaged in lowed all the facilities that he could expect. preparations to defend it.-Times, March 6. Fresh provisions and marketing are supplied in abundance. He experienced no difficulty in sending or receiving his mail matter. - Washington Star.

Feb. 27.-The Peace Convention submitted to the United States Senate a plan of adjustment involved in seven amendments to the Constitution of the United States.-(Doc. 40.) -Herald, March 4.

Feb. 28.-Mr. Corwin's report from the committee of thirty-three came up for final passage in Congress this morning. It was agreed to amid thunders of applause from the galleries and the floor. As the vote proceeded, the excitement was intense, and on the announcement of the result, the inexpressible enthusiasm of the members and the crowded galleries found vent in uproarious demonstrations. All feel that it is the harbinger of peace.—(Doc. 41.)— Commercial, Feb. 28.

March 1.-General Twiggs was expelled from the army of the United States. The following is the official order for his expulsion:



March 2.-The revenue cutter Dodge was seized in Galveston Bay, by order of the authorities of Texas. The officer in command resigned, as Breshwood did at New Orleans, and tendered his services to the rebels.-Times, March 6.

March 4.-Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated at Washington, sixteenth President of the United States. He kissed the thirty-four States of the Union as represented by thirty-four young ladies.

The inauguration procession proceeded to the east portico of the capitol, in front of which a platform had been erected. Every available space in the vicinity was packed with a curious crowd of spectators. Every thing being in readiness, Senator Baker, of Oregon, came forward and introduced Mr. Lincoln in these sim

The following order is published for the in-ple words: "Fellow-citizens: I introduce to formation of the army:

"WAR DEPARTMENT, March 1, 1861. "By the direction of the President of the United States, it is ordered that Brigadier-General David E. Twiggs be and is hereby dismissed from the army of the United States for his treachery to the flag of his country, in having surrendered on the 18th of February, 1861, on the demand of the authorities of Texas, the military posts and other property of the United States in his department and under his charge. J. HOLT, Secretary of War.

"By order of the Secretary of War.

"S. COOPER, Adjutant-General." -Evening Post, March 4.

-THE Secretary of War at Washington received a despatch from Major Anderson, in which he contradicts the statement that President Davis had been to Charleston. He says that the report that he had been sick is without a particle of foundation. He is in good health, as is also his little band of soldiers. Affairs in Charleston harbor are arriving at a point when further delay on their part will be impossible. Their extensive works of defence and attack are nearly if not quite completed.

you Abraham Lincoln, the President-elect of the United States of America." Mr. Lincoln

then advanced to a small table, which had been placed for his accommodation, and proceeded to deliver his inaugural address, every word of which was distinctly heard on the outskirts of the swaying crowd. The oath of office was then administered to Mr. Lincoln by Chief Justice Taney; the procession was again formed, Mr. Lincoln was escorted to the White House, of the United States.—(Doc. 42.) and was duly installed in the office of President

-A STATE Convention declared Texas out of the Union and Governor Houston issued his proclamation to that effect.

March 5.-General Peter G. T. Beauregard, lately a major in the United States Engineer Corps, was ordered by Jefferson Davis, President of the Southern Confederacy, to proceed to Charleston and take command of the forces there assembled, and to be assembled for the investment of Fort Sumter.-Herald, March 7.

-IN the Texas State Convention, a letter was received from General Waul, enclosing a letter from the Secretary of War of the Confederate States, in relation to the military com

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